public static void DelInfoCheckTable(string t) { string strSql = "delete from M_GenSetInfoCheck where InfoCheckTable=@table"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@table", t); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); }
public static void DelContenTable(string str) { string strSql = "delete from M_GenSetConten where ContenModule=@table"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", str); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0); }
public static void DeleteHouse() { string strSqlDel = "delete from M_HouseName where HouseID = @HouseID"; SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@HouseID", V_HouseName.HouseSetid); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSqlDel, p); }
public static void UpdateBorrInfo(string table, string str, bool tag, string time) { string strSql = "select count(*) from M_GenSetBorr"; int id = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql)); if (id == 0) { strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.M_GenSetBorr (Tablename, Tabcolname, Timecol )VALUES (@table,@info,@time)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", str); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@time", time); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2); } else { strSql = "update M_GenSetBorr set Tablename=@table, Tabcolname=@info, Timecol=@time"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", str); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@time", time); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2); } if (!tag) { strSql = "alter table " + table + " add BorrTag varchar(10)"; SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql); } }
public static void DelContePageSet(int id) { string strSql = "Delete from M_ContenPageSet where Id=@id"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@id", id); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); }
public static void SaveModuleSofte(bool t) { if (t == false) { string strSql = "select id from M_Soid where Msoid=@Msoid "; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@Msoid", T_addModule.T_id); int count = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1)); strSql = "Psoftid"; SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[6]; p[0] = new SqlParameter("@Msoid", T_addModule.T_id); p[1] = new SqlParameter("@Msosn", T_addModule.T_sn); p[2] = new SqlParameter("@Msotm", T_addModule.T_time); if (count > 0) { p[3] = new SqlParameter("@id", 2); } else { p[3] = new SqlParameter("@id", 1); } p[4] = new SqlParameter("@userid", T_User.UserId); p[5] = new SqlParameter("@Mwtime", DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(T_addModule.T_timecs)); SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, CommandType.StoredProcedure, p); } else { string strSql = "update M_Soid set Msotm=@time "; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@time", T_addModule.T_time); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); } Common.Writelog(0, "修改软件授权时间" + T_addModule.T_time); }
public static void SaveModule() { string strSql = "select id from M_Moudule where ModuleChName=@ModuleChName"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@ModuleChName", T_addModule.T_moduleChName); int count = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1)); strSql = "PInserModule"; SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[8]; p[0] = new SqlParameter("@userid", T_User.UserId); p[1] = new SqlParameter("@ModuleName", DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(T_addModule.T_moduleName)); p[2] = new SqlParameter("@ModuleChName", T_addModule.T_moduleChName); p[3] = new SqlParameter("@ModuleInt", T_addModule.T_moduleInt); p[4] = new SqlParameter("@ModuleImgIdx", T_addModule.T_moduleImgIdx); p[5] = new SqlParameter("@ModuleFileName", DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(T_addModule.T_moduleFileName)); p[6] = new SqlParameter("@id", count); if (count > 0) { p[7] = new SqlParameter("@stat", 2); } else { p[7] = new SqlParameter("@stat", 1); } SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, CommandType.StoredProcedure, p); Common.Writelog(0, "增加模块:" + T_addModule.T_moduleChName); }
public static void DelDataSplitExportTable(string t) { string strSql = "delete from M_GenSetDataSplitTable where ImportTable=@table"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@table", t); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); }
public static void InsterGensetPrintConten(string table, string info) { string strSql = "insert into M_genset (PrintContenTable, PrintContenInfo) values (@table,@info)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1); }
public static void DelModuelSys(string name) { string strSql = "delete from M_Moudule where ModuleChName=@name"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@name", name); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); Common.Writelog(0, "永久禁用模块" + name); }
public static void SaveGensetImport(string table, string info) { string strSql = "insert into M_GenSetImport (ImportTable,ImportInfoZd) values(@table,@info)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1); }
public static void DelMenuSet(int id, string name) { string strSql = "delete from M_MouduleMain where id=@id"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@id", id); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); Common.Writelog(0, "删除菜单:" + name); }
public static bool IsCheckUser(string user) { string strSql = "select count(*) from M_User where UserName=@UserName"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@UserName", user); bool i = Convert.ToBoolean(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1)); return(i); }
public static void UpdateGensetPrintConten(string table, string info) { string strSql = "update M_genset set PrintContenTable=@table, PrintContenInfo=@info"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1); }
public static void InsterContePageSet(string tit, string page) { string strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.M_ContenPageSet (Title, Page)VALUES (@title, @page)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@title", tit); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@page", page); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1); }
public static void UpdateGensetImport(string table, string info) { string strSql = "update M_GenSetImport set ImportInfoZd=@info where ImportTable=@table"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1); }
public static void SaveDataSplitExport(string table, string info, string xlsid) { string strSql = "insert into M_GenSetDataSplitTable (ImportTable,ImportCol,BindId) values(@table,@info,@xlsid)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@xlsid", xlsid); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2); }
public static void UpUserPwd(string pwd) { string strSql = "update M_user set UserPwd=@UserPwd where id=@id "; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@id", T_User.UserId); string userpwd = DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(pwd); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@UserPwd", userpwd); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1, p2); }
public static void UpdateDataSplitExport(string table, string info, string xlsid) { string strSql = "update M_GenSetDataSplitTable set ImportCol=@info, BindId=@xlsid where ImportTable=@table"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", info); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@xlsid", xlsid); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2); }
public static void UpdateQuerInfo(string table, string str, int enter) { string strSql = "update M_genset set QuerTable=@table, QuerInfoZd=@info,QuerEnter=@enter"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@info", str); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("enter", enter); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2); }
public static bool IsCheckUser(string user, string pwd) { string strSql = "select count(*) from M_User where UserName=@UserName and UserPwd=@UserPwd"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@UserName", user); string userpwd = DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(pwd); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@UserPwd", userpwd); bool i = Convert.ToBoolean(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1, p2)); return(i); }
public static int GetHouseGuiMax(int id) { try { string strSql = "select max(HouseGui) from M_HouseSet where Houseid=@HouseID "; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@HouseID", id); int box = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1)); return(box); } catch { return(0); } }
public static void InsterGensetPrint(string table, string xy, string col, string fontall, string fontspec) { string strSql = "insert into M_genset (printTable,PrintxyCol,PrintColInfo,PrintFontColAll,PrintFontSpec) values(@table,@xy,@col,@fontall,@fontspec)"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@xy", xy); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@col", col); SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter("@fontall", fontall); SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter("@fontspec", fontspec); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4); }
public static string isTable(string table) { try { string strSql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_name =@table"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); string tab = SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1).ToString(); return(tab); } catch { return(""); } }
public static void UpdateGensetPrint(string table, string xy, string col, string fontall, string fontspec) { string strSql = "update M_genset set printTable=@table, PrintxyCol=@xy,PrintColInfo=@col ,PrintFontColAll=@fontall,PrintFontSpec=@fontspec"; SqlParameter p0 = new SqlParameter("@table", table); SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@xy", xy); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@col", col); SqlParameter p3 = new SqlParameter("@fontall", fontall); SqlParameter p4 = new SqlParameter("@fontspec", fontspec); SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4); }
public static void UpdateGensetInfoCheck(string table, string info, string msg) { string strSql = "update M_GenSetInfoCheck set InfocheckCol=@col, InfoCheckMsg=@msg where InfoCheckTable=@table"; SqlParameter[] par = { new SqlParameter("@table", table), new SqlParameter("@col", info), new SqlParameter("@msg", msg) }; SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, par); }
public static void SaveGensetInfoCheck(string table, string info, string msg) { string strSql = "insert into M_GenSetInfoCheck (InfoCheckTable,InfocheckCol,InfoCheckMsg) values(@table,@info,@msg)"; SqlParameter[] par = { new SqlParameter("@table", table), new SqlParameter("@info", info), new SqlParameter("@msg", msg) }; SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, par); }
public static int Getboxsnimage(int boxsnq, int boxsnz) { try { string strSql = "select COUNT( IMGFILE) from T_IMAGEFILE where BOXSN>@boxsnq and BOXSN<@boxsnz"; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@boxsnq", boxsnq); SqlParameter p2 = new SqlParameter("@boxsnz", boxsnz); int i = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1, p2)); return(i); } catch { return(0); } }
public static int SelectHouseNameid(string name) { string strSql = "select id from M_HouseName where HouseName=@HouseName "; SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@HouseName", name); object obj = SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, p1); if (obj == null) { return(0); } int id = Convert.ToInt32(obj.ToString()); return(id); }
public static void UPdateDataSplitFileInfo(string filetable, int filesn, string filename, bool filebool, string filecol) { string strSql = "update M_GenSetDataSplit set FileTable=@filetable,Filesn=@filesn,FileName=@filename,FileBool=@filebool,FileNamecol=@filecol"; SqlParameter[] par = { new SqlParameter("@filetable", filetable), new SqlParameter("@filesn", filesn.ToString()), new SqlParameter("@filename", filename), new SqlParameter("@filebool", filebool.ToString()), new SqlParameter("@filecol", filecol.ToString()) }; SQLHelper.ExecScalar(strSql, par); }