Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Regenerates a site's actors based on the sitedata. If it is not marked as needing regeneration , will do nothing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sitedata"></param>
        /// <param name="currentMap"></param>
        /// <param name="actors"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MapBlock[,] RegenerateSite(SiteData sitedata, MapBlock[,] currentMap, Actor[] currentActors, out Actor[] newActors)
            if (!sitedata.MapRegenerationRequired)
                //Do nothing
                newActors = currentActors;
                return currentMap;

            //So, first go through the actors and remove any of them which shouldn't be there. That is to say all of them which are site members (I realise it's a big ugly but it's a clean check)
            List<Actor> actors = currentActors.ToList();

            var actorsToRemove = currentActors.Where(ca => ca.SiteMember);

            //Remove the map items for these actors
            foreach(var a in actorsToRemove)
                a.IsAlive = false;

            //We'll handle actors soon, first we need to go through all the items and set the ones with the wrong owner to inactive
            foreach (var mapBlock in currentMap)
                foreach (var item in mapBlock.GetItems())
                    if (!item.OwnedBy.HasFlag(sitedata.Owners))
                        item.IsActive = false;
                        item.IsActive = true;

            //Now go through the site's actors and create the new ones as required
            foreach (ActorProfession profession in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActorProfession)))
                //So do we have any wander areas for them ?
                var possibleAreas = sitedata.WanderAreas.Where(wa => wa.Factions.HasFlag(sitedata.Owners) && wa.Profession.Equals(profession));
                var possibleRoutes = sitedata.PatrolRoutes.Where(pr => pr.Owners.HasFlag(sitedata.Owners) && pr.Profession.Equals(profession));

                //Any actors?
                if (sitedata.ActorCounts.ContainsKey(profession))
                    //Yes, how many
                    int total = sitedata.ActorCounts[profession];

                    var a = ActorGeneration.CreateActors(sitedata.Owners, profession, total);

                    foreach (var ac in a)
                        ac.SiteMember = true;


                    foreach (var actor in a)
                        //So, where we going to drop them off ? Randomly
                        int tries = 0;

                        for (; ; )
                            int randomX = GameState.Random.Next(currentMap.GetLength(0));
                            int randomY = GameState.Random.Next(currentMap.GetLength(1));

                            if (currentMap[randomX, randomY].MayContainItems)
                                //Plop it on there
                                actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(randomX, randomY, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                                currentMap[randomX, randomY].ForcePutItemOnBlock(actor.MapCharacter);
                                tries = 0;

                            if (tries >= 150)
                                //give up

                        //Go through each actor, and either tell them to wander in the whole map, or within any possible area which matches
                        //Any possible area avaialble?
                        List<object> possibleMissions = new List<object>(); //I know :( But Using an interface or trying to mangle together an inheritance was worse

                        possibleMissions.AddRange(possibleAreas.Where(pa => pa.MaxAmount > pa.CurrentAmount));

                        var chosenArea = possibleMissions.OrderBy(pa => GameState.Random.Next(100)).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (chosenArea == null)
                            //Wander around the whole map
                            actor.CurrentMission = new WanderMission() { LoiterPercentage = 25, WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(currentMap.GetLength(0) / 2, currentMap.GetLength(1) / 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL), WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, currentMap.GetLength(0), currentMap.GetLength(1)) };
                            //Is this a patrol or a wander ?
                            if (chosenArea.GetType().Equals(typeof(PatrolRoute)))
                                var patrolDetails = chosenArea as PatrolRoute;

                                PatrolRouteMission pm = new PatrolRouteMission();

                                actor.CurrentMission = pm;
                            else if (chosenArea.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletActorWanderArea)))
                                var wanderDetails = chosenArea as MapletActorWanderArea;

                                //Wander around in that area
                                actor.CurrentMission = new WanderMission() { LoiterPercentage = 25, WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(wanderDetails.WanderPoint), WanderRectangle = wanderDetails.WanderRect };




            newActors = actors.ToArray();
            sitedata.MapRegenerationRequired = false; //We're done

            return currentMap;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a site
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteType"></param>
        /// <param name="biomeType"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="startPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="actors"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MapBlock[,] GenerateSite(SiteData siteData, out Actor[] actors)
            MapCoordinate startPoint = null;

            //First we generate some empty wilderness of the right type
            MapBlock[,] map = WildernessGenerator.GenerateMap(siteData.Biome, 0, 0, out actors, out startPoint);

            //Now, clear the tiles from between 5,5 till 25,25
            for (int x = 5; x < 26; x++)
                for (int y = 5; y < 26; y++)
                    MapBlock block = map[x, y];

            ItemFactory.ItemFactory itemFactory = new ItemFactory.ItemFactory();

            int waterID = 0;

            MapItem waterTile = itemFactory.CreateItem(Archetype.TILES, "water", out waterID);

            //If it's a fishing village, put some water in
            if (siteData.SiteTypeData.SiteType == SiteType.FISHING_VILLAGE)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    for (int y = map.GetLength(1) - 10; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                        MapBlock block = map[x, y];

                        //Set the tile to water
                        block.Tile = itemFactory.CreateItem("tiles", waterID);
                        block.Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(x, y, 0, MapType.LOCAL);

            LocalMapGenerator lmg = new LocalMapGenerator();

            LocalMapXMLParser parser = new LocalMapXMLParser();

            Maplet maplet = parser.ParseMapletFromTag(siteData.SiteTypeData.SiteType.ToString().Replace("_", " ").ToLower(),siteData.Biome);

            var tileID = DatabaseHandling.GetItemIdFromTag(Archetype.TILES, WildernessGenerator.details[siteData.Biome].BaseTileTag);

            MapletActorWanderArea[] wanderAreas = null;
            MapletPatrolPoint[] patrolPoints = null;
            MapletFootpathNode[] footPath = null;

            //Now generate the actual map
            MapBlock[,] siteMap = lmg.GenerateMap(tileID, null, maplet, false, "", siteData.Owners, out actors, out wanderAreas, out patrolPoints, out footPath);

            //Now lets fuse the maps
            map = lmg.JoinMaps(map, siteMap, 5, 5);

            foreach (var actor in actors)
                if (actor.CurrentMission == null)
                    actor.CurrentMission = actor.MissionStack.Count > 0 ? actor.MissionStack.Pop() : null;

                if (actor.CurrentMission != null && actor.CurrentMission.GetType() == typeof(WanderMission))
                    WanderMission wMiss = actor.CurrentMission as WanderMission;

                    wMiss.WanderPoint.X += 5;
                    wMiss.WanderPoint.Y += 5;

                    wMiss.WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(wMiss.WanderRectangle.X + 5, wMiss.WanderRectangle.Y + 5, wMiss.WanderRectangle.Width, wMiss.WanderRectangle.Height);

            //Fix the patrol points

            foreach (var point in patrolPoints)
                point.Point.X += 5;
                point.Point.Y += 5;

            //Let's fix the patrol points, we need to merge them into PatrolRoutes
            var patrolRoutes = PatrolRoute.GetPatrolRoutes(patrolPoints);

            foreach (var area in wanderAreas)
                area.WanderRect = new Rectangle(area.WanderRect.X + 5, area.WanderRect.Y + 5, area.WanderRect.Width, area.WanderRect.Height);

            //And fix the path nodes
            foreach (var pn in footPath)
                pn.Point.X += 5;
                pn.Point.Y += 5;

            //If the map already has any actors in it, make the characters prone
            foreach (var actor in actors)
                actor.IsProne = true;

            //Now generate the pathfinding map
            PathfinderInterface.Nodes = GeneratePathfindingMap(map);

            int pathTileID = -1;

            var dummy = itemFactory.CreateItem(Archetype.TILES, "stone", out pathTileID);

            //Go through each footpath node. Attempt to connect the node with the other primary nodes
            foreach (var fp in footPath)
                foreach (var primary in footPath.Where(p => p.IsPrimary))
                    //Join them up
                    var path = PathfinderInterface.GetPath(fp.Point, primary.Point);
                    if (path != null)
                        foreach (var coord in path)
                            MapBlock block = map[coord.X, coord.Y];

                            //Only do this if the tile isn't wood, or stone
                            if (!block.Tile.InternalName.ToUpper().Contains("STONE") && !block.Tile.InternalName.ToUpper().Contains("WOOD"))
                                block.Tile = itemFactory.CreateItem("tiles", pathTileID);
                                block.Tile.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(coord);


            List<Actor> actorList = new List<Actor>();

            actorList.AddRange(actors); //And add the actors

            //Let's generate a number of actors then
            foreach (ActorProfession profession in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActorProfession)))
                //So do we have any wander areas for them ?
                var possibleAreas = wanderAreas.Where(wa => wa.Factions.HasFlag(siteData.Owners) && wa.Profession.Equals(profession));
                var possibleRoutes = patrolRoutes.Where(pr => pr.Owners.HasFlag(siteData.Owners) && pr.Profession.Equals(profession));

                //Any actors?
                if (siteData.ActorCounts.ContainsKey(profession))
                    //Yes, how many
                    int total = siteData.ActorCounts[profession];

                    var a = ActorGeneration.CreateActors(siteData.Owners, profession, total);

                    foreach(var ac in a)
                        ac.SiteMember = true;


                    foreach (var actor in a)
                        //So, where we going to drop them off ? Randomly
                        int tries = 0;

                        for (; ; )
                            int randomX = GameState.Random.Next(map.GetLength(0));
                            int randomY = GameState.Random.Next(map.GetLength(1));

                            if (map[randomX, randomY].MayContainItems)
                                //Plop it on there
                                actor.MapCharacter.Coordinate = new MapCoordinate(randomX, randomY, 0, MapType.LOCAL);
                                map[randomX, randomY].ForcePutItemOnBlock(actor.MapCharacter);
                                tries = 0;

                            if (tries >= 150)
                                //give up

                        //Go through each actor, and either tell them to wander in the whole map, or within any possible area which matches
                        //Any possible area avaialble?
                        List<object> possibleMissions = new List<object>(); //I know :( But Using an interface or trying to mangle together an inheritance was worse

                        possibleMissions.AddRange(possibleAreas.Where(pa => pa.MaxAmount > pa.CurrentAmount));

                        var chosenArea = possibleMissions.OrderBy(pa => GameState.Random.Next(100)).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (chosenArea == null)
                            //Wander around the whole map
                            actor.CurrentMission = new WanderMission() { LoiterPercentage = 25, WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(map.GetLength(0) / 2, map.GetLength(1) / 2, 0, MapType.LOCAL), WanderRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)) };
                            //Is this a patrol or a wander ?
                            if (chosenArea.GetType().Equals(typeof(PatrolRoute)))
                                var patrolDetails = chosenArea as PatrolRoute;

                                PatrolRouteMission pm = new PatrolRouteMission();

                                actor.CurrentMission = pm;
                            else if (chosenArea.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapletActorWanderArea)))
                                var wanderDetails = chosenArea as MapletActorWanderArea;

                                //Wander around in that area
                                actor.CurrentMission = new WanderMission() { LoiterPercentage = 25, WanderPoint = new MapCoordinate(wanderDetails.WanderPoint), WanderRectangle = wanderDetails.WanderRect };




            actors = actorList.ToArray();

            siteData.PatrolRoutes = patrolRoutes.ToList();
            siteData.WanderAreas = wanderAreas.ToList();

            return map;
Пример #3
        public static ActionFeedback[] PatrolRouteMission(PatrolRouteMission mission, Actor actor)
            //Push it back on the stack

            var nextPoint = mission.GetNextPoint();

            //Create a move to mission which moves the actor to the next point
            WalkToMission wTM = new WalkToMission()
                TargetCoordinate = nextPoint.Coordinate,
                AcceptableRadius = nextPoint.AcceptableRadius

            actor.CurrentMission = wTM;

            //Log it
            Console.WriteLine("Actor " + actor.ToString() + " is going to" + wTM.TargetCoordinate.ToString() + " as part of his patrol route");

            return new ActionFeedback[] { };