Пример #1
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// MainViewModel
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class
        /// with the specified settings.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public MainViewModel(SettingFolder src, SynchronizationContext context) : base(
                new MainFacade(src, context),
                new Aggregator(),
            var recent = Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent.GetName();
            var mon    = new DirectoryMonitor(recent, "*.pdf.lnk", src.IO, GetInvoker(false));

            Ribbon      = new RibbonViewModel(Facade, Aggregator, context);
            Recent      = new RecentViewModel(mon, Aggregator, context);
            Value.Query = new Query <string>(e => Send(new PasswordViewModel(e, context)));
            Recent.Open = GetOpenLinkCommand();

            Track(() => Facade.Setup(App.Arguments));