Пример #1
        public NumberString Add(NumberString anotherNumber)
            char[] x, y;
            if (this.number.Length > anotherNumber.Number.Length)
                x = this.number.ToCharArray();
                y = anotherNumber.Number.ToCharArray();
                y = this.number.ToCharArray();
                x = anotherNumber.Number.ToCharArray();
            char[] sum   = new char[x.Length];
            int    carry = 0;

            for (int iterX = x.Length - 1, iterY = y.Length - 1; iterX >= 0; iterX--, iterY--)
                if (x[iterX] < 48 || x[iterX] > 57)
                    throw new Exception("The input number is not in number format! Please enter valid digits from 0 - 9");
                if (iterY >= 0 && (y[iterY] > 57 || y[iterY] < 48))
                    throw new Exception("The input number is not in number format! Please enter valid digits from 0 - 9");
                int miniSum = x[iterX] + carry - 48; // Removing Ascii
                if (iterY >= 0)
                    miniSum += y[iterY] - 48; // Removing Ascii
                carry      = miniSum / 10;
                sum[iterX] = Convert.ToChar((miniSum % 10) + 48);
            if (carry > 0)
                return(new NumberString(carry.ToString() + new string(sum)));
                return(new NumberString(sum));
Пример #2
        public NumberString Multiply(NumberString anotherNumber)
            NumberString product = null, a = null, b = null, c = null, d = null;

                string x, y = anotherNumber.Number;
                short  negativeCount = 0;
                if (this.IsNegative())
                    x = this.number.Substring(1);
                    x = this.number;
                if (anotherNumber.IsNegative())
                    y = anotherNumber.Number.Substring(1);
                    y = anotherNumber.Number;
                if (x.Equals(ZERO) || y.Equals(ZERO))
                    return(new NumberString(ZERO));
                if (x.Length == 1 && y.Length == 1)
                    int miniProduct = Convert.ToInt32(x) * Convert.ToInt32(y);
                    if (negativeCount % 2 == 1)
                        return(new NumberString("-" + miniProduct));
                    return(new NumberString(miniProduct));
                bool applyEfficiency = false;
                if (x.Length == y.Length && this.isTwoMultiple(x.Length))
                    applyEfficiency = true;
                int xFirstHalfLength  = x.Length / 2;
                int xSecondHalfLength = (x.Length + 1) / 2;
                int yFirstHalfLength  = y.Length / 2;
                int ySecondHalfLength = (y.Length + 1) / 2;
                a = new NumberString(x.Substring(0, xFirstHalfLength), false);
                b = new NumberString(x.Substring(xFirstHalfLength), false);
                c = new NumberString(y.Substring(0, yFirstHalfLength), false);
                d = new NumberString(y.Substring(yFirstHalfLength), false);
                NumberString firstProduct = a.Multiply(c);
                NumberString acProduct    = firstProduct.Clone();
                firstProduct.PadRight(xSecondHalfLength + ySecondHalfLength, '0');
                NumberString fourthProduct = b.Multiply(d);
                if (applyEfficiency)
                    NumberString secondProduct = a.Add(b).Multiply(c.Add(d));
                    secondProduct = secondProduct.Subtract(acProduct).Subtract(fourthProduct);
                    secondProduct.PadRight(xSecondHalfLength, '0');
                    product = firstProduct.Add(secondProduct).Add(fourthProduct);
                    NumberString secondProduct = a.Multiply(d);
                    secondProduct.PadRight(xSecondHalfLength, '0');
                    NumberString thirdProduct = b.Multiply(c);
                    thirdProduct.PadRight(ySecondHalfLength, '0');
                    product = firstProduct.Add(secondProduct).Add(thirdProduct).Add(fourthProduct);
                if (negativeCount % 2 == 1)
                    return(new NumberString("-" + product.Number));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #3
        public NumberString Subtract(NumberString anotherNumber)
            char[] x, y;
            bool   swap = true;

            if (this.number.Length > anotherNumber.Number.Length)
                swap = false;
            if (this.number.Length == anotherNumber.Number.Length)
                for (int iter = 0; iter < this.number.Length; iter++)
                    if (this.number[iter] > anotherNumber.Number[iter])
                        swap = false;
            x = swap ? anotherNumber.Number.ToCharArray() : this.number.ToCharArray();
            y = swap ? this.number.ToCharArray() : anotherNumber.Number.ToCharArray();
            char[] difference  = new char[x.Length];
            int    borrow      = 0;
            bool   stillBorrow = false;

            for (int iterX = x.Length - 1, iterY = y.Length - 1; iterX >= 0; iterX--, iterY--)
                if (x[iterX] < 48 || x[iterX] > 57)
                    throw new Exception("The input number is not in number format! Please enter valid digits from 0 - 9");
                if (iterY >= 0 && (y[iterY] > 57 || y[iterY] < 48))
                    throw new Exception("The input number is not in number format! Please enter valid digits from 0 - 9");
                int firstDigit, secondDigit;
                if (x[iterX] == 48 && borrow > 0)
                    firstDigit  = 9; // Assiging 9 directly in case of borrow
                    stillBorrow = true;
                    firstDigit = x[iterX] - borrow - 48; // Removing Ascii
                    borrow     = 0;
                int miniDifference = firstDigit;
                if (iterY >= 0)
                    secondDigit = y[iterY] - 48;
                    if (firstDigit >= secondDigit)
                        miniDifference -= secondDigit;
                        borrow          = stillBorrow ? borrow : 0;
                        miniDifference = miniDifference + 10 - secondDigit;
                        borrow         = 1;
                difference[iterX] = Convert.ToChar(miniDifference + 48);
            string finalDiff = new string(difference);

            if (finalDiff.Equals("0"))
                return(new NumberString(finalDiff));
            int indexOfNumber = finalDiff.IndexOfAny(NUMBERS);

            if (indexOfNumber == -1 && finalDiff[finalDiff.Length - 1] == '0') // To handle the situations like "0" or "000" etc.
                return(new NumberString("0"));
            finalDiff = finalDiff.Substring(indexOfNumber);
            if (swap)
                return(new NumberString("-" + finalDiff));
                return(new NumberString(finalDiff));