Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance object. This shouldn't be used directly - Please use WorldMgr.CreateInstance
        /// to create an instance.
        /// </summary>
        public BaseInstance(ushort ID, GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData data) : base(time, data)
            this.ID = ID;
            Skin    = data.Id;

            // Notify we've created an instance.
            log.Warn($"An instance is created! {Name}, RegionID: {ID}, SkinID: {Skin}");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance object. This shouldn't be used directly - Please use WorldMgr.CreateInstance
        /// to create an instance.
        /// </summary>
        public BaseInstance(ushort ID, GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData data) : base(time, data)
            m_regionID = ID;
            m_skinID   = data.Id;

            //Notify we've created an instance.
            log.Warn("An instance is created! " + Name + ", RegionID: " + ID + ", SkinID: " + Skin);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// AdventureWingInstance Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public AdventureWingInstance(ushort ID, GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData dat)
     : base(ID, time, dat)
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance object. This shouldn't be used directly - Please use WorldMgr.CreateInstance
 /// to create an instance.
 /// </summary>
 public Instance(ushort ID, GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData data) : base(ID, time, data)
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// RegionInstance Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player"></param>
 public RegionInstance(ushort ID, GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData dat)
     : base(ID, time, dat)
     m_players_in     = new List <GamePlayer>();
     DestroyWhenEmpty = false;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new empty Region
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time manager for this region</param>
        /// <param name="data">The region data</param>
        public Region(GameTimer.TimeManager time, RegionData data)
            m_regionData = data;
            m_objects = new GameObject[0];
            m_objectsInRegion = 0;
            m_nextObjectSlot = 0;
            m_objectsAllocatedSlots = new uint[0];

            m_graveStones = new Hashtable();

            m_zones = new ReaderWriterList<Zone>(1);
            m_ZoneAreas = new ushort[64][];
            m_ZoneAreasCount = new ushort[64];
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                m_ZoneAreas[i] = new ushort[AbstractArea.MAX_AREAS_PER_ZONE];

            m_Areas = new Dictionary<ushort, IArea>();

            m_timeManager = time;

            List<string> list = null;

            if (ServerProperties.Properties.DEBUG_LOAD_REGIONS != string.Empty)
                list = ServerProperties.Properties.DEBUG_LOAD_REGIONS.SplitCSV(true);

            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                m_loadObjects = false;

                foreach (string region in list)
                    if (region.ToString() == ID.ToString())
                        m_loadObjects = true;

            list = ServerProperties.Properties.DISABLED_REGIONS.SplitCSV(true);
            foreach (string region in list)
                if (region.ToString() == ID.ToString())
                    m_isDisabled = true;

            list = ServerProperties.Properties.DISABLED_EXPANSIONS.SplitCSV(true);
            foreach (string expansion in list)
                if (expansion.ToString() == m_regionData.Expansion.ToString())
                    m_isDisabled = true;
Пример #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the most important things that is needed for some code
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="regionsData">The loaded regions data</param>
		public static bool EarlyInit(out RegionData[] regionsData)
			log.Debug(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1024 / 1024 + "MB - World Manager: EarlyInit");

			lock (m_regions.SyncRoot)
			lock (m_zones.SyncRoot)

			//If the files are missing this method
			//creates the default values
			XMLConfigFile zoneCfg = XMLConfigFile.ParseXMLFile(new FileInfo(GameServer.Instance.Configuration.ZoneConfigFile)); ;
			XMLConfigFile regionCfg = XMLConfigFile.ParseXMLFile(new FileInfo(GameServer.Instance.Configuration.RegionConfigFile));

			if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
				log.Debug(string.Format("{0} blocks read from {1}", regionCfg.Children.Count, GameServer.Instance.Configuration.RegionConfigFile));
				log.Debug(string.Format("{0} blocks read from {1}", zoneCfg.Children.Count, GameServer.Instance.Configuration.ZoneConfigFile));

			#region Instances

			//Dinberg: We now need to save regionData, indexed by regionID, for instances.
			//The information generated here is oddly ordered by number of mbos in the region,
			//so I'm contriving to generate this list myself.
			m_regionData = new Hashtable();

			//We also will need to store zones, because we need at least one zone per region - hence
			//we will create zones inside our instances or the player gets banned by anti-telehack scripts.
			m_zonesData = new Dictionary<ushort, List<ZoneData>>();



			// sort the regions by mob count

			log.Debug("loading mobs from DB...");

			var mobList = new List<Mob>();
			if (ServerProperties.Properties.DEBUG_LOAD_REGIONS != string.Empty)
				foreach (string loadRegion in ServerProperties.Properties.DEBUG_LOAD_REGIONS.SplitCSV(true))
					mobList.AddRange(GameServer.Database.SelectObjects<Mob>("region = " + loadRegion));

			var mobsByRegionId = new Dictionary<ushort, List<Mob>>(512);
			foreach (Mob mob in mobList)
				List<Mob> list;

				if (!mobsByRegionId.TryGetValue(mob.Region, out list))
					list = new List<Mob>(1024);
					mobsByRegionId.Add(mob.Region, list);


			if (GameServer.Database.GetObjectCount<DBRegions>() < regionCfg.Children.Count)
				foreach (var entry in regionCfg.Children)
					ConfigElement config = entry.Value;

					DBRegions dbRegion = GameServer.Database.FindObjectByKey<DBRegions>(config[ENTRY_REG_ID].GetInt());
					if (dbRegion == null)
						dbRegion = new DBRegions();

						dbRegion.RegionID = (ushort)config[ENTRY_REG_ID].GetInt();
						dbRegion.Name = entry.Key;
						dbRegion.Description = config[ENTRY_REG_DESC].GetString();
						dbRegion.IP = config[ENTRY_REG_IP].GetString();
						dbRegion.Port = (ushort)config[ENTRY_REG_PORT].GetInt();
						dbRegion.Expansion = config[ENTRY_REG_EXPANSION].GetInt();
						dbRegion.HousingEnabled = config[ENTRY_REG_HOUSING_ENABLE].GetBoolean(false);
						dbRegion.DivingEnabled = config[ENTRY_REG_DIVING_ENABLE].GetBoolean(false);
						dbRegion.WaterLevel = config[ENTRY_REG_WATER_LEVEL].GetInt();

						log.Debug(string.Format("Region {0} was not found in the database. Added!", dbRegion.RegionID));

			bool hasFrontierRegion = false;

			var regions = new List<RegionData>(512);
			foreach (DBRegions dbRegion in GameServer.Database.SelectAllObjects<DBRegions>())
				RegionData data = new RegionData();

				data.Id = dbRegion.RegionID;
				data.Name = dbRegion.Name;
				data.Description = dbRegion.Description;
				data.Ip = dbRegion.IP;
				data.Port = dbRegion.Port;
				data.Expansion = dbRegion.Expansion;
				data.HousingEnabled = dbRegion.HousingEnabled;
				data.DivingEnabled = dbRegion.DivingEnabled;
				data.WaterLevel = dbRegion.WaterLevel;
				data.ClassType = dbRegion.ClassType;
				data.IsFrontier = dbRegion.IsFrontier;

				if (data.IsFrontier)
					hasFrontierRegion = true;

				List<Mob> mobs;

				if (!mobsByRegionId.TryGetValue(data.Id, out mobs))
					data.Mobs = new Mob[0];
					data.Mobs = mobs.ToArray();


				//Dinberg - save the data by ID.
				if (m_regionData.ContainsKey(data.Id))
					log.Error("Duplicate key in region table - " + data.Id + ", EarlyInit in WorldMgr failed.");
					m_regionData.Add(data.Id, data);


			log.Debug(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1024 / 1024 + "MB - Region Data Loaded");

			int cpuCount = GameServer.Instance.Configuration.CpuCount;
			if (cpuCount < 1)
				cpuCount = 1;

			GameTimer.TimeManager[] timers = new GameTimer.TimeManager[cpuCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++)
				timers[i] = new GameTimer.TimeManager("RegionTime" + (i + 1).ToString());

			m_regionTimeManagers = timers;

			for (int i = 0; i < regions.Count; i++)
				RegionData region = (RegionData)regions[i];
				RegisterRegion(timers[FastMath.Abs(i % (cpuCount * 2) - cpuCount) % cpuCount], region);

			log.Debug(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1024 / 1024 + "MB - " + m_regions.Count + " Regions Loaded");

			// if we don't have at least one frontier region add the default
			if (hasFrontierRegion == false)
				if (m_regions.ContainsKey((ushort)Keeps.DefaultKeepManager.DEFAULT_FRONTIERS_REGION))
					((Region)m_regions[(ushort)Keeps.DefaultKeepManager.DEFAULT_FRONTIERS_REGION]).IsFrontier = true;
					log.ErrorFormat("Can't find default Frontier region {0}!", Keeps.DefaultKeepManager.DEFAULT_FRONTIERS_REGION);

			//stephenxpimentel - changed to SQL.
			if (GameServer.Database.GetObjectCount<Zones>() < zoneCfg.Children.Count)
				foreach (var entry in zoneCfg.Children)
					//string name = (string) entry.Key;
					ConfigElement config = entry.Value;

					Zones checkZone = GameServer.Database.FindObjectByKey<Zones>(config[ENTRY_ZONE_ZONEID].GetInt());
					if (checkZone == null)
						Zones dbZone = new Zones();
						dbZone.Height = config[ENTRY_ZONE_HEIGHT].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.Width = config[ENTRY_ZONE_WIDTH].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.OffsetY = config[ENTRY_ZONE_OFFY].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.OffsetX = config[ENTRY_ZONE_OFFX].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.Name = config[ENTRY_ZONE_DESC].GetString("");
						dbZone.RegionID = (ushort)config[ENTRY_ZONE_REGIONID].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.ZoneID = config[ENTRY_ZONE_ZONEID].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.WaterLevel = config[ENTRY_ZONE_WATER_LEVEL].GetInt(0);
						dbZone.DivingFlag = 0;

						if (config[ENTRY_ZONE_LAVA].GetInt(0) != 0)
							dbZone.IsLava = true;
							dbZone.IsLava = false;

						log.Debug(string.Format("Zone {0} was not found in the database. Added!", dbZone.ZoneID));

			foreach (Zones dbZone in GameServer.Database.SelectAllObjects<Zones>())
				ZoneData zoneData = new ZoneData();
				zoneData.Height = (byte)dbZone.Height;
				zoneData.Width = (byte)dbZone.Width;
				zoneData.OffY = (byte)dbZone.OffsetY;
				zoneData.OffX = (byte)dbZone.OffsetX;
				zoneData.Description = dbZone.Name;
				zoneData.RegionID = dbZone.RegionID;
				zoneData.ZoneID = (ushort)dbZone.ZoneID;
				zoneData.WaterLevel = dbZone.WaterLevel;
				zoneData.DivingFlag = dbZone.DivingFlag;
				zoneData.IsLava = dbZone.IsLava;
				RegisterZone(zoneData, zoneData.ZoneID, zoneData.RegionID, zoneData.Description,
							 dbZone.Experience, dbZone.Realmpoints, dbZone.Bountypoints, dbZone.Coin, dbZone.Realm);

				//Save the zonedata.
				if (!m_zonesData.ContainsKey(zoneData.RegionID))
					m_zonesData.Add(zoneData.RegionID, new List<ZoneData>());


			log.Debug(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / 1024 / 1024 + "MB - Zones Loaded for All Regions");

			regionsData = regions.ToArray();
			return true;