private void btnSave_Notes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string file_name_sz = ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).HomeFolder + Environment.MachineName + "\\sznotes.csv"; StreamWriter sw; if (File.Exists(file_name_sz)) { sw = new StreamWriter(file_name_sz, true); } else { sw = new StreamWriter(file_name_sz, true); sw.WriteLine("start_time, end_time, channel, Event"); } Int64 unixTimestamp = (Int64)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds; string txt1 = unixTimestamp.ToString() + "," + "," + "," + "physician's note: " + textBox1.Text; sw.WriteLine(txt1); //write the text. sw.Close(); CustomMsgBox.Show("Note Saved!\nClick OK to continue.", "", "OK"); textBox1.Clear(); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).ToggleOSK(false); }
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnStart.Text = "Impedance Test Running..."; SetbtnStartEnable(false); DialogResult dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Sensing and stimulation will be temporarily stopped while the impedance test is performed.\n" + "Do you want to continue?", "Start Impedance Test", "Yes", "No"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { SetbtnStopEnable(true); ImpedanceRun_Thread = new Thread(() => { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartTestingImpedance(this); }); ImpedanceRun_Thread.Start(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { Console.WriteLine("The Impedance test is rejected by user."); //To avoid cross-threading issue. this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { SetbtnStartEnable(true); btnStart.Text = "Start Impedance Test"; SetbtnStopEnable(false); }); } }
public StimulationParamForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent) { InitializeComponent(); this.pnl = panel1; this.MdiParent = parent; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).stimParamForm = this; // read setting and identify current state ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).ReadStimulationSettingsFile(); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).UpdateStimSettingsFile(this); // When reading setting for the first time - make sure they are correct if (!(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StimSettingsCheck(this))) { Console.WriteLine("Stimulation setting are NOT valid!\nStimulation is turned OFF!"); CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation setting are NOT valid!\nStimulation is turned OFF!", "Error", "OK"); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetStimMode = 0; } ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges; ConnectionChanges(this, null); }
private void BbtnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nApplying new settings is currently not possible.", "Error", "OK"); } else { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StimSettingsCheck(this)) { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteStimulationSettingsFile()) { this.Setlabel_settingsTimeText("Setting successfully saved: " + String.Format("{0:G}", DateTime.Now)); } // ask if to start or test stim DialogResult dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Settings are saved!\nWould you like to start stimulation with current settings or\ntest current stimulation settings?", "Apply Stimulation Settings", "Start Stimulation", "Test Stimulation", "Done"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) // Test Stimulation { stimTest = new StimTest((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent); stimTest.ShowDialog(); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) // Start Stimulation { new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStim(this)).Start(); } } } }
public Read(string file) { string[] pieces; fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file); // read all lines if (lines == null || lines.Length < 2) { return; //no data in file } header = lines[0].Split(','); //first line is header nLines = lines.Length - 1; //first line is header nColumns = header.Length; //read the numerical data and section name from the file data = new float[nLines, nColumns - 1]; // *** 1 less than nColumns as last col is sectionName section = new string[nLines]; // *** for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { pieces = lines[i + 1].Split(','); // first line is header if (pieces.Length != nColumns) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Invalid data at line " + (i + 2) + " of file " + fileName, "Invalid data", "OK"); return; } for (int j = 0; j < nColumns - 1; j++) { float.TryParse(pieces[j], out data[i, j]); //data[i, j] = float.Parse(pieces[j]); } section[i] = pieces[nColumns - 1]; //last item is section } }
//btn_Login Click event private void Button_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox_Password.Text == "") { CustomMsgBox.Show("Please enter Password!", "Error", "OK"); return; } else { if (User == "Patient" && VerifyPassword(textBox_Password.Text, patientPass, patientSalt)) { ///Run Patient Screen Patient PatientScreen = null; foreach (Form childForm in this.MdiParent.MdiChildren) { if (childForm.Name == "Patient") { PatientScreen = (Patient)childForm; } } if (PatientScreen == null) { PatientScreen = new Patient() { MdiParent = this.MdiParent }; } PatientScreen.Show(); logingclick = true; this.Close(); } else if (User == "Physician" && VerifyPassword(textBox_Password.Text, physicianPass, physicianSalt)) { ///Run Physician Screen Physician PhysiciantScreen = null; foreach (Form childForm in this.MdiParent.MdiChildren) { if (childForm.Name == "Physician") { PhysiciantScreen = (Physician)childForm; } } if (PhysiciantScreen == null) { PhysiciantScreen = new Physician() { MdiParent = this.MdiParent }; } PhysiciantScreen.Show(); logingclick = true; this.Close(); } else { CustomMsgBox.Show("Login Failed!", "Error", "OK"); } } }
private void btn_ConfigurationLDA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btn_ConfigurationLDA.Text = "Applying.."; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled = false; //First check if the channels selected are different. If same, then show the message and stop implementing the rest of the code. lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text = ""; if (cmb_Input1_channels.SelectedIndex == cmb_Input2_channels.SelectedIndex) { lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; CustomMsgBox.Show("Input channels must be different.\n" + "Please select different channel for Input 2.", "Error", "OK"); lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text = "Apply Settings Failed"; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Text = "Apply Settings"; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled = true; return; } //To restrict the user from passing lower frequncies greater than higher frequencies. if ((numericUpDownInput1LowBand1.Value >= numericUpDownInput1HighBand1.Value) || (numericUpDownInput1LowBand2.Value >= numericUpDownInput1HighBand2.Value) || (numericUpDownInput2LowBand1.Value >= numericUpDownInput2HighBand1.Value) || (numericUpDownInput2LowBand2.Value >= numericUpDownInput2HighBand2.Value)) { lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; CustomMsgBox.Show("High limits for frequency bands must be greater than low limits.\n" + "Please check frequency settings and try again.", "Error", "OK"); lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text = "Apply Settings Failed"; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Text = "Apply Settings"; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled = true; return; } if (chkBox_SaveFftData.Checked) { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).fft_check_status = true; } else { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).fft_check_status = false; } var time = DateTime.Now; string formattedTime = time.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt"); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_LDA_config = true; //Started LDA configuration..Change flag to true. ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(0, 0, "Off"); // stop all ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CopyLDAConfigurationFromUI(this); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteLDASettingsFile(this); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).ReadLDAConfigurationFile(); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStreamingMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CurrState); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_LDA_config = false; //finished the LDA configuration. Change flag to false. ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).UpdateBands_LDA(this); // write settings file again, this time with updated bands ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteLDASettingsFile(this); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.ForeColor = Color.Blue; lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text = "Settings applied successfully at: " + formattedTime; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Text = "Apply Settings"; btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled = true; }
private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (!stopTest) { SettextBox1Text("*- Completed Test For All Settings -*"); if (mdiParent.GetStimMode == 1) { SettextBox1Text("Setting back to Default settings.."); // set to default new Thread(() => mdiParent.StartStreaming(1, mdiParent.GetStreamingMode, "Default")).Start(); } else // stimMode == 0 { DialogResult dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("All stimulation settings were tested and verified!\n" + "Please confirm starting Stimulation with curent Settings", "Stimulation Settings", "Start Stimulation", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { new Thread(() => mdiParent.StartStim(null)).Start(); SettimeLeftText("*- Applied Stimulation Settings. -*"); SettimeLeftText("*- Stimulation is ON -*"); } else { SettextBox1Text("Turning off stimulation.."); // stim off new Thread(() => mdiParent.StartStreaming(0, mdiParent.GetStreamingMode, "Off")).Start(); } } } else { SettextBox1Text("*- Stopped Test -*"); if (mdiParent.GetStimMode == 1) { SettextBox1Text("Setting back to Default settings.."); // set to default new Thread(() => mdiParent.StartStreaming(1, mdiParent.GetStreamingMode, "Default")).Start(); } else // stimMode == 0 { SettextBox1Text("Turning off stimulation.."); // stim off new Thread(() => mdiParent.StartStreaming(0, mdiParent.GetStreamingMode, "Off")).Start(); } } SettextBox1Text("*- Test Done -*"); SettimeLeftText("*- Test Done -*"); btnStop_testStim.Text = "Close Window"; Console.WriteLine("Stimulation setting test ended"); }
private void CloseApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("If the program is terminated EEG sensing and dynamic stimulation adjustments will be halted. \n" + "Please confirm closing the Application", "Close Application", "Close Application", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CloseEnv(); System.Environment.Exit(1); } }
private void btnStart_App_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /// DialogResult dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("If the program is terminated EEG sensing and dynamic stimulation adjustments will be halted. \n" + "Please confirm restarting the Application", "Restart Application", "Restart Application", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CloseEnv(); Application.Restart(); } }
private void InputBox_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { TextBox currentb = (TextBox)sender; if (currentb.Text == "") { CustomMsgBox.Show("Field can not be empty", "Error", "OK"); e.Cancel = true; } else if (!(int.TryParse(currentb.Text, out int res))) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Field should be a number", "Error", "OK"); e.Cancel = true; }
private void stopStim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult; Stopstimtimer.Interval = timersInterval; Stopstimtimer.Tick += Stopstimtimer_Tick; Stopstimtimer.Start(); stopStim.Enabled = false; if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).TheSummit == null || (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).TheSummit.IsDisposed)) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nStop Stimulation is currently not possible.", "Error", "OK"); } else { // stop stimulation if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetIsStiming == 1) { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode == 1) { dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation will be stopped.\n\n" + "Stimulation should be stopped for patient safety reasons only" , "Stop Stimulation", "Stop Stimulation", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StopStim(null)).Start(); } } else // STIMULATION IS ON BUT WE DONT WANT TO STIM { Console.WriteLine("We don't want to stim...\nStimulation is ON but stimMode is 0!\n"); new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StopStim(null)).Start(); } } else { // stimulation is off but we want to stim if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Stimulation is OFF but stimMode is 1!\n"); new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStim(null)).Start(); } else { dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation is currently off.\n", "", "OK"); } } } }
private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check if channel specifications are valid for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (channelMinusBox[i].Text.Equals(channelPlusBox[i].Text)) { String message_to_show = "Channel number " + i + " electrode specification is invalid, please fix and try again."; CustomMsgBox.Show(message_to_show, "Error", "OK"); return; } } // write new setting file ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteSettingsFile(this); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); // get current settings to update in GUI ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).ReadSettingsFile(); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).UpdateSensingSettingsFile(this); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nNew settings is will be applied when harware will connect successfuly!", "Error", "OK"); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).EndCurrentRecording(true); // closes existing MEF files } else { SetbtnApplyEnable(false); new Thread(() => { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_sensing = true; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(0, 0, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CurrState); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); // give streaming time to stop before closing MEF files ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).EndCurrentRecording(true); // closes existing MEF files ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStreamingMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CurrState); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_sensing = false; }).Start(); // update LDA form and re-write LDA settings files ((Physician)(this.physician_parent_form)).updateLDAform(null, null); SetbtnApplyEnable(true); } }
private void BtnStart_Stimulation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nStart Stimulation is currently not possible.", "Error", "OK"); } else { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StimSettingsCheck(this)) { SetbtnStart_StimulationEnable(false); new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStim(this)).Start(); } } }
private void BtnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nTesting new settings is currently not possible.", "Error", "OK"); } else { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StimSettingsCheck(this)) { stimTest = new StimTest((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent); stimTest.ShowDialog(); } } }
public static DialogResult Show(string Text, string Caption, string btnOK) { MsgBox = new CustomMsgBox(); MsgBox.label1.Text = Text; System.Media.SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); MsgBox.button1.Visible = false; MsgBox.button2.Visible = false; MsgBox.button3.Visible = true; MsgBox.button3.Text = btnOK; MsgBox.Text = Caption; result = DialogResult.Cancel; MsgBox.ShowDialog(); return(result); }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // input check if (comboBox_Medication.Text.Equals("Medication") || comboBox_Medication.Text.Equals("") || comboBox_Dosage.Text.Equals("Dosage")) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Please select Medication and Dosage!", "Error", "OK"); return; } // write to annotations file string file_name_sz = ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).HomeFolder + Environment.MachineName + "\\sznotes.csv"; StreamWriter sw; if (File.Exists(file_name_sz)) { sw = new StreamWriter(file_name_sz, true); } else { sw = new StreamWriter(file_name_sz, true); sw.WriteLine("start_time, end_time, channel, Event"); } Int64 unixTimestamp = (Int64)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds; String medType = SupMed ? "sm" : "rm"; string medType_name; if (medType == "sm") { medType_name = "supplemental medication"; } else { medType_name = "regular medication"; } string txt1 = unixTimestamp.ToString() + "," + "," + "," + medType_name + ": " + comboBox_Medication.Text + " " + comboBox_Dosage.Text; sw.WriteLine(txt1); //write the text. sw.Close(); CustomMsgBox.Show("Logged succesfuly!", "", "OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Error while logging...\n" + ex.Message, "Error", "OK"); } }
private void numericUpDown_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { NumericUpDown currentnup = (NumericUpDown)sender; if (currentnup.Text == "") { CustomMsgBox.Show("Field can not be empty", "Error", "OK"); e.Cancel = true; } else if (currentnup.Value < currentnup.Minimum || currentnup.Value > currentnup.Maximum) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Value is out of range", "Error", "OK"); e.Cancel = true; } else { e.Cancel = false; } }
private void btnStart_Sensing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nStart Sensing is currently not possible.\n\nConnect to Hardware via Program Control tab.", "Error", "OK"); } else { SetbtnStart_SensingEnable(false); new Thread(() => { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetStreamingMode = 1; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_sensing = true; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStreamingMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).CurrState); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_sensing = false; }).Start(); } }
private void safeMode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult; if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).TheSummit == null || (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).TheSummit.IsDisposed)) { CustomMsgBox.Show("Hardware is not connected.\nSafe mode is currently not possible.", "Error", "OK"); } else { // safe mode if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetIsStiming == 1) { if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode == 1) { if (safeMode.Text.Equals("Safe Mode")) { dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation settings will be changed to default.\n\n" + "Safe Mode sets Default stimulation parameters and disables stimulation changes.Use for patient safety reasons only." , "Safe Mode", "Default settings", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { safeMode.Text = "Cancel Safe Mode"; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetSafeMode = true; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteStimulationSettingsFile(); Thread t = new Thread(() => { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_stim = true; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStreamingMode, "Default"); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_stim = false; }); t.Start(); } } else { dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Confirm canceling Safe Mode.\n", "Safe Mode", "Confirm", "Cancel"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { safeMode.Text = "Safe Mode"; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetSafeMode = false; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).WriteStimulationSettingsFile(); Thread t = new Thread(() => { ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_stim = true; ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStreaming(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode, ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStreamingMode, "Default"); ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetDoing_stim = false; }); t.Start(); } } } else // STIMULATION IS ON BUT WE DONT WANT TO STIM { Console.WriteLine("We don't want to stim...\nStimulation is ON but stimMode is 0!\n"); new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StopStim(null)).Start(); } } else { // stimulation is off but we want to stim if (((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetStimMode == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Stimulation is OFF but stimMode is 1!\n"); new Thread(() => ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StartStim(null)).Start(); } else { dialogResult = CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation is currently off.\n", "", "OK"); } } } }