/// <summary>
        /// 根据条件查看活跃信息数据(返回一些汇总信息)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
        /// <param name="sqlWhere"></param>
        /// <param name="orderBy"></param>
        public SysShopActiveList GetListContainSummary(int pageIndex, int pageSize, List <DapperWhere> sqlWhere)
            SysShopActiveList activeList = new SysShopActiveList();

            pageIndex = pageIndex > 0 ? pageIndex : 1;
            StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder();

            string whereSt = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> parm = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            foreach (DapperWhere item in sqlWhere)
                if (whereSt.Length > 0)
                    whereSt += " and ";
                whereSt += item.Where;
                parm[item.ColumnName] = item.Value;

            sqlStr.Append(" select DISTINCT accid into #activelist from SysRpt_ShopActive ");

            if (whereSt.Length > 0)
                sqlStr.Append(" where " + whereSt + " ");
            sqlStr.Append(" declare @maxCount int;  ");
            sqlStr.Append(" select @maxCount=COUNT(*) from #activelist ;   ");
            sqlStr.Append(" select top (" + pageSize.ToString() + ") accid from #activelist  where accid not in( ");
            sqlStr.Append(" select top " + (pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)).ToString() + " accid from #activelist order by accid desc ");
            sqlStr.Append(" ) order by accid desc; ");
            sqlStr.Append(" select COUNT(*) countNum from #activelist;  ");
            sqlStr.Append(" drop table #activelist;  ");
            var data = DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(sqlStr.ToString(), parm);

            activeList.rowCount = 0;

            if (data.Count > 0)
                List <int> accountIdList = new List <int>();
                foreach (dynamic item in data[0].ToList())
                SysRpt_ShopInfoDAL shopDal = new SysRpt_ShopInfoDAL();
                activeList.shopList = shopDal.GetAccountSummarize(accountIdList.ToArray());
            if (data.Count > 1)
                activeList.rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(data[1].ToList().First().countNum);

Пример #2
        public List <IEnumerable <dynamic> > GetDailyAnalyzeList(int page, int source, string column, string whereStr, DateTime dateTime, string orderWhere)
            orderWhere = " order by " + (orderWhere.Length > 0 ? orderWhere : "id desc");
            page       = page < 1 ? 1 : page;
            int pageSize = 15;

            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            var flagColumn = "";
            var flagSql    = new StringBuilder();

            if (source == 0)
                flagColumn = " ,Sys_TagNexus.t_Name";
                flagSql.Append(" outer apply ( select Sys_TagInfo.t_Name from Sys_TagNexus left outer join Sys_TagInfo on Sys_TagInfo.id=Sys_TagNexus.tag_id");
                flagSql.Append(" where Sys_TagNexus.tag_id in (21,22,23,24,30) and Sys_TagNexus.acc_id=SysRpt_ShopDayInfo.accountid) Sys_TagNexus");
            else if (source != 0)
                flagColumn = " ,Sys_TagNexus.t_Name";
                flagSql.Append(" cross apply ( select Sys_TagInfo.t_Name from Sys_TagNexus left outer join Sys_TagInfo on Sys_TagInfo.id=Sys_TagNexus.tag_id");
                flagSql.Append(" where Sys_TagNexus.tag_id=@tagId and Sys_TagNexus.acc_id=SysRpt_ShopDayInfo.accountid) Sys_TagNexus");

            strSql.Append(" SELECT  ");
            strSql.Append("  " + column + " ");
            strSql.Append(" ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + orderWhere + ") AS 'RowNumber' into #OrderedOrders ");
            strSql.Append(" FROM SysRpt_ShopDayInfo  ");
            if (whereStr.Length > 0)
                strSql.Append("     where " + whereStr);
            strSql.Append("; SELECT #OrderedOrders.* ");
            strSql.Append(" FROM #OrderedOrders  ");
            strSql.Append(" WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN ((@pageIndex-1) * @pageSize)+1 AND (@pageIndex * @pageSize) ");
            strSql.Append(" select count(*) num from #OrderedOrders; drop table #OrderedOrders");

            return(DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(strSql.ToString(), new
                tagId = source,
                pageIndex = page,
                pageSize = pageSize,
                nowDay = dateTime
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得归属地店铺信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="areaName">归属地名称</param>
        /// <param name="bgDate">开始日期</param>
        /// <param name="edDate">结束日期</param>
        /// <param name="iPage">页数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> GetAreaShopInfoEx(string areaName, DateTime bgDate, DateTime edDate, int iPage, int pageSize)
            Dictionary <string, object> list = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            areaName = areaName.Trim('市');
            areaName = areaName.Trim('省');

            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 20;
            if (iPage < 1)
                iPage = 1;

            List <AreaShopInfoEx> areaShopInfoList = new List <AreaShopInfoEx>();
            StringBuilder         strSql           = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append(" select accid into #list from Sys_Account where accid in(select id from i200.dbo.T_Account where   ");
            strSql.Append(" RegTime between @bgDate and @edDate and State=1) and  sysAddress like '%'+ @AreaName +'%';             ");
            strSql.Append(" select  count(distinct accid) as accNum from #list; ");
            strSql.Append(" select * from (select row_number() over(order by accountid desc) as rowNumer,accountid,I200.dbo.T_Account.RegTime,I200.dbo.T_Account.CompanyName, ");
            strSql.Append(" max(allLoginNum) as LoginNum,max(lastLoginTime) as lastLoginTime ");
            strSql.Append(" from SysRpt_ShopDayInfo left outer join I200.dbo.T_Account on I200.dbo.T_Account.ID=SysRpt_ShopDayInfo.accountid ");
            strSql.Append(" where  SysRpt_ShopDayInfo.accountid in(select accid from #list) group by accountid,I200.dbo.T_Account.RegTime,I200.dbo.T_Account.CompanyName ");
            strSql.Append(" ) List ");
            strSql.Append(" where List.rowNumer between @bgNumber and @edNumber ");
            strSql.Append(" order by LoginNum desc ");
            strSql.Append(" drop table #list  ");

            int bgNumber = ((iPage - 1) * pageSize) + 1;
            int edNumber = (iPage) * pageSize;

            var dataList = DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(strSql.ToString(), new {
                AreaName = areaName,
                bgDate   = bgDate,
                edDate   = edDate,
                bgNumber = bgNumber,
                edNumber = edNumber

            if (dataList != null && dataList.Count > 0)
                var maxCntList = dataList[0].ToList();
                int rowCount   = Convert.ToInt32(maxCntList[0].accNum);

                int maxPage = 0;
                if (rowCount > 0)
                    maxPage = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(rowCount) / pageSize));

                foreach (dynamic dr in dataList[1].ToList())
                    AreaShopInfoEx areaShopInfo = new AreaShopInfoEx();
                    areaShopInfo.accID         = int.Parse(dr.accountid.ToString());
                    areaShopInfo.accName       = dr.CompanyName.ToString();
                    areaShopInfo.regTime       = DateTime.Parse(dr.RegTime.ToString());
                    areaShopInfo.loginTimes    = int.Parse(dr.LoginNum.ToString());
                    areaShopInfo.lastLoginTime = DateTime.Parse(dr.lastLoginTime.ToString());

                list["rowCount"]  = rowCount;
                list["maxPage"]   = maxPage;
                list["pageIndex"] = iPage;
                list["listData"]  = areaShopInfoList;

        /// <summary>
        /// 分组取交集
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mainSqlWhere"></param>
        /// <param name="followSqlWhere"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SysShopActiveList GetGroupListContainSummary(int pageIndex, int pageSize, List <DapperWhere> mainSqlWhere, List <DapperWhere> followSqlWhere)
            SysShopActiveList activeList = new SysShopActiveList();

            pageIndex = pageIndex > 0 ? pageIndex : 1;
            Dictionary <string, object> sqlParm = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            #region 主要条件

            string mainWhereSt = "";
            foreach (DapperWhere item in mainSqlWhere)
                if (mainWhereSt.Length > 0)
                    mainWhereSt += " and ";
                mainWhereSt += item.Where;
                sqlParm[item.ColumnName] = item.Value;


            #region 次要条件
            string followWhereSt = "";
            foreach (DapperWhere item in followSqlWhere)
                if (followWhereSt.Length > 0)
                    followWhereSt += " and ";
                followWhereSt           += item.Where;
                sqlParm[item.ColumnName] = item.Value;


            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            strSql.Append(" select DISTINCT accid into #main from SysRpt_ShopActive ");
            if (mainWhereSt.Length > 0)
                strSql.Append(" where " + mainWhereSt);
            strSql.Append(" ; ");

            strSql.Append(" select DISTINCT accid into #follow from SysRpt_ShopActive  ");
            if (followWhereSt.Length > 0)
                strSql.Append(" where " + followWhereSt);
            strSql.Append(" ; ");
            strSql.Append(" delete #main where #main.accid not in(select accid from #follow); ");
            strSql.Append(" drop table #follow; ");
            strSql.Append(" select top " + pageSize.ToString() + " accid from #main where accid not in(select top " + (pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)) + " accid from #main order by accid desc)order by accid desc; ");
            strSql.Append(" select COUNT(*) countNum from #main;  ");
            strSql.Append(" drop table #main; ");

            var dsJson = DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(strSql.ToString(), sqlParm);

            activeList.rowCount = 0;

            if (dsJson.Count > 0)
                List <int> accountIdList = new List <int>();
                foreach (dynamic item in dsJson[0].ToList())
                SysRpt_ShopInfoDAL shopDal = new SysRpt_ShopInfoDAL();
                activeList.shopList = shopDal.GetAccountSummarize(accountIdList.ToArray());
            if (dsJson.Count > 1)
                activeList.rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(dsJson[1].ToList().First().countNum);

Пример #5
        public static List <OrderRenewalModel> GetSingleOrderRenewalModels(DateTime time)
            List <OrderRenewalModel> thisMonthList = new List <OrderRenewalModel>();
            OrderRenewalModel        thisMonth     = new OrderRenewalModel();
            StringBuilder            strSql        = new StringBuilder();

                "select o.accid,o.transactionDate,r.itemId,r.itemQuantity into #List " +
                "from i200.dbo.T_OrderInfo o " +
                "left join i200.dbo.T_Order_List r " +
                "on o.oid=r.oid " +
                "where r.itemId<>1;");

                "select accid into #accidList from #List where itemId<>11 and DATEDIFF(MONTH,transactionDate,@date)=itemQuantity " +
                "union " +
                "select accid from #List where itemId=11 and DATEDIFF(MONTH,transactionDate,@date)=itemQuantity*12;");

            strSql.Append("select * from #accidList;");
            strSql.Append("select o.accid from i200.dbo.T_OrderInfo o left join i200.dbo.T_Order_List r on o.oid=r.oid where r.itemId not in (1,21,22,23) and DateDiff(month,o.transactionDate,@date)=0 and o.accid in (select accid from #accidList);");

            strSql.Append("drop table #accidList;");
            strSql.Append("drop table #List;");

            thisMonth.Date = time.ToString("yyyy-MM");
            List <IEnumerable <dynamic> > multiList = DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(strSql.ToString(),
                                                                                 new { date = time }).ToList();

            thisMonth.ExpireUsr = multiList[0].Count();
            if (thisMonth.ExpireUsr != 0)
                foreach (dynamic i in multiList[0])
                    if (!thisMonth.ExAccids.Contains(i.accid))

            thisMonth.RenewalUsr = multiList[1].Count();
            if (thisMonth.RenewalUsr != 0)
                foreach (dynamic i in multiList[1])
                    if (!thisMonth.ReAccids.Contains(i.accid))

            if (thisMonth.ExpireUsr != 0)
                thisMonth.Ratio = thisMonth.RenewalUsr * 100 / thisMonth.ExpireUsr;
            thisMonth.ExAccidStr = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(thisMonth.ExAccids);
            thisMonth.ReAccidStr = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(thisMonth.ReAccids);

            thisMonth.NotReUsr      = thisMonth.ExpireUsr - thisMonth.RenewalUsr;
            thisMonth.NotReAccidStr = CommonLib.Helper.JsonSerializeObject(thisMonth.ExAccids.Except(thisMonth.ReAccids));


            List <OrderRenewalModel> dailyList = GetDailyRenewalModel(time);

            if (dailyList.Count > 0)
                foreach (OrderRenewalModel mod in dailyList)

Пример #6
        public CarePercentModel GetCarePartitionPer(DateTime stDate, DateTime edDate, string usrName, int partIndex)
            CarePercentModel careModel = new CarePercentModel();
            StringBuilder    strSql    = new StringBuilder();

            string filter = "";

            if (usrName == "all")
                filter = " and insertName <> '系统' ";
                filter = " and insertName='" + usrName + "'";

            List <int> newRegAccid = new List <int>();
            List <int> activeAccid = new List <int>();
            List <int> sleepAccid  = new List <int>();
            List <int> lostAccid   = new List <int>();
            List <int> newRegAccidAll = new List <int>();
            List <int> activeAccidAll = new List <int>();
            List <int> sleepAccidAll  = new List <int>();
            List <int> lostAccidAll   = new List <int>();

            switch (partIndex)
            case 1:
                while (stDate < edDate)
                        "select accid from SysRpt_ShopActive where DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)<lastNum and DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)>0 and active in (5,7);");
                    List <int> active = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate }).ToList();
                    foreach (int i in active)
                        if (!activeAccidAll.Contains(i))

                    string accids = "(";
                    if (active.Count > 1)
                        foreach (int accid in active)
                            accids += accid.ToString() + ",";
                        accids = accids.Substring(0, accids.LastIndexOf(',')) + ")";

                            "select accid from Sys_VisitInfo where DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,insertTime)=0 and accid in " + accids + " " + filter + " group by accid;");

                        List <int> accList = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate, dateEnd = stDate.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59) }).ToList();

                        foreach (int i in accList)
                            if (!activeAccid.Contains(i))


                    stDate = stDate.AddDays(1);

            case 2:
                while (stDate < edDate)
                        "select accid from SysRpt_ShopActive where DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)<lastNum and DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)>0 and active=1;");
                    List <int> newReg = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate }).ToList();
                    foreach (int i in newReg)
                        if (!newRegAccidAll.Contains(i))
                    string newRegAccids = "(";
                    if (newReg.Count > 1)
                        foreach (int accid in newReg)
                            newRegAccids += accid.ToString() + ",";
                        newRegAccids = newRegAccids.Substring(0, newRegAccids.LastIndexOf(',')) + ")";

                            "select accid from Sys_VisitInfo where insertTime between @date and @dateEnd and accid in " + newRegAccids + " " + filter + " group by accid;");

                        List <int> regAccId = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate, dateEnd = stDate.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59) }).ToList();
                        foreach (int i in regAccId)
                            if (!newRegAccid.Contains(i))


                    stDate = stDate.AddDays(1);

            case 3:
                while (stDate < edDate)
                        "select accid from SysRpt_ShopActive where DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)<lastNum and DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)>0 and active=-1;");
                    List <int> sleep = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate }).ToList();
                    foreach (int i in sleep)
                        if (!sleepAccidAll.Contains(i))
                    string sleepAccids = "(";
                    if (sleep.Count > 1)
                        foreach (int accid in sleep)
                            sleepAccids += accid.ToString() + ",";
                        sleepAccids = sleepAccids.Substring(0, sleepAccids.LastIndexOf(',')) + ")";

                            "select accid from Sys_VisitInfo where insertTime between @date and @dateEnd and accid in " + sleepAccids + " " + filter + " group by accid;");

                        List <int> sleepAccIdList = DapperHelper.Query <int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate, dateEnd = stDate.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59) }).ToList();
                        foreach (int i in sleepAccIdList)
                            if (!sleepAccid.Contains(i))


                    stDate = stDate.AddDays(1);

            case 4:
                while (stDate < edDate)
                        "select accid into #List from SysRpt_ShopActive where DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)<lastNum and DATEDIFF(DAY,@date,updatetime)>0 and active=-3;" +
                        "select accid from #List;");
                    //List<int> lost = DapperHelper.Query<int>(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate }).ToList();

                        "select accid from Sys_VisitInfo where insertTime between @date and @dateEnd and accid in (select accid from #List) " + filter + " group by accid;" +
                        "drop table #List;");

                    List <IEnumerable <dynamic> > lostAccidList = DapperHelper.QueryMultiple(strSql.ToString(), new { date = stDate, dateEnd = stDate.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59) }).ToList();

                    List <dynamic> lost = lostAccidList[0].ToList();
                    foreach (dynamic i in lost)
                        if (!lostAccidAll.Contains(i.accid))

                    List <dynamic> lostId = lostAccidList[1].ToList();
                    foreach (dynamic i in lostId)
                        if (!lostAccid.Contains(i.accid))


                    stDate = stDate.AddDays(1);

            switch (partIndex)
            case 1:
                careModel.ListData.Add(new PercentPart("active", activeAccid.Count, activeAccidAll.Count, (activeAccidAll.Count == 0 ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(activeAccid.Count) * 100 / activeAccidAll.Count)).ToString()));

            case 2:
                careModel.ListData.Add(new PercentPart("new", newRegAccid.Count, newRegAccidAll.Count, (newRegAccidAll.Count == 0 ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(newRegAccid.Count) * 100 / newRegAccidAll.Count)).ToString()));

            case 3:
                careModel.ListData.Add(new PercentPart("sleep", sleepAccid.Count, sleepAccidAll.Count, (sleepAccidAll.Count == 0 ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(sleepAccid.Count) * 100 / sleepAccidAll.Count)).ToString()));

            case 4:
                careModel.ListData.Add(new PercentPart("lost", lostAccid.Count, lostAccidAll.Count, (lostAccidAll.Count == 0 ? 0 : (Convert.ToDouble(lostAccid.Count) * 100 / lostAccidAll.Count)).ToString()));
