Пример #1
        private void ReceiptSave()
            string ladgerID      = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbSuppliersName.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            string paymentDate   = dtpBillDate.Text;
            string paidAmountStr = mTotalReceiptAmount.ToString();
            string voucherNo     = lblVoucherNo.Text;

            string transectionid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string transectiontype = "Receipt_Payment";
            string drledgerid      = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbPaymentAccount.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            string crledgerid      = ladgerID;
            string status          = "Due";
            string mode            = "'" + cmbPaymentMethod.Text + "'";
            string bankname        = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + cmbBank.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string checkno         = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + txtChequeNo.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string checkdate       = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + dtpDateCheque.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";

            if (mTotalReceiptAmount == 0)
                drledgerid = LedgerTools._DicCashLedgers.Keys.First();
            string partpayment = string.Empty;
            string fullpayment = string.Empty;

            UpdateInvoiceLastTransectionId(transectionid, out partpayment, out fullpayment);

            partpayment = partpayment.ISNullOrWhiteSpace() ? string.Empty : "Part Payment of(" + partpayment + ")";
            fullpayment = fullpayment.ISNullOrWhiteSpace() ? string.Empty : "Full Payment of(" + fullpayment + ")";

            string naration = fullpayment.ISNullOrWhiteSpace() ? partpayment : partpayment.ISNullOrWhiteSpace() ? fullpayment : fullpayment + ", " + partpayment;

            InsertOrUpdateTransection(transectionid, paymentDate, voucherNo, paidAmountStr, drledgerid, crledgerid, transectiontype, mode, bankname, checkno, checkdate, naration);

            #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

            mlstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drledgerid, crledgerid, paidAmountStr, out mQuery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
            //UpdateCurrentBalance(drledgerid, paidAmountStr);

            #region Execute
            if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to receipt Rs. " + mTotalReceiptAmount + " ?", "Receipt Payment", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                if (SQLHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteTransection(mlstQuery, out msg))
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to print the receipt copy?", "Receipt Voucher", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        ReceiptVoucherReportView receiptVoucherReportView = new ReceiptVoucherReportView(transectionid);
                    MessageBox.Show(msg, "Receipt Payment", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Пример #2
        private void DataSave()
            string slNo         = lblJurnalNo.Text;
            string date         = dtpDate.Text;
            string cashLedgerID = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbCashLedger.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            double amount       = 0d;

            double.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, out amount);
            string chequeNo        = txtChequeNo.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string chequeDate      = dtpDateCheque.Text;
            string transectionType = mMode.ToString();
            string transectionMode = "";
            string narration       = txtDescription.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string drLedgerid      = mLedgerID;
            string crLedgerid      = cashLedgerID;
            string mquery          = "";

            switch (mMode)
            case _Mode.Deposit:
                InsertOrUpdateTransection(date, slNo, amount, drLedgerid, crLedgerid, transectionType, chequeNo, chequeDate, transectionMode, narration);
                #region UpdateLedgerStatus
                if (!mSlNoEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    #region CurrentBalanceRestore

                    mLstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(TransectionTools._CRAccountLedgerId, TransectionTools._DRAccountLedgerId, mTotalPreviousAmount.ToString("0.00"), out mquery));    //drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
                #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

                mLstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drLedgerid, crLedgerid, amount.ToString("0.00"), out mquery));    //drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery


            case _Mode.Withdrawal:
                transectionMode = "Cheque";
                drLedgerid      = cashLedgerID;
                crLedgerid      = mLedgerID;

                InsertOrUpdateTransection(date, slNo, amount, drLedgerid, crLedgerid, transectionType, chequeNo, chequeDate, transectionMode, narration);
                #region UpdateLedgerStatus
                if (!mSlNoEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    #region CurrentBalanceRestore

                    mLstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(TransectionTools._CRAccountLedgerId, TransectionTools._DRAccountLedgerId, mTotalPreviousAmount.ToString("0.00"), out mquery));    //drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
                #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

                mLstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drLedgerid, crLedgerid, amount.ToString("0.00"), out mquery));    //drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery


            if (SQLHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteTransection(mLstQuery, out msg))
                mSuccess = true;
                MessageBox.Show(msg, mMode.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
Пример #3
        private void DataSave()
            #region Data
            string transectionid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            string receptno     = lblreceiptNo.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string receiptddate = dtpAdvPaymentDate.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string orderno      = "NULL";
            string orderdate    = "NULL";
            string rcm          = "NO";
            #region Billing
            string billingname      = lblNameBilling.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string billingaddress   = lblBillingAddress.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string billingstate     = lblStateNameBilling.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string billingstatecode = lblStateCodeBilling.Text.GetDBFormatString();

            #region Shipping
            string shippingname      = lblShippedTo.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string shippingaddress   = lblShippedAddress.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string shippingstate     = lblStateNameShipping.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string shippingstatecode = lblStateCodeShipping.Text.GetDBFormatString();

            #region Item
            object itemidobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["itemid"].Value;
            string itemid    = itemidobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + itemidobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object itemnameobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["itemname"].Value;
            string itemname    = itemnameobj.ISValidObject() ? "'" + itemnameobj.ToString() + "'" : "NULL";

            object comoditicodeobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["ParticularsHsnCode"].Value;
            string comoditicode    = comoditicodeobj.ISValidObject() ? "'" + comoditicodeobj.ToString() + "'" : "NULL";

            object qtyobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["QTY"].Value;
            string qty    = qtyobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + qtyobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object unitobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["UNIT"].Value;
            string unit    = unitobj.ISValidObject() ? "'" + unitobj.ToString() + "'" : "NULL";

            object rateobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["RATE"].Value;
            string rate    = rateobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + rateobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object taxvalueobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["TAXABLEVALUE"].Value;
            string taxvalue    = taxvalueobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + taxvalueobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object cgstrateobj   = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["CGSTRATE"].Value;
            object cgstamountobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["CGSTAMOUNT"].Value;
            string cgstrate      = cgstrateobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + cgstrateobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";
            string cgstamount    = cgstamountobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + cgstamountobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object sgstrateobj   = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["SGSTRATE"].Value;
            object sgstamountobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["SGSTAMOUNT"].Value;
            string sgstrate      = sgstrateobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + sgstrateobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";
            string sgstamount    = sgstamountobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + sgstamountobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object igstrateobj   = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["IGSTRATE"].Value;
            object igstamountobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["IGSTAMOUNT"].Value;
            string igstrate      = igstrateobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + igstrateobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";
            string igstamount    = igstamountobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + igstamountobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";

            object cessrateobj   = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["CESSRATE"].Value;
            object cessamountobj = dgvItemList.Rows[0].Cells["CESSAMOUNT"].Value;
            string cessrate      = cessrateobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + cessrateobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";
            string cessamount    = cessamountobj.ISValidObject() ? "" + cessamountobj.ToString() + "" : "NULL";


            string totalgst          = lblTotalGstValue.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string totaladvancevalue = lblTotalReceiptVoucherValue.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string description       = txtDescription.Text.ISNullOrWhiteSpace() ? "NULL" : "'" + txtDescription.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'";
            string status            = "Open";
            if (!mOrderid.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                orderno   = "'" + lblOrderNo.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'";
                orderdate = "'" + lblOrderate.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'";
            string lasttransectionid = transectionid;
            string transectiontype   = "Advance_Payment";
            string mode       = "'" + cmbPaymentMethod.Text + "'";
            string checkno    = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + txtChequeNo.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string checkdate  = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + dtpDateCheque.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string drledgerid = mLedgerId;
            string crledgerid = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbPaymentAccount.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            #region Query
            if (mReceiptNoForEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                mquery = "insert into AdvancePayment(SlNo,PaymentNo," +
                         "PaymentDate,OrderNo,OrderDate,ReverseCharge,LedgerId,BillingName," +
                         "BillingAddress,BillingState,BillingStateCode,ShippingName,ShippingAddress," +
                         "ShippingState,ShippingStateCode,ItemId,ItemName," +
                         "ComodityCode, Qty, Unit,RATE, TaxValue, CGSTRate, CGSTAmount," +
                         " SGSTRate, SGSTAmount, IGSTRate, IGSTAmount, CessRate,CessAmount,TotalGst," +
                         " Total,Description, Status,DueAmount,LastTransecetionID) values(" + mSerialno + ",'" + receptno + "','" + receiptddate + "'," + orderno + "," + orderdate
                         + ",'" + rcm + "','" + mLedgerId + "','" + billingname + "','" + billingaddress + "','" + billingstate + "','" + billingstatecode
                         + "','" + shippingname + "','" + shippingaddress + "','" + shippingstate + "','" + shippingstatecode
                         + "'," + itemid + "," + itemname + "," + comoditicode + "," + qty + "," + unit + "," + rate + "," + taxvalue
                         + "," + cgstrate + "," + cgstamount + "," + sgstrate + "," + sgstamount + "," + igstrate + "," + igstamount
                         + "," + cessrate + "," + cessamount + "," + totalgst + "," + totaladvancevalue + "," + description + ",'" + status + "'," + totaladvancevalue + ",'" + lasttransectionid + "')";
                InsertOrUpdateTransection(transectionid, receiptddate, receptno, totaladvancevalue, drledgerid, crledgerid, transectiontype, mode, "NULL", checkno, checkdate);
                #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

                mlistquery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drledgerid, crledgerid, totaladvancevalue, out mquery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
                mquery = "Update AdvancePayment set PaymentDate='" + receiptddate + "',BillingName='" + billingname + "',BillingAddress='" + billingaddress + "',BillingState='" + billingstate + "'," +
                         "BillingStateCode='" + billingstatecode + "',ShippingName='" + shippingname + "',ShippingAddress='" + shippingaddress + "',ShippingState='" + shippingstate + "',ShippingStateCode='" + shippingstatecode
                         + "',ItemId=" + itemid + ",ItemName=" + itemname + ",ComodityCode=" + comoditicode + ", Qty=" + qty + ", Unit=" + unit + ",RATE=" + rate + ", TaxValue=" + taxvalue
                         + ", CGSTRate=" + cgstrate + ", CGSTAmount=" + cgstamount + ",SGSTRate=" + sgstrate + ", SGSTAmount=" + sgstamount + ", IGSTRate=" + igstrate + ", IGSTAmount=" + igstamount + ", CessRate=" + cessrate
                         + ",CessAmount=" + cessamount + ",TotalGst=" + totalgst + ", Total=" + totaladvancevalue + ",Description=" + description + " where PaymentNo='" + mReceiptNoForEdit + "'";
                InsertOrUpdateTransection(transectionid, receiptddate, receptno, totaladvancevalue, drledgerid, crledgerid, transectiontype, mode, "NULL", checkno, checkdate);
                #region UpdateLedgerStatus
                if (!mReceiptNoForEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    #region CurrentBalanceRestore

                    mlistquery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(TransectionTools._CRAccountLedgerId, TransectionTools._DRAccountLedgerId, mTotalPreviousPayment.ToString("0.00"), out mquery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
                #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

                mlistquery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drledgerid, crledgerid, totaladvancevalue, out mquery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery

            #region Execute
            if (SQLHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteTransection(mlistquery, out msg))
                MessageBox.Show("\"" + totaladvancevalue + "\" receipt successfully genarate..", "Advance Receipt", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                OtherSettingTools._IsAdvanceReceiptBillgenarate = true;
Пример #4
        private void BillPaid()
            string transectionid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string payeeladgerID   = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbSuppliersName.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            string paymentDate     = dtpBillDate.Text;
            string transectiontype = "";

            if (mFromWhere == _FromWhere.Purchase_Bill)
                transectiontype = "Bill_Payment";
            else if (mFromWhere == _FromWhere.Expense_Bill)
                transectiontype = "Expense";
            string paidAmountStr = mTotalPaidAmount.ToString();
            string advSlNo       = lblSlNo.Text;

            string mode       = "'" + cmbPaymentMethod.Text + "'";
            string bankname   = "NULL";
            string checkno    = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + txtChequeNo.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string checkdate  = cmbPaymentMethod.Text == "Cheque" ? "'" + dtpDateCheque.Text.GetDBFormatString() + "'" : "NULL";
            string crledgerid = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbPaymentAccount.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            string drledgerid = payeeladgerID;

            if (mTotalPaidAmount == 0)
                crledgerid = LedgerTools._DicCashLedgers.Keys.First();

            InsertOrUpdateTransection(transectionid, paymentDate, advSlNo, paidAmountStr, drledgerid, crledgerid, transectiontype, mode, bankname, checkno, checkdate);

            #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

            lstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drledgerid, crledgerid, paidAmountStr, out mQuery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
            //UpdateCurrentBalance(crledgerid, paidAmountStr);
            if (mFromWhere == _FromWhere.Purchase_Bill)
            else if (mFromWhere == _FromWhere.Expense_Bill)

            //query = "Insert into Transection(TransectionID, Date, No, TransectionType, LedgerIdFrom, " +
            //        "LedgerIdTo, Amount_Dr,Mode, BankName, ChequeNo, ChequeDate, Narration) " +
            //        "Values('" + transectionID + "','" + paymentDate + "','" + advSlNo + "','" +
            //        transectiontype + "','" + payeeladgerID + "'," + mTotalPaidAmount + ",'" + mode + "','" +
            //        bankName + "'," + chequeNo + ",'" + issueDate + "','" + narration + "')";

            #region Execute
            if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to proceed to payment Rs. " + mTotalPaidAmount + " ?", "Expense", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                if (SQLHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteTransection(lstQuery, out msg))
                    MessageBox.Show("Bill payment complete Rs." + lblTotPaymentAmt.Text, "Bill Payment", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Пример #5
        private void BillSave()
            #region Data
            string transectionID   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string ladgerID        = ((KeyValuePair <string, string>)cmbSupplierName.SelectedItem).Key.ToString();
            string billNo          = txtBillNo.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string billDate        = dtpBillDate.Text;
            string transectionType = "Expense Bill";
            string totAmount       = mtotalBillingAmount.ToString();
            string billDesctiption = txtBillingDescription.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string slNo            = lblSlNo.Text;
            string dueDate         = dtpDueDate.Text;
            string memoNo          = txtMamoNumber.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string voucherNo       = txtBillNo.Text.GetDBFormatString();
            string status          = "Open";
            bool   isSplit         = (dgvItemList.Rows.Count > 1) ? true : false;
            #region Query
            if (mExpenceIDForEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                mquery = "Insert into Expense(SlNo, BillNo, BillingDate, LedgerId, DueDate, MemoNo, " +
                         "Description, TotalAmount, DueAmount, Status, RCM, LastTransectionID) " +
                         "Values(" + slNo + ",'" + billNo + "','" + billDate + "','" + ladgerID
                         + "','" + dueDate + "','" + memoNo + "','" + billDesctiption + "'," + totAmount
                         + "," + totAmount + ",'" + status + "','" + mIsRcm + "','" + transectionID + "')";
                mquery = "Update Transection LedgerID='" + ladgerID + "',  Date='" + billDate + "', Amount=" + totAmount + ", " +
                         "Purpose='" + billDesctiption + "', DueDate='" + dueDate + "', MamoNo='" + memoNo + "', IsSplit='" +
                         isSplit + "',VoucherNo='" + voucherNo + "' where TransectionID='" + mExpenceIDForEdit + "'";
            ///Expense Details
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvItemList.Rows)
                transectionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                string description   = row.Cells["Description"].Value.ToString().GetDBFormatString();
                string accountHeadID = row.Cells["AccountHeadId"].Value.ToString();
                string amount        = row.Cells["Amount"].Value.ToString();
                mquery = "Insert into ExpenseDetails(SlNo, LedgerID, Description, Amount, TransectionID)" +
                         "Values(" + slNo + ",'" + ladgerID + "','" + description + "'," + amount
                         + ",'" + transectionID + "')";
                string draccount       = accountHeadID;
                string craccount       = ladgerID;
                string transectiontype = "Expense_Bill";
                InsertOrUpdateTransection(transectionID, billDate, billNo, amount, draccount, craccount, transectiontype, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL");

                #region CurrentBalanceUpdate

                //mlistQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(drledgerid, crledgerid, mTotalAmount.ToString("0.00"), out mQuery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery
                mLstQuery.Add(LedgerStatus.UpdateLedgerStatus(draccount, craccount, amount, out mquery));//drQuery Add in the ListQuery and Out CrQuery in mQuery

            #region Execute
            if (SQLHelper.GetInstance().ExecuteTransection(mLstQuery, out msg))
                MessageBox.Show("Bill Rs. " + mtotalBillingAmount + " saved.", "Bill Entry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (mExpenceIDForEdit.ISNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    cmbSupplierName.SelectedIndex = -1;