Пример #1
        public WordsSolver2(Crossword cwd)
            var wordsArray = File.ReadLines(@"C:\Users\Roman Bolzern\Documents\GitHub\Crossword\docs\useful\wordlist.txt").ToArray();
            var wordsList  = wordsArray.GroupBy(f => f.Length).ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.ToList());

            int sizeY = cwd.Grid.GetLength(0);
            int sizeX = cwd.Grid.GetLength(1);

            GRBEnv   env = new GRBEnv();
            GRBModel m   = new GRBModel(env);

            // letters - (0), A-Z (1-27)

            for (int y = 0; y < cwd.Grid.GetLength(0); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < cwd.Grid.GetLength(1); x++)
                    if (cwd.Grid[y, x] is Question)

            //m.SetObjective(deadFieldPenalty + clusterPenalty, GRB.MINIMIZE);


Пример #2
 void OnDestroy()
     if (instance == this)
         instance = null;
Пример #3
        private static void PutWordY(Crossword cwd, Dictionary <int, List <string> > wordsList, int sizeY, Random rnd, int y, int x)
            int l             = y;
            var filledLetters = new List <char>();

            for (; l < sizeY; l++)
                if (cwd.Grid[l, x] is Question || cwd.Grid[l, x] is Blocked)
                if (cwd.Grid[l, x] is Letter)
                    var letter = (Letter)cwd.Grid[l, x];
                else if (cwd.Grid[l, x] is Empty)
            var w = _PickWord(wordsList, rnd, l - y, filledLetters);

            for (int i = 0; i < w.Length; i++)
                cwd.Grid[y + i, x] = new Letter(w[i]);
Пример #4
 public GRBMipSolCallback(Crossword inputCrossword, GRBVar[,] fields, GRBVar[,] questionType, GRBVar[,,] specialQuestionType, bool saveBest = true, GRBVar[] wordCounts = null)
     this.inputCw             = inputCrossword;
     this.fields              = fields;
     this.questionType        = questionType;
     this.saveBest            = saveBest;
     this.specialQuestionType = specialQuestionType;
     this.wordCounts          = wordCounts;
Пример #5
 private void UsaModello_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listBox1.SelectedItem != null)
         i.SetFileName(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(' ')[1][0]);
         Crossword frm = new Crossword(i);
Пример #6
 void Awake()
     if (instance != null && instance != this)
         instance = this;
Пример #7
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> wordsHorisontal = new List <string>

            // horisontally placed words places (coordinates) inside crossword
            List <Position> wordHorisontalCoordinates = new List <Position>
                new Position(2, 0),
                new Position(3, 4),
                new Position(0, 7),
                new Position(2, 9)

            List <string> wordsVertical = new List <string>

            // vertically placed words places (coordinates) inside crossword
            List <Position> wordsVerticalCoordinates = new List <Position>
                new Position(1, 4),
                new Position(4, 6),
                new Position(7, 0)

            char[,] crossword = new char[11, 11];

            Crossword cr = new Crossword(crossword, wordsHorisontal, wordHorisontalCoordinates, wordsVertical, wordsVerticalCoordinates);



Пример #8
        protected override void Callback()
            if (where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL) // new mip incumbent
                var height = fields.GetLength(0);
                var width  = fields.GetLength(1);

                Field[,] res = new Field[height, width];

                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        if (!inputCw.HasBlock(y, x))
                            var letterOrQuestion = GetSolution(fields[y, x]) > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
                            if (letterOrQuestion == 1)
                                if (specialQuestionType != null)
                                    for (int type = 0; type < 4; type++)
                                        if ((object)specialQuestionType[y, x, type] != null)
                                            if (GetSolution(specialQuestionType[y, x, type]) > 0.5)
                                                // 0 = Down, then right
                                                // 1 = Left, then down
                                                // 2 = Right, then down
                                                // 3 = Up, then right
                                                switch (type)
                                                case 0:
                                                    res[y, x] = new Question(Question.ArrowType.DownRight);

                                                case 1:
                                                    res[y, x] = new Question(Question.ArrowType.LeftDown);

                                                case 2:
                                                    res[y, x] = new Question(Question.ArrowType.RightDown);

                                                case 3:
                                                    res[y, x] = new Question(Question.ArrowType.UpRight);
                                if (res[y, x] == null)
                                    var qType = GetSolution(questionType[y, x]) > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
                                    res[y, x] = new Question(qType == 0 ? Question.ArrowType.Right : Question.ArrowType.Down);
                                res[y, x] = new Empty();
                            res[y, x] = new Blocked();

                Crossword cw = new Crossword(res);

                if (wordCounts != null)
                    var counts = wordCounts.Select(wc => GetSolution(wc)).ToArray();
                    var total  = counts.Sum();
                    var hist   = new Dictionary <int, int>()
                        { 2, 0 },
                        { 3, 18 },
                        { 4, 24 },
                        { 5, 20 },
                        { 6, 18 },
                        { 7, 12 },
                        { 8, 4 },
                        { 9, 4 }
                    var diffs = counts.Select((c, i) => Math.Round(Math.Abs(c / total * 100 - hist[i + 2]))).ToArray();
                    Console.WriteLine("WordCounts Model: " + string.Join(",", counts));
                    Console.WriteLine("In %: " + string.Join(",", counts.Select(c => Math.Round(c / total * 100)).ToArray()));
                    Console.WriteLine("Diff: " + string.Join(",", diffs));
                    Console.WriteLine("Diff Total: " + diffs.Average());

                if (saveBest)
                    var    newScore      = cw.Score();
                    double newScoreTotal = 0d;
                    foreach (var k in newScore.Keys)
                        newScoreTotal += Math.Max(0, newScore[k]);
                    newScoreTotal /= newScore.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (BestScores[i] < newScoreTotal)
                            var cw_temp    = Best[i];
                            var score_temp = BestScores[i];
                            Best[i]       = cw;
                            BestScores[i] = newScoreTotal;
                            cw.Save("_" + (i + 1));

                            cw            = cw_temp;
                            newScoreTotal = score_temp;
Пример #9
        public GurobiSolver2(Crossword crossword)
            var wordLengthHistogram = new Dictionary <int, double>()
                { 3, 18 },
                { 4, 24 },
                { 5, 20 },
                { 6, 18 },
                { 7, 12 },
                { 8, 4 },
                { 9, 4 },

            const int maxWordLength = 9;

            int sizeY = crossword.Grid.GetLength(0);
            int sizeX = crossword.Grid.GetLength(1);

            var requiredAmountOfLetters = wordLengthHistogram.Sum(wl => wl.Key * wl.Value) / 1.8d;
            int totalFields             = sizeX * sizeY;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    totalFields -= crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked ? 1 : 0;

            int amountQuestions = (int)Math.Round(0.22 * totalFields);

            var wordLengthRatio = requiredAmountOfLetters / (totalFields - amountQuestions);

            GRBEnv   env = new GRBEnv();
            GRBModel m   = new GRBModel(env);

            // 0 = letter, 1 = question
            GRBVar[,] fields = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];
            // 0 = right, 1 = down
            GRBVar[,] questionType = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    // create a var for every non-blocked field
                    if (!(crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked))
                        fields[y, x]       = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "Field" + x + "_" + y);
                        questionType[y, x] = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "QType" + x + "_" + y);

            GRBLinExpr allFieldsSum = new GRBLinExpr();

            // count word lengths (to compare with histogram)
            var lengths = new Dictionary <int, GRBLinExpr>();

            foreach (var l in wordLengthHistogram.Keys)
                lengths.Add(l, new GRBLinExpr());

            var partOfAWord = new GRBLinExpr[sizeY, sizeX];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    partOfAWord[y, x] = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    allFieldsSum += fields[y, x];

                    foreach (var l in wordLengthHistogram.Keys)
                        if (x + l < sizeX)
                            // + 1 if the following fields are all words and the last one is not a word (question or outside grid)
                            var wordCount = new GRBLinExpr();
                            for (int i = 1; i <= l; i++)
                                wordCount += fields[y, x + i];

                            // last field is question or outside?
                            var lastFieldIsNoWord = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "lastFieldIsNoWord" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            if (x + l + 1 < sizeX)
                                m.AddConstr(lastFieldIsNoWord == fields[y, x + l + 1], "lastFieldIsInGridAndIsQuestion" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                                m.AddConstr(lastFieldIsNoWord == 1, "lastFieldOutsideGrid" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);

                            // https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/51025/cast-to-boolean-for-integer-linear-programming
                            var hasCorrectWordCount = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasCorrect" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var hcTemp   = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasCorrectTemp" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var worddiff = wordCount - l;
                            m.AddConstr(-sizeX * hasCorrectWordCount <= worddiff, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_1");
                            m.AddConstr(worddiff <= sizeX * hasCorrectWordCount, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_2");
                            m.AddConstr(0.001 * hasCorrectWordCount - (sizeX + 0.001) * hcTemp <= worddiff, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_3");
                            m.AddConstr(worddiff <= -0.001 * hasCorrectWordCount + (sizeX + 0.001) * (1 - hcTemp), "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_4");

                            // firstFieldIsQuestion AND questionIsHorizontal AND hasCorrectWordCount AND lastFieldIsNoWord
                            var allConditionsMet = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "allCondsMet" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var condVal          = fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) + hasCorrectWordCount + lastFieldIsNoWord - 3;
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet >= condVal, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_1");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= fields[y, x], "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_2");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= (1 - questionType[y, x]), "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_3");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= hasCorrectWordCount, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_4");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= lastFieldIsNoWord, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_5");
                            lengths[l] += allConditionsMet;

                            // If all conditions are met, all letters are part of a word
                            for (int i = 1; i <= l; i++)
                                partOfAWord[y, x + i] += allConditionsMet;

                        if (y + l < sizeY)
                            // + 1 if the following fields are all words and the last one is not a word (question or outside grid)
                            var wordCount = new GRBLinExpr();
                            for (int i = 1; i <= l; i++)
                                wordCount += fields[y + i, x];

                            // last field is question or outside?
                            var lastFieldIsNoWord = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "lastFieldIsNoWord" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            if (y + l + 1 < sizeY)
                                m.AddConstr(lastFieldIsNoWord == fields[y + l + 1, x], "lastFieldIsInGridAndIsQuestion" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                                m.AddConstr(lastFieldIsNoWord == 1, "lastFieldOutsideGrid" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);

                            // https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/51025/cast-to-boolean-for-integer-linear-programming
                            var hasCorrectWordCount = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasCorrect" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var hcTemp   = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasCorrectTemp" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var worddiff = wordCount - l;
                            m.AddConstr(-sizeY * hasCorrectWordCount <= worddiff, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_1");
                            m.AddConstr(worddiff <= sizeY * hasCorrectWordCount, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_2");
                            m.AddConstr(0.001 * hasCorrectWordCount - (sizeY + 0.001) * hcTemp <= worddiff, "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_3");
                            m.AddConstr(worddiff <= -0.001 * hasCorrectWordCount + (sizeY + 0.001) * (1 - hcTemp), "ToBoolean" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_4");

                            // firstFieldIsQuestion AND questionIsHorizontal AND hasCorrectWordCount AND lastFieldIsNoWord
                            var allConditionsMet = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "allCondsMet" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l);
                            var condVal          = fields[y, x] + (questionType[y, x]) + hasCorrectWordCount + lastFieldIsNoWord - 3;
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet >= condVal, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_1");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= fields[y, x], "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_2");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= (questionType[y, x]), "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_3");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= hasCorrectWordCount, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_4");
                            m.AddConstr(allConditionsMet <= lastFieldIsNoWord, "AllConditionsAND" + y + "_" + x + "_" + l + "_5");
                            lengths[l] += allConditionsMet;

                            // If all conditions are met, all letters are part of a word
                            for (int i = 1; i <= l; i++)
                                partOfAWord[y + i, x] += allConditionsMet;

                    // max word count
                    if (x + maxWordLength < sizeX)
                        var maxWordCount = new GRBLinExpr();
                        var range        = maxWordLength + 1;
                        if (x + range == sizeX)
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxWordLength + 1; i++)
                            maxWordCount += 1 - fields[y, x + i];
                        m.AddConstr(maxWordCount <= maxWordLength, "maxWordsX" + y + "_" + x);
                    if (y + maxWordLength < sizeY)
                        var maxWordCount = new GRBLinExpr();
                        var range        = maxWordLength + 1;
                        if (y + range == sizeY)
                        for (int i = 0; i < maxWordLength + 1; i++)
                            maxWordCount += 1 - fields[y + i, x];
                        m.AddConstr(maxWordCount <= maxWordLength, "maxWordsY" + y + "_" + x);

            // All non-question fields have to belong to a word
            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    m.AddConstr(1 - fields[y, x] <= partOfAWord[y, x], "NonQuestionsToWords" + y + "_" + x + "_1");
                    m.AddConstr(1 - fields[y, x] >= partOfAWord[y, x] * 0.5, "NonQuestionsToWords" + y + "_" + x + "_2");

            // after a question, no word of length 1 or 2 is allowed
            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (x < sizeX - 3)
                        // if there's a question AND it's pointing right THEN sum(fields[y, x+1/2/3]) = 0
                        var minLetters = 3 - (fields[y, x + 1] + fields[y, x + 2] + fields[y, x + 3]);
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= minLetters * (1d / 3d), "AfterRightQuestionMin2Letters" + y + "_" + x);
                        m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 1, "NoRightQuestionAtRightBorder" + y + "_" + x);

                    if (y < sizeY - 3)
                        // if there's a question AND it's pointing down THEN sum(fields[y+1/2/3, x]) = 0
                        var minLetters = 3 - (fields[y + 1, x] + fields[y + 2, x] + fields[y + 3, x]);
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= minLetters * (1d / 3d), "AfterDownQuestionMin2Letters" + y + "_" + x);
                    else if (x < sizeX - 3)
                        m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 0, "NoDownQuestionAtBottomBorder" + y + "_" + x);
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0, "OnlyWordsInBottomrightCorner" + y + "_" + x);

            // Objective:
            // questions should be around ~22% (allFieldsSum ~= amountQuestions)
            int tolerance = (int)(amountQuestions * 0.2);

            m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum - amountQuestions >= -tolerance);
            m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum - amountQuestions <= tolerance);

            // as many partOfAWord == 2 as possible
            var manyCrossedWords = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    manyCrossedWords += partOfAWord[y, x];

            // ideal histogram comparison
            //var wordHistogramDifferences = new GRBLinExpr();
            foreach (var wl in wordLengthHistogram.Keys)
                /*var varDiffInput = m.AddVar(-sizeX * sizeY / 3, sizeX * sizeY / 3, 0, GRB.INTEGER, "varDiffInput" + wl);
                 * m.AddConstr(varDiffInput == (wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl]));
                 * var varDiffRes = m.AddVar(0, sizeX * sizeY / 3, 0, GRB.INTEGER, "varDiff" + wl);
                 * m.AddGenConstrAbs(varDiffRes, varDiffInput, "diffGenConstr" + wl);
                 * wordHistogramDifferences += varDiffRes;*/

                int histogramTolerance = Math.Max(1, (int)(wordLengthHistogram[wl] * 0.2 * wordLengthRatio));
                //m.AddConstr(wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl] >= -histogramTolerance);
                //m.AddConstr(wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl] <= histogramTolerance);

            // question field clusters
            // in a field of 2x2, minimize the nr of fields where there are 2-4 questions resp. maximize 0-1 questions

            /*var clusterPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();
             * int area = 2;
             * for (int y = 0; y < sizeY - (area - 1); y++)
             * {
             *  for (int x = 0; x < sizeX - (area - 1); x++)
             *  {
             *      var clusterTotal = new GRBLinExpr();
             *      for (int i = 0; i < area; i++)
             *      {
             *          for (int j = 0; j < area; j++)
             *          {
             *              clusterTotal += fields[y + i, x + j];
             *          }
             *      }
             *      var varClusterTotalPenalty = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "varClusterTotalPenalty" + y + "_" + x);
             *      // 0-1 = good, 2-4 = bad
             *      m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty <= clusterTotal * 0.5);
             *      m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty >= (clusterTotal - 1) * (1d / 3));
             *      clusterPenalty += varClusterTotalPenalty;
             *  }
             * }*/

            //amountOfQuestionsRating * (100d / sizeX / sizeY) + manyCrossedWords +  + wordHistogramDifferences
            // clusterPenalty * 100
            m.SetObjective(manyCrossedWords, GRB.MAXIMIZE);

            m.SetCallback(new GRBMipSolCallback(crossword, fields, questionType, null));


Пример #10
        internal void DeserializeCrossword(Crossword crossword, string[] lines)
            var width = int.Parse(lines[0]);
            var height = int.Parse(lines[1]);

            var wordsCount = int.Parse(lines[2]);

            for (var i = 0; i < wordsCount; i++)
                var curIndex = 3 + i*6;
                var word = lines[curIndex];
                var description = lines[curIndex + 1];
                var x = int.Parse(lines[curIndex + 2]);
                var y = int.Parse(lines[curIndex + 3]);
                Orientation orientation;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(lines[curIndex + 4], true, out orientation))
                    throw new Exception("Orientation deserialization fail");
                var isResolved = bool.Parse(lines[curIndex + 5]);
                crossword.CrosswordWords.Add(new CrosswordWord(crossword, new DictionaryWord(word, description), new CrosswordWordPosition(x, y, orientation), isResolved));


                var wordHelpers = int.Parse(lines[3 + wordsCount*6]);
                var letterHelpers = int.Parse(lines[4 + wordsCount * 6]);
                crossword.LetterHelpers = letterHelpers;
                crossword.WordHelpers = wordHelpers;
                var progressCount = int.Parse(lines[5 + wordsCount * 6]);
                for (var i = 0; i < progressCount; i++)
                    var curIndex = 5 + wordsCount * 6 + 1 + i * 3;
                    var letter = lines[curIndex];
                    var x = int.Parse(lines[curIndex + 1]);
                    var y = int.Parse(lines[curIndex + 2]);
                    crossword.Progress.Add(new CrosswordLetter(letter, new CrosswordWordPosition(x, y, Orientation.Horizontal)));

            crossword.SetSize(width, height);
Пример #11
        public GurobiSolver4(Crossword crossword)
            var wordLengthHistogram = new Dictionary <int, double>()
                { 2, 0 },
                { 3, 18 },
                { 4, 24 },
                { 5, 20 },
                { 6, 18 },
                { 7, 12 },
                { 8, 4 },
                { 9, 1 },
                { 10, 1 },
                { 11, 1 },
                { 12, 1 },
                { 13, 0 },
                { 14, 0 },
                { 15, 0 },

            const int maxWordLength = 15;
            const int minWordLength = 2;

            int sizeY = crossword.Grid.GetLength(0);
            int sizeX = crossword.Grid.GetLength(1);

            var requiredAmountOfLetters = wordLengthHistogram.Sum(wl => wl.Key * wl.Value) / 1.8d;
            int totalFields             = sizeX * sizeY;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    totalFields -= crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked ? 1 : 0;

            int amountQuestions = (int)Math.Round(0.22 * totalFields);

            var wordLengthRatio = requiredAmountOfLetters / (totalFields - amountQuestions);

            GRBEnv   env = new GRBEnv();
            GRBModel m   = new GRBModel(env);

            m.GetEnv().Method = 0;

            // 0 = letter, 1 = question
            GRBVar[,] fields = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];

            // 0 = right, 1 = down
            GRBVar[,] questionType = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];

            // 0 = Down, then right
            // 1 = Left, then down
            // 2 = Right, then down
            // 3 = Up, then right
            // Mostly null, except for places down and right of a blocked field or y==0 or x==0
            GRBVar[,,] specialQuestionType = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX, 4];

            var specialQuestionUsed = new GRBLinExpr[sizeY, sizeX];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    // create a var for every non-blocked field
                    if (!(crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked))
                        fields[y, x]       = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "Field" + y + "_" + x);
                        questionType[y, x] = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "QType" + y + "_" + x);

                        // Is null except for places down and right of a blocked field or y==0 or x==0
                        if (y == 0 || x == 0 || crossword.Grid[y - 1, x] is Blocked || crossword.Grid[y, x - 1] is Blocked)
                            for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++)
                                specialQuestionType[y, x, t] = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "SpecialQType" + t + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                            specialQuestionUsed[y, x] = specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3];
                            // Max 1 special type, can also be no special question
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionUsed[y, x] <= 1, "MaxOneSpecialQuestion" + y + "_" + x);

            // TEST
            //m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[0, 0, 0] == 1);

            GRBLinExpr allFieldsSum = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked)

                    allFieldsSum += fields[y, x];

                    bool noQuestionToTheRightAllowed  = false;
                    bool noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed = false;
                    if (x + minWordLength < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y, x + minWordLength))
                        // for right: if [0,0] is question, [0,1..3] must not be question
                        var totalQuestionsHorizontal = fields.SumRange(y, x + 1, y, x + minWordLength);
                        var isQuestionAndPointsRight = fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1;
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                            isQuestionAndPointsRight += (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y, x]) - 1;
                        for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                            m.AddConstr(isQuestionAndPointsRight <= 1 - fields[y, x + len], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_right" + len);
                        noQuestionToTheRightAllowed = true;

                    // for down:
                    if (y + minWordLength < sizeY && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y + minWordLength, x))
                        var totalQuestionsVertical  = fields.SumRange(y + 1, x, y + minWordLength, x);
                        var isQuestionAndPointsDown = fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1;
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                            isQuestionAndPointsDown += (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y, x]) - 1;
                        for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                            m.AddConstr(isQuestionAndPointsDown <= 1 - fields[y + len, x], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_down" + len);
                        noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed = true;

                    bool atLeastOneSpecialAllowed = false;
                    if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                        // down, then right
                        if (y + 1 < sizeY && x + minWordLength - 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y + 1, x, y + 1, x + minWordLength - 1))
                            for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + 1, x + len - 1], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_downRight" + len);
                            if (x > 0)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fields[y + 1, x - 1], "QuestionBeforeSQ" + y + "_" + x + "_downRight");
                            atLeastOneSpecialAllowed = true;
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] == 0, "NoSpecialQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x + "_downRight");
                        // left, then down
                        if (y + minWordLength - 1 < sizeY && x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x - 1, y + minWordLength - 1, x - 1))
                            for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + len - 1, x - 1], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_leftDown" + len);
                            if (y > 0)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x - 1], "QuestionBeforeSQ" + y + "_" + x + "_leftDown");
                            atLeastOneSpecialAllowed = true;
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] == 0, "NoSpecialQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x + "_leftDown");
                        // right, then down
                        if (y + minWordLength - 1 < sizeY && x + 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x + 1, y + minWordLength - 1, x + 1))
                            for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + len - 1, x + 1], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_rightDown" + len);
                            if (y > 0)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x + 1], "QuestionBeforeSQ" + y + "_" + x + "_rightDown");
                            atLeastOneSpecialAllowed = true;
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] == 0, "NoSpecialQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x + "_rightDown");
                        // up, then right
                        if (y - 1 >= 0 && x + minWordLength - 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x, y - 1, x + minWordLength - 1))
                            for (int len = 1; len <= minWordLength; len++)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y - 1, x + len - 1], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_upRight" + len);
                            if (x > 0)
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x - 1], "QuestionBeforeSQ" + y + "_" + x + "_upRight");
                            atLeastOneSpecialAllowed = true;
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] == 0, "NoSpecialQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x + "_upRight");

                        if (!atLeastOneSpecialAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionUsed[y, x] == 0, "NoSpecialQuestionAllowedAtALl" + y + "_" + x);

                    if (noQuestionToTheRightAllowed && noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed)
                        if (!atLeastOneSpecialAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0, "NoQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x);
                            m.AddConstr(specialQuestionUsed[y, x] == 1, "OnlySpecialQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (noQuestionToTheRightAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 1, "QuestionCantPointRight" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 0, "QuestionCantPointDown" + y + "_" + x);

                    // max word length constraints
                    // for right: if [0,0] is question, [0,1..maxLength+1] must have at least another question field
                    if (x + maxWordLength + 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y, x + maxWordLength + 1))
                        var allHorizontalFields = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int xi = 1; xi <= maxWordLength + 1; xi++)
                            allHorizontalFields += fields[y, x + xi];
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) + (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y, x]) - 2 <= allHorizontalFields, "MaxLengthHorizontal" + y + "_" + x);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= allHorizontalFields, "MaxLengthHorizontal" + y + "_" + x);
                    // for down:
                    if (y + maxWordLength + 1 < sizeY && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y + maxWordLength + 1, x))
                        var fieldsSum = fields.SumRange(y + 1, x, y + maxWordLength + 1, x);
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] + (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y, x]) - 2 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthVertical" + y + "_" + x);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthVertical" + y + "_" + x);
                    if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x] != null)
                        // down, then right
                        if (y + 1 < sizeY && x + maxWordLength < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y + 1, x, y + 1, x + maxWordLength))
                            var fieldsSum = fields.SumRange(y + 1, x, y + 1, x + maxWordLength);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthSpecialQuestion0_" + y + "_" + x);
                            // if there is a normal field to the left of the word, it has to be a question
                            if (x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y + 1, x - 1))
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fields[y + 1, x - 1], "QuestionRequiredBeforeSpecialQuestion0Word_" + y + "_" + x);
                        // left, then down
                        if (y + maxWordLength < sizeY && x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x - 1, y + maxWordLength, x - 1))
                            var fieldsSum = fields.SumRange(y, x - 1, y + maxWordLength, x - 1);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] - 1 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthSpecialQuestion1_" + y + "_" + x);
                            if (y - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x - 1))
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x - 1], "QuestionRequiredBeforeSpecialQuestion1Word_" + y + "_" + x);
                        // right, then down
                        if (y + maxWordLength < sizeY && x + 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x + 1, y + maxWordLength, x + 1))
                            var fieldsSum = fields.SumRange(y, x + 1, y + maxWordLength, x + 1);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] - 1 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthSpecialQuestion2_" + y + "_" + x);
                            if (y - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x + 1))
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x + 1], "QuestionRequiredBeforeSpecialQuestion2Word_" + y + "_" + x);
                        // up, then right
                        if (y - 1 >= 0 && x + maxWordLength < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x, y - 1, x + maxWordLength))
                            var fieldsSum = fields.SumRange(y - 1, x, y - 1, x + maxWordLength);
                            m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] - 1 <= fieldsSum, "MaxLengthSpecialQuestion3_" + y + "_" + x);
                            if (x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x - 1))
                                m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] - 1 <= fields[y - 1, x - 1], "QuestionRequiredBeforeSpecialQuestion3Word_" + y + "_" + x);

            // Does a field belong to zero, one or two questions?
            var partOfAWord = new GRBLinExpr[sizeY, sizeX, 6];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    // this constraint doesn't work for [0,0]
                    if (crossword.HasBlock(y, x))

                    // Is this field attached to a question on the left, pointing right?
                    var attachedToHorizontalQuestion = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "attachedToHorizontalQuestion" + y + "_" + x);
                    for (int len = 1; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (x - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y, x - len, y, x))
                        var isQuestionAndPointsRight = fields[y, x - len] + (1 - questionType[y, x - len]);
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x - len] != null)
                            isQuestionAndPointsRight += (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y, x - len]) - 1;
                        var questionsInbetween = fields.SumRange(y, x - len + 1, y, x);
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion >= isQuestionAndPointsRight - 1 - questionsInbetween, "attachedToHorizontalQuestionConstraint0_" + y + "_" + x);

                        // 0 IF first question is not pointing right OR there is no question to the left
                        // firstQuestion ==> total fields < 2
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y, x - len] != null)
                            m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y, x - len]) + 1 - (questionType[y, x - len] + specialQuestionUsed[y, x - len]) * 0.5, "attachedToHorizontalQuestionConstraint1_" + y + "_" + x); // the first question but DOESNT look right
                            m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y, x - len]) + 1 - questionType[y, x - len], "attachedToHorizontalQuestionConstraint2_" + y + "_" + x); // the first question but DOESNT look right
                    var questionsToTheLeft = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int qlCount            = 0;
                    for (int len = 0; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (x - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y, x - len, y, x))
                        questionsToTheLeft += fields[y, x - len];
                    if (qlCount > 0)
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion <= questionsToTheLeft, "attachedToHorizontalQuestionConstraint4_" + y + "_" + x);

                    // Is this field attached to a question pointing towards down?
                    var attachedToVerticalQuestion = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "attachedToVerticalQuestion" + y + "_" + x);
                    for (int len = 1; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (y - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y - len, x, y, x))
                        var isQuestionAndPointsDown = fields[y - len, x] + questionType[y - len, x];
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y - len, x] != null)
                            isQuestionAndPointsDown += (1 - specialQuestionUsed[y - len, x]) - 1;
                        var questionsInbetween = fields.SumRange(y - len + 1, x, y, x);
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion >= isQuestionAndPointsDown - 1 - questionsInbetween, "attachedToVerticalQuestionConstraint0_" + y + "_" + x);
                        if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[y - len, x] != null)
                            m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y - len, x]) + 1 - (1 - questionType[y - len, x] + specialQuestionUsed[y - len, x]) * 0.5, "attachedToVerticalQuestionConstraint1_" + y + "_" + x); // the first question but DOESNT look down OR IS specialquestion
                            m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y - len, x]) + 1 - (1 - questionType[y - len, x]), "attachedToVerticalQuestionConstraint2_" + y + "_" + x); // the first question but DOESNT look down OR IS specialquestion
                    var questionsTowardsDown = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int qdCount = 0;
                    for (int len = 0; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (y - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y - len, x, y, x))
                        questionsTowardsDown += fields[y - len, x];
                    if (qdCount > 0)
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion <= questionsTowardsDown, "attachedToVerticalQuestionConstraint3_" + y + "_" + x);

                    var attachedToSpecialQuestions = new GRBLinExpr[4];
                    var spAll = new GRBLinExpr();
                    for (int type = 0; type < 4; type++)
                        attachedToSpecialQuestions[type] = AttachedToSpecialQuestion(y, x, type, crossword, m, sizeX, sizeY, maxWordLength, fields, specialQuestionUsed, specialQuestionType);
                        if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[type] != null)
                            spAll += attachedToSpecialQuestions[type];

                    // if attached to horizontal question, can't be attached to horizontal sq (0, 3)
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[0] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToHorizontalQuestion) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[0], "noHorizontalOverlap1_" + y + "_" + x);
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[3] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToHorizontalQuestion) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[3], "noHorizontalOverlap2_" + y + "_" + x);
                    // give preference to one horizontal kind of sq
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[0] != null && (object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[3] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToSpecialQuestions[0]) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[3], "noHorizontalOverlap3_" + y + "_" + x);

                    // if attached to vertical question, can't be attached to vertical sq (1, 2)
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[1] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToVerticalQuestion) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[1], "noVerticalOverlap1_" + y + "_" + x);
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[2] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToVerticalQuestion) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[2], "noVerticalOverlap2_" + y + "_" + x);
                    // give preference to one horizontal kind of sq
                    if ((object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[1] != null && (object)attachedToSpecialQuestions[2] != null)
                        m.AddConstr((1 - attachedToSpecialQuestions[1]) >= attachedToSpecialQuestions[2], "noVerticalOverlap3_" + y + "_" + x);

                    var c = m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion + attachedToVerticalQuestion + spAll >= 1 - fields[y, x], "AttachedToQuestionConstraint_" + y + "_" + x);
                    //c.Lazy = 1;
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 0] = attachedToHorizontalQuestion;
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 1] = attachedToVerticalQuestion;
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 2] = attachedToSpecialQuestions[0];
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 3] = attachedToSpecialQuestions[1];
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 4] = attachedToSpecialQuestions[2];
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 5] = attachedToSpecialQuestions[3];

            // right now, [0,0] can only be a question
            //if (!crossword.HasBlock(0, 0)) m.AddConstr(fields[0, 0] == 1);
            // and similarly the bottom 3x3 can only be letters
            for (int y = sizeY - minWordLength; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = sizeX - minWordLength; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x))
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0, "BottomOnlyLetters_" + y + "_" + x);

            // Objective:
            // questions should be around ~22% (allFieldsSum ~= amountQuestions)

            /*int tolerance = (int)(amountQuestions * 0.1);
             * m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum >= amountQuestions - tolerance, "amountOfQuestionsTolerance_1");
             * m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum <= amountQuestions + tolerance, "amountOfQuestionsTolerance_2");*/
            m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum == amountQuestions);

            // uncrossed
            var partOfWordTotals = new GRBLinExpr[sizeY, sizeX];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x)) //(x >= 1 || y >= 1) &&
                        var partOfWordTotal = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int t = 0; t < 6; t++)
                            if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, t] != null)
                                partOfWordTotal += partOfAWord[y, x, t];
                        partOfWordTotals[y, x] = partOfWordTotal;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY - 1; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX - 1; x++)
                    if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x)) //(x >= 1 || y >= 1) &&
                        if (!crossword.HasBlock(y + 1, x))
                            m.AddConstr(partOfWordTotals[y, x] + partOfWordTotals[y + 1, x] >= (1 - fields[y, x] - fields[y + 1, x]) * 3, "noUncrossedFields" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x + 1))
                            m.AddConstr(partOfWordTotals[y, x] + partOfWordTotals[y, x + 1] >= (1 - fields[y, x] - fields[y, x + 1]) * 3, "noUncrossedFields" + y + "_" + x);

            // penalty for nearby uncrossed letters (dead fields)

            /*var deadFieldPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();
             * for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
             * {
             *  for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
             *  {
             *      var hby = y - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x);
             *      var hbx = x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x - 1);
             *      if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x) && (hby || hbx))
             *      {
             *          var isDeadArea = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "isDeadArea" + y + "_" + x);
             *          if (hby) m.AddConstr(isDeadArea >= uncrossedLetters[y, x] + uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x] - 1, "deadAreaConstr1" + y + "_" + x);
             *          if (hbx) m.AddConstr(isDeadArea >= uncrossedLetters[y, x] + uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1] - 1, "deadAreaConstr2" + y + "_" + x);
             *          m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y, x]);
             *          if (hby && hbx)
             *              m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x] + uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1], "deadAreaConstr3" + y + "_" + x);
             *          else if (hby)
             *              m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x], "deadAreaConstr4" + y + "_" + x);
             *          else if (hbx)
             *              m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1], "deadAreaConstr5" + y + "_" + x);
             *          deadFieldPenalty += isDeadArea;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            // ideal histogram comparison
            //var wordHistogramDifferences = new GRBLinExpr();
            var wlTotals = new Dictionary <int, GRBLinExpr>();

            foreach (var wl in wordLengthHistogram.Keys)
                var total = new GRBLinExpr();
                for (int y = 0; y + wl - 1 < sizeY; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                        if (crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y + wl - 1, x))
                        // true if field-1 is question or start AND field + wl (after word) is question or end
                        var hasLength = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasLenVert" + wl + "__" + y + "_" + x);
                        var sum       = fields.SumRange(y, x, y + wl - 1, x);
                        // no questions inbetween
                        for (int i = 0; i < wl; i++)
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= 1 - fields[y + i, x]);
                        // question at end
                        if (y + wl < sizeY && !crossword.HasBlock(y + wl, x))
                            sum += (1 - fields[y + wl, x]);
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= fields[y + wl, x]);
                        // question at start
                        if (y - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x))
                            sum += (1 - fields[y - 1, x]);
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= fields[y - 1, x]);

                        // counts if a letter is attached to a horizontal question
                        var qsum = new GRBLinExpr();
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 1] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 1];
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 3] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 3];
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 4] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 4];
                        sum += 1 - qsum;
                        m.AddConstr(hasLength <= qsum);

                        m.AddConstr(hasLength >= 1 - sum);
                        total += hasLength;
                for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x + wl - 1 < sizeX; x++)
                        if (crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y, x + wl - 1))
                        var hasLength = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "hasLenHoriz" + wl + "__" + y + "_" + x);
                        var sum       = fields.SumRange(y, x, y, x + wl - 1);
                        // no questions inbetween
                        for (int i = 0; i < wl; i++)
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= 1 - fields[y, x + i]);
                        // question at end
                        if (x + wl < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x + wl))
                            sum += (1 - fields[y, x + wl]);
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= fields[y, x + wl]);
                        // question at start
                        if (x - 1 >= 0 && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x - 1))
                            sum += (1 - fields[y, x - 1]);
                            m.AddConstr(hasLength <= fields[y, x - 1]);

                        // counts if a letter is attached to a horizontal question
                        var qsum = new GRBLinExpr();
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 0] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 0];
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 2] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 2];
                        if ((object)partOfAWord[y, x, 5] != null)
                            qsum += partOfAWord[y, x, 5];
                        sum += 1 - qsum;
                        m.AddConstr(hasLength <= qsum);

                        m.AddConstr(hasLength >= 1 - sum);
                        total += hasLength;
                if (wl <= 9)
                    wlTotals.Add(wl, total);
                    wlTotals[9] += total;
            var wlPenalty  = new GRBLinExpr();
            var wordCounts = m.AddVars(8, 0, amountQuestions * 2, GRB.INTEGER, "amount");

            foreach (var wl in wlTotals.Keys)
                var input = wordCounts[wl - 2];
                m.AddConstr(input == wlTotals[wl]);
                var absRes = m.AddVar(0, 100, 0, GRB.CONTINUOUS, "absRes");
                Console.WriteLine(wl == 9 ? 4 : wordLengthHistogram[wl]);
                var percentageDiff = input * (100d / amountQuestions) - (wl == 9 ? 4 : wordLengthHistogram[wl]);
                m.AddConstr(percentageDiff <= absRes, "absPos");
                m.AddConstr(-percentageDiff <= absRes, "absNeg");
                wlPenalty += absRes;
            wlPenalty *= (1d / 8);

            // question field clusters
            // in a field of 2x2, minimize the nr of fields where there are 2-4 questions resp. maximize 0-1 questions
            //var clusterPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();
            int area = 3;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY - (area - 1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX - (area - 1); x++)
                    var clusterTotal = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int ct           = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < area; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < area; j++)
                            if (crossword.HasBlock(y + i, x + j) || (i == 1 && j == 1))
                            clusterTotal += fields[y + i, x + j];
                    if (ct >= 2 && !crossword.HasBlock(y + 1, x + 1))
                        //var varClusterTotalPenalty = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "varClusterTotalPenalty" + y + "_" + x);
                        // 0-1 = good, 2-4 = bad
                        m.AddConstr(clusterTotal - 1 <= (1 - fields[y + 1, x + 1]) * 8, "cluster" + y + "_" + x);

                        /*m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty <= clusterTotal * 0.5, "clusterPenaltyConstr1_" + y + "_" + x);
                         * m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty >= (clusterTotal - 1) * (1d / 3), "clusterPenaltyConstr2_" + y + "_" + x);
                         * clusterPenalty += varClusterTotalPenalty;*/

            //m.AddConstr(deadFieldPenalty <= 30);

            //amountOfQuestionsRating * (100d / sizeX / sizeY) + manyCrossedWords +  + wordHistogramDifferences
            // clusterPenalty * 100
            m.SetObjective(wlPenalty, GRB.MINIMIZE);

            m.SetCallback(new GRBMipSolCallback(crossword, fields, questionType, specialQuestionType, true, wordCounts));

            // Insert previous solution

            /*var cwdCheck = new Crossword(@"C:\Users\Roman Bolzern\Documents\GitHub\Crossword\docs\15x15_1_noDoubles.cwg");
             * cwdCheck.Draw();
             * for (int y = 0; y < cwdCheck.Grid.GetLength(0); y++)
             * {
             *  for (int x = 0; x < cwdCheck.Grid.GetLength(1); x++)
             *  {
             *      if (cwdCheck.Grid[y, x] is Question)
             *      {
             *          m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 1);
             *          var q = (Question)cwdCheck.Grid[y, x];
             *          if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.Right)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 0);
             *              if ((object)specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] != null)
             *                  m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] == 0);
             *          }
             *          else if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.Down)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 1);
             *              if ((object)specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] != null)
             *                  m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] + specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] == 0);
             *          }
             *          else if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.DownRight)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 0] == 1);
             *          }
             *          else if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.LeftDown)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 1] == 1);
             *          }
             *          else if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.RightDown)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 2] == 1);
             *          }
             *          else if (q.Arrow == Question.ArrowType.UpRight)
             *          {
             *              m.AddConstr(specialQuestionType[y, x, 3] == 1);
             *          }
             *      }
             *      else if (cwdCheck.Grid[y, x] is Letter)
             *      {
             *          m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/


Пример #12
        public WordsSolver(Crossword cwd)
            var wordsArray = File.ReadLines(@"C:\Users\Roman Bolzern\Documents\GitHub\Crossword\docs\useful\wordlist.txt").ToArray();
            var wordsList  = wordsArray.GroupBy(f => f.Length).ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.ToList());

            int sizeY = cwd.Grid.GetLength(0);
            int sizeX = cwd.Grid.GetLength(1);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int it = 0; it < 10000; it++)
                var fullList = Enumerable.Range(0, sizeY * sizeX).ToList();
                Crossword cwdCopy = cwd.DeepClone();
                    foreach (var i in fullList)
                        int y = i / sizeX;
                        int x = i - y * sizeX;
                        if (cwd.Grid[y, x] is Question)
                            switch (((Question)cwd.Grid[y, x]).Arrow)
                            case Question.ArrowType.Down:
                                PutWordY(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeY, rnd, y + 1, x);

                            case Question.ArrowType.DownRight:
                                PutWordX(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeX, rnd, y + 1, x);

                            case Question.ArrowType.LeftDown:
                                PutWordY(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeY, rnd, y, x - 1);

                            case Question.ArrowType.Right:
                                PutWordX(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeX, rnd, y, x + 1);

                            case Question.ArrowType.RightDown:
                                PutWordY(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeY, rnd, y, x + 1);

                            case Question.ArrowType.UpRight:
                                PutWordX(cwdCopy, wordsList, sizeX, rnd, y - 1, x);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    Console.WriteLine(it + " " + e.Message);

                cwd = cwdCopy;
Пример #13
        public GurobiSolver3(Crossword crossword)
            var wordLengthHistogram = new Dictionary <int, double>()
                { 3, 18 },
                { 4, 24 },
                { 5, 20 },
                { 6, 18 },
                { 7, 12 },
                { 8, 4 },
                { 9, 4 },

            const int maxWordLength = 9;

            int sizeY = crossword.Grid.GetLength(0);
            int sizeX = crossword.Grid.GetLength(1);

            var requiredAmountOfLetters = wordLengthHistogram.Sum(wl => wl.Key * wl.Value) / 1.8d;
            int totalFields             = sizeX * sizeY;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    totalFields -= crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked ? 1 : 0;

            int amountQuestions = (int)Math.Round(0.22 * totalFields);

            var wordLengthRatio = requiredAmountOfLetters / (totalFields - amountQuestions);

            GRBEnv   env = new GRBEnv();
            GRBModel m   = new GRBModel(env);

            // 0 = letter, 1 = question
            GRBVar[,] fields = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];
            // 0 = right, 1 = down
            GRBVar[,] questionType = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    // create a var for every non-blocked field
                    if (!(crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked))
                        fields[y, x]       = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "Field" + x + "_" + y);
                        questionType[y, x] = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "QType" + x + "_" + y);

            GRBLinExpr allFieldsSum = new GRBLinExpr();

            // All non-question fields have to belong to a word
            // E.g. if a question points right, only lengths 3 to 9 are allowed
            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (crossword.Grid[y, x] is Blocked)

                    allFieldsSum += fields[y, x];

                    bool noQuestionToTheRightAllowed  = false;
                    bool noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed = false;
                    if (x + 3 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y, x + 3))
                        // for right: if [0,0] is question, [0,1..3] must not be question
                        var totalQuestionsHorizontal = fields[y, x + 1] + fields[y, x + 2] + fields[y, x + 3];
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= 1 - fields[y, x + 1], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_right1");
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= 1 - fields[y, x + 2], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_right2");
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= 1 - fields[y, x + 3], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_right3");
                        noQuestionToTheRightAllowed = true;

                    // for down:
                    if (y + 3 < sizeY && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y + 3, x))
                        var totalQuestionsVertical = fields[y + 1, x] + fields[y + 2, x] + fields[y + 3, x];
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + 1, x], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_down1");
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + 2, x], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_down2");
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= 1 - fields[y + 3, x], "MinWordLength3" + y + "_" + x + "_down3");
                        noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed = true;

                    if (noQuestionToTheRightAllowed && noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed)
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0, "NoQuestionAllowed" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (noQuestionToTheRightAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 1, "QuestionCantPointRight" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (noQuestionTowardsDownAllowed)
                            m.AddConstr(questionType[y, x] == 0, "QuestionCantPointDown" + y + "_" + x);

                    // max word length constraints
                    if (x + maxWordLength + 1 < sizeX && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y, x + maxWordLength + 1))
                        // for right: if [0,0] is question, [0,1..maxLength+1] must have at least another question field
                        var allHorizontalFields = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int xi = 1; xi <= maxWordLength + 1; xi++)
                            allHorizontalFields += fields[y, x + xi];
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + (1 - questionType[y, x]) - 1 <= allHorizontalFields, "MaxLengthHorizontal" + y + "_" + x);
                    if (y + maxWordLength + 1 < sizeY && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x, y + maxWordLength + 1, x))
                        // for down:
                        var allVerticalFields = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int yi = 1; yi <= maxWordLength + 1; yi++)
                            allVerticalFields += fields[y + yi, x];
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] + questionType[y, x] - 1 <= allVerticalFields, "MaxLengthVertical" + y + "_" + x);

            // Does a field belong to zero, one or two questions?
            var partOfAWord = new GRBLinExpr[sizeY, sizeX, 2];

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    // this constraint doesn't work for [0,0]
                    if ((x == 0 && y == 0) || crossword.HasBlock(y, x))

                    // does this field have a question to the left?

                    /*var attachedToHorizontalQuestion = new GRBLinExpr();
                     * for (int l = 0; l < maxWordLength; l++)
                     * {
                     *  if (x - l - 1 < 0) continue;
                     *  var attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "varAttachedToHorizontalQuestionLength" + l + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                     *  // If the first field is a question and points to the right, and no letters inbetween are questions
                     *  var isQuestionAndPointsRight = fields[y, x - l - 1] + (1 - questionType[y, x - l - 1]);
                     *  var allHorizontalFields = new GRBLinExpr();
                     *  for (int xi = 0; xi <= l; xi++)
                     *      allHorizontalFields += fields[y, x - xi];
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength >= isQuestionAndPointsRight - 1 - allHorizontalFields);
                     *  for (int xi = 0; xi <= l; xi++) m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength <= 1 - fields[y, x - xi]);
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength <= fields[y, x - l - 1]);
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength <= 1 - questionType[y, x - l - 1]);
                     *  //m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength <= isQuestionAndPointsRight * 0.5);
                     *  //m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength <= 1 - allHorizontalFields * (1d / (l + 1)));
                     *  attachedToHorizontalQuestion += attachedToHorizontalQuestionSpecificLength;
                     * }*/
                    // RETRY
                    var attachedToHorizontalQuestion = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "attachedToHorizontalQuestion" + y + "_" + x);
                    for (int len = 1; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (x - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y, x - len, y, x))
                        var isQuestionAndPointsRight = fields[y, x - len] + (1 - questionType[y, x - len]);
                        var questionsInbetween       = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int xi = 0; xi < len; xi++)
                            questionsInbetween += fields[y, x - xi];
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion >= isQuestionAndPointsRight - 1 - questionsInbetween);

                        // 0 IF first question is not pointing right OR there is no question to the left
                        // firstQuestion ==> total fields < 2
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y, x - len]) + 1 - questionType[y, x - len]); // the first question but DOESNT look right
                    var questionsToTheLeft = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int qlCount            = 0;
                    for (int len = 0; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (x - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y, x - len, y, x))
                        questionsToTheLeft += fields[y, x - len];
                    if (qlCount > 0)
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion <= questionsToTheLeft);

                    // does this field have a question towards down?

                    /*var attachedToVerticalQuestion = new GRBLinExpr();
                     * for (int l = 0; l < maxWordLength; l++)
                     * {
                     *  if (y - l - 1 < 0) continue;
                     *  var attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "varAttachedToVerticalQuestionLength" + l + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                     *  // If the first field is a question and points to the right, and no letters inbetween are questions
                     *  var isQuestionAndPointsDown = fields[y - l - 1, x] + questionType[y - l - 1, x];
                     *  var allVerticalFields = new GRBLinExpr();
                     *  for (int yi = 0; yi <= l; yi++)
                     *      allVerticalFields += fields[y - yi, x];
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength >= isQuestionAndPointsDown - 1 - allVerticalFields);
                     *  for (int yi = 0; yi <= l; yi++) m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength <= 1 - fields[y - yi, x]);
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength <= fields[y - l - 1, x]);
                     *  m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength <= questionType[y - l - 1, x]);
                     *  //m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength <= isQuestionAndPointsDown * 0.5);
                     *  //m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength <= 1 - allVerticalFields * (1d / (l + 1)));
                     *  attachedToVerticalQuestion += attachedToVerticalQuestionSpecificLength;
                     * }*/
                    var attachedToVerticalQuestion = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "attachedToVerticalQuestion" + y + "_" + x);
                    for (int len = 1; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (y - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y - len, x, y, x))
                        var isQuestionAndPointsDown = fields[y - len, x] + questionType[y - len, x];
                        var questionsInbetween      = new GRBLinExpr();
                        for (int yi = 0; yi < len; yi++)
                            questionsInbetween += fields[y - yi, x];
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion >= isQuestionAndPointsDown - 1 - questionsInbetween);

                        m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion <= questionsInbetween + (1 - fields[y - len, x]) + 1 - (1 - questionType[y - len, x])); // the first question but DOESNT look down
                    var questionsTowardsDown = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int qdCount = 0;
                    for (int len = 0; len <= maxWordLength; len++)
                        if (y - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y - len, x, y, x))
                        questionsTowardsDown += fields[y - len, x];
                    if (qdCount > 0)
                        m.AddConstr(attachedToVerticalQuestion <= questionsTowardsDown);

                    var c = m.AddConstr(attachedToHorizontalQuestion + attachedToVerticalQuestion >= 1 - fields[y, x], "AttachedToQuestionConstraint_" + y + "_" + x);
                    //c.Lazy = 1;
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 0] = attachedToHorizontalQuestion;
                    partOfAWord[y, x, 1] = attachedToVerticalQuestion;

            // right now, [0,0] can only be a question
            if (!crossword.HasBlock(0, 0))
                m.AddConstr(fields[0, 0] == 1);
            // and similarly the bottom 3x3 can only be letters
            for (int y = sizeY - 3; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = sizeX - 3; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if (!crossword.HasBlock(y, x))
                        m.AddConstr(fields[y, x] == 0);

            // Objective:
            // questions should be around ~22% (allFieldsSum ~= amountQuestions)
            int tolerance = (int)(amountQuestions * 0.1);

            m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum - amountQuestions >= -tolerance, "amountOfQuestionsTolerance_1");
            m.AddConstr(allFieldsSum - amountQuestions <= tolerance, "amountOfQuestionsTolerance_2");

            // dead fields
            var uncrossedLetters        = new GRBVar[sizeY, sizeX];
            var uncrossedLettersPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    if ((x >= 1 || y >= 1) && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x))
                        uncrossedLetters[y, x] = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "isUncrossedLetter" + y + "_" + x);
                        m.AddConstr(uncrossedLetters[y, x] <= partOfAWord[y, x, 0] + partOfAWord[y, x, 1]);                // if 0 ==> 0 NECESSARY?
                        m.AddConstr(uncrossedLetters[y, x] <= 2 - partOfAWord[y, x, 0] - partOfAWord[y, x, 1]);            // if 2 ==> 0
                        m.AddConstr(uncrossedLetters[y, x] <= 1 - fields[y, x]);                                           // if it's a question it can't be a dead field

                        m.AddConstr(uncrossedLetters[y, x] >= partOfAWord[y, x, 0] - partOfAWord[y, x, 1] - fields[y, x]); // horizontal XOR vertical
                        m.AddConstr(uncrossedLetters[y, x] >= partOfAWord[y, x, 1] - partOfAWord[y, x, 0] - fields[y, x]);
                        uncrossedLettersPenalty += uncrossedLetters[y, x];
            // penalty for nearby uncrossed letters
            var deadFieldPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                    var hby = y - 1 < 0 || !crossword.HasBlock(y - 1, x);
                    var hbx = x - 1 < 0 || !crossword.HasBlock(y, x - 1);
                    if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && !crossword.HasBlock(y, x) && (hby || hbx))
                        var isDeadArea = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "isDeadArea" + y + "_" + x);
                        if (hby)
                            m.AddConstr(isDeadArea >= uncrossedLetters[y, x] + uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x] - 1);
                        if (hbx)
                            m.AddConstr(isDeadArea >= uncrossedLetters[y, x] + uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1] - 1);
                        m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y, x]);
                        if (hby && hbx)
                            m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x] + uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1]);
                        else if (hby)
                            m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y - 1, x]);
                        else if (hbx)
                            m.AddConstr(isDeadArea <= uncrossedLetters[y, x - 1]);
                        deadFieldPenalty += isDeadArea;

            // as many partOfAWord == 2 as possible

            /*var manyCrossedWords = new GRBLinExpr();
             * for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
             *  for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
             *      manyCrossedWords += partOfAWord[y, x];*/

            // ideal histogram comparison
            //var wordHistogramDifferences = new GRBLinExpr();
            foreach (var wl in wordLengthHistogram.Keys)
                /*var varDiffInput = m.AddVar(-sizeX * sizeY / 3, sizeX * sizeY / 3, 0, GRB.INTEGER, "varDiffInput" + wl);
                 * m.AddConstr(varDiffInput == (wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl]));
                 * var varDiffRes = m.AddVar(0, sizeX * sizeY / 3, 0, GRB.INTEGER, "varDiff" + wl);
                 * m.AddGenConstrAbs(varDiffRes, varDiffInput, "diffGenConstr" + wl);
                 * wordHistogramDifferences += varDiffRes;*/

                int histogramTolerance = Math.Max(1, (int)(wordLengthHistogram[wl] * 0.2 * wordLengthRatio));
                //m.AddConstr(wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl] >= -histogramTolerance);
                //m.AddConstr(wordLengthHistogram[wl] - lengths[wl] <= histogramTolerance);

            // question field clusters
            // in a field of 2x2, minimize the nr of fields where there are 2-4 questions resp. maximize 0-1 questions
            var clusterPenalty = new GRBLinExpr();
            int area           = 2;

            for (int y = 0; y < sizeY - (area - 1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < sizeX - (area - 1); x++)
                    var clusterTotal = new GRBLinExpr();
                    int ct           = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < area; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < area; j++)
                            if (crossword.HasBlock(y + i, x + j))
                            clusterTotal += fields[y + i, x + j];
                    if (ct >= 3)
                        var varClusterTotalPenalty = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "varClusterTotalPenalty" + y + "_" + x);
                        // 0-1 = good, 2-4 = bad
                        m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty <= clusterTotal * 0.5, "clusterPenaltyConstr1_" + y + "_" + x);
                        m.AddConstr(varClusterTotalPenalty >= (clusterTotal - 1) * (1d / 3), "clusterPenaltyConstr2_" + y + "_" + x);
                        clusterPenalty += varClusterTotalPenalty;

            //m.AddConstr(deadFieldPenalty <= 30);

            //amountOfQuestionsRating * (100d / sizeX / sizeY) + manyCrossedWords +  + wordHistogramDifferences
            // clusterPenalty * 100
            m.SetObjective(deadFieldPenalty + clusterPenalty, GRB.MINIMIZE);

            m.SetCallback(new GRBMipSolCallback(crossword, fields, questionType, null));


Пример #14
 internal string SerializeCrossword(Crossword crossword)
     var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     foreach (var crosswordWord in crossword.CrosswordWords)
     return stringBuilder.ToString();
Пример #15
 internal string SerializeCrossword(Crossword crossword, List<CrosswordLetter> progress)
     var sb = new StringBuilder(SerializeCrossword(crossword));
     foreach (CrosswordLetter letter in progress)
     return sb.ToString();
Пример #16
        private GRBLinExpr AttachedToSpecialQuestion(int y, int x, int type, Crossword crossword, GRBModel m, int sizeX, int sizeY, int maxWordLength, GRBVar[,] fields, GRBLinExpr[,] specialQuestionUsed, GRBVar[,,] specialQuestionType)
            // 0 = Down, then right
            // 1 = Left, then down
            // 2 = Right, then down
            // 3 = Up, then right
            if (type == 0 && y - 1 < 0)
            if (type == 1 && x + 1 >= sizeX)
            if (type == 2 && x - 1 < 0)
            if (type == 3 && y + 1 >= sizeY)

            // Is this field attached to a special question?
            var attachedToSpecialQuestion = new GRBLinExpr();

            for (int len = 0; len < maxWordLength; len++)
                var qpos = new { y = y + (type == 0 ? -1 : 1), x = x - len };
                if (type == 1 || type == 2)
                    qpos = new { y = y - len, x = x + (type == 1 ? 1 : -1) }

                if ((type == 0 || type == 3) && (x - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y, x - len, y, x) || crossword.HasBlock(qpos.y, qpos.x)))
                if ((type == 1 || type == 2) && (y - len < 0 || crossword.HasBlock(y - len, x, y, x) || crossword.HasBlock(qpos.y, qpos.x)))

                if ((object)specialQuestionUsed[qpos.y, qpos.x] == null)

                var atsp = m.AddVar(0, 1, 0, GRB.BINARY, "attachedToSpecialQuestion" + type + "len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                var questionsInbetween = (type == 0 || type == 3) ? fields.SumRange(y, x - len, y, x) : fields.SumRange(y - len, x, y, x);
                m.AddConstr(atsp >= fields[qpos.y, qpos.x] + specialQuestionType[qpos.y, qpos.x, type] - 1 - questionsInbetween, "attachedToSpecialQuestion_len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                if (type == 0 || type == 3)
                    for (int xi = x - len; xi <= x; xi++)
                        m.AddConstr(atsp <= 1 - fields[y, xi], "notAttachedToSpecialQuestion1_len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                    for (int yi = y - len; yi <= y; yi++)
                        m.AddConstr(atsp <= 1 - fields[yi, x], "notAttachedToSpecialQuestion1_len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                m.AddConstr(atsp <= fields[qpos.y, qpos.x], "notAttachedToSpecialQuestion2_len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                m.AddConstr(atsp <= specialQuestionType[qpos.y, qpos.x, type], "notAttachedToSpecialQuestion3_len" + len + "_" + y + "_" + x);
                attachedToSpecialQuestion += atsp;
Пример #17
        internal int Generate(Crossword crossword, Dictionary dictionary)
            if (dictionary.DictionaryWords.Length == 0)
                return -1;

            int blankIterations = 0;
            int wordsHaveBeenAdded = 0;

            dictionary.Sort(new DictionaryWordComparator(DictionaryWordComparator.SortDirection.Descending, DictionaryWordComparator.SortBy.LetterCount));

            int iterationNumber = 0;
            while (blankIterations < 100)
                var dictionaryWord = dictionary.GetRandomDictionaryWord(iterationNumber < 10 ? 0.3 : 1);
                var positions = crossword.GetPreviewsPositions(dictionaryWord);

                if (positions != null)
                    if (positions.Count == 0)

                    var position = positions[random.Next(0, positions.Count)]; //  range: [0; positions.Count - 1]
                    var crosswordWord = new CrosswordWord(crossword, dictionaryWord, position.Position, false);
                    wordsHaveBeenAdded = 1;
                    Orientation orientation = random.Next(2) > 0 ? Orientation.Horizontal : Orientation.Vertical;
                    crossword.AddWord(new CrosswordWord(crossword, dictionaryWord, new CrosswordWordPosition(0, 0, orientation), false));
                    wordsHaveBeenAdded = 1;

                blankIterations = 0;

            return wordsHaveBeenAdded;