Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId, false);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId, false);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId,
                                                        MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            // We will get the complete sender information and store it
            // in memory so that AutoMapper can do some magic and automatically
            // harvest any information from the memory once we do mapping
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId, true);

            // The first thing that we want to do is to check the user that is
            // attempting to update their profile matches the token that the
            // service is receiving. On the AuthController at line #77, we are
            // setting the ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier equal to the user identifier
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            // We are getting the recipient information from our repo but
            // after that, we don't include that information as part of the
            // return data.  But, with AutoMapper's magic, since the recipient
            // information is already in memory, it maps it automatically
            // when we call var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map<MessageToReturnDto>(message);
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId, false);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user."));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                // After we added the message to our repository, we don't need to map this
                // back into a DTO so that we can return it.  What we are using for our
                // MessageForCreationDto is good enough for our purposes to send back to
                // our user.  That is why in the AutoMapperProfiles, we are using the
                // .ReverseMap() method to chain the mapping of the Message to MessageForCreationDto
                // and MessageForCreationDto to Message
                // Recipient information is coming from var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);
                // even if we don't explicitly assigned it to the 'message' field
                // since AutoMapper magically got it from the memory.
                // We are placing this code nside the if statement so that we can get
                // the correct message id when returned
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save.");
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
             * The sender is the logged in user
             * We load the User data into memory here because AutoMapper will see this object in memory
             * and automatically map the properties like KnownAs and PhotoUrl to the MessageToReturnDto.
             * Without doing this, these properties on the Dto returned will be null.
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            // NOTE: Because we are loading recipient User in memory here, AutoMapper knows about this and will also attempt to map any properties that match
            // to the MessageToReturnDto - we get recipientKnownAs and RecipientPhotoUrl automatically for this reason.
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            // map request dto into our message entity
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            _repo.Add(message); // not async - not querying or doing anything with the db at this time

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                 * return the dto after the information is saved to the database in order to populate the Id for the created Resource correctly
                 * Otherwise, you will see a random long negative number there.
                // you need to map the message model back to a dto to return to the client so you don't return password info, etc. in th response
                // you might want to create a separate response dto for this, but the one we have suffices for this example
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                // "GetMessage" is the Name assigned to the method above
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            _repo.Add <Message>(message);

            var currentUserId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);
            var userFormRepo  = await _repo.GetUser(currentUserId);

            var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageForCreationDto>(message);

            messageToReturn.SenderKnownAs = userFormRepo.KnownAs;

            if (userFormRepo.Photos != null || userFormRepo.Photos.Count > 0)
                IEnumerator <Photo> iterator = userFormRepo.Photos.GetEnumerator();
                while (iterator.MoveNext())
                    if (iterator.Current.IsMain == true)
                        messageToReturn.SenderPhotoUrl = iterator.Current.Url;
            if (await _repo.SaveAll())

            return(BadRequest("Failed to send message"));
Пример #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId,
                                                        MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            // if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)) return Unauthorized();
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
            // if (messageForCreationDto.RecipientId == userId)
            // {
            //     return BadRequest("You cannot send a message to your self");
            // }
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Couldn't find the member"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);

                 *  The CreatedAtRoute method is intended to return a URI
                 *  to the newly created resource when you invoke a POST
                 *  method to store some new object.
                 *  So if you POST an order item for instance,
                 *  you might return a route like 'api/order/11'
                 *  (11 being the id of the order obviously)

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));
                throw new Exception("Couldn't send message");
Пример #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId,
                                                        [FromBody] MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            // check if the user is the current user
            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            // set the sender id
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            // get the sender information
            // so that we can return the sender information
            // along with the message
            var sender = _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.SenderId);

            // get the recipient and check if exists in our database
            var recipient = _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could find the user"));

            // map
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            // map the return message
            var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                // because we're creating resource we
                // CreateaAtRoute method
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #7
        // in this request we need to send the body
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId,
                                                        MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
            //    [Route("api/users/{userId}/[controller]")] userId is passed from route
            // store who sent the message so it's the id of the logged in user
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;
            //  messageForCreationDto.RecipientId is being fetched from the POST request body
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));
            // this means we are casting the Dto data into message class then storing all data
            // in the var message
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                // we do reverse map to only get the required 4 paramaters
                //to get to call method GetMessage
                // this is the response
                //       {
                //     "senderId": 5,
                //     "recipientId": 11,
                //     "messageSent": "2020-09-08T17:54:09.3906257+03:00",
                //     "content": "get off "
                //       }
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));
            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId,
                                                        MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            //  if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
            //     return Unauthorized(); // added next line and then this line I commented out
            // to be able to put "sender" info in memory for auto-mapper to
            // then be able to access.

            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            // var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map<MessageForCreationDto>(message); // replaced the DTO because the new one
            // includes sender's photo and KnownAs
            // then moved it to inside of the if stmt below
            // so that the correct id is being returned from the server

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                                      new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            //make sure that user in token matches user id that was passed in the router
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
            //userid is id of logged in user, will be retieved from router
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            //recipient id will be sent with the body of http post
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find a recipient of the message"));

            //map dto to message object, which is a database table

            var message = Mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            _repo.Add(message); //note: this is not async method, so no wait

            //map message object back to dto to return limitted data
            //note: since sender and recipient were pulled from a database in variables,
            //automapper will map knownAs and photoUrls of both to messageToReturn dto

            if (await _repo.SaveAll()) //save to a database
                //note that after saving to a database, message object will get generated id automatically
                //and will be mapped to MessageToReturnDto
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new System.Exception("Creatng the message failed on save");
Пример #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            //We are fetching this sender info becasue we want the senderPhotoUrl.
            // It is getting set with the help of AutoMaaper where the values of URL and knownAs is getting set automatically
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            //Added by saurabh --start--
            // We can use this method of just fetching back the photo and assigning it to messageToReturn
            // But we do not do that since AUto Mapper as a special magic which automatically sets matching parmaters
            // from other objects. in Our case recipentPhotoUrl, recipientKnowAs, SenderPhotoUrl, SenderKnownAs.
            //var photo = await _repo.GetPhoto(userId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                //Added by saurabh
                //messageToReturn.SenderPhotoUrl = photo.Url;
                                      new { userId = userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new System.Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            // checks the token for currently logged in user
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            //Map dto into our message class
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                //this line maps the message back to messageforcreationdto as it is supposed to be return.
                //we use reverseMap() in the AutoMapperProfiles class to do this.
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                //-----reason to use CreatedatRoute here-------------
                //The correct response from an API for a successful post is to include the location
                //in the header of where we can locate the newly created resource.
                //In this case we return a 201 CreatedAtRoute with the location of the newly created resource.
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));
                //return messageToReturn;
            throw new Exception("Creating message failed on save");
Пример #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            //get the user that's sending the message
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId, false);

            //check if logged in user is authorized
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            //set the user ID
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            //get the user that the message is been sent to
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId, false);

            //confirm the user exist
            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            //map the collected data frm the client to the MESSAGE object
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            //add to memory

            //save all changes to database
            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                //remap the returning message from the saved message
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                //create a repose with the saved message details
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var currentUserId = int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);

            if (userId != currentUserId)
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageForCreationDto>(message);

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));
            return(BadRequest("Message was not created."));
Пример #14
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            //authorized check..
            if (sender.id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            //setting parameter messagefor creatindto to a user id
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;
            //taking recipient from the repo
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            //if recipent exist..
            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));
            //maping our message for creation data into our message class or message//<Message> is destination and we pass in messageforcreationdto
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            //need maping because i want to map my messageForCreationDto to a message entity

            //after maping i add this message to repo (database)
            //dont need to async because add is not async metod it is just sync bit of code
            //because we are not querying and we are not doing anything with our databse at this time

            //saving it to the datapase
            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            // getting the sender data for automapper to map the sender Id and photo in
            // message to return
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId, false);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            // setting the sender ID in DTO
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            // checking if recipient exists, also needed for auto mapper to map
            // recipient info in messageToReturn
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId, false);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find User"));

            // mapping to required database requirements
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                // using reverse mapper to map the message to required returning values
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                                      new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Message Failed to Save");
Пример #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, [FromBody] MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            // sau khi mapper, lúc này user sender bị null do trước đó không được gọi lên


            // sau khi thêm message trên vào database
            // 2 user trong message được tự động cập nhật:
            // vì nhờ có 2 hàm:
            // var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);
            // var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var user = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user."));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            // var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map<MessageForCreationDto>(message);
            // var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map<MessageToReturnDto>(message);
            // My approach: beyond GetUser it was redundant; AutoMapper would have done all
            // var user = await _repo.GetUser(userId);
            // var userPhoto = await _repo.GetMainPhotoForUser(userId);
            // messageToReturn.SenderKnownAs = user.KnownAs;
            // messageToReturn.SenderPhotoUrl = userPhoto.Url;

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save.");
Пример #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _datingRepository.GetUser(userId);

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;
            var reciever = await _datingRepository.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecieverId);

            if (reciever == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not found user"));
            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);

            if (await _datingRepository.SaveAll())
                //var messagesFromRepo = await _datingRepository.GetMessageThread(userId, messageForCreationDto.RecieverId);
                //message = messagesFromRepo.FirstOrDefault(m => m.SenderId == userId && m.RecieverId == messageForCreationDto.RecieverId);
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId = userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));
            throw new Exception("Creating message failed on save");
Пример #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            //creating to check if the recipient exists. Still we get this information back in the MessageToReturn thanks to auto mapping "magic".

            /*By getting this info from repo, we have the recipient's details
             * //Because auto mapper by convention is going to attempt to map any properties that it can
             * //And because we have this recipient information inside the memory
             * //Automapper is automatically mapping this information into our MessagesToReturn.*/
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #20
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            if (userId != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            var Mainphoto = await _repo.GetMainPhoto(userId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var msg = _mapper.Map <MessageForCreationDto>(message);
                if (Mainphoto != null)
                    msg.senderPhotoUrl = Mainphoto.Url;

                return(CreatedAtRoute("Getmessage", new { id = message.Id }, msg));

            throw new System.Exception("Creating new message failed");
Пример #21
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, [FromBody] MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            // Getting the sender data so AutoMapper can do it's magic
            // Check the big next comment for details
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId);

            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            // Auto Mapper auto map data from memory to object if it cans. For instance, in this function it's mapping the data in recipient
            // to the messageToReturn automatically without us asking it for that. It just sees that we have that info in memory, so why not
            // map it? Now see the example in ep 169 to see that we needed at this point to get the photo of the sender to display in chat
            // and to do so, we will just get the sender info like we are getting the recipient info and AutoMapper will do its magice!

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Couldn't find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
Пример #22
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, [FromBody] MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            // Get the sender beucae we ned autoMapper to map the sender info later.
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(userId, false);

            // Compare that the id the user wants to update matches the id that was passed in the token.
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            // Set the sender id to be the authorized user.
            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            // Check if the user this user is trying to send this message to exists
            var recipient = await _repo.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId, false);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                // Convert the message back into a DTO. Need to do this inside the if statement so that we get the ID after the message has been craeted.
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { userId, id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new Exception("Creating the message failed on save");
            // return BadRequest("Could not save message");
Пример #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMessage(int userId, MessageForCreationDto messageForCreationDto)
            var sender = await _repository.GetUser(userId);

            // check if the user that is logged in is attempting to update his profile via HttpPut(id)
            if (sender.Id != int.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value))

            messageForCreationDto.SenderId = userId;

            var recipient = await _repository.GetUser(messageForCreationDto.RecipientId);

            if (recipient == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find user"));

            var message = _mapper.Map <Message>(messageForCreationDto);


            // persist to the db
            if (await _repository.SaveAll())
                // automapper will map the properties from the recipient and sender entity into the
                //   MessageToReturnDto automatically even though they are not implictlly indicated to
                // be mapped
                var messageToReturn = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDto>(message);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new { id = message.Id }, messageToReturn));

            throw new AutoMapperConfigurationException("Creating the message failed on save");
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostMessages(Guid userUniqueId, MessageForCreationDto message)
            var senderId = await _repo.GetUser(userUniqueId);

            var claim = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;

            if (userUniqueId.ToString() != claim)
                return(Unauthorized("Invalid user Access"));
            message.SenderUniqueId = userUniqueId;
            var sender = await _repo.GetUser(message.SenderUniqueId);

            var recipent = await _repo.GetUser(message.RecipientUniqueId);

            if (recipent == null)
                return(BadRequest("Could not find User"));

            message.SenderId    = sender.Id;
            message.RecipientId = recipent.Id;

            var messagepost = _mapper.Map <Messages>(message);


            if (await _repo.SaveAll())
                var returnMessage = _mapper.Map <MessageToReturnDTO>(messagepost);
                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetMessage", new{ UniqueId = message.UniqueId }, returnMessage));
            return(BadRequest("Unable to send message"));