public async Task <long> CreateNewUser(string username, string password, string email) { await CheckValidUsernameAsync(username); await CheckValidEmailAsync(email); CheckValidPassword(password); var user = new Db.User { username = username, email = email, createDate = DateTime.UtcNow, registrationKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), lastPasswordDate = DateTime.UtcNow, type = UserType.user }; var passwordData = GenerateNewPasswordData(password); user.salt = passwordData.Item1; user.password = passwordData.Item2; long id; using var dbcon = dbFactory.CreateRaw(); using (var tsx = dbcon.BeginTransaction()) { id = await dbcon.InsertAsync(user, tsx); if (id <= 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("For some reason, writing the user to the database failed!"); } tsx.Commit(); } RegistrationLog.TryAdd(, user.registrationKey); await WriteAdminLog(new AdminLog() { type = AdminLogType.user_create, initiator = id, target = id, text = $"User '{username}'({id}) created an account" }, dbcon); return(id); }
public DbUnitTestSearchFixture() { try { logger.LogDebug($"Adding users to database {MasterConnectionString}"); var rng = GetService <IRandomGenerator>(); //Create tables for the in-memory database we're testing against //for this particular test. Note that ALL tests that use this //fixture will get the SAME database! using (var conn = dbFactory.CreateRaw()) //CreateNewConnection()) { conn.Open(); using (var tsx = conn.BeginTransaction()) { var users = new List <Db.User>(); var userVariables = new List <Db.UserVariable>(); var userRelations = new List <Db.UserRelation>(); var bans = new List <Db.Ban>(); UserCount = (int)Math.Pow(2, Enum.GetValues <UserVariations>().Count()); for (var i = 0; i < UserCount; i++) { var user = new Db.User() { username = $"user_{i}", password = $"SECRETS_{i}", avatar = "0", //NOTE: WE'RE ASSUMING THE DEFAULT HASH IS 0!!! //rng.GetAlphaSequence(5),//UserCount - i, type = UserType.user, createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i - UserCount), salt = $"SALTYSECRETS_{i}" }; user.super = (i & (int)UserVariations.Super) > 0; user.special = (i & (int)UserVariations.Special) > 0 ? $"special_{i}" : null; user.registrationKey = (i & (int)UserVariations.Registered) > 0 ? null : $"registration_{i}"; if ((i & (int)UserVariations.Variables) > 0) { //Variable count should equal user id for (var j = 0; j <= i; j++) { userVariables.Add(new Db.UserVariable() { userId = i + 1, key = $"userval_{j}_{i}", value = $"value_{j}", createDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-i - j) }); } } users.Add(user); } //Add a full ban just for the last user bans.Add(new Db.Ban() { createDate = DateTime.Now, createUserId = 1 + (int)UserVariations.Super, expireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), bannedUserId = UserCount, type = BanType.@public | BanType.@private, message = "You are banned" }); //Split up the users into groups evenly GroupCount = 2; for (var i = 0; i < GroupCount; i++) { //We don't have to test all the user stuff about this, so only the important fields var group = new Db.User() { username = $"group_{i}", type =, super = (i & (int)UserVariations.Super) > 0 //This may not actually set the group to super FYI... }; users.Add(group); for (var j = 0; j < UserCount / GroupCount; j++) { var userGroup = new Db.UserRelation() { userId = j + 1 + i * UserCount / GroupCount, type = UserRelationType.in_group, relatedId = UserCount + i + 1 }; userRelations.Add(userGroup); } } conn.Insert(users, tsx); conn.Insert(userVariables, tsx); conn.Insert(userRelations, tsx); conn.Insert(bans, tsx); var content = new List <Db.Content>(); var comments = new List <Db.Message>(); var values = new List <Db.ContentValue>(); var keywords = new List <Db.ContentKeyword>(); var permissions = new List <Db.ContentPermission>(); var watchers = new List <Db.ContentWatch>(); var votes = new List <Db.ContentVote>(); var history = new List <Db.ContentHistory>(); ContentCount = (int)Math.Pow(2, Enum.GetValues <ContentVariations>().Count()); for (var i = 0; i < ContentCount; i++) { var c = new Db.Content() { name = $"content_{i}", parentId = i / 4, text = $"text_{i}", createUserId = 1 + (i % UserCount), literalType = StandardPublicTypes[i % StandardPublicTypes.Count], createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i - ContentCount), meta = $"meta_{i}", hash = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() //NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ON TABLE! }; c.deleted = (i & (int)ContentVariations.Deleted) > 0; c.contentType = (InternalContentType)(i % Enum.GetValues <InternalContentType>().Count()); //The activity is inversely proportional to i, but only 1/16 of the whatevers. //If the content is deleted, the last history inserted should be a delete var historyCount = (ContentCount - i) / 16; for (var j = 0; j < historyCount; j++) { history.Add(new Db.ContentHistory() { contentId = i + 1, createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(j - i), createUserId = 1 + (i % UserCount), //All same user. Hm action = (j == historyCount - 1 && c.deleted) ? UserAction.delete : UserAction.update }); } //Always insert watches, the amount of people watching is 1/usercount of the id. //Thus the last one might have all users watching it... maybe?? mm idk. //Anyway, first few usercount content have no watches for (var j = 0; j < i / (ContentCount / UserCount); j++) { watchers.Add(new Db.ContentWatch() { contentId = i + 1, userId = 1 + (j % UserCount), createDate = DateTime.Now }); } var random = new Random(i); for (var j = 0; j < i / (ContentCount / UserCount); j++) { votes.Add(new Db.ContentVote() { contentId = i + 1, userId = j % UserCount, createDate = DateTime.Now, vote = (VoteType)(1 + random.Next() % 3) }); } //Add the last group to all permissions permissions.Add(new Db.ContentPermission() { contentId = i + 1, userId = UserCount + GroupCount, create = true, read = true, update = true, delete = true }); if ((i & (int)ContentVariations.AccessBySupers) > 0) { permissions.Add(new Db.ContentPermission() { contentId = i + 1, userId = 1 + ((i | (int)UserVariations.Super) % UserCount), //User is contentid with super bit flip create = true, read = true, update = true, delete = true }); } if ((i & (int)ContentVariations.AccessByAll) > 0) { permissions.Add(new Db.ContentPermission() { contentId = i + 1, userId = 0, create = true, read = true, update = true, delete = true }); } if ((i & (int)ContentVariations.Values) > 0) { //Value count should equal contentId, yes even if it's a crapload for (var j = 0; j <= i; j++) { values.Add(new Db.ContentValue() { contentId = i + 1, key = $"contentval_{j}_{i}", value = $"\"value_{j}\"" }); } } if ((i & (int)ContentVariations.Keywords) > 0) { //You get the keywords for 1/8 of the id for (var j = 0; j <= i / 8; j++) { keywords.Add(new Db.ContentKeyword() { contentId = i + 1, value = StandardKeywords[j % StandardKeywords.Count] }); } } if ((i & (int)ContentVariations.Comments) > 0) { //comment count should equal (indexed) contentId, yes even if it's a crapload for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { comments.Add(new Db.Message() { contentId = i + 1, createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(j - i), createUserId = 1 + (j % UserCount), text = $"comment_{i}", }); } } //Every NON comment content will get MODULE MESSAGES else { //comment count should equal (indexed) contentId, yes even if it's a crapload for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { comments.Add(new Db.Message() { module = StandardPublicTypes[j % StandardPublicTypes.Count], contentId = i + 1, createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(j - i), createUserId = 1 + (j % UserCount), // Every OTHER one has a receive user id receiveUserId = (j & 1) * (1 + ((j / 2) % UserCount)), text = $"modulemessage_{i}", }); } } content.Add(c); } conn.Insert(content, tsx); conn.Insert(comments, tsx); conn.Insert(values, tsx); conn.Insert(keywords, tsx); conn.Insert(permissions, tsx); conn.Insert(watchers, tsx); conn.Insert(votes, tsx); conn.Insert(history, tsx); var adminLogs = new List <Db.AdminLog>(); AdminLogCount = Enum.GetValues <AdminLogType>().Count(); foreach (var type in Enum.GetValues <AdminLogType>()) { adminLogs.Add(new Db.AdminLog() { initiator = 1 + (int)type, target = 2 + (int)type, text = StandardPublicTypes[(int)type % StandardPublicTypes.Count], createDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-(int)type), type = type, }); } conn.Insert(adminLogs, tsx); tsx.Commit(); } } //Make sure that resets include all these changes we just made! SetBackupNow(); logger.LogInformation("Fully completed fixture initialization"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogCritical($"COULD NOT INITIALIZE FIXTURE: {ex}"); throw; } }