Пример #1
 /// <summary> Set the Current node in the sequence of 1-input nodes.
 /// The Current node can be an AlphaNode or a LIANode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">node
 /// </param>
 public override void addSuccessorNode(BaseNode node, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
     if (addNode(node))
         // if there are matches, we propogate the facts to
         // the new successor only
         IAlphaMemory alpha = (IAlphaMemory) mem.getAlphaMemory(this);
         if (alpha.size() > 0)
             IEnumerator itr = alpha.GetEnumerator();
             while (itr.MoveNext())
                 if (node is BaseAlpha)
                     BaseAlpha next = (BaseAlpha) node;
                     next.assertFact((IFact) itr.Current, engine, mem);
                 else if (node is BaseJoin)
                     BaseJoin next = (BaseJoin) node;
                     Index inx = new Index(new IFact[] {(IFact) itr.Current});
                     next.assertLeft(inx, engine, mem);
Пример #2
 /// <summary> 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">- the source should be either the workingMemory or Rete
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="typeCode">- event type
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sourceNode">- the node which initiated the event
 /// </param>
 public EngineEvent(Object source, int typeCode, BaseNode sourceNode, IFact[] facts)
     this.typeCode = typeCode;
     this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
     this.facts = facts;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the successor node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <param name="mem">The mem.</param>
 public override void addSuccessorNode(BaseNode node, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
     if (node is BaseJoin)
         addSuccessorNode((BaseJoin) node, engine, mem);
         addSuccessorNode((TerminalNode) node, engine, mem);
Пример #4
 /// <summary> The current implementation checks to make sure the node is a
 /// TestNode. If it is, it will set the node. If not, it will ignore
 /// it.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void addNode(BaseNode node)
     if (node is TestNode)
         this.node = (TestNode) node;
Пример #5
 /// <summary> Remove a successor node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">node
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">engine
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">mem
 /// @throws AssertException
 /// </param>
 public virtual void removeSuccessorNode(BaseNode node, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
     if (removeNode(node))
         // we retract the memories first, before removing the node
         IAlphaMemory alpha = (IAlphaMemory) mem.getAlphaMemory(this);
         if (alpha.size() > 0)
             IEnumerator itr = alpha.GetEnumerator();
             while (itr.MoveNext())
                 if (node is BaseAlpha)
                     BaseAlpha next = (BaseAlpha) node;
                     next.retractFact((IFact) itr.Current, engine, mem);
                 else if (node is BaseJoin)
                     BaseJoin next = (BaseJoin) node;
                     next.retractRight((IFact) itr.Current, engine, mem);
Пример #6
 /// <summary> Remove an object from an object array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">list
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">nobj
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// </returns>
 public static BaseNode[] remove(BaseNode[] list, Object nobj)
     BaseNode[] newlist = new BaseNode[list.Length - 1];
     int pos = 0;
     for (int idx = 0; idx < list.Length; idx++)
         if (list[idx] != nobj)
             newlist[pos] = list[idx];
     return newlist;
Пример #7
 /// <summary> Add a successor node
 /// </summary>
 public override void addSuccessorNode(BaseNode node, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
     if (!containsNode(successorNodes, node) && !successor2.Contains(node))
         if (node is BaseJoin || node is TerminalNode)
             // we test to see if the operator is ==, nil, not nil
             // if the node isn't BaseJoin, it should be BaseAlpha
             BaseAlpha ba = (BaseAlpha) node;
             if (ba.Operator == Constants.LESS || ba.Operator == Constants.GREATER || ba.Operator == Constants.LESSEQUAL || ba.Operator == Constants.GREATEREQUAL || ba.Operator == Constants.NOTEQUAL || ba.Operator == Constants.NOTNILL)
         if (gauranteeUnique && node is AlphaNode)
             // now we use CompositeIndex instead of HashString
             AlphaNode anode = (AlphaNode) node;
             entries.Put(anode.HashIndex, node);
             // we increment the node count for the slot
         // if there are matches, we propogate the facts to 
         // the new successor only
         IAlphaMemory alpha = (IAlphaMemory) mem.getAlphaMemory(this);
         if (alpha.size() > 0)
             IEnumerator itr = alpha.GetEnumerator();
             while (itr.MoveNext())
                 IFact f = (IFact) itr.Current;
                 if (node is BaseAlpha)
                     BaseAlpha next = (BaseAlpha) node;
                     next.assertFact(f, engine, mem);
                 else if (node is BaseJoin)
                     BaseJoin next = (BaseJoin) node;
                     next.assertRight(f, engine, mem);
                 else if (node is TerminalNode)
                     TerminalNode t = (TerminalNode) node;
                     Index inx = new Index(new IFact[] {f});
                     t.assertFacts(inx, engine, mem);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Retracts the event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 /// <param name="facts">The facts.</param>
 public virtual void retractEvent(BaseNode node, IFact[] facts)
     IEnumerator itr = listeners.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         EngineEventListener eel = (EngineEventListener) itr.Current;
         eel.eventOccurred(new EngineEvent(this, EngineEvent.ASSERT_EVENT, node, facts));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Method will process the retractEvent, preferably with an event queue
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 /// <param name="fact">The fact.</param>
 public virtual void assertEvent(BaseNode node, IFact fact)
     if (debug)
         Trace.WriteLine("\"assert at nodeid=" + node.nodeID + " - " + node.ToString().Replace("\"", "'") + ":: with fact -" + fact.toFactString().Replace("\"", "'") + "::\"");
     IEnumerator itr = listeners.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         EngineEventListener eel = (EngineEventListener) itr.Current;
         eel.eventOccurred(new EngineEvent(this, EngineEvent.ASSERT_EVENT, node, new IFact[] {fact}));
Пример #10
 /// <summary> the method doesn't apply and isn't implemented currently
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void addNode(BaseNode node)
Пример #11
        /// <summary> Here is a description of the compilation algorithm.
        /// 1. iterate over the conditional elements
        /// i. generate the alpha nodes
        /// a. literal constraints generate alpha node
        /// b. predicate constaints that compare against a literal generate alpha node
        /// ii. calculate the bindings
        /// a. each binding has a rowId
        /// b. NOT and EXIST CE do not increment the rowId
        /// 2. iterate over the conditional elements
        /// i. generate the beta nodes
        /// ii. attach the Left Input adapater nodes
        /// iii. attach the join nodes to the alpha nodes
        /// 3. create the terminal node and attach to the last
        /// join node.
        /// This means the rule compiler takes a 2 pass approach to
        /// compiling rules. At the start of the method, it sets 3
        /// attributes to null: prevCE, prevJoinNode, joinNode.
        /// Those attributes are used by the compile join methods,
        /// so it's important to set it to null at the start. If
        /// we don't the Current rule won't compile correctly.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool addRule(Rule.IRule rule)
            if (!validate || (validate && tval.analyze(rule) == Analysis_Fields.VALIDATION_PASSED))
                // we have to set the attributes to null, before we start compiling a rule.

                // we've set the attributes to null, so we can compile now!!

                if (rule.Conditions != null && rule.Conditions.Length > 0)
                    // we check the name of the rule to see if it is for a specific
                    // module. if it is, we have to Add it to that module
                    Module = rule;
                        ICondition[] conds = rule.Conditions;
                        // first we create the constraints, before creating the Conditional
                        // elements which include joins
                        // we use a counter and only increment it to make sure the
                        // row index of the bindings are accurate. this makes it simpler
                        // for the rule compiler and compileJoins is cleaner and does
                        // less work.
                        int counter = 0;
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < conds.Length; idx++)
                            ICondition con = conds[idx];
                            // compile object conditions
                            //implement in the ObjectConditionCompiler.compile or ExistConditionCompiler.compile
                            con.getCompiler(this).compile(con, counter, rule, rule.RememberMatch);

                            if ((con is ObjectCondition) && (!((ObjectCondition)con).Negated))
                        // now we compile the joins

                        BaseNode     last  = rule.LastNode;
                        TerminalNode tnode = createTerminalNode(rule);

                        attachTerminalNode(last, tnode);
                        // compile the actions
                        compileActions(rule, rule.Actions);
                        // now we pass the bindings to the rule, so that actiosn can
                        // resolve the bindings

                        // now we Add the rule to the module
                        CompileMessageEventArgs ce = new CompileMessageEventArgs(rule, EventType.ADD_RULE_EVENT);
                        ce.Rule = rule;
                    catch (AssertException e)
                        CompileMessageEventArgs ce = new CompileMessageEventArgs(rule, EventType.INVALID_RULE);
                        ce.Message = Messages.getString("RuleCompiler.assert.error"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                else if (rule.Conditions.Length == 0)
                    Module = rule;
                    // the rule has no LHS, this means it only has actions
                    BaseNode     last  = (BaseNode)inputnodes.Get(engine.initFact);
                    TerminalNode tnode = createTerminalNode(rule);
                    compileActions(rule, rule.Actions);
                    attachTerminalNode(last, tnode);
                    // now we Add the rule to the module
                    CompileMessageEventArgs ce = new CompileMessageEventArgs(rule, EventType.ADD_RULE_EVENT);
                    ce.Rule = rule;
                // we need to print out a message saying the rule was not valid
                ISummary error = tval.Errors;
                engine.writeMessage("Rule " + rule.Name + " was not added. ", Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                engine.writeMessage(error.Message, Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
                ISummary warn = tval.Warnings;
                engine.writeMessage(warn.Message, Constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUT);
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the node to the list of successors
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The n.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected internal virtual bool addNode(BaseNode n)
     bool add = false;
     if (!containsNode(successorNodes, n))
         successorNodes = ConversionUtils.add(successorNodes, n);
         add = true;
     return add;
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the node from the succesors
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">The n.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual bool removeNode(BaseNode n)
     bool rem = false;
     if (containsNode(successorNodes, n))
         successorNodes = ConversionUtils.remove(successorNodes, n);
         rem = true;
     return rem;
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the successor node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 /// <param name="engine">The engine.</param>
 /// <param name="mem">The mem.</param>
 public abstract void addSuccessorNode(BaseNode node, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem);
Пример #15
 /// <summary> Add a new object to an object array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">list
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="">nobj
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// </returns>
 public static BaseNode[] add(BaseNode[] list, BaseNode nobj)
     BaseNode[] newlist = new BaseNode[list.Length + 1];
     Array.Copy(list, 0, newlist, 0, list.Length);
     newlist[list.Length] = nobj;
     return newlist;
Пример #16
 /// <summary> not implemented currently
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void addNewAlphaNodes(BaseNode node)
Пример #17
 public virtual IList getNodeEvents(BaseNode node)
     return (IList) nodeFilter.Get(node);
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// The method will print out the node. It is up to the method to check if
 /// pretty printer is true and call the appropriate node method to Get the
 /// string.
 /// TODO - need to implement this
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 public virtual void writeMessage(BaseNode node)
Пример #19
 /// <summary> To listen to a specific node, Add the node to the filter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="">node
 /// </param>
 public virtual void addNodeFilter(BaseNode node)
     nodeFilter.Put(node, new List<Object>());
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Asserts the event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
 /// <param name="facts">The facts.</param>
 public virtual void assertEvent(BaseNode node, IFact[] facts)
     if (debug)
         if (node is TerminalNode)
             Trace.WriteLine(((TerminalNode) node).Rule.Name + " fired");
     IEnumerator itr = listeners.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         EngineEventListener eel = (EngineEventListener) itr.Current;
         eel.eventOccurred(new EngineEvent(this, EngineEvent.ASSERT_EVENT, node, facts));
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Method will attach a new JoinNode to an ancestor node. An ancestor
 /// could be LIANode, AlphaNode or BetaNode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="last">The last.</param>
 /// <param name="join">The join.</param>
 public virtual void attachJoinNode(BaseNode last, BaseJoin join)
     if (last is BaseAlpha)
         ((BaseAlpha) last).addSuccessorNode(join, engine, memory);
     else if (last is BaseJoin)
         ((BaseJoin) last).addSuccessorNode(join, engine, memory);
Пример #22
 /// <summary> method to Clear the successors. method doesn't iterate over
 /// the succesors and Clear them individually.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void clearSuccessors()
     IEnumerator itr = successor2.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         BaseNode n = (BaseNode) itr.Current;
     itr = entries.Values.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         BaseNode n = (BaseNode) itr.Current;
     for (int idx = 0; idx < successorNodes.Length; idx++)
     successorNodes = new BaseNode[0];
Пример #23
 protected internal virtual void attachTerminalNode(BaseNode last, TerminalNode terminal)
     if (last != null && terminal != null)
             if (last is BaseJoin)
                 ((BaseJoin) last).addSuccessorNode(terminal, engine, memory);
             else if (last is BaseAlpha)
                 ((BaseAlpha) last).addSuccessorNode(terminal, engine, memory);
         catch (AssertException e)
Пример #24
 public override bool removeNode(BaseNode n)
     bool rem = base.removeNode(n);
     if (n is AlphaNode)
     return rem;
Пример #25
 /// <summary> Method is used to decompose the network and make sure
 /// the nodes are detached from each other.
 /// </summary>
 public override void removeAllSuccessors()
     for (int idx = 0; idx < successorNodes.Length; idx++)
         BaseNode bn = (BaseNode) successorNodes[idx];
     successorNodes = new BaseNode[0];
     useCount = 0;