public long Add(string name, DateTimeOffset date, string mtype, string filename, string notes) { db.SetConnection(); ArrayList sqlList = new ArrayList(); string sSQL1 = "Insert into measurements (detector_id, DateTime, Notes, Type, FileName) VALUES (" + SQLSpecific.QVal(name) + "," + SQLSpecific.getDate(date) + "," + SQLSpecific.QVal(notes) + "," + SQLSpecific.QVal(mtype) + "," + SQLSpecific.QVal(filename) + ")"; sqlList.Add(sSQL1); sqlList.Add(SQLSpecific.getLastID("measurements")); return(db.ExecuteTransactionID(sqlList)); }
public Element(string Name, DateTimeOffset dto) { this.Name = string.Copy(Name); Value = SQLSpecific.getDate(dto); Quote = false; }
public long Lookup(string name, DateTime dt) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(-1); } db.SetConnection(); string s = "SELECT * FROM HVResult WHERE detector_id=" + SQLSpecific.QVal(name) + " AND HVPDateTime=" + SQLSpecific.getDate(dt); string r = db.Scalar(s); long lr = -1; if (!Int64.TryParse(r, out lr)) { lr = -1; } return(lr); }
public bool Update(string name, DateTime dt, ElementList sParams) { db.SetConnection(); string sSQL1 = "UPDATE HVResult SET "; string wh = " where detector_id=" + SQLSpecific.QVal(name) + " AND HVPDateTime=" + SQLSpecific.getDate(dt); string sSQL = sSQL1 + sParams.ColumnEqValueList + wh; return(db.Execute(sSQL)); }
public long CountOf(string name, DateTimeOffset dt, string type) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(0); } db.SetConnection(); string s = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM measurements WHERE detector_id=" + SQLSpecific.QVal(name) + " AND DateTime=" + SQLSpecific.getDate(dt); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { s += " AND Type=" + SQLSpecific.QVal(type); } string r = db.Scalar(s); long lr = -1; if (!long.TryParse(r, out lr)) { lr = -1; } return(lr); }
public long Lookup(string detname, DateTime dt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detname)) { return(-1); } db.SetConnection(); Measurements m = new Measurements(db); string s = "select from results_rec INNER JOIN measurements ON " + "( AND measurements.detector_id=" + SQLSpecific.QVal(detname) + "AND measurements.DateTime=results_rec.original_meas_date) where results_rec.original_meas_date=" + SQLSpecific.getDate(dt); string r = db.Scalar(s); long lr = -1; if (!long.TryParse(r, out lr)) { lr = -1; } return(lr); }