protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblStatusSubmissionFailed.Visible = false; lblStatusSubmitted.Visible = false; lblZurichAdvFailed.Visible = false; lblZurichAdvSuccess.Visible = false; activity = activityStatusDao.getActivity(13); ViewState["activity"] = activity; ZPlanResponseDataContract zPlanResponse = null; string clonedFrom = ""; if (!IsPostBack) { /*string nextCaseId = Request.Form["caseid"]; string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (nextCaseId != null && nextCaseId != "") { caseid = nextCaseId; } if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseid = menuCaseId; }*/ string activityID = string.Empty; string country = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["Country"] != null) { country = Request.Form["Country"].ToString(); } string salesChannel = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["SalesChannel"] != null) { salesChannel = Request.Form["SalesChannel"].ToString(); } if (Request.Form["ActivityID"] != null) { activityID = Request.Form["ActivityID"].ToString(); //activityID = "1500"; ZPlanDataContract zPlanContract = new ZPlanDataContract(); zPlanContract.ActivityId = activityID; zPlanContract.Activity = ActivityTypeEnum.ZPlan; zPlanContract.Action = ActionEnumContracts.View; UserInfoEntity ufo = new UserInfoEntity(); ufo.Country = country; ufo.RoleType = salesChannel; zPlanContract.UserInfo = ufo; zPlanResponse = new ZPlanResponseDataContract(); try { BusinessServiceClient client = new BusinessServiceClient(); client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation; zPlanResponse = client.ManageZPlan(zPlanContract); if (zPlanResponse != null) { salesportalinfo salesPortalDto = new salesportalinfo(); salesPortalDto.activityid = activityID; salesPortalDto.activitytype = zPlanResponse.ActivityType; salesPortalDto.caseid = zPlanResponse.CaseId; salesPortalDto.redirecturl = zPlanResponse.RedirectUrl; salesPortalDto.roletype = zPlanResponse.RoleType; salesPortalDto.salesportalurl = zPlanResponse.SalesPortalUrl; salesPortalDto.userfirstname = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; salesPortalDto.userid = zPlanResponse.UserId; salesPortalDto.userlastname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; salesPortalDto.usertype = zPlanResponse.UserType; salesPortalDto.casestatus = zPlanResponse.CaseStatus; = country; salesPortalDto.saleschannel = salesChannel; activityStatusDao.saveSalesPortalInfo(activityID, salesPortalDto); caseid = zPlanResponse.ActivityId; //check if ClonedFrom is sent from portal if (zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom != null && zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom != "") { clonedFrom = zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom; //check if case has been cloned earlier clonemappingid clonemapping = activityStatusDao.getCloneMappingForCaseid(clonedFrom, zPlanResponse.ActivityId); if (clonemapping == null) { //if the case is not cloned, add entry in the clone mapping table and clone the case clonemapping = new clonemappingid(); clonemapping.clonedfrom = clonedFrom; clonemapping.newid = zPlanResponse.ActivityId; activityStatusDao.saveClonemapping(clonemapping); activityStatusDao.cloneCase(clonedFrom, zPlanResponse.ActivityId); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: MyZurichAdviser Method: Page_Load"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; activityStatusDao.logException(exLog); } } else { string backCaseId = Request.Form["caseid"]; string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (backCaseId != null && backCaseId != "") { caseid = backCaseId; } else if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseid = menuCaseId; } else if (Session["fnacaseid"] != null) { caseid = Session["fnacaseid"].ToString(); } else { caseid = "2040"; } } activityId.Value = caseid; PersonalDetailsDAO dao = new PersonalDetailsDAO(); personaldetail detail = dao.getPersonalDetail(caseid); if (detail != null) { if (zPlanResponse != null) { detail.datepicker = zPlanResponse.Dob; detail.gender = zPlanResponse.Gender; //detail.maritalstatus = zPlanResponse.MaritalStatus; = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; detail.surname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; detail.nationality = zPlanResponse.Nationality; detail.nric = zPlanResponse.NricOrPassport; detail.occupation = zPlanResponse.Occupation; if (zPlanResponse.Smoker) { detail.issmoker = "Yes"; } else { detail.issmoker = "No"; } detail.title = zPlanResponse.Title; } dao.updatePersonalDetails(detail); } else { detail = new personaldetail(); detail.caseid = caseid; if (zPlanResponse != null) { detail.datepicker = zPlanResponse.Dob; detail.gender = zPlanResponse.Gender; //detail.maritalstatus = zPlanResponse.MaritalStatus; = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; detail.surname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; detail.nationality = zPlanResponse.Nationality; detail.nric = zPlanResponse.NricOrPassport; detail.occupation = zPlanResponse.Occupation; if (zPlanResponse.Smoker) { detail.issmoker = "Yes"; } else { detail.issmoker = "No"; } detail.title = zPlanResponse.Title; } dao.savePersonalDetails(detail); } if (caseid != "") { ViewState["caseid"] = caseid; List<myzurichadviser> savedMzaoptions = mzaDao.getMza(caseid); if (savedMzaoptions != null && savedMzaoptions.Count>0) { ViewState["casetype"] = "update"; } else { ViewState["casetype"] = "new"; savedMzaoptions = new List<myzurichadviser>(); myzurichadviser mzadv = new myzurichadviser(); mzadv.caseid = caseid; mzadv.selectedoptionid = 1; savedMzaoptions.Add(mzadv); mzadv = new myzurichadviser(); mzadv.caseid = caseid; mzadv.selectedoptionid = 2; savedMzaoptions.Add(mzadv); } populateMzaoptions(savedMzaoptions, caseid); } } markStatusOnTab(caseid); }
public void saveClonemapping(clonemappingid clonemapping) { try { dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext(); db.clonemappingids.InsertOnSubmit(clonemapping); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ActivityStatusDAO Method: saveClonemapping"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; logException(exLog); } }
partial void Updateclonemappingid(clonemappingid instance);
partial void Deleteclonemappingid(clonemappingid instance);
partial void Insertclonemappingid(clonemappingid instance);