protected ITallyEditPanel GetEditView(TallySetupStratum_Base stratum)
            if (stratum == null) { return null; }
            if (stratum is TallySetupStratum)
                if (_standardTallyEditPanel == null)
                    _standardTallyEditPanel = new TallyEditPanel();
                    _standardTallyEditPanel.GetHotKeys = this._tallyEditPanel_GetHotKeys;
                    _standardTallyEditPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

                _standardTallyEditPanel.Stratum = (TallySetupStratum)stratum;
                return _standardTallyEditPanel;
            else if (stratum is FixCNTTallySetupStratum)
                if (_myfixCNTTallyEditPanel == null)
                    _myfixCNTTallyEditPanel = new FixCNTTallyEditPanel();
                    _myfixCNTTallyEditPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                _myfixCNTTallyEditPanel.Stratum = (FixCNTTallySetupStratum)stratum;
                return _myfixCNTTallyEditPanel;
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
        /// <summary>
        /// returns all hot-keys that can be assigned as stratum hot-keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stratum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string[] GetAvalibleStratumHotKeys(TallySetupStratum_Base stratum)
            IEnumerable<String> avalibleHotKeys = Strings.HOTKEYS;
            avalibleHotKeys = avalibleHotKeys.Except(from st in this.TallySetupStrata
                                                     where st != stratum
                                                     select st.Hotkey);

            foreach (var straum in TallySetupStrata.OfType<TallySetupStratum>())
                avalibleHotKeys = avalibleHotKeys.Except(straum.ListUsedHotKeys());
            return avalibleHotKeys.ToArray();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// returns all hot-keys that can be assigned as stratum hot-keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stratum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string[] GetAvalibleStratumHotKeys(TallySetupStratum_Base stratum)
            IEnumerable <String> avalibleHotKeys = Strings.HOTKEYS;

            avalibleHotKeys = avalibleHotKeys.Except(from st in this.TallySetupStrata
                                                     where st != stratum
                                                     select st.Hotkey);

            foreach (var straum in TallySetupStrata.OfType <TallySetupStratum>())
                avalibleHotKeys = avalibleHotKeys.Except(straum.ListUsedHotKeys());
        private void _BS_strata_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _currentStratumChanging = true;
                _currentStratum = _BS_strata.Current as TallySetupStratum_Base;
                _stratumHKCB.Enabled = _currentStratum != null;
                _stratumHKCB.Text = _currentStratum?.Hotkey ?? string.Empty;

                var tallyEditPanel = GetEditView(_currentStratum);
                TallyEditPanel = tallyEditPanel;
                _currentStratumChanging = false;
        private bool ValidateHotKeys(TallySetupStratum_Base st, ref StringBuilder errorBuilder)
            bool success = true;
            List<char> usedHotKeys = new List<char>();
            //StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (TallySetupSampleGroup sgVM in st.SampleGroups)
                if ((sgVM.TallyMethod & TallyMode.BySampleGroup) == TallyMode.BySampleGroup)
                    char hk = HotKeyToChar(sgVM.SgTallie.Hotkey);
                    if (hk == char.MinValue)
                        errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Missing Hot Key in SG:{0} Stratum:{1}\r\n", sgVM.ToString(), st.Code);
                    else if (usedHotKeys.IndexOf(hk) >= 0)//see if usedHotKeys already CONTAINS value
                        //ERROR stratum already has hot-key
                        errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Hot Key '{0}' in SG:{1} Stratum:{2} already in use\r\n", sgVM.SgTallie.Hotkey, sgVM.ToString(), st.Code);
                        success = false;
                        //SUCCESS add hot key to list of in use hot keys
                else if ((sgVM.TallyMethod & TallyMode.BySpecies) == TallyMode.BySpecies)
                    foreach (TallyVM t in sgVM.Tallies.Values)
                        char hk = HotKeyToChar(t.Hotkey);
                        if (hk == char.MinValue)
                            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Missing Hot Key in SG:{0} Stratum:{1}\r\n", sgVM.ToString(), st.Code);
                        else if (usedHotKeys.IndexOf(hk) >= 0)//see if usedHotKeys already CONTAINS value
                            //ERROR stratum already has hot-key
                            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Hot Key '{0}' in SG:{1} Stratum:{2} already in use\r\n", t.Hotkey, sgVM.ToString(), st.Code);
                            success = false;
                            //SUCCESS add hot key to list of in use hot keys

            return success;
 public string[] GetAvalibleStratumHotKeys(TallySetupStratum_Base stratum)
     var usedHotKeys = (from st in this.TallySetupStrata
                        where st != stratum
                        select st.Hotkey);
     foreach (TallySetupStratum_Base straum in this.TallySetupStrata)
         usedHotKeys = usedHotKeys.Union(straum.ListUsedHotKeys());
     return Strings.HOTKEYS.Except(usedHotKeys).ToArray();
     //return CSM.Utility.R.Strings.HOTKEYS;
 ////called when a samplegroup is selected from the dropdown list in tally setup
 //public void LoadTallies(SampleGroupViewModel sg)
 //    if (sg.TallyMethod != TallyMode.Unknown) { return; }//assume we have already loaded this samplegroup before, dont reload it
 //    //TODO compare what we see as the tally mode vs. the stored mode on the sample group
 //    sg.TallyMethod = GetSampleGroupTallyMode(sg);
 //    //initialize a tally entity for use with tally by sample group
 //    TallyDO sgTally = Controller.Database.ReadSingleRow<TallyDO>("Tally",
 //        "JOIN CountTree WHERE CountTree.Tally_CN = Tally.Tally_CN AND CountTree.SampleGroup_CN = ? AND ifnull(CountTree.TreeDefaultValue_CN, 0) = 0",
 //        sg.SampleGroup_CN);
 //    if (sgTally == null)
 //    {
 //        sg.SgTallie = new TallyDO(Controller.Database);
 //        sg.SgTallie.Description = sg.Code;
 //    }
 //    else
 //    {
 //        sg.SgTallie = sgTally;
 //    }
 //    //initialize a list of tallys for use with tally by species
 //    sg.Tallies = new Dictionary<TreeDefaultValueDO, TallyDO>();
 //    sg.TreeDefaultValues.Populate();
 //    foreach (TreeDefaultValueDO tdv in sg.TreeDefaultValues)
 //    {
 //        TallyDO tally = Controller.Database.Read<TallyDO>("Tally", "JOIN CountTree WHERE CountTree.Tally_CN = Tally.Tally_CN AND CountTree.SampleGroup_CN = ? AND CountTree.TreeDefaultValue_CN = ?",  sg.SampleGroup_CN, tdv.TreeDefaultValue_CN).FirstOrDefault();
 //        if (tally == null)
 //        {
 //            tally = new TallyDO(Controller.Database);
 //            tally.Description = tdv.Species + ((tdv.LiveDead == "D") ? "D" : "");
 //        }
 //        sg.Tallies.Add(tdv, tally);
 //    }
 public string[] GetAvalibleHotKeysInStratum(TallySetupStratum_Base st)
     var useHotKeys = (from stratum in this.TallySetupStrata
                       select stratum.Hotkey).Union(st.ListUsedHotKeys());
     var avalibleHotHeys = Strings.HOTKEYS.Except(useHotKeys).ToArray();
     return avalibleHotHeys;
     //return CSM.Utility.R.Strings.HOTKEYS;