internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            var provider = Control.LinearAlgebraProvider;

            using (var weightsCpu = this.weights.OnCpu())
                var bottomData  = (DenseVector)bottom[0].Data;
                var topDiff     = (DenseVector)top[0].Diff;
                var weightsData = (DenseVector)weightsCpu.Data;

                if (GetPropagateDownForParameter(0))
                    provider.MatrixMultiplyWithUpdate(Transpose.Transpose, Transpose.DontTranspose, 1f, topDiff.Values, m, n, bottomData.Values, m, k, 0f, weightsData.Values);

                if (this.Parameters.UseBias && GetPropagateDownForParameter(1))
                    using (var biasCpu = this.bias.OnCpu())
                        using (var biasMultiplierCpu = this.biasMultiplier.OnCpu())
                            var biasData           = (DenseVector)biasCpu.Data;
                            var biasMultiplierData = (DenseVector)biasMultiplierCpu.Data;

                            provider.MatrixMultiplyWithUpdate(Transpose.Transpose, Transpose.DontTranspose, 1f, topDiff.Values, m, n, biasMultiplierData.Values, 1, m, 0f, biasData.Values);

                if (propagateDown[0])
                    provider.MatrixMultiplyWithUpdate(Transpose.DontTranspose, Transpose.DontTranspose, 1f, topDiff.Values, m, n, weightsData.Values, n, k, 0f, bottomData.Values);
Пример #2
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var topData = top[0].Data;

            var power = this.Parameters.Power;
            var shift = this.Parameters.Shift;
            var scale = this.Parameters.Scale;

            // Special case where we can ignore the input: scale or power is 0.
            if (this.Parameters.DiffScale == 0f)
                double value = (power == 0f) ? 1.0d : Math.Pow(shift, power);
                topData.Map(v => value, topData, Zeros.Include);


            // TODO Math.Pow with doubles is numerically highly unstable. Consider change everything to doubles or build a more stable version.
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;

            if (power != 1)
                bottomData.Map(v => Math.Pow((v) * scale + shift, power), topData, Zeros.Include);
                bottomData.Map(v => v * scale + shift, topData, Zeros.Include);

Пример #3
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;
            var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int num = bottom[0].Num;
            int dim = bottom[0].Count / num;

            // Copy gradients to the bottom layer.

            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                int offset = n * dim;

                // REMARK: Numerically unstable dot implementation.
                double scale = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    scale += topDiff[offset + i] * topData[offset + i];

                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    bottomDiff[offset + i] = (topDiff[offset + i] - scale) * topData[offset + i];
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var provider = Control.LinearAlgebraProvider;

            using (var weightsCpu = this.weights.OnCpu())
                var bottomData  = (DenseVector)bottom[0].Data;
                var topData     = (DenseVector)top[0].Data;
                var weightsData = (DenseVector)weightsCpu.Data;

                provider.MatrixMultiplyWithUpdate(Transpose.DontTranspose, Transpose.Transpose, 1f, bottomData.Values, m, k, weightsData.Values, n, k, 0f, topData.Values);

                if (Parameters.UseBias)
                    using (var biasCpu = this.bias.OnCpu())
                        using (var biasMultiplierCpu = this.biasMultiplier.OnCpu())
                            var biasData           = (DenseVector)biasCpu.Data;
                            var biasMultiplierData = (DenseVector)biasMultiplierCpu.Data;
                            provider.MatrixMultiplyWithUpdate(Transpose.DontTranspose, Transpose.DontTranspose, 1f, biasMultiplierData.Values, m, 1, biasData.Values, 1, n, 1f, topData.Values);

Пример #5
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (propagateDown[1])
                throw new NotSupportedException("SoftmaxLossLayer cannot back-propagate to label inputs.");

            if (propagateDown[0])
                var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
                var labels     = bottom[1].Data;

                int num = bottom[0].Num;
                int dim = bottom[0].Count / num;

                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    bottomDiff[i * dim + (int)labels[i]] -= 1;

                // Scale down gradient
                double scale = 1f / num;
                bottomDiff.Map(v => v * scale, Zeros.Include);
Пример #6
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Zero the output
            topData.Map(v => 0, result: topData);

            // Main loop
            int bottomOffset = 0;
            int topOffset    = 0;

            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    for (int ph = 0; ph < Pooled.Height; ph++)
                        for (int pw = 0; pw < Pooled.Width; pw++)
                            int hstart    = ph * stride.Height - padding.Height;
                            int wstart    = pw * stride.Width - padding.Width;
                            int hend      = Math.Min(hstart + kernel.Height, height + padding.Height);
                            int wend      = Math.Min(wstart + kernel.Width, width + padding.Width);
                            int pool_size = (hend - hstart) * (wend - wstart);

                            hstart = Math.Max(hstart, 0);
                            wstart = Math.Max(wstart, 0);
                            hend   = Math.Min(hend, height);
                            wend   = Math.Min(wend, width);

                            for (int h = hstart; h < hend; h++)
                                for (int w = wstart; w < wend; w++)
                                    topData[topOffset + ph * Pooled.Width + pw] += bottomData[bottomOffset + h * width + w];
                            topData[topOffset + ph * Pooled.Width + pw] /= pool_size;

                    bottomOffset += bottom[0].Offset(0, 1);
                    topOffset    += top[0].Offset(0, 1);

Пример #7
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => (v > 0) ? v + Math.Log(1.0d + Math.Exp(-v)) : Math.Log(1.0d + Math.Exp(v)), topData, Zeros.Include);

Пример #8
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
            var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Zero the output
            bottomDiff.Map(v => 0, result: bottomDiff);

            // Main loop
            int bottomOffset = 0;
            int topOffset    = 0;

            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    for (int ph = 0; ph < Pooled.Height; ph++)
                        for (int pw = 0; pw < Pooled.Width; pw++)
                            int hstart    = ph * stride.Height - padding.Height;
                            int wstart    = pw * stride.Width - padding.Width;
                            int hend      = Math.Min(hstart + kernel.Height, height + padding.Height);
                            int wend      = Math.Min(wstart + kernel.Width, width + padding.Width);
                            int pool_size = (hend - hstart) * (wend - wstart);

                            hstart = Math.Max(hstart, 0);
                            wstart = Math.Max(wstart, 0);
                            hend   = Math.Min(hend, height);
                            wend   = Math.Min(wend, width);

                            int pos = topOffset + ph * Pooled.Width + pw;
                            for (int h = hstart; h < hend; h++)
                                for (int w = wstart; w < wend; w++)
                                    bottomDiff[bottomOffset + h * width + w] += topDiff[pos] / pool_size;

                    bottomOffset += bottom[0].Offset(0, 1);
                    topOffset    += top[0].Offset(0, 1);
Пример #9
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            var slope = this.Parameters.NegativeSlope;

            bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => v > 0 ? v : v * slope, topData, Zeros.Include);

 internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
     if (this.Phase == PhaseType.Train)
         return(ForwardTrainCpu(bottom, top));
         return(ForwardTestCpu(bottom, top));
Пример #11
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (propagateDown[0])
                var topData    = top[0].Data;
                var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;
                var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;

                topData.MapIndexed((i, v) => topDiff[i] * v * (1.0d - v), bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
Пример #12
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;
            var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;

            bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) =>
                var expVal = Math.Exp(Math.Min(v, Threshold));
                return(topDiff[i] * expVal / (expVal + 1.0d));
            }, bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
Пример #13
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => {
                var exp2x = Math.Exp(2 * v);
                return((exp2x - 1) / (exp2x + 1));
            }, topData, Zeros.Include);

Пример #14
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            var threshold = this.Parameters.Threshold;

            int count = bottom[0].Count;

            bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => (v > threshold) ? 1.0d : 0.0d, topData, Zeros.Include);

Пример #15
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (propagateDown[0])
                var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
                var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
                var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

                var slope = this.Parameters.NegativeSlope;

                bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => topDiff[i] * (v > 0.0d ? 1.0d : 0.0d) + slope * (v <= 0 ? 1.0d : 0.0d), bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
Пример #16
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            difference = bottom[0].Data - bottom[1].Data;
            double loss = (difference.L2Norm() / (bottom[0].Count / 2));

            // If we are expecting a value we just set it up.
            if (top.Count == 1)
                top[0].Data[0] = loss;

Пример #17
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (propagateDown[i])
                    double sign  = (i == 0) ? 1 : -1;
                    double alpha = sign / bottom[i].Num;

                    var bottomDiff = bottom[i].Diff;
                    difference.Map(v => alpha * v, bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
            var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size stride = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Zero the output
            bottomDiff.Map(v => 0, result: bottomDiff);

            // Main loop
            for (int index = 0; index < bottom.Count; index++)
                // find out the local index
                // find out the local offset
                int w = index % width;
                int h = (index / width) % height;
                int c = (index / width / height) % channels;
                int n = index / width / height / channels;

                int phstart = (h < kernel.Height) ? 0 : (h - kernel.Height) / stride.Height + 1;
                int phend   = Math.Min(h / stride.Height + 1, Pooled.Height);
                int pwstart = (w < kernel.Width) ? 0 : (w - kernel.Width) / stride.Width + 1;
                int pwend   = Math.Min(w / stride.Width + 1, Pooled.Width);

                int topOffset = (n * channels + c) * Pooled.Height * Pooled.Width;

                double gradient = 0;

                for (int ph = phstart; ph < phend; ++ph)
                    for (int pw = pwstart; pw < pwend; ++pw)
                        if (index == randomIndexes[topOffset + ph * Pooled.Width + pw])
                            gradient += topDiff[topOffset + ph * Pooled.Width + pw];

                bottomDiff[index] = gradient;
Пример #19
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (propagateDown[0])
                var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
                var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

                if (this.Phase == PhaseType.Train)
                    topDiff.PointwiseMultiply(mask, result: bottomDiff);
        protected double ForwardTestCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size stride = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Main loop
            topData.MapIndexed((index, _) =>
                int pw = index % Pooled.Width;
                int ph = (index / Pooled.Width) % Pooled.Height;
                int c  = (index / Pooled.Width / Pooled.Height) % channels;
                int n  = index / Pooled.Width / Pooled.Height / channels;

                int hstart = ph * stride.Height;
                int hend   = Math.Min(hstart + kernel.Height, height);
                int wstart = pw * stride.Width;
                int wend   = Math.Min(wstart + kernel.Width, width);

                int bottomOffset = (n * channels + c) * height * width;

                double cumulativeSum    = double.Epsilon;
                double cumulativeValues = 0;
                for (int h = hstart; h < hend; h++)
                    for (int w = wstart; w < wend; w++)
                        double value      = bottomData[bottomOffset + h * width + w];
                        cumulativeSum    += value;
                        cumulativeValues += value * value;

                return(cumulativeValues / cumulativeSum);
            }, topData, Zeros.Include);

Пример #21
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int num = bottom[0].Num;
            int dim = bottom[0].Count / num;

            // Implementation based on
            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                int offset = n * dim;

                double scale = double.NegativeInfinity;
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    if (bottomData[offset + i] > scale)
                        scale = bottomData[offset + i];

                // Store the scale value to use when performing the backwards step.
                this.scaleVector[n] = scale;

                double z = 0.0d;
                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    double value = Math.Exp(bottomData[offset + i] - scale);
                    z += value;

                    // Store in the cache to avoid having to calculate this value again.
                    cache[i] = value;

                for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                    topData[offset + i] = (cache[i] / z);

Пример #22
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            if (Phase == PhaseType.Train)
                var ratio = this.Parameters.Ratio;
                var scale = 1f / (1f - ratio);

                var bernoulli = new Bernoulli(1 - ratio);
                mask = Vector <double> .Build.SameAs(bottomData, () => scale *bernoulli.Sample());

                bottomData.PointwiseMultiply(mask, result: topData);

Пример #23
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            using (var probabilityCpu = probability.OnCpu())
                // The forward pass computes the softmax prob values.
                softmaxLayer.ForwardCpu(bottom, new CpuTensorScopeCollection {

                var probabilityData = probabilityCpu.Data;
                var labels          = bottom[1].Data;

                int num = bottom[0].Num;
                int dim = bottom[0].Count / num;

                double loss = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    loss -= Math.Log(Math.Max(probabilityData[i * dim + (int)labels[i]], double.Epsilon));

                loss = loss / num;

                if (top.Count >= 1)
                    top[0].Data[0] = loss;

                if (top.Count == 2)

Пример #24
 internal virtual void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Пример #25
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (propagateDown[0])
                var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
                var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

                var diffScale = this.Parameters.DiffScale;
                var power     = this.Parameters.Power;

                if (diffScale == 0 || power == 1)
                    bottomDiff.Map(v => diffScale, bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
                    var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;

                    var scale = this.Parameters.Scale;
                    var shift = this.Parameters.Shift;

                    // Compute dy/dx = scale * power * (shift + scale * x)^(power - 1)
                    //               = diff_scale * y / (shift + scale * x)

                    if (power == 2)
                        // Special case for y = (shift + scale * x)^2
                        //     -> dy/dx = 2 * scale * (shift + scale * x)
                        //              = diff_scale * shift + diff_scale * scale * x
                        if (shift != 0)
                            bottomData.Map(v => diffScale * shift + diffScale * scale * v, bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
                            bottomData.Map(v => diffScale * scale * v, bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
                    else if (shift == 0)
                        // Special case for y = (scale * x)^power
                        //     -> dy/dx = scale * power * (scale * x)^(power - 1)
                        //              = scale * power * (scale * x)^power * (scale * x)^(-1)
                        //              = power * y / x

                        var topData = top[0].Data;
                        bottomData.MapIndexed((i, v) => power * (topData[i] / v), bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);
                        if (scale != 1)
                            bottomDiff.Multiply(scale, result: bottomDiff);

                        var topData = top[0].Data;
                        bottomDiff.MapIndexed((i, v) => topData[i] / (v + shift), bottomDiff, Zeros.Include);

                        if (diffScale != 1)
                            bottomDiff.Multiply(diffScale, result: bottomDiff);

                if (diffScale != 0)
                    topDiff.PointwiseMultiply(bottomDiff, result: bottomDiff);
Пример #26
        internal override void BackwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection top, IList <bool> propagateDown, CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom)
            if (!propagateDown[0])

            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var bottomDiff = bottom[0].Diff;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;
            var topDiff    = top[0].Diff;

            int count = bottom[0].Count;

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Zero the output
            bottomDiff.Map(v => 0, result: bottomDiff);

            // Initialize
            Vector <double> inputMask;
            bool            useTopMask = top.Count > 1;

            if (useTopMask)
                inputMask = top[1].Data;
                inputMask = this.maxIndexes;

            // Main loop
            for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                int w = index % width;
                int h = (index / width) % height;
                int c = (index / width / height) % channels;
                int n = index / width / height / channels;

                int phstart = (h + padding.Height < kernel.Height) ? 0 : (h + padding.Height - kernel.Height) / stride.Height + 1;
                int phend   = Math.Min((h + padding.Height) / stride.Height + 1, Pooled.Height);
                int pwstart = (w + padding.Width < kernel.Width) ? 0 : (w + padding.Width - kernel.Width) / stride.Width + 1;
                int pwend   = Math.Min((w + padding.Width) / stride.Width + 1, Pooled.Width);

                int topOffset = (n * channels + c) * Pooled.Height * Pooled.Width;

                double bottomDatum = bottomData[index];

                double gradient = 0;
                for (int ph = phstart; ph < phend; ++ph)
                    for (int pw = pwstart; pw < pwend; ++pw)
                        int topIndex = ph * Pooled.Width + pw;

                        if (bottomDatum == topData[topOffset + topIndex])
                            gradient += topDiff[topOffset + topIndex];

                bottomDiff[index] = gradient;
Пример #27
 internal abstract double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top);
Пример #28
        internal override double ForwardCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Initialize
            Vector <double> outputMask;

            bool useTopMask = top.Count > 1;

            if (useTopMask)
                outputMask = top[1].Data;
                outputMask = this.maxIndexes;

            outputMask.Map(x => - 1f, outputMask, Zeros.Include);
            topData.Map(x => double.MinValue, topData, Zeros.Include);

            // The main loop
            int bottomOffset = 0;
            int topOffset    = 0;

            for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
                for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    for (int ph = 0; ph < Pooled.Height; ph++)
                        for (int pw = 0; pw < Pooled.Width; pw++)
                            int hstart    = ph * stride.Height - padding.Height;
                            int wstart    = pw * stride.Width - padding.Width;
                            int hend      = Math.Min(hstart + kernel.Height, height + padding.Height);
                            int wend      = Math.Min(wstart + kernel.Width, width + padding.Width);
                            int pool_size = (hend - hstart) * (wend - wstart);

                            hstart = Math.Max(hstart, 0);
                            wstart = Math.Max(wstart, 0);
                            hend   = Math.Min(hend, height);
                            wend   = Math.Min(wend, width);

                            int poolIndex = ph * Pooled.Width + pw;
                            for (int h = hstart; h < hend; h++)
                                for (int w = wstart; w < wend; w++)
                                    int index = h * width + w;
                                    if (bottomData[bottomOffset + index] > topData[topOffset + poolIndex])
                                        topData[topOffset + poolIndex]    = bottomData[bottomOffset + index];
                                        outputMask[topOffset + poolIndex] = index;

                    bottomOffset += bottom[0].Offset(0, 1);
                    topOffset    += top[0].Offset(0, 1);

        protected double ForwardTrainCpu(CpuTensorScopeCollection bottom, CpuTensorScopeCollection top)
            var bottomData = bottom[0].Data;
            var topData    = top[0].Data;

            int num      = bottom[0].Num;
            int channels = bottom[0].Channels;
            int height   = bottom[0].Height;
            int width    = bottom[0].Width;

            Size padding = this.Parameters.Padding;
            Size stride  = this.Parameters.Stride;
            Size kernel  = this.Parameters.Kernel;

            // Main loop
            topData.MapIndexed((index, _) =>
                int pw = index % Pooled.Width;
                int ph = (index / Pooled.Width) % Pooled.Height;
                int c  = (index / Pooled.Width / Pooled.Height) % channels;
                int n  = index / Pooled.Width / Pooled.Height / channels;

                int hstart = ph * stride.Height;
                int hend   = Math.Min(hstart + kernel.Height, height);
                int wstart = pw * stride.Width;
                int wend   = Math.Min(wstart + kernel.Width, width);

                int bottomOffset = (n * channels + c) * height * width;

                // First pass: get sum
                double cumulativeSum = 0;
                for (int h = hstart; h < hend; h++)
                    for (int w = wstart; w < wend; w++)
                        cumulativeSum += bottomData[bottomOffset + h * width + w];

                double threshold = this.randomIndexes[index] * cumulativeSum;

                // Second pass: get value, and set index.
                for (int h = hstart; h < hend; ++h)
                    for (int w = wstart; w < wend; ++w)
                        cumulativeSum += bottomData[bottomOffset + h * width + w];
                        if (cumulativeSum >= threshold)
                            this.randomIndexes[index] = ((n * channels + c) * height + h) * width + w;
                            return(bottomData[bottomOffset + h * width + w]);

                this.randomIndexes[index] = ((n * channels + c) * height + (hend - 1)) * width + (wend - 1);
                return(bottomData[bottomOffset + (hend - 1) * width + (wend - 1)]);
            }, topData, Zeros.Include);
