private void StartServer() { Console.WriteLine ("Starting DPAP server"); DPAP.Database database = new DPAP.Database ("DPAP"); DPAP.Server server = new Server (System.Environment.UserName.ToString() + " f-spot photos"); server.Port = 8770; server.AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.None; int collision_count = 0; server.Collision += delegate { server.Name = System.Environment.UserName.ToString() + " f-spot photos" + "[" + ++collision_count + "]"; }; //FSpot.Photo photo = (FSpot.Photo) Core.Database.Photos.Get (1); try { Album a = new Album ("test album"); Tag t = Core.Database.Tags.GetTagByName ("Shared items"); Tag []tags = {t}; FSpot.Photo [] photos = Core.Database.Photos.Query (tags); int i=0; foreach (FSpot.Photo photo in photos) { string thumbnail_path = Gnome.Thumbnail.PathForUri (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri.ToString(), Gnome.ThumbnailSize.Large); FileInfo f = new FileInfo (thumbnail_path); DPAP.Photo p = new DPAP.Photo (); p.FileName = photo.Name; p.Thumbnail = thumbnail_path; p.ThumbSize = (int)f.Length; p.Path = photo.DefaultVersion.Uri.ToString ().Substring (7); f = new FileInfo (photo.DefaultVersion.Uri.ToString ().Substring (7)); if (!f.Exists) continue; //if (++i > 2) break; Console.WriteLine ("Found photo " + p.Path + ", thumb " + thumbnail_path); p.Title = f.Name; p.Size = (int)f.Length; p.Format = "JPEG"; database.AddPhoto (p); a.AddPhoto (p); } database.AddAlbum (a); Console.WriteLine ("Album count is now " + database.Albums.Count); server.AddDatabase (database); //server.GetServerInfoNode (); try { server.Start(); } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { Console.WriteLine ("Server socket exception!"); server.Port = 0; server.Start(); } //DaapPlugin.ServerEnabledSchema.Set (true); // if(!initial_db_committed) { server.Commit(); // initial_db_committed = true; // } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Failed starting dpap server \n{0}", e); } }
public Stream StreamPhoto(Photo photo, out long length) { return(StreamPhoto(photo, -1, out length)); }
public void DownloadPhoto(Photo photo, string dest) { /* BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter (File.Open (dest, FileMode.Create)); * MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream (); * try { * long len; * using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader (StreamPhoto (photo, out len))) { * int count = 0; * byte [] buf = new byte [chunk_length]; * * // Skip the header * //count = reader.Read (buf,0,89); * * //if (count < 89) * // count+=reader.Read (buf,0,89-count); * * while (true) { * buf = reader.ReadBytes (8192); * if (buf.Length == 0) * break; * * data.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length); * //Console.Write (buf.); * } * */ /* do { * count = reader.Read (buf, 0, chunk_length); * writer.Write (buf, 0, count); * data.Write (buf, 0, count); * } while (count != 0); */ /*data.Flush (); * * ContentNode node = ContentParser.Parse (client.Bag, data.GetBuffer ()); * node.Dump (); * reader.Close (); * * } * } finally { * data.Close (); * * writer.Close (); * }*/ // maybe use FetchResponse to get a stream and feed it to pixbuf? byte [] photos_data = client.Fetcher.Fetch(String.Format("/databases/{0}/items", id), String.Format("meta=dpap.thumb,dpap.filedata&query=('dmap.itemid:{0}')", photo.Id)); ContentNode node = ContentParser.Parse(client.Bag, photos_data); // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("About to dump the photo!"); node.Dump(); ContentNode filedata_node = node.GetChild("dpap.filedata"); Console.WriteLine("Photo starts at index " + filedata_node.Value); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(dest, FileMode.Create)); int count = 0; int off = System.Int32.Parse(filedata_node.Value.ToString()); byte [] photo_buf; MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(); writer.Write(photos_data, (int)off, (int)photos_data.Length - off); data.Position = 0; // Gdk.Pixbuf pb = new Gdk.Pixbuf (data); data.Close(); Console.Write("Written " + count + " out of " + (photos_data.Length - off)); }
private HttpWebResponse FetchPhoto(Photo photo, long offset) { return(client.Fetcher.FetchResponse(String.Format("/databases/{0}/items", id), offset, String.Format("meta=dpap.filedata&query=('dmap.itemid:{0}')", photo.Id), null, 1, true)); }
public PhotoArgs(Photo photo) { = photo; }
private void RefreshAlbums(string revquery) { byte [] albums_data; try { albums_data = client.Fetcher.Fetch(String.Format("/databases/{0}/containers", id), "meta=dpap.aspectratio,dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dpap.imagefilename,dpap.imagefilesize,dpap.creationdate,dpap.imagepixelwidth,dpap.imagepixelheight,dpap.imageformat,dpap.imagerating,dpap.imagecomments,dpap.imagelargefilesize&type=photo"); } catch (WebException) { return; } ContentNode albums_node = ContentParser.Parse(client.Bag, albums_data); // DEBUG data albums_node.Dump(); Console.WriteLine("after dump!"); if (IsUpdateResponse(albums_node)) { return; } // handle album additions/changes ArrayList plids = new ArrayList(); if (albums_node.GetChild("dmap.listing") == null) { return; } foreach (ContentNode albumNode in (ContentNode [])albums_node.GetChild("dmap.listing").Value) { // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("foreach loop"); Album pl = Album.FromNode(albumNode); if (pl != null) { plids.Add(pl.Id); Album existing = LookupAlbumById(pl.Id); if (existing == null) { AddAlbum(pl); } else { existing.Update(pl); } } } // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("delete albums that don't exist"); // delete albums that no longer exist foreach (Album pl in new List <Album> (albums)) { if (!plids.Contains(pl.Id)) { RemoveAlbum(pl); } } plids = null; // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Add/remove photos in the albums"); // add/remove photos in the albums foreach (Album pl in albums) { byte [] album_photos_data = client.Fetcher.Fetch(String.Format("/databases/{0}/containers/{1}/items", id, pl.Id), "meta=dpap.aspectratio,dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dpap.imagefilename,dpap.imagefilesize,dpap.creationdate,dpap.imagepixelwidth,dpap.imagepixelheight,dpap.imageformat,dpap.imagerating,dpap.imagecomments,dpap.imagelargefilesize&type=photo"); ContentNode album_photos_node = ContentParser.Parse(client.Bag, album_photos_data); if (IsUpdateResponse(album_photos_node)) { return; } if ((byte)album_photos_node.GetChild("dmap.updatetype").Value == 1) { // handle album photo deletions ContentNode delete_list = album_photos_node.GetChild("dmap.deletedidlisting"); if (delete_list != null) { foreach (ContentNode deleted in (ContentNode [])delete_list.Value) { int index = pl.LookupIndexByContainerId((int)deleted.Value); if (index < 0) { continue; } pl.RemoveAt(index); } } } // add new photos, or reorder existing ones int plindex = 0; foreach (ContentNode pl_photo_node in (ContentNode [])album_photos_node.GetChild("dmap.listing").Value) { Photo plphoto = null; int container_id = 0; Photo.FromAlbumNode(this, pl_photo_node, out plphoto, out container_id); if (pl [plindex] != null && pl.GetContainerId(plindex) != container_id) { pl.RemoveAt(plindex); pl.InsertPhoto(plindex, plphoto, container_id); } else if (pl [plindex] == null) { pl.InsertPhoto(plindex, plphoto, container_id); } plindex++; } } }
private void StartServer() { Console.WriteLine("Starting DPAP server"); DPAP.Database database = new DPAP.Database("DPAP"); DPAP.Server server = new Server(System.Environment.UserName.ToString() + " f-spot photos"); server.Port = 8770; server.AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.None; int collision_count = 0; server.Collision += delegate { server.Name = System.Environment.UserName.ToString() + " f-spot photos" + "[" + ++collision_count + "]"; }; //FSpot.Photo photo = (FSpot.Photo) Core.Database.Photos.Get (1); try { Album a = new Album("test album"); Tag t = Core.Database.Tags.GetTagByName("Shared items"); Tag [] tags = { t }; FSpot.Photo [] photos = Core.Database.Photos.Query(tags); int i = 0; foreach (FSpot.Photo photo in photos) { string thumbnail_path = ThumbnailGenerator.ThumbnailPath(photo.DefaultVersionUri); FileInfo f = new FileInfo(thumbnail_path); DPAP.Photo p = new DPAP.Photo(); p.FileName = photo.Name; p.Thumbnail = thumbnail_path; p.ThumbSize = (int)f.Length; p.Path = photo.DefaultVersionUri.ToString().Substring(7); f = new FileInfo(photo.DefaultVersionUri.ToString().Substring(7)); if (!f.Exists) { continue; } //if (++i > 2) break; Console.WriteLine("Found photo " + p.Path + ", thumb " + thumbnail_path); p.Title = f.Name; p.Size = (int)f.Length; p.Format = "JPEG"; database.AddPhoto(p); a.AddPhoto(p); } database.AddAlbum(a); Console.WriteLine("Album count is now " + database.Albums.Count); server.AddDatabase(database); //server.GetServerInfoNode (); try { server.Start(); } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { Console.WriteLine("Server socket exception!"); server.Port = 0; server.Start(); } //DaapPlugin.ServerEnabledSchema.Set (true); // if(!initial_db_committed) { server.Commit(); // initial_db_committed = true; // } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed starting dpap server \n{0}", e); } }
internal bool OnHandleRequest(Socket client, string username, string path, NameValueCollection query, int range) { string photoQuery; if (query ["query"] != null) { photoQuery = query ["query"]; } else { photoQuery = ""; } int session = 0; if (query ["session-id"] != null) { session = Int32.Parse(query ["session-id"]); } /* if (!sessions.ContainsKey (session) && path != "/server-info" && path != "/content-codes" && * path != "/login") { * ws.WriteResponse (client, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "invalid session id"); * return true; * } */ if (session != 0) { sessions [session].LastActionTime = DateTime.Now; } int clientRev = 0; if (query ["revision-number"] != null) { clientRev = Int32.Parse(query ["revision-number"]); } int delta = 0; if (query ["delta"] != null) { delta = Int32.Parse(query ["delta"]); } // DEBUG data Console.WriteLine("Before returning resources for path " + path + ", meta " + query ["meta"] + " query " + photoQuery); if (dbItemsRegex.IsMatch(path)) //&& photoQuery.Length==0 { Console.WriteLine("\tThis is a database/items request!"); } if (path == "/server-info") { ws.WriteResponse(client, GetServerInfoNode()); } else if (path == "/content-codes") { ws.WriteResponse(client, ContentCodeBag.Default.ToNode()); } else if (path == "/login") { ExpireSessions(); if (maxUsers > 0 && sessions.Count + 1 > maxUsers) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, "too many users"); return(true); } session = random.Next(); User user = new User(DateTime.Now, (client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address, username); lock (sessions) { sessions [session] = user; } ws.WriteResponse(client, GetLoginNode(session)); OnUserLogin(user); } else if (path == "/logout") { Console.WriteLine("logout!"); User user = sessions [session]; lock (sessions) { sessions.Remove(session); } ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.OK, new byte [0]); OnUserLogout(user); return(false); } else if (path == "/databases") { Console.WriteLine("path==/databases"); ws.WriteResponse(client, GetDatabasesNode()); } else if (dbItemsRegex.IsMatch(path) && photoQuery.Length == 0) //&& !dbPhotoRegex.IsMatch (query ["query"])) { { Console.WriteLine("dbItemsRegex, query=" + query ["query"] + " meta=" + query ["meta"]); int dbid = Int32.Parse(dbItemsRegex.Match(path).Groups [1].Value); Database curdb = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev, dbid); if (curdb == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid database id"); return(true); } ArrayList deletedIds = new ArrayList(); if (delta > 0) { Database olddb = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev - delta, dbid); if (olddb != null) { foreach (Photo photo in olddb.Photos) { if (curdb.LookupPhotoById(photo.Id) == null) { deletedIds.Add(photo.Id); } } } } ContentNode node = curdb.ToPhotosNode(query ["meta"].Split(','), (int [])deletedIds.ToArray(typeof(int))); ws.WriteResponse(client, node); } else if (dbPhotoRegex.IsMatch(photoQuery)) { Console.WriteLine("dbPhotoRegex"); Console.WriteLine("dbPhotosRegex, query=" + query ["query"] + " meta=" + query ["meta"]); string [] photoIds = query ["query"].Split(','); Match match = dbPhotoRegex0.Match(path); int dbid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups [1].Value); int photoid = 0; //match = dbPhotoRegex.Match (photoQuery); Database db = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev, dbid); if (db == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid database id"); return(true); } ArrayList photoNodes = new ArrayList(); Photo photo = db.LookupPhotoById(1); foreach (string photoId in photoIds) { match = dbPhotoRegex.Match(photoId); photoid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups [1].Value); photo = db.LookupPhotoById(photoid); photoNodes.Add(photo.ToFileData(query ["meta"].Contains("dpap.thumb"))); // DEBUG //Console.WriteLine ("Requested photo id=" + photoid); } ArrayList children = new ArrayList(); children.Add(new ContentNode("dmap.status", 200)); children.Add(new ContentNode("dmap.updatetype", (byte)0)); children.Add(new ContentNode("dmap.specifiedtotalcount", 2)); children.Add(new ContentNode("dmap.returnedcount", 2)); children.Add(new ContentNode("dmap.listing", photoNodes)); ContentNode dbsongs = new ContentNode("dpap.databasesongs", children); if (photo == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid photo id"); return(true); } try { try { if (PhotoRequested != null) { PhotoRequested(this, new PhotoRequestedArgs(username, (client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address, db, photo)); } } catch {} if (photo.FileName != null) { // DEBUG //Console.WriteLine ("photo.Filename != null" + query ["meta"].Split (',') [0]); //ContentNode node = photo.ToFileData (); //node.Dump (); ws.WriteResponse(client, dbsongs); } else if (db.Client != null) { Console.WriteLine("db.Client != null"); long photoLength = 0; Stream photoStream = db.StreamPhoto(photo, out photoLength); try { ws.WriteResponseStream(client, photoStream, photoLength); } catch (IOException) { Console.WriteLine("IOException!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Else - internal error"); ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "no file"); } } finally { // commented out because it breaks the connection after sending a hires photo // client.Close() } } else if (dbContainersRegex.IsMatch(path)) { int dbid = Int32.Parse(dbContainersRegex.Match(path).Groups [1].Value); Database db = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev, dbid); if (db == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid database id"); return(true); } ws.WriteResponse(client, db.ToAlbumsNode()); } else if (dbContainerItemsRegex.IsMatch(path)) { // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("ContainerItems ! path=" + path); Match match = dbContainerItemsRegex.Match(path); int dbid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups [1].Value); int plid = Int32.Parse(match.Groups [2].Value); Database curdb = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev, dbid); if (curdb == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid database id"); return(true); } Album curpl = curdb.LookupAlbumById(plid); if (curdb == null) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "invalid playlist id"); return(true); } // DEBUG Console.WriteLine("db and album ready!"); ArrayList deletedIds = new ArrayList(); if (delta > 0) { Database olddb = revmgr.GetDatabase(clientRev - delta, dbid); if (olddb != null) { Album oldpl = olddb.LookupAlbumById(plid); if (oldpl != null) { IList <Photo> oldplPhotos = oldpl.Photos; for (int i = 0; i < oldplPhotos.Count; i++) { int id = oldpl.GetContainerId(i); if (curpl.LookupIndexByContainerId(id) < 0) { deletedIds.Add(id); } } } } } Console.WriteLine("About to send response... meta=" + query["meta"]); curpl.ToPhotosNode(query ["meta"].Split(',')).Dump(); ws.WriteResponse(client, curpl.ToPhotosNode(query ["meta"].Split(','))); //, (int []) deletedIds.ToArray (typeof (int)))); } else if (path == "/update") { int retrev; lock (revmgr) { // if they have the current revision, wait for a change if (clientRev == revmgr.Current) { Monitor.Wait(revmgr); } retrev = revmgr.Current; } if (!running) { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "server has been stopped"); } else { ws.WriteResponse(client, GetUpdateNode(retrev)); } } else { ws.WriteResponse(client, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "GO AWAY"); } return(true); }