public static void ChangeNum(MODEL.InStockdetail instockdetail) { string sql = "select distinct GoodsID from stockgoods_table where GoodsID='" + instockdetail.GoodID + "'"; DataSet a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); if (a.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { string sql1 = "insert into stockgoods_table(GoodsID,Storename,GoodNum) values('" + instockdetail.GoodID + "','" + instockdetail.Inventory + "','" + instockdetail.Amount + "')"; Datameans.getsqlcom(sql1); } //如果表中有ID,根据入库单商品ID在库存表里增加相应数量Amount else { string sql2 = "update stockgoods_table set GoodNum = GoodNum + '" + instockdetail.Amount + "' where GoodsID='" + instockdetail.GoodID + "'"; Datameans.getsqlcom(sql2); } //如果表中没有该商品ID插入以下信息 //Datameans.getsqlcom(sql1); }
public static int StaffLogin(Staff s) { String sql = "select distinct * from staff_table where Username ='******'"; DataSet a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); if (a.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return(-1); } else { string pwd = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString(); if (pwd == s.pd) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } //在员工、管理员表中通过ID查找密码 //if不存在 //return -1; //if存在但数据库无 //return 0; //if存在且数据库中有 }
public static lockerInfo getLockInfo(int LockNumber) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct * from LockBox_table where LockNumber = '" + LockNumber + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); int Locknumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); string memberID = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); int islock = System.Convert.ToInt32(a.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString()); //查看相应箱柜号使用者,返回memID if (islock == 0) { lockerInfo temp = new lockerInfo(); temp.isLocked = false; temp.LockNumber = Locknumber; temp.userID = memberID; return(temp); } else { lockerInfo temp = new lockerInfo(); temp.isLocked = true; temp.LockNumber = Locknumber; temp.userID = memberID; return(temp); } }
// 对ComboBox控件进行数据绑定 public void cboxBind(string M_str_sqlstr, string M_str_table, string M_str_tbMember, ComboBox cbox) { DataSet myds = Datameans.getDataSet(M_str_sqlstr); // 根据SQL语句与表,获取Dataset对象 cbox.DataSource = myds.Tables[M_str_table]; // 动态的绑定数据 cbox.DisplayMember = M_str_tbMember; // 设置要显示的列 }
public static DataSet QuerybyDate(string Date) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct Goodname , GoodsID , amount ,Date from selltotal_table where Date = '" + Date + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybyOperator(string ID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct stockmain_table.GoodinID, stockdetail_table.GoodsID, stockdetail_table.Goodsname, stockdetail_table.GoodsinNum, stockdetail_table.Suppliername, stockmain_table.Indate, stockmain_table.Handlepeople from stockdetail_table,stockmain_table where stockmain_table.Handlepeople ='" + ID + "'and stockdetail_table.GoodinID = stockmain_table.GoodinID"; //通过入库员查询入库单号、商品号、商品名称、商品数量、供应商、日期、入库员 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybyOperator(string qaoperator) { String sql = "select distinct qualitymain_table.qualityID, qualitydetail_table.GoodsID, qualitydetail_table.Goodsname, qualitydetail_table.GoodsNum, qualitymain_table.Suppliername, qualitymain_table.checkdate, qualitymain_table.StaffID from qualitydetail_table ,qualitymain_table where qualitymain_table.StaffID ='" + qaoperator + "' and qualitymain_table.qualityID= qualitydetail_table.qualityID"; DataSet a = new DataSet(); //依据质检员ID从主、从表查找质检单号、商品号、商品名称、数量、供应商、时间、质检员 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybyGoodName(string goodName) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct qualitymain_table.qualityID, qualitydetail_table.GoodsID, qualitydetail_table.Goodsname, qualitydetail_table.GoodsNum, qualitymain_table.Suppliername, qualitymain_table.checkdate, qualitymain_table.StaffID from qualitydetail_table ,qualitymain_table where qualitydetail_table.Goodsname ='" + goodName + "' and qualitymain_table.qualityID= qualitydetail_table.qualityID"; //依据商品名称从主、从表查找质检单号、商品号、商品名称、数量、供应商、时间、质检员 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
//会员消费记录系列 public static DataSet QueryCustomRecordbyId(string MemID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct selldetail_table.MemberID, member_table.Name, selldetail_table.Goodsname, selldetail_table.Goodsnum, selldetail_table.Sellprice, selldetail_table.Totalprice, selldetail_table.Selltime from selldetail_table, member_table where selldetail_table.GoodsName ='" + MemID + "'and selldetail_table.MemberID = member_table.MemberID"; //通过会员卡号查找会员卡号、姓名、商品类型、商品数量、单价、总金额、购买日期 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QueryRechargebydate(string Date) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct Payrecord_table.MemberID, member_table.Name, Payrecord_table.amount, Payrecord_table.Paydate, Payrecord_table.operateStaff from payrecord_table ,member_table where Payrecord_table.Paydate ='" + Date + "' and Payrecord_table.MemberID = member_table.MemberID";; //在充值记录表中通过日期查找会员卡号、姓名、充值金额、充值前后金额、充值时间、操作员信息 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QueryMembyId(String s) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct * from member_table where identitycard ='" + s + "'"; //依据身份证号查找会员信息 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QueryMembyTel(String s) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct * from member_table where email ='" + s + "'"; //依据电话号查找会员信息 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QueryMembyMemId(String s) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct * from member_table where MemberID ='" + s + "'"; //依据会员卡号查找信息 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybyGoodName(string GoodName) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct Goodname , GoodsID , amount ,Date from selltotal_table where Goodname = '" + GoodName + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); //根据商品名称查找售出产品的名称、数量、编号和日期; return(a); }
public static DataSet allQAID() { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct qualityID from qualitydetail_table "; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); //获取最近的质检单号 return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybuSupplier(string supplier, string date) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct Goodname , GoodsID , amount ,Date from selltotal_table where suppliername = '" + supplier + "' and Date = '" + date + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); //根据supplier和date查找当天售出产品的编号、名称、日期和数量 return(a); }
public static DataSet QuerybyGoodID(string ID) { DataSet d = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct stockdetail_table.GoodsID, stockdetail_table.Goodsname, stockgoods_table.GoodNum from stockgoods_table, stockdetail_table where stockdetail_table.GoodsID = '" + ID + "' and stockdetail_table.GoodsID = stockgoods_table.GoodsID"; //依据商品编号查找商品的ID、名称和库存数量 d = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(d); }
public static DataSet QueryMembyName(String s) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); //"//依据姓名(即String s)查找顾客的会员卡号、姓名、电话号、性别、账户余额、身份证号、注册时间和注册人员"); String sql = "select distinct * from member_table where Name ='" + s + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static DataSet QueryMembyDate(String s) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct * from member_table where enrolldate ='" + s + "'"; //依据日期查找会员信息 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); }
public static int isSold(string RFIDID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct IS_SOLD from GoodsRFID where RFID_ID = '" + RFIDID + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); int issold = System.Convert.ToInt32(a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); return(issold); }
public static DataSet Convert(string QAID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct qualitydetail_table.GoodsID , qualitydetail_table.Goodsname, qualitydetail_table.GoodsNum, qualitymain_table.Suppliername from qualitydetail_table,qualitymain_table where qualitydetail_table.qualityID = '" + QAID + "' and qualitydetail_table.qualityID = qualitymain_table.qualityID"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); return(a); //根据QAID选择商品ID、商品名、商品数量、供应商 }
public static string StaffAuthority(string staffID) { String sql = "select distinct Postname from staffpost_table where Username ='******'"; //通过ID返回员工类型 DataSet a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); string post = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); System.Console.WriteLine("y"); //string post = "信息员"; return(post); }
public static string InID() { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct GoodinID from stockdetail_table "; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); string newestInID = a.Tables[0].Rows[a.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); //获取最近的入库单号 return(newestInID); }
public static string MemID() { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct MemberID from member_table "; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); string newestMemID = a.Tables[0].Rows[a.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); //获取最近的会员卡号 return(newestMemID); }
public static string QAID() { DataSet a = new DataSet(); string sql = "select distinct qualityID from qualitydetail_table "; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); string newestQAID = a.Tables[0].Rows[a.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); //获取最近的质检单号 return(newestQAID); }
public static bool updateMemCostDetail(costInfo cost) // 商品销售,添加销售信息 , 商品销售表 { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct Goodsname,Suppliername from stockdetail_table where GoodsID = '" + cost.goodID + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); String Goodname = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); String suppliername = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); String sql1 = "insert into selldetail_table(SellId,GoodsName,MemberID,Goodsnum,Sellprice,Totalprice,Selltime) values('" + cost.billNumber + "','" + Goodname + "','" + cost.memID + "','" + cost.goodNum + "','" + cost.cost + "','" + + "','" + + "')"; Datameans.getsqlcom(sql1); //更新销售汇总表 string sql2 = "select distinct GoodsID from selltotal_table where GoodsID='" + cost.goodID + "' and Date = '" +' ')[0] + "'"; DataSet b = Datameans.getDataSet(sql2); if (b.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { string sql3 = "insert into selltotal_table(GoodsID,Goodname,suppliername,amount,Date) values('" + cost.goodID + "','" + Goodname + "','" + suppliername + "','" + cost.goodNum + "','" +' ')[0] + "')"; Datameans.getsqlcom(sql3); } //如果表中有ID,根据入库单商品ID在库存表里增加相应数量Amount else { string sql4 = "update selltotal_table set amount = amount + '" + cost.goodNum + "' where GoodsID='" + cost.goodID + "'"; Datameans.getsqlcom(sql4); } return(true); }
public static string getSoldBillNumber() //获取小票代号 { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct SellId from selldetail_table "; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); string sellID = "0"; if (a.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { sellID = a.Tables[0].Rows[a.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1][0].ToString(); } return(sellID); }
public static string getARFIDInfo(string memID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct RFIDID from MemberRFID_table where MemberID = '" + memID + "'"; a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); if (a.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string RFIDID = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); return(RFIDID); } return(""); //通过会员ID获取到有源RFID的编号 }
public static UserInfo getMemDetailByID(string ID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct MemberID, Name, email,balance from member_table where member_table.MemberID='" + ID + "'"; //通过会员ID得到会员的详细信息,以UserInfo类型返回 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); String MemID = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); String name = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); String phonenum = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString(); String balance = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString(); ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(); temp.Add(MemID); temp.Add(name); temp.Add(phonenum); temp.Add(balance); UserInfo temp2 = new UserInfo(temp); return(temp2); }
// 下面是RFID 部分用到的DAL public static goodDetail getDetailByID(string ID) { DataSet a = new DataSet(); String sql = "select distinct GoodsRFID.Good_ID, stockdetail_table.Goodsname, stockdetail_table.Goodsinprice from GoodsRFID,stockdetail_table where GoodsRFID.RFID_ID ='" + ID + "' and stockdetail_table.GoodsID = GoodsRFID.Good_ID"; //通过商品的RFID扫描得到商品详细信息:商品ID(非RFID),商品名称,商品单价,以goodDetail类型返回 a = Datameans.getDataSet(sql); if (a.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { string name = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); string GoodID = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); string price = a.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString(); List <string> temp = new List <string>(); temp.Add(name); temp.Add(price); temp.Add(GoodID); goodDetail temp2 = new goodDetail(temp[2], temp[0], Convert.ToDouble(temp[1])); return(temp2); } return(null); }