public override void Load() { instance = this; tremorLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("Tremor") != null; thoriumLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("ThoriumMod") != null; enigmaLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("Laugicality") != null; battlerodsLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("UnuBattleRods") != null; MyPlayer.KaiokenKey = RegisterHotKey("Kaioken", "J"); MyPlayer.EnergyCharge = RegisterHotKey("Energy Charge", "C"); MyPlayer.Transform = RegisterHotKey("Transform", "X"); MyPlayer.PowerDown = RegisterHotKey("Power Down", "V"); MyPlayer.SpeedToggle = RegisterHotKey("Speed Toggle", "Z"); MyPlayer.QuickKi = RegisterHotKey("Quick Ki", "N"); MyPlayer.TransMenu = RegisterHotKey("Transformation Menu", "K"); if (!Main.dedServ) { GFX.LoadGFX(this); KiBar.visible = true; transMenu = new TransMenu(); transMenu.Activate(); TransMenuInterface = new UserInterface(); TransMenuInterface.SetState(transMenu); kibar = new KiBar(); kibar.Activate(); KiBarInterface = new UserInterface(); KiBarInterface.SetState(kibar); } }
public override void Unload() { GFX.UnloadGFX(); KiBar.visible = false; SSJHairDraw.Hair = null; instance = null; }
public override void Unload() { GFX.UnloadGFX(); KiBar.visible = false; instance = null; TransMenu.menuvisible = false; TransMenu.SSJ1On = false; TransMenu.SSJ2On = false; UIFlatPanel._backgroundTexture = null; }
public override void PostUpdate() { if (!_initialized) { _initialized = true; HandleRetrogradeCleanup(); } else { // every 10 seconds, check dragon ball locations, but don't run the full cleanup detail. if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(600)) { CleanupAndRegenerateDragonBalls(false); } } }
public override void Load() { // loads the mod's configuration file. ConfigModel.Load(); //Loot.EMMLoader.RegisterMod(this); //Loot.EMMLoader.SetupContent(this); instance = this; tremorLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("Tremor") != null; thoriumLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("ThoriumMod") != null; enigmaLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("Laugicality") != null; battlerodsLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("UnuBattleRods") != null; expandedSentriesLoaded = ModLoader.GetMod("ExpandedSentries") != null; MyPlayer.KaiokenKey = RegisterHotKey("Kaioken", "J"); MyPlayer.EnergyCharge = RegisterHotKey("Energy Charge", "C"); MyPlayer.Transform = RegisterHotKey("Transform", "X"); MyPlayer.PowerDown = RegisterHotKey("Power Down", "V"); MyPlayer.SpeedToggle = RegisterHotKey("Speed Toggle", "Z"); MyPlayer.QuickKi = RegisterHotKey("Quick Ki", "N"); MyPlayer.TransMenu = RegisterHotKey("Transformation Menu", "K"); MyPlayer.InstantTransmission = RegisterHotKey("Instant Transmission", "I"); //MyPlayer.ProgressionMenuKey = RegisterHotKey("Progression Menu", "P"); MyPlayer.FlyToggle = RegisterHotKey("Flight Toggle", "Q"); MyPlayer.ArmorBonus = RegisterHotKey("Armor Bonus", "Y"); if (!Main.dedServ) { GFX.LoadGFX(this); KiBar.visible = true; ActivateTransMenu(); ActivateWishmenu(); ActivateProgressionMenu(); ActivateKiBar(); ActivateOverloadBar(); InstantTransmissionMapTeleporter = new InstantTransmissionMapTeleporter(); Circle = new CircleShader(new Ref <Effect>(GetEffect("Effects/CircleShader")), "Pass1"); Filters.Scene["DBZMOD:GodSky"] = new Filter(new ScreenShaderData("FilterMiniTower").UseColor(0.9f, 0.1f, 0.1f).UseOpacity(0.7f), EffectPriority.VeryHigh); SkyManager.Instance["DBZMOD:GodSky"] = new GodSky(); Filters.Scene["DBZMOD:WishSky"] = new Filter(new ScreenShaderData("FilterMiniTower").UseColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f).UseOpacity(0.7f), EffectPriority.VeryHigh); SkyManager.Instance["DBZMOD:WishSky"] = new WishSky(); } }
public override void PostAI() { projectile.netUpdate = true; player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; finalChargeLimit = chargeLimit + MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).chargeLimitAdd; if (!chargeBall) { projectile.scale = projectile.scale + chargeLevel; } if (beamTrail && projectile.scale > 0 && sizeTimer > 0) { sizeTimer = 120; sizeTimer--; projectile.scale = (projectile.scale * sizeTimer / 120f); } if (chargeBall) { if (MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted()) { = false; } projectile.hide = true; if (projectile.timeLeft < 4) { projectile.timeLeft = 10; } projectile.position.X = player.Center.X + (player.direction * 20 + xoffset) - 5; projectile.position.Y = player.Center.Y - 3 + yoffset; projectile.netUpdate2 = true; if (! && chargeLevel < 1) { projectile.Kill(); } // if the player is channeling, increment the timer and apply some slowdown if ( && { chargeTimer++; player.ApplyChannelingSlowdown(); } //ChargeTimerMax -= MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).chargeTimerMaxAdd; if (chargeTimer > chargeTimerMax && chargeLevel < finalChargeLimit) { chargeLevel += 1; CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)player.position.X, (int)player.position.Y, player.width, player.height), new Color(51, 204, 255), chargeLevel, false, false); chargeTimer = 0; } if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(2) && !MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).IsKiDepleted()) { MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player).AddKi(-kiDrainRate, true, false); } for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { float angle = Main.rand.NextFloat(360); float angleRad = MathHelper.ToRadians(angle); Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angleRad), (float)Math.Sin(angleRad)); Dust tDust = Dust.NewDustDirect(projectile.position + (position * (10 + 2.0f * projectile.scale)), projectile.width, projectile.height, dustType, 0f, 0f, 213, default(Color), ballscale); tDust.velocity = Vector2.Normalize((projectile.position + (projectile.Size / 2)) - tDust.position) * 2; tDust.noGravity = true; } } }
public static void Update(Player player) { // this might seem weird but the server isn't allowed to control the flight system. if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) { return; } MyPlayer modPlayer = MyPlayer.ModPlayer(player); //check for ki or death lol if ((modPlayer.IsKiDepleted() || player.dead || player.mount.Type != -1 || player.ropeCount != 0) && modPlayer.IsFlying) { modPlayer.IsFlying = false; AddKatchinFeetBuff(player); } if (modPlayer.IsFlying) { // cancel platform collision player.DryCollision(true, true); //prepare vals player.fullRotationOrigin = new Vector2(11, 22); Vector2 m_rotationDir = Vector2.Zero; int FlightDustType = 261; //Input checks float boostSpeed = (BURST_SPEED)*(modPlayer.IsCharging ? 1 : 0); int totalFlightUsage = Math.Max(1, FLIGHT_KI_DRAIN - modPlayer.FlightUsageAdd); float totalHorizontalFlightSpeed = FLIGHT_SPEED + boostSpeed + (player.moveSpeed / 3) + modPlayer.FlightSpeedAdd; float totalVerticalFlightSpeed = FLIGHT_SPEED + boostSpeed + (Player.jumpSpeed / 2) + modPlayer.FlightSpeedAdd; if (modPlayer.IsUpHeld) { // for some reason flying up is way, way faster than flying down. player.velocity.Y -= (totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.8f); m_rotationDir = Vector2.UnitY; } else if (modPlayer.IsDownHeld) { player.maxFallSpeed = 20f; player.velocity.Y += totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.6f; m_rotationDir = -Vector2.UnitY; } if (modPlayer.IsRightHeld) { player.velocity.X += totalHorizontalFlightSpeed; m_rotationDir += Vector2.UnitX; } else if (modPlayer.IsLeftHeld) { player.velocity.X -= totalHorizontalFlightSpeed; m_rotationDir -= Vector2.UnitX; } if (player.velocity.Length() > 0.5f) { SpawnFlightDust(player, boostSpeed, FlightDustType, 0f); } if (Transformations.IsSSJ(player) && !Transformations.IsSSJG(player)) { FlightDustType = 170; } else if (Transformations.IsLSSJ(player)) { FlightDustType = 107; } else if (Transformations.IsSSJG(player)) { FlightDustType = 174; } else if (Transformations.IsAnyKaioken(player)) { FlightDustType = 182; } else { FlightDustType = 267; } //calculate velocity player.velocity.X = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.X, 0, 0.1f); player.velocity.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.Y, 0, 0.1f); // keep the player suspended at worst. player.velocity = player.velocity - (player.gravity * Vector2.UnitY); // handles keeping legs from moving when the player is in flight/moving fast/channeling. if (player.velocity.X > 0) { player.legFrameCounter = -player.velocity.X; } else { player.legFrameCounter = player.velocity.X; } //calculate rotation float radRot = GetPlayerFlightRotation(m_rotationDir, player); player.fullRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(player.fullRotation, radRot, 0.1f); //drain ki if (!modPlayer.flightUpgraded) { if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(2)) { modPlayer.AddKi((totalFlightUsage + (totalFlightUsage * (int)boostSpeed)) * -1, false, false); } } else { if (DBZMOD.IsTickRateElapsed(4)) { modPlayer.AddKi(-1, false, false); } } } // altered to only fire once, the moment you exit flight, to avoid overburden of sync packets when moving normally. if (!modPlayer.IsFlying) { player.fullRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(player.fullRotation, 0, 0.1f); } }