public Challenge(CycGame cg, Game1 g, int m) { cycGame = cg; game = g; state = ChallengeState.NotYet; Measure = m; beats = new List<ChallengeBeat>(); enemiesIgnored = 0; enemiesKilled = 0; enemyCount = 0; }
public JetpackGirl(Game1 game, CycGame cg) : base(game) { CycGame = cg; Dying = false; AttackRadius = 10; particles = new JetpackGirlPS(Game); Game.Components.Add(particles); ScaleFactor = 2.0f; assetName = "rockGirl"; collisionStyle = CollisionStyle.Box; jetpack = new Jetpack(this); spriteWidth = 14; jumpReleased = true; attackCounter = 0; attackCooldown = 0; Attacking = false; GroundLoss = DefaultGroundLoss; bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 14, 16); }
public HoverEnemyPool(CycGame game) : base(game) { }
public RobotEnemyPool(CycGame game) : base(game) { }
public EnemyPool(CycGame g) { cycGame = g; enemies = new List<CycSprite>(); }
public ShipEnemyPool(CycGame g) : base(g) { }
public SpiderEnemyPool(CycGame game) : base(game) { }
public BeamPool(CycGame g) : base(g) { }
public JetpackEnemyPool(CycGame g) : base(g) { rgen = new Random(); }
public FrogEnemyPool(CycGame game) : base(game) { }
public void RegisterDifficultyNotch(CycGame dst, int difficulty) { float triggerTime = ((((int)Game.CurrentMeasure) / 4) + 1) * 4 - 1; if (dst == TopGame) { //send a notch to the upper edge of the pipe //warning magic number EnemyNotch n = new EnemyNotch(this, UpPipeX, UpPipeStartY, 20); //assumption: notches have uniform height n.TargetY = topNotches.Count() * n.Height; if (topNotches.Count() == 0) { n.TargetX = DownPipeX; } n.Duration = (float)((triggerTime - Game.CurrentMeasure)*(4.0/3.0)); topNotches.Add(n); n.Initialize(); n.LoadContent(); } else { //send a notch to the bottom edge of the pipe EnemyNotch n = new EnemyNotch(this, DownPipeX, DownPipeStartY, 20); n.TargetY = Height - bottomNotches.Count() * n.Height - 20 - PipeMargin; n.TargetX = DownPipeX; n.Duration = (float)((triggerTime - Game.CurrentMeasure) * (4.0 / 3.0)); bottomNotches.Add(n); n.Initialize(); n.LoadContent(); } }
public void ClearNotches(CycGame src, int amt) { if (src == TopGame) { for(int i = 0; i < amt; i++) { if (i >= topNotches.Count) { break; } EnemyNotch n = topNotches[i]; n.ShuffleOut((X == 0) ? this.Width : X - n.Width, 0); } if (topNotches.Count > 0) { topNotches.RemoveRange(0, Math.Min(topNotches.Count, amt)); } for (int i = 0; i < topNotches.Count; i++) { EnemyNotch n = topNotches[i]; if (i == 0) { n.TargetX = DownPipeX; } n.TargetY = i * n.Height; n.Duration = 2.0f / 3.0f; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < amt; i++) { if (i >= bottomNotches.Count) { break; } EnemyNotch n = bottomNotches[i]; n.ShuffleOut((X == 0) ? this.Width : X - n.Width, this.Height - Width / 2 - n.Height); } if (bottomNotches.Count > 0) { bottomNotches.RemoveRange(0, Math.Min(bottomNotches.Count, amt)); } for (int i = 0; i < bottomNotches.Count; i++) { EnemyNotch n = bottomNotches[i]; n.TargetY = Height - i * n.Height - 12 - PipeMargin; n.Duration = 2.0f / 3.0f; } } }