Пример #1
        internal static IEnumerable <Prim> LoadPrims(string rdbConnectionString, Guid regionId)
            using (var conn = DBHelpers.GetConnection(rdbConnectionString)) {
                if (conn == null)
                    LOG.Warn($"Could not get connection to DB for region '{regionId}'.");
                using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                    cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT
							pr.PositionX, pr.PositionY, pr.PositionZ,
							pr.GroupPositionX, pr.GroupPositionY, pr.GroupPositionZ,
							ps.ScaleX, ps.ScaleY, ps.ScaleZ,
							pr.RotationX, pr.RotationY, pr.RotationZ, pr.RotationW,
							prims pr
							INNER JOIN primshapes ps USING (UUID)
							pr.GroupPositionZ < 766 /* = max terrain height (510) + render height (256) */
							AND LENGTH(ps.Texture) > 0
							AND pr.ObjectFlags & (0 | 0x40000 | 0x20000) = 0
							AND ps.ScaleX > 1.0
							AND ps.ScaleY > 1.0
							AND ps.ScaleZ > 1.0
							AND ps.PCode NOT IN (255, 111, 95)
							AND RegionUUID = @region_id
						ORDER BY
							GroupPositionZ, PositionZ
					"                    ;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("region_id", regionId);
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 600;
                    IDataReader reader = null;
                    try {
                        reader = DBHelpers.ExecuteReader(cmd);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.Warn($"Prims DB reader query threw an error when attempting to get prims for region '{regionId}'.", e);

                    if (reader == null)
                        LOG.Warn($"Prims DB reader query returned nothing for region '{regionId}'.");

                    var prims = new List <Prim>();                    // List was chosen because it guarantees that insertion order will be preserved unless explictly sorted.

                    var rootPrims  = new Dictionary <Guid, Prim>();
                    var childPrims = new List <Prim>();                    // List was chosen because it guarantees that insertion order will be preserved unless explictly sorted.

                    try {
                        while (reader.Read())
                            // Nullables start here
                            var groupPosX = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "GroupPositionX");
                            var groupPosY = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "GroupPositionY");
                            var groupPosZ = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "GroupPositionZ");
                            var posX      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "PositionX");
                            var posY      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "PositionY");
                            var posZ      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "PositionZ");
                            var rotW      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "RotationW");
                            var rotX      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "RotationX");
                            var rotY      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "RotationY");
                            var rotZ      = RDBMap.GetDBValueOrNull <double>(reader, "RotationZ");

                            var prim = new Prim {
                                GroupPosition = groupPosX != null && groupPosY != null && groupPosZ != null ? new Vector3(
                                    ) : (Vector3?)null,
                                Id          = Guid.Parse(RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "UUID")),
                                Name        = RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "Name"),
                                ObjectFlags = RDBMap.GetDBValue <int>(reader, "ObjectFlags"),
                                Position    = posX != null && posY != null && posZ != null ? new Vector3(
                                    ) : (Vector3?)null,
                                RegionId     = regionId,
                                RootRotation = null,
                                Rotation     = rotW != null && rotX != null && rotY != null && rotZ != null ? new Quaternion(
                                    ) : (Quaternion?)null,
                                Scale = new Vector3(
                                    (float)RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "ScaleX"),
                                    (float)RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "ScaleY"),
                                    (float)RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "ScaleZ")
                                State   = RDBMap.GetDBValue <int>(reader, "State"),
                                Texture = (byte[])reader["Texture"],


                            var sogIdStr = RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "SceneGroupID");
                            if (Guid.TryParse(sogIdStr, out var sogId))
                                prim.SceneGroupId = sogId;

                                var linkNumber = RDBMap.GetDBValue <int>(reader, "LinkNumber");
                                if (linkNumber == 1)
                                    rootPrims.Add(sogId, prim);
                                else if (linkNumber > 1)
                    finally {

                    foreach (var prim in childPrims)
                        if (rootPrims.TryGetValue(prim.SceneGroupId, out var rootPrim))
                            prim.RootRotation = rootPrim.Rotation;

Пример #2
        public void UpdateMap()
            // Stores RDB connection strings as keys to dictionaries of region UUIDs mapped to the region data.
            var region_list = new ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, Region>();

            LOG.Debug("Loading region-to-host map from DB.");
            using (var conn = DBHelpers.GetConnection(CONNECTION_STRING)) {
                if (conn == null)
                    LOG.Warn($"Could not get connection to main DB, cannot update the map.");
                using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                    /* Gets the full list of what regions are on what host.
                     * A null host_name indicates that that region's data is on this host, otherwise contains the host for the region's data.
                     * A null regionName indicates that the region is shut down, otherwise that the region is up or crashed.
                    cmd.CommandText    = @"SELECT
						regionID, host_name, regionName, locX, locY, sizeX, sizeY, serverIP, serverPort
								host_name, region_id
								INNER JOIN RegionRdbMapping ON id = rdb_host_id
						) AS rdbs ON regionID = region_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN regions ON regionID = uuid
						host_name, region_id"                        ;
                    cmd.CommandTimeout = 600;
                    IDataReader reader = null;
                    try {
                        reader = DBHelpers.ExecuteReader(cmd);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.Warn($"Region list query DB reader threw an error when attempting to update the map.", e);

                    if (reader == null)
                        LOG.Warn($"Region list query DB reader returned nothing from main DB, cannot update the map.");

                    try {
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var rdbHostName = Convert.ToString(reader["host_name"]);
                            var connString  = GetRDBConnectionString(rdbHostName);
                            var region_id   = Guid.Parse(Convert.ToString(reader["regionID"]));

                            // Check to see if the map already has this entry and if the new entry is shut down.
                            if (region_list.TryGetValue(region_id, out var region) && Convert.IsDBNull(reader["regionName"]))
                                LOG.Debug($"Found offline region {region_id}.");

                                // Region is offline, update the RDB connection in case that's changed.
                                region._rdbConnectionString = connString;
                            else                               // The DB has the freshest information.  Does not imply the region is online - it could have crashed.
                                var locationX = GetDBValueOrNull <int>(reader, "locX");
                                var locationY = GetDBValueOrNull <int>(reader, "locY");

                                region = new Region(connString)
                                    Id         = region_id,
                                    Location   = locationX == null || locationY == null ? (Vector2?)null : new Vector2((float)locationX, (float)locationY),
                                    Name       = reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("regionName")) ? null : Convert.ToString(reader["regionName"]),
                                    ServerIP   = reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("serverIP")) ? null : Convert.ToString(reader["serverIP"]),
                                    ServerPort = GetDBValueOrNull <int>(reader, "serverPort"),
                                    Size       = new Vector2(256f, 256f),                               // DB always has 0 as far as I'm aware. Looks like regions.sizeX and .sizeY are never even read by Halcyon code as of 9/3/2017.

                                LOG.Debug($"Found online region {region_id} named '{region.Name}' at {locationX}, {locationY}.");

                            if (!region_list.TryAdd(region_id, region))
                                LOG.Warn($"Attempted to add a duplicate region entry for RDB {rdbHostName}: Region is '{region.Name}' with UUID '{region_id}'.  Check to see if you have duplicate entries in your 'regions' table, or if you have multiple entries in the 'RegionRdbMapping' for the same region UUID.");
                    finally {

            LOG.Debug("Preparing updated region map.");
            Parallel.ForEach(region_list.Values.ToList(), PARALLELISM_OPTIONS, region => {
                var oldPriority = Thread.CurrentThread.Priority;
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;

                if (!MAP.TryAdd(region.Id, region))
                    MAP.TryGetValue(region.Id, out var orig);
                    LOG.Warn($"Region '{region.Id}' is a duplicate: name is '{region.Name}' and is duplicating a region with name '{orig?.Name}'.");

                // Not all regions returned have a position, after all some could be in an offline state and never been seen before.
                if (region.HasKnownCoordinates())
                    var coord = (Vector2)region.Location;
                    if (!COORD_MAP.TryAdd(coord, region))
                        COORD_MAP.TryGetValue(coord, out var orig);
                        // Might be a bug here when this method is executed multiple times in a single execution of Anax, and a region was removed and another region was MOVED into the old region's location.
                        // That would be resolved I think by executing DeleteOldMapEntries() before this method.
                        LOG.Warn($"Region {region.Id} named '{region.Name}' at <{region.Location?.X},{region.Location?.Y}> at same location as {orig?.Id} named '{orig?.Name}' at <{orig?.Location?.X},{orig?.Location?.Y}>. Both of these regions are listed as online in the 'regions' table.");

                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = oldPriority;

            LOG.Debug("Connecting adjacent regions.");
            foreach (var region in region_list.Values)
                if (region.HasKnownCoordinates())
                    var adjacentRegions = new List <Region>();

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(0, 1), out var north))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(-1, 1), out var northeast))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(-1, 0), out var east))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(-1, -1), out var southeast))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(0, -1), out var south))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(1, -1), out var southwest))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(1, 0), out var west))

                    if (COORD_MAP.TryGetValue((Vector2)region.Location + new Vector2(1, 1), out var northwest))

                    region._adjacentRegions = adjacentRegions;
Пример #3
        public bool Update()
            using (var conn = DBHelpers.GetConnection(_rdbConnectionString)) {
                if (conn == null)
                    LOG.Warn($"Could not get connection to DB for region '{_regionId}'.");
                using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                    cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT terrain_texture_1, terrain_texture_2, terrain_texture_3, terrain_texture_4, elevation_1_nw, elevation_2_nw, elevation_1_ne, elevation_2_ne, elevation_1_sw, elevation_2_sw, elevation_1_se, elevation_2_se, water_height, Heightfield
						FROM regionsettings NATURAL JOIN terrain
						WHERE RegionUUID = @region_id
					"                    ;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("region_id", _regionId.ToString());
                    IDataReader reader = null;
                    try {
                        reader = DBHelpers.ExecuteReader(cmd);
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.Warn($"Prims query DB reader threw an error when attempting to get prims for region '{_regionId}'.", e);

                    if (reader == null)
                        LOG.Warn($"Terrain DB reader query returned nothing for region '{_regionId}'.");

                    try {

                        TerrainTexture1 = Guid.Parse(RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "terrain_texture_1"));
                        TerrainTexture2 = Guid.Parse(RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "terrain_texture_2"));
                        TerrainTexture3 = Guid.Parse(RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "terrain_texture_3"));
                        TerrainTexture4 = Guid.Parse(RDBMap.GetDBValue(reader, "terrain_texture_4"));

                        ElevationNWLow  = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_1_nw");
                        ElevationNWHigh = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_2_nw");
                        ElevationNELow  = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_1_ne");
                        ElevationNEHigh = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_2_ne");
                        ElevationSWLow  = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_1_sw");
                        ElevationSWHigh = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_2_sw");
                        ElevationSELow  = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_1_se");
                        ElevationSEHigh = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "elevation_2_se");

                        WaterHeight = RDBMap.GetDBValue <double>(reader, "water_height");


                        var minHeightFound = 510.0;                         // Max terrain height

                        var br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream((byte[])reader["Heightfield"]));
                        for (int x = 0; x < _heightmap.GetLength(0); x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < _heightmap.GetLength(1); y++)
                                var height = br.ReadDouble();
                                _heightmap[x, y] = height;
                                if (height < minHeightFound)
                                    minHeightFound = height;

                        TerrainHeightMin = minHeightFound;
                    finally {
