Пример #1
        public BeaglePlugin()
            server = Daemon.Server;
            db = Daemon.DefaultDatabase;
            log = Daemon.Log;

            query = new Query ();
            query.AddDomain (QueryDomain.Neighborhood);
            query.MaxHits = 10000;

            QueryPart_Property filePart = new QueryPart_Property ();
            filePart.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
            filePart.Key = "beagle:HitType";
            filePart.Value = "File";
            query.AddPart (filePart);

            QueryPart_Or queryUnion = new QueryPart_Or ();

            foreach (string mt in supportedMimeTypes) {
                QueryPart_Property part = new QueryPart_Property ();
                part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
                part.Key = "beagle:MimeType";
                part.Value = mt;
                queryUnion.Add (part);

            query.AddPart (queryUnion);
            query.HitsAddedEvent += OnHitsAdded;
            query.HitsSubtractedEvent += OnHitsSubtracted;
            query.FinishedEvent += OnFinished;

            int attempts = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    query.SendAsync ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (attempts++ >= 5) {
                        log.Warn ("Failed to initialize beagle plugin");
                        query = null;

                    // something bad happened, wait a sec and try again
                    log.Debug ("Sending query failed: " + e.Message);
                    log.Debug ("Waiting 3 seconds...");
                    Thread.Sleep (3000);
Пример #2
        public IPodPlugin()
            server = Daemon.Server;
            db = Daemon.DefaultDatabase;
            log = Daemon.Log;

            listener = new IPod.DeviceEventListener ();

            AddDevices ();

            listener.DeviceAdded += OnDeviceAdded;
            listener.DeviceRemoved += OnDeviceRemoved;

            log.Info ("Finished adding iPod devices");
Пример #3
        public static void Run()
            InitializeLogging ();

            if (!File.Exists (ConfigPath)) {
                log.WarnFormat ("Config file '{0}' was not found, using defaults", ConfigPath);

            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException;

            #if LINUX || MACOSX
            UnixSignal.RegisterHandler (Signum.SIGTERM, OnSignal);
            UnixSignal.RegisterHandler (Signum.SIGINT, OnSignal);
            UnixSignal.Start ();
            Application.EnableVisualStyles ();
            Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false);

            server = new Server (Name);
            server.UserLogin += OnUserLogin;
            server.UserLogout += OnUserLogout;
            server.Port = Port;
            server.IsPublished = IsPublished;
            server.Collision += OnCollision;
            db = new Database (Name);
            server.AddDatabase (db);
            server.MaxUsers = MaxUsers;

            server.TrackRequested += OnTrackRequested;

            log.Info ("Server name: " + Name);

            PluginManager.LoadPlugins (PluginNames);

            #if LINUX
            if (Inotify.Enabled) {
                Inotify.Start ();

            AddUsers ();

            try {
                lock (server) {
                    server.Commit ();
                    server.Start ();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogError ("Failed to start server", e);
                Shutdown ();

            RunLoop ();
            Shutdown ();