Create() приватный Метод

private Create ( Commodity commodity ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
commodity DRMFSS.BLL.Commodity
Результат System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
        public void Commodity_Create_Post_For_Valid_Model_Test()
            IUnitOfWork repository = this.MockCommodityRepository;
            CommodityController target = new CommodityController(repository);
            Commodity commodity = new Commodity
                                            Name = "Gebse",
                                            LongName = "",
                                            CommodityTypeID = 1,
                                            ParentID = 1

            int commodityPreCount = this.MockCommodityRepository.Commodity.GetAll().Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(5, commodityPreCount);
            JsonResult expected = new JsonResult();
            ActionResult actual;

            actual = target.Create(commodity);
            JsonResult result = actual as JsonResult;
            expected.Data = new { success = true };

            //the number of commodities should increase by 1
            int commodityPostCount = this.MockCommodityRepository.Commodity.GetAll().Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(commodityPreCount + 1, commodityPostCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Data.ToString() , result.Data.ToString());
        public void Commodity_Create_Sub_Commodity_Get_Test()
            IUnitOfWork repository = this.MockCommodityRepository;
            CommodityController target = new CommodityController(repository);
            int type = 0;
            Nullable<int> Parent = 1; //who is the parent commodity
            ActionResult expected = null;
            ActionResult actual;
            actual = target.Create(type, Parent);

            PartialViewResult result = actual as PartialViewResult;


            Assert.AreEqual(result.Model.GetType(), typeof(Commodity));

            //major diff between parent and child
            Assert.AreEqual(result.ViewBag.isParent, true);
        public void Commodity_Create_Post_For_InValid_Model_Test()
            IUnitOfWork repository = this.MockCommodityRepository;
            CommodityController target = new CommodityController(repository);
            Commodity commodity = new Commodity
                LongName = "",
                CommodityTypeID = 1,
                ParentID = 1


            int commodityPreCount = this.MockCommodityRepository.Commodity.GetAll().Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(5, commodityPreCount); // Verify the expected Number pre-insert
            PartialViewResult expected = new PartialViewResult();
            ActionResult actual;

            actual = target.Create(commodity);

            PartialViewResult result = actual as PartialViewResult;
            //no increase in the number of commodities
            int commodityPostCount = this.MockCommodityRepository.Commodity.GetAll().Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(commodityPreCount, commodityPostCount);