Наследование: TableStorageEntity
Пример #1
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string posters,
                                                    string rating,
                                                    string synopsis,
                                                    string cast,
                                                    string stats,
                                                    string songs,
                                                    string trailers,
                                                    string pictures,
                                                    string genre,
                                                    string month,
                                                    string year)
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity  = new MovieEntity(movieId);

            entity.MovieId  = movieId;
            entity.Name     = name;
            entity.Posters  = posters;
            entity.Ratings  = rating;
            entity.Synopsis = synopsis;
            entity.Casts    = cast;
            entity.Stats    = stats;
            entity.Songs    = songs;
            entity.Trailers = trailers;
            entity.Pictures = pictures;
            entity.Genre    = genre;
            entity.Month    = month;
            entity.Year     = year;

Пример #2
        public static bool UpdateMovieById(this IStore store, MovieEntity movie)
            Debug.Assert( movie != null );
            var list = new List<MovieEntity> { movie };
            var retList = store.UpdateMoviesById(list);

            Debug.Assert(retList.Count == 1);
            return retList[retList.Keys.FirstOrDefault()];
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for the crawler. Pass the URL from source file (XML)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MovieEntity Crawl(string url)
            MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity();
            TableManager tableMgr = new TableManager();
            thumbnailPath = string.Empty;

                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    #region Get Movie Page Content
                    Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader readStream = null;
                    if (response.CharacterSet == null)
                        readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream);
                        readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet));

                    moviePageContent = readStream.ReadToEnd();


                    movie = PopulateMovieDetails(moviePageContent);
                    bool crawlPosters = true;

                    TableManager tblMgr = new TableManager();

                    MovieEntity me = tblMgr.GetMovieByUniqueName(movie.UniqueName);
                    if (me != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(me.RowKey))
                        movie.RowKey = me.RowKey;
                        movie.MovieId = me.MovieId;
                        movie.Popularity = Util.DEFAULT_POPULARITY;
                        movie.Posters = me.Posters;
                        movie.Songs = me.Songs;
                        movie.Trailers = me.Trailers;
                        movie.State = me.State;
                        crawlPosters = false;

                    PopulateMovieDetails(ref movie, url, crawlPosters);
                    return movie;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("An error occurred while populating the movie details. Url = " + url + ". Error=" + ex.Message);

            return movie;
Пример #4
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId         = entity.MovieId;
     Name            = entity.Name;
     AltNames        = entity.AltNames;
     Actors          = entity.Actors;
     Directors       = entity.Directors;
     Producers       = entity.Producers;
     MusicDirectors  = entity.MusicDirectors;
     ReviewIds       = entity.ReviewIds;
     AggregateRating = entity.AggregateRating;
     HotOrNot        = entity.HotOrNot;
Пример #5
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId = entity.MovieId;
     Name = entity.Name;
     AltNames = entity.AltNames;
     Actors = entity.Actors;
     Directors = entity.Directors;
     Producers = entity.Producers;
     MusicDirectors = entity.MusicDirectors;
     ReviewIds = entity.ReviewIds;
     AggregateRating = entity.AggregateRating;
     HotOrNot = entity.HotOrNot;
Пример #6
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string posters,
                                                    string rating,
                                                    string synopsis,
                                                    string cast,
                                                    string stats,
                                                    string songs,
                                                    string trailers,
                                                    string pictures,
                                                    string genre,
                                                    string month,
                                                    string year,
                                                    string uniqueName,
                                                    string state,
                                                    string myScore,
                                                    string jsonString,
                                                    string popularity,
                                                    string twitterHandle
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity  = new MovieEntity(movieId);

            entity.MovieId       = movieId;
            entity.Name          = name;
            entity.Posters       = posters;
            entity.Rating        = rating;
            entity.Synopsis      = synopsis;
            entity.Cast          = cast;
            entity.Stats         = stats;
            entity.Songs         = songs;
            entity.Trailers      = trailers;
            entity.Pictures      = pictures;
            entity.Genre         = genre;
            entity.Month         = month;
            entity.Year          = year;
            entity.UniqueName    = uniqueName;
            entity.State         = state;
            entity.MyScore       = myScore;
            entity.JsonString    = jsonString;
            entity.Popularity    = popularity;
            entity.TwitterHandle = twitterHandle;

Пример #7
        public MovieEntity GetRandomMovieEntity(string id)
            var entity = new MovieEntity(id);
            var rand = new Random();

            entity.Posters = GetRandomElementsFromList(Actors, rand);
            entity.Songs = rand.Next(10).ToString();
            entity.Ratings = GetRandomElementsFromList(Directors, rand);
            entity.Trailers = "Trailers";
            entity.MovieId = id;
            entity.Casts = GetRandomElementsFromList(MusicDirecotrs, rand);
            entity.Name = GetRandomMovieName(Name, rand);
            entity.Synopsis = GetRandomElementsFromList(Producers, rand);

            entity.Stats = GetRandomElementsFromList(ReviewIds, rand);

            return entity;
Пример #8
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId = entity.MovieId;
     Name = entity.Name;
     AltNames = entity.AltNames;
     Posters = entity.Posters;
     Ratings = entity.Ratings;
     Synopsis = entity.Synopsis;
     Casts = entity.Casts;
     Stats = entity.Stats;
     Songs = entity.Songs;
     Trailers = entity.Trailers;
     Pictures = entity.Pictures;
     Genre = entity.Genre;
     Month = entity.Month;
     Year = entity.Year;
Пример #9
        public MovieEntity GetRandomMovieEntity(string id)
            var entity = new MovieEntity(id);
            var rand = new Random();

            entity.Actors = GetRandomElementsFromList(Actors, rand);
            entity.AggregateRating = rand.Next(10).ToString();
            entity.Directors = GetRandomElementsFromList(Directors, rand);
            entity.HotOrNot = rand.Next(2) == 1 ? true : false;
            entity.MovieId = id;
            entity.MusicDirectors = GetRandomElementsFromList(MusicDirecotrs, rand);
            entity.Name = GetRandomMovieName(Name, rand);
            entity.Producers = GetRandomElementsFromList(Producers, rand);

            entity.ReviewIds = GetRandomElementsFromList(ReviewIds, rand);

            return entity;
Пример #10
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId  = entity.MovieId;
     Name     = entity.Name;
     AltNames = entity.AltNames;
     Posters  = entity.Posters;
     Ratings  = entity.Ratings;
     Synopsis = entity.Synopsis;
     Casts    = entity.Casts;
     Stats    = entity.Stats;
     Songs    = entity.Songs;
     Trailers = entity.Trailers;
     Pictures = entity.Pictures;
     Genre    = entity.Genre;
     Month    = entity.Month;
     Year     = entity.Year;
Пример #11
        private static void UpdateCache(MovieEntity movie)
            // Remove movie from Cache
            var movieKey = CacheConstants.MovieInfoJson + movie.UniqueName;
            var isPreviouslyCached = CacheManager.Exists(movieKey);

            var tableMgr = new TableManager();

            // Cache if previously cached or movie is upcoming/current
            Task.Run(() =>
                if (isPreviouslyCached || movie.State == "upcoming" || movie.State == "now playing")

            // Update more Cache
            Task.Run(() =>
                // Update cache for AllMovies
                // Note: We are not updating CacheConstants.AllMovieEntitiesSortedByName here
                // because typically the name of the movie does not changes as often

                // Update current movies
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var movies = tableMgr.GetCurrentMovies();

                // Update upcoming movies
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var movies = tableMgr.GetUpcomingMovies();
Пример #12
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string actors,
                                                    string directors,
                                                    string producers,
                                                    string musicDirecotrs,
                                                    string reviewIds,
                                                    string aggregateRating,
                                                    bool hotOrNot)
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity  = new MovieEntity(movieId);

            entity.MovieId         = movieId;
            entity.Name            = name;
            entity.Actors          = actors;
            entity.Directors       = directors;
            entity.Producers       = producers;
            entity.MusicDirectors  = musicDirecotrs;
            entity.ReviewIds       = reviewIds;
            entity.AggregateRating = aggregateRating;
            entity.HotOrNot        = hotOrNot;

Пример #13
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId       = entity.MovieId;
     Name          = entity.Name;
     AltNames      = entity.AltNames;
     Posters       = entity.Posters;
     Rating        = entity.Rating;
     Synopsis      = entity.Synopsis;
     Cast          = entity.Cast;
     Stats         = entity.Stats;
     Songs         = entity.Songs;
     Trailers      = entity.Trailers;
     Pictures      = entity.Pictures;
     Genre         = entity.Genre;
     Month         = entity.Month;
     Year          = entity.Year;
     UniqueName    = entity.UniqueName;
     State         = entity.State;
     MyScore       = entity.MyScore;
     JsonString    = entity.JsonString;
     Popularity    = entity.Popularity;
     TwitterHandle = entity.TwitterHandle;
Пример #14
 public MovieEntity(MovieEntity entity)
     : base(PARTITION_KEY, entity.RowKey)
     MovieId = entity.MovieId;
     Name = entity.Name;
     AltNames = entity.AltNames;
     Posters = entity.Posters;
     Rating = entity.Rating;
     Synopsis = entity.Synopsis;
     Cast = entity.Cast;
     Stats = entity.Stats;
     Songs = entity.Songs;
     Trailers = entity.Trailers;
     Pictures = entity.Pictures;
     Genre = entity.Genre;
     Month = entity.Month;
     Year = entity.Year;
     UniqueName = entity.UniqueName;
     State = entity.State;
     MyScore = entity.MyScore;
     JsonString = entity.JsonString;
     Popularity = entity.Popularity;
     TwitterHandle = entity.TwitterHandle;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for the crawler. Pass the URL from source file (XML)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        public List<Songs> Crawl(string url)
            MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity();
            TableManager tableMgr = new TableManager();

                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    #region Get Movie Page Content
                    Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader readStream = null;
                    if (response.CharacterSet == null)
                        readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream);
                        readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.GetEncoding(response.CharacterSet));

                    songPageContent = readStream.ReadToEnd();


                return PopulateSongDetails(songPageContent);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("An error occurred while populating the movie details. Url = " + url + ". Error=" + ex.Message);

            return null;
Пример #16
        public string TestUpdate()

            MovieEntity entity = new MovieEntity();
            var rand = new Random((int)DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Ticks);

            entity.RowKey = entity.MovieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            entity.ReviewIds = string.Format("{0},{1}", Math.Abs(rand.Next()), Math.Abs(rand.Next()));
            entity.AggregateRating = Math.Abs(rand.Next(10)).ToString();
            entity.Directors = string.Format("Gabbar_{0}", rand.Next());
            entity.HotOrNot = (Math.Abs(rand.Next())%2) == 1 ? true : false;
            entity.MusicDirectors = string.Format("Rahman_{0}", Math.Abs(rand.Next()));
            entity.Name = string.Format("aashique {0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Producers = string.Format("sippy_{0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Actors = string.Format("sahruuk_{0}", rand.Next());

            var reviewIds = entity.GetReviewIds();
            var reviewList = new List<ReviewEntity>();
            foreach (var reviewId in reviewIds)
                var reviewEntity = new ReviewEntity();
                reviewEntity.ReviewId = reviewEntity.RowKey = reviewId;
                reviewEntity.Review = string.Format("This is review number {0}", reviewId);
                reviewEntity.ReviewerName = string.Format("khan_{0}", rand.Next());
                reviewEntity.ReviewerRating = rand.Next(10);
                reviewEntity.SystemRating = rand.Next(10);


            var tableMgr = new TableManager();

            return string.Format("Created movie id {0}", entity.MovieId);
Пример #17
        private bool PopulateMovieDetails(ref MovieEntity movie, string url, bool isCrawlPosters)
                List<string> poster = new List<string>();
                List<Cast> cast = CrawlCast(url + "fullcredits");
                List<Songs> songs = CrawlSongs(url + "soundtrack");

                if (isCrawlPosters)
                    poster = CrawlPosters(url + "mediaindex", movie.Name, ref thumbnailPath);
                    // Call Bollywood Hungama poster crawler here
                    //poster = CrawlBollywoodHungamaPosters(ref poster, url, movie.Name, ref thumbnailPath);
                    poster = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(movie.Posters) as List<string>;

                if (movie.Posters != null && (movie.Posters.Trim() == "[]" || movie.Posters.Trim() == ""))
                    poster = CrawlPosters(url + "mediaindex", movie.Name, ref thumbnailPath);

                movie.Cast = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cast);
                if (isCrawlPosters)
                    movie.Songs = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(songs);

                if (poster != null && poster.Count > 0)
                    movie.Posters = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(poster);
                    movie.Posters = "[]";

                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("An error occurred while populating other bulk movie details. Url = " + url + ". Error=" + e.Message);
                return false;
Пример #18
 public MovieEntity GetMovieEntity()
     // TODO: Add error/edge-case handling as appropriate
     MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity();
     movie.MovieId = this.MovieId;
     movie.Name = this.Name;
     movie.AltNames = this.AltNames;
     movie.Posters = this.Posters;
     movie.Rating = this.Ratings;
     movie.Synopsis = this.Synopsis;
     movie.Cast = this.Casts ?? string.Empty;
     movie.Stats = this.Stats ?? string.Empty;
     movie.Songs = this.Songs;
     movie.Trailers = this.Trailers;
     movie.Pictures = this.Pictures;
     movie.Genre = this.Genre;
     movie.Month = this.Month;
     movie.Year = this.Year;
     movie.UniqueName = this.UniqueName;
     movie.State = this.State;
     movie.MyScore = this.MyScore;
     movie.JsonString = this.JsonString;
     movie.Popularity = this.Popularity;
     return movie;
Пример #19
        private static void UpdateLuceneIndex(MovieEntity movie)
            var tableMgr = new TableManager();

            // Update Lucene
            Task.Run(() =>
                //delete Entry in lucene search index
                // Fix following method call - What shall be other param?
                LuceneSearch.ClearLuceneIndexRecord(movie.MovieId, "Id");
                LuceneSearch.ClearLuceneIndexRecord(movie.UniqueName, "UniqueName");

                string posterUrl = "default-movie.jpg";
                string critics = string.Empty;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(movie.Posters))
                    List<string> pList = jsonSerializer.Value.Deserialize(movie.Posters, typeof(List<string>)) as List<string>;
                    if (pList != null && pList.Count > 0)
                        posterUrl = pList.Last();

                var reviewDic = tableMgr.GetReviewsByMovieId(movie.MovieId);
                if (reviewDic != null && reviewDic.Values != null && reviewDic.Values.Count > 0)
                    critics = jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(reviewDic.Values.Select(re => re.ReviewerName));

                // add updated entry in lucene search index
                MovieSearchData movieSearchIndex = new MovieSearchData();
                movieSearchIndex.Id = movie.RowKey;
                movieSearchIndex.Title = movie.Name;
                movieSearchIndex.Type = movie.Genre;
                movieSearchIndex.TitleImageURL = posterUrl;
                movieSearchIndex.UniqueName = movie.UniqueName;
                movieSearchIndex.Description = movie.Cast;
                movieSearchIndex.Critics = critics;
                movieSearchIndex.Link = movie.UniqueName;

Пример #20
        // Parent Node/Body
        public MovieEntity GetMovieDetails(HtmlNode body)
            MovieEntity movie = new MovieEntity();
            movie.RowKey = movie.MovieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            movie.Name = GetMovieName(body);
            movie.AltNames = GetMovieByAltName(body);
            movie.UniqueName = GetMovieUniqueName(movie.Name);
            movie.Rating = GetMovieRating(body);
            movie.Synopsis = GetMovieStory(body);
            movie.Genre = GetMovieGenre(body);
            movie.Month = GetMovieMonth(body);
            movie.Year = GetMovieYear(body);
            movie.Stats = GetMovieStats(body);

            movie.TwitterHandle = string.Empty;
            movie.Trailers = string.Empty;
            movie.Pictures = string.Empty;
            movie.State = string.Empty;
            movie.MyScore = Util.DEFAULT_SCORE;
            movie.JsonString = "[]";

            movie.Name = movie.Name.Replace(":", string.Empty);
            movie.AltNames = movie.AltNames.Replace(":", string.Empty);
            movie.UniqueName = movie.UniqueName.Replace(":", string.Empty);

            return movie;
Пример #21
        public string TestUpdate()

            MovieEntity entity = new MovieEntity();
            var rand = new Random((int)DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Ticks);

            #region commented code
            /*entity.RowKey = entity.MovieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            entity.Stats = string.Format("{0},{1}", Math.Abs(rand.Next()), Math.Abs(rand.Next()));
            entity.Songs = Math.Abs(rand.Next(10)).ToString();
            entity.Ratings = string.Format("Gabbar_{0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Trailers = string.Format("Traler_{0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Casts = string.Format("Rahman_{0}", Math.Abs(rand.Next()));
            entity.Name = string.Format("aashique {0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Synopsis = string.Format("sippy_{0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Posters = @"{""height"" : 300,""width"" : 200,""url"" : ""test""}";
            entity.Month = "March";
            entity.Year = "2014";*/

            entity.RowKey = entity.MovieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            entity.Stats = @"[{""budget"" : ""30,000"",""boxoffice"": ""50000""}]";;
            entity.Songs = @"[{""name"" : ""chaiyya chaiyya"",""url"" : ""songtest""}, {""name"" : ""chaiyya chaiyya"",""url"" : ""songtest""}]";
            entity.Ratings = @"[{""system"" : 5,""critic"" : 6,""hot"" : ""no""}]";
            entity.Trailers = @"[{""name"" : ""best movie"",""url"" : ""songtest""}, {""name"" : ""chaiyya chaiyya"",""url"" : ""songtest""}]";
            entity.Casts = @"[{""name"" : ""ben affleck"",""charactername"" : ""mickey"",""image"" : {""height"" : 300,""width"": 200,""url"" : ""test""},""role"" : ""producer""},
                            {""name"" : ""jerry afflect"",""charactername"" : ""mouse"",""image"" : {""height"" : 300,""width"" : 200,""url"" : ""test""},""role"" : ""actor""}]";
            entity.Pictures = @"[{""caption"" : ""test caption"",""image"" : {""height"" : 300,""width"" : 200,""url"" : ""test""}}]";
            entity.Name = string.Format("aashique {0}", rand.Next());
            entity.Synopsis = "this is a brilliant scary movie";
            entity.Posters = @"[{""height"" : 300,""width"" : 200,""url"" : ""test""}]";
            entity.Genre = "Action";
            entity.Month = "March";
            entity.Year = "2014";

            //var reviewIds = entity.GetReviewIds();
            var reviewIds = new List<string>() { Math.Abs(rand.Next()).ToString(), Math.Abs(rand.Next()).ToString() };
            var reviewList = new List<ReviewEntity>();

            foreach (var reviewId in reviewIds)
                var reviewEntity = new ReviewEntity();
                reviewEntity.ReviewId = reviewEntity.RowKey = reviewId;
                reviewEntity.MovieId = entity.MovieId;
                reviewEntity.Review = string.Format("This is review number {0}", reviewId);
                reviewEntity.ReviewerName = string.Format("khan_{0}", rand.Next());
                reviewEntity.ReviewerRating = rand.Next(10);
                reviewEntity.SystemRating = rand.Next(10);
                reviewEntity.Hot = false;
                reviewEntity.OutLink = "this is a link";
                reviewEntity.Affiliation= @"[{""name"" : ""Yahoo"", ""link"" : ""http://in.yahoo.com/?p=us"", ""reviewlink"" : ""http://in.movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-reviews/yahoo-movies-review-gunday-124034093.html"", ""logoimage"" : ""Images/Yahoo_Logo.png""},{""name"" : ""Hidustan Times"", ""link"" : ""http://www.hindustantimes.com"", ""reviewlink"" : ""http://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/reviews/movie-review-by-rashid-irani-dallas-buyers-club-is-a-must-watch/article1-1189520.aspx"", ""logoimage"" : ""Images/hindustan-times.jpg""}]";


            var tableMgr = new TableManager();

            return string.Format("Created movie id {0}", entity.MovieId);
Пример #22
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string posters,
                                                    string rating,
                                                    string synopsis,
                                                    string cast,
                                                    string stats,
                                                    string songs,
                                                    string trailers,
                                                    string pictures,
                                                    string genre,
                                                    string month,
                                                    string year,
                                                    string uniqueName,
                                                    string state,
                                                    string myScore,
                                                    string jsonString,
                                                    string popularity,
                                                    string twitterHandle
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity = new MovieEntity(movieId);
            entity.MovieId = movieId;
            entity.Name = name;
            entity.Posters = posters;
            entity.Rating = rating;
            entity.Synopsis = synopsis;
            entity.Cast = cast;
            entity.Stats = stats;
            entity.Songs = songs;
            entity.Trailers = trailers;
            entity.Pictures = pictures;
            entity.Genre = genre;
            entity.Month = month;
            entity.Year = year;
            entity.UniqueName = uniqueName;
            entity.State = state;
            entity.MyScore = myScore;
            entity.JsonString = jsonString;
            entity.Popularity = popularity;
            entity.TwitterHandle = twitterHandle;

            return entity;
Пример #23
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string posters,
                                                    string rating,
                                                    string synopsis,
                                                    string cast,
                                                    string stats,
                                                    string songs,
                                                    string trailers,
                                                    string pictures,
                                                    string genre,
                                                    string month, 
                                                    string year)
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity = new MovieEntity(movieId);
            entity.MovieId = movieId;
            entity.Name = name;
            entity.Posters = posters;
            entity.Ratings = rating;
            entity.Synopsis = synopsis;
            entity.Casts = cast;
            entity.Stats = stats;
            entity.Songs = songs;
            entity.Trailers = trailers;
            entity.Pictures = pictures;
            entity.Genre = genre;
            entity.Month = month;
            entity.Year = year;

            return entity;
Пример #24
        public static MovieEntity CreateMovieEntity(string name,
                                                    string actors,
                                                    string directors,
                                                    string producers,
                                                    string musicDirecotrs,
                                                    string reviewIds,
                                                    string aggregateRating,
                                                    bool hotOrNot)
            var movieId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var entity = new MovieEntity(movieId);
            entity.MovieId = movieId;
            entity.Name = name;
            entity.Actors = actors;
            entity.Directors = directors;
            entity.Producers = producers;
            entity.MusicDirectors = musicDirecotrs;
            entity.ReviewIds = reviewIds;
            entity.AggregateRating = aggregateRating;
            entity.HotOrNot = hotOrNot;

            return entity;