public int FunctionByte(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Byte) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-b" | args[i].ToLower() == "--byte") { int iByte = 0; bool booleanByte = int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out iByte); if (booleanByte == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -b option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "kib") { iByte *= 1024; } else if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "mib") { iByte *= 1048576; } else if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "gib") { iByte *= 1073741824; } //Statistical.DefaultSizeFileInOctet = iByte; Statistical obj = new Statistical(); Parameter.NumberLine = obj.CalculSizeFile(iByte, Parameter.NumberOfChar, Parameter.TypesAtGenerate, Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination); } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return(-1); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
internal BigInteger CalculSizeFile(int sizeFile, int numberOfChar, int typesOfGeneration, BigInteger numberOfAllCombination) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); BigInteger numberLine = 0; if (options.Line == false) { numberLine = sizeFile / (numberOfChar + 2); } return(numberLine); }
public int HelpPrint(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Help) { Console.Write(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(80, false)); } else if (options.WordlistHelp) { Pattern.SfrPrint(); Pattern.LiveboxPrint(); Pattern.MenuHexaPrint(); Pattern.MenuNumericPrint(); Pattern.MenuSpecialCharacteresPrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacteUppercasePrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterUppercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterLowercaseUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacteUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return(-1); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
public int SelectPattern(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Dictionnary) { Parameter.SelectPattern(args); } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
public int FunctionLine(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Line) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-c" | args[i].ToLower() == "--line") { int c; bool booleanLine = int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out c); if (booleanLine == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -c option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Parameter.NumberLine = c; } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return(-1); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
public int FunctionLenght(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Lenght) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-l" | args[i].ToLower() == "--lenght") { byte l; bool b = byte.TryParse(args[i + 1], out l); if (b == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -l option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Parameter.NumberOfChar = l; } } // End For } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return(-1); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
public int StartblockPattern(string[] args) { Utility obj2 = new Utility(); CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Startblock) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "-s" | args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "--startblock") { string s = args[i + 1].ToString(); if (s.Length > Parameter.CharsetSelecting.Count) { obj2.DoubleCapacityList(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberOfChar); } else { obj2.StartblockPattern(s, Parameter.CharsetSelecting); } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return(-1); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return(0); }
public int HelpPrint(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Help) { Console.Write(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(80, false)); } else if (options.WordlistHelp) { Pattern.SfrPrint(); Pattern.LiveboxPrint(); Pattern.MenuHexaPrint(); Pattern.MenuNumericPrint(); Pattern.MenuSpecialCharacteresPrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacteUppercasePrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.LatinCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterUppercasePrint(); Pattern.CyrillicCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SwddishCharacterLowercaseUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacteUppercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacterLowercasePrint(); Pattern.SyllableCharacterUppercaseLowercasePrint(); } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int EndPattern(string[] args) { Utility tools = new Utility(); CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.EndBlock) { string s = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "-e" | args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "--end") { s = args[i + 1]; } } tools.EndPattern(s, Parameter.NumberOfChar, Parameter.CharsetSelecting); } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int StartblockPattern(string[] args) { Utility obj2 = new Utility(); CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Startblock) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "-s" | args[i].ToString().ToLower() == "--startblock") { string s = args[i + 1].ToString(); if (s.Length > Parameter.CharsetSelecting.Count) { obj2.DoubleCapacityList(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberOfChar); } else { obj2.StartblockPattern(s, Parameter.CharsetSelecting); } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int FunctionLine(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Line) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-c" | args[i].ToLower() == "--line") { int c; bool booleanLine = int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out c); if (booleanLine == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -c option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Parameter.NumberLine = c; } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int FunctionSaveFiles(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.SaveFile) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-o") { string pathBackupFile = args[i + 1]; if (pathBackupFile[0].ToString() == @"/" || pathBackupFile[1].ToString() == ":") { Parameter.PathBackUpFiles = pathBackupFile; } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int FunctionByte(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Byte) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-b" | args[i].ToLower() == "--byte") { int iByte = 0; bool booleanByte = int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out iByte); if (booleanByte == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -b option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "kib") { iByte *= 1024; } else if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "mib") { iByte *= 1048576; } else if (args[i + 2].ToLower() == "gib") { iByte *= 1073741824; } //Statistical.DefaultSizeFileInOctet = iByte; Statistical obj = new Statistical(); Parameter.NumberLine = obj.CalculSizeFile(iByte,Parameter.NumberOfChar,Parameter.TypesAtGenerate,Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination); } } } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int FunctionLenght(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Lenght) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].ToLower() == "-l" | args[i].ToLower() == "--lenght") { byte l; bool b = byte.TryParse(args[i + 1], out l); if (b == false) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe value entered with the -l option is incorrect\n"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Parameter.NumberOfChar = l; } } // End For } } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); return -1; } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
public int SelectPattern(string[] args) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); if (options.Dictionnary) { Parameter.SelectPattern(args); } else if (parser.HasErrors) { Console.WriteLine(parser.UsageInfo.ToString(78, true)); } // No errors present and all arguments correct // Do work according to arguments return 0; }
internal BigInteger CalculSizeFile(int sizeFile, int numberOfChar, int typesOfGeneration, BigInteger numberOfAllCombination) { CLI options = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(options); parser.Parse(); BigInteger numberLine = 0; if (options.Line == false) { numberLine = sizeFile / (numberOfChar + 2); } return numberLine; }
private bool GenerateWordlist(CLI cmd) { CombinationPattern obj2 = new CombinationPattern(); if (cmd.Crunch) { obj2.GenerateIncrementing(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberLine, cmd.SaveFile, cmd.Zip, false, 1, Parameter.NumberOfChar, PathBackUpFiles, extension); } else if (cmd.Combination) { obj2.GenerateIncrementing(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberLine, cmd.SaveFile, cmd.Zip, cmd.Repeat, 2, Parameter.NumberOfChar, PathBackUpFiles, extension); } else if (cmd.Random | cmd.Wifi) { Randomizer obj = new Randomizer(); obj.GenerateRandomString(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberLine, cmd.SaveFile, Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination, cmd.Zip, Parameter.NumberOfChar, PathBackUpFiles, extension); } else if (cmd.Variation) { VariationnPattern obj = new VariationnPattern(); obj.GenerateVariationString(Parameter.CharsetSelecting,Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination, Parameter.NumberLine, cmd.SaveFile, cmd.Zip, cmd.Repeat, Parameter.NumberOfChar, PathBackUpFiles, extension); } else if (cmd.Permutation) { PermutationPattern obj = new PermutationPattern(); obj.GeneratePermutationString(Parameter.CharsetSelecting, Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination,Parameter.NumberLine, Parameter.NumberOfChar, cmd.SaveFile, cmd.Zip, cmd.Repeat, 5, PathBackUpFiles, extension); } return false; }
public Run(string[] args) { CLI cmd = new CLI(); CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser(cmd); parser.Parse(); try { if (cmd.Help || cmd.WordlistHelp) { cmd.HelpPrint(args); } else { cmd.SelectPattern(args); cmd.FunctionLenght(args); if (cmd.Invert) { CharsetSelecting.Reverse(); } if (cmd.Startblock) { cmd.StartblockPattern(args); } if (cmd.EndBlock) { cmd.EndPattern(args); } if (cmd.Line) { cmd.FunctionLine(args); } if (cmd.Byte) { cmd.FunctionByte(args); } if (cmd.SaveFile) { cmd.FunctionSaveFiles(args); } if (cmd.Crunch) { Parameter.TypesAtGenerate = 1; } else if (cmd.Combination) { Parameter.TypesAtGenerate = 2; } else if (cmd.Random) { Parameter.TypesAtGenerate = 3; } else if(cmd.Variation) { Parameter.TypesAtGenerate = 4; } else if(cmd.Permutation) { Parameter.TypesAtGenerate = 5; } Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination = tools.CalculOfAllCombinaison(cmd.Repeat, Parameter.TypesAtGenerate, Parameter.NumberOfChar, Parameter.CharsetSelecting); if (cmd.Line == false & cmd.Byte == false) { Parameter.NumberLine = Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination; } if (cmd.Disables == false) { Main.Version(); tools.StatiscalInfoSize(Parameter.NumberOfAllCombination, Parameter.TypesAtGenerate, Parameter.NumberOfChar); } this.GenerateWordlist(cmd); Console.ReadKey(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } /// Debug pause, must commenting for release Console.ReadKey(); }