static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Hello !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Bonjour !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Buongiorno !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("¡ Hola !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("¡ Olá !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Guten tag !"); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Hallo !"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("hi, I am Rodriguo, your virtual assistant that will help you to build and keep going every parking you want in your parking gestion !\n (enter)"); PressEnter(); Console.WriteLine("in order to begin, we will do together your first parking, incredible isn't it ?\n (enter)"); PressEnter(); Console.WriteLine("you need a first parking to create new cars, so, let's do it !\n (enter)"); PressEnter(); bool isInteger = false; string collectionSize = "0"; while (!isInteger) { isInteger = true; Console.WriteLine("please choose the size of your first parking : "); collectionSize = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionSize)) { Console.WriteLine($"Error n°2 : the collection can't be unnamed, please enter a name and retry."); isInteger = false; } for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize.Length; i++) { if (collectionSize[i] != '0' && collectionSize[i] != '1' && collectionSize[i] != '2' && collectionSize[i] != '3' && collectionSize[i] != '4' && collectionSize[i] != '5' && collectionSize[i] != '6' && collectionSize[i] != '7' && collectionSize[i] != '8' && collectionSize[i] != '9') { Console.WriteLine("error n°1 : the character you have entered is not an integer, please do not write letters, specials characters, or decimal numbers, and retry."); isInteger = false; break; } if (collectionSize[i] == '0') { Console.WriteLine("error n°4 : the character you have entered is null, and a parking without places simply not exist, please agree to retry :"); isInteger = false; break; } } } int collectionIntSize = Convert.ToInt32(collectionSize); Cars[] carCollection = new Cars[collectionIntSize]; Parking parking1 = new Parking(carCollection, 13, 0); Console.WriteLine("farewell ! you are now ready to go on your own cowboy !\n (enter)"); PressEnter(); Console.Clear(); bool mainLoop = true; string leftSelector = "__"; string rightSelector = " "; string topSelector = " "; string bottomSelector = " "; string secondLeftSelector = "__"; string secondTopSelector = " "; string secondRightSelector = " "; while (mainLoop) { ConsoleKeyInfo select; do { Console.WriteLine($"press enter : -create new car "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" {topSelector} "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" -create new ticket {leftSelector} {rightSelector} -modify tickets "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" {bottomSelector} "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" -modify a car "); Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(parking1)} : "); Console.WriteLine($" -collection : {parking1} "); Console.WriteLine($" "); select = Console.ReadKey(); if (select.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { leftSelector = "__"; rightSelector = " "; topSelector = " "; bottomSelector = " "; } if (select.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { leftSelector = " "; rightSelector = "__"; topSelector = " "; bottomSelector = " "; } if (select.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { leftSelector = " "; rightSelector = " "; topSelector = "|"; bottomSelector = " "; } if (select.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { leftSelector = " "; rightSelector = " "; topSelector = " "; bottomSelector = "|"; } Console.Clear(); } while (select.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter); if (topSelector == "|") { carCollection = parking1.AddCar(); Console.Clear(); } if (bottomSelector == "|") { ConsoleKeyInfo select2; do { Console.WriteLine($"escape -delete car "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" {secondTopSelector} "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" -change car's owner {secondLeftSelector} {secondRightSelector} -how many place left ? "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); select2 = Console.ReadKey(); if (select2.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { secondLeftSelector = "__"; secondTopSelector = " "; secondRightSelector = " "; } if (select2.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { secondLeftSelector = " "; secondTopSelector = "|"; secondRightSelector = " "; } if (select2.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { secondLeftSelector = " "; secondTopSelector = " "; secondRightSelector = "__"; } Console.Clear(); } while (select2.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter && select2.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape); if (select2.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) { if (secondTopSelector == "|") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("so, you have choosen to delete a car ? select the car you want his owner to leave with by writting his position in list(if you don't select, no car will be deleted) : "); Console.WriteLine(parking1); carCollection = parking1.DeleteCar(); } if (secondRightSelector == "__") { Console.WriteLine($"you still have {parking1.HowManyLeftPlaces()} places left, i am coded by indian people so i don't see if it's 0, it is ? \n (enter)"); PressEnter(); if (parking1.HowManyLeftPlaces() == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"wow ! calm down ! you really trusted me ^^ don't worry, in the case where you don't know 0 means no places, i can tell you that you have 0 places so you have no places left. \n (enter)"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"wow ! calm down ! you really trusted me ^^ don't worry, in the case where you don't know 0 means no places, i can tell you that you still have more than 0 places, so you have still places, that's it. \n (enter)"); } PressEnter(); } } Console.Clear(); } } }
public Ticket(Cars carReference, DateTime ticketBought) { _carReference = carReference; _ticketBought = ticketBought; }