Пример #1
        private static bool ReadHeader(ZipEntry ze, Encoding defaultEncoding)
            // no seek - stream integrity should be protected by the caller

            int bytesRead = 0;
            ze._RelativeOffsetOfHeader = (int) ze.ArchiveStream.Position;
            int signature = ZipSharedUtilities.ReadSignature(ze.ArchiveStream);
            bytesRead += 4;
            if (IsNotValidSig(signature))
                ze.ArchiveStream.Seek(-4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
                if (ZipDirEntry.IsNotValidSig(signature) && (signature != 0x6054b50L))
                    throw new BadReadException(String.Format("  ZipEntry::ReadHeader(): Bad signature (0x{0:X8}) at position  0x{1:X8}", signature, ze.ArchiveStream.Position));
                return false;
            byte[] block = new byte[0x1a];
            int n = ze.ArchiveStream.Read(block, 0, block.Length);
            if (n != block.Length)
                return false;
            bytesRead += n;
            int i = 0;
            ze._VersionNeeded = (short) (block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100));
            ze._BitField = (short) (block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100));
            ze._CompressionMethod = (short) (block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100));
            ze._TimeBlob = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
            ze._LastModified = ZipSharedUtilities.PackedToDateTime(ze._TimeBlob);
            if ((ze._BitField & 8) != 8)
                ze._Crc32 = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                ze._CompressedSize = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                ze._UncompressedSize = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                i += 12;
            short filenameLength = (short) (block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100));
            short extraFieldLength = (short) (block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100));
            block = new byte[filenameLength];
            n = ze.ArchiveStream.Read(block, 0, block.Length);
            bytesRead += n;

            var s1 = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251));
            var s2 = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.ASCII);
            var s3 = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.UTF8);
            var s4 = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.Default);
            var s5 = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));

            if ((ze._BitField & 0x800) == 0x800)
                ze._FileNameInArchive = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, Encoding.UTF8);
                ze.UseUtf8Encoding = true;
                ze._FileNameInArchive = ZipSharedUtilities.StringFromBuffer(block, block.Length, defaultEncoding);
                ze._encoding = defaultEncoding;
            ze._LocalFileName = ze._FileNameInArchive;
            if (extraFieldLength > 0)
                ze._Extra = new byte[extraFieldLength];
                n = ze.ArchiveStream.Read(ze._Extra, 0, ze._Extra.Length);
                bytesRead += n;
            if (!ze.FileName.EndsWith("/") && ((ze._BitField & 8) == 8))
                long posn = ze.ArchiveStream.Position;
                bool wantMore = true;
                long SizeOfDataRead = 0L;
                int tries = 0;
                while (wantMore)
                    long d = ZipSharedUtilities.FindSignature(ze.ArchiveStream, 0x8074b50);
                    if (d == -1L)
                        return false;
                    SizeOfDataRead += d;
                    block = new byte[12];
                    n = ze.ArchiveStream.Read(block, 0, block.Length);
                    if (n != 12)
                        return false;
                    bytesRead += n;
                    i = 0;
                    ze._Crc32 = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                    ze._CompressedSize = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                    ze._UncompressedSize = ((block[i++] + (block[i++] * 0x100)) + ((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100)) + (((block[i++] * 0x100) * 0x100) * 0x100);
                    if (SizeOfDataRead != ze._CompressedSize)
                        ze.ArchiveStream.Seek(-12L, SeekOrigin.Current);
                        SizeOfDataRead += 4L;
                ze.ArchiveStream.Seek(posn, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ze._CompressedFileDataSize = ze._CompressedSize;
            if ((ze._BitField & 1) == 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Encryption is not supported");
            ze._TotalEntrySize = bytesRead + ze._CompressedFileDataSize;
            ze._LengthOfHeader = bytesRead;
            return true;
Пример #2
        internal static ZipEntry Read(Stream s, Encoding defaultEncoding)
            // no seek - stream integrity should be protected by the caller

            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry
                _Source = EntrySource.Zipfile,
                _archiveStream = s
            if (!ReadHeader(entry, defaultEncoding))
                return null;
            entry.__FileDataPosition = entry.ArchiveStream.Position;
            s.Seek((long) entry._CompressedFileDataSize, SeekOrigin.Current);
            if (!entry.FileName.EndsWith("/") && ((entry._BitField & 8) == 8))
                s.Seek(0x10L, SeekOrigin.Current);
            return entry;
Пример #3
 internal static ZipEntry Create(String filename, String nameInArchive, Stream stream)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
         throw new ZipException("The entry name must be non-null and non-empty.");
     ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry();
     if (stream != null)
         entry._sourceStream = stream;
         entry._LastModified = DateTime.Now;
         entry._LastModified = (File.Exists(filename) || Directory.Exists(filename)) ? ZipSharedUtilities.RoundToEvenSecond(File.GetLastWriteTime(filename)) : DateTime.Now;
         if (!(entry._LastModified.IsDaylightSavingTime() || !DateTime.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime()))
             entry._LastModified += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
         if (!(!entry._LastModified.IsDaylightSavingTime() || DateTime.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime()))
             entry._LastModified -= new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
     entry._LocalFileName = filename;
     entry._FileNameInArchive = nameInArchive.Replace('\\', '/');
     return entry;
Пример #4
        private static void HandleUnexpectedDataDescriptor(ZipEntry entry)
            // no seek - stream integrity should be protected by the caller

            Stream s = entry.ArchiveStream;
            if (ZipSharedUtilities.ReadInt(s) == entry._Crc32)
                if (ZipSharedUtilities.ReadInt(s) == entry._CompressedSize)
                    if (ZipSharedUtilities.ReadInt(s) != entry._UncompressedSize)
                        s.Seek(-12L, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    s.Seek(-8L, SeekOrigin.Current);
                s.Seek(-4L, SeekOrigin.Current);
Пример #5
 internal void CopyMetaData(ZipEntry source)
     this.__FileDataPosition = source.__FileDataPosition;
     this.CompressionMethod = source.CompressionMethod;
     this._CompressedFileDataSize = source._CompressedFileDataSize;
     this._UncompressedSize = source._UncompressedSize;
     this._BitField = source._BitField;
     this._LastModified = source._LastModified;