public RouteDestination(string name, RoutePattern pattern)
     Name    = name;
     Pattern = pattern;
 public RouteDestination(string name, RoutePattern pattern)
     Name = name;
     Pattern = pattern;
        /// <summary>
        /// This converts the XML nodes corresponding to a Corvallis Bus Route Destination into Platform objects.
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerable<RouteDestination> ParseDestinations(IEnumerable<XElement> destinationsXml) =>
            destinationsXml.Select(destinationXml =>
                string fullName = destinationXml.FirstAttribute.Value;

                // Only one pattern exists per platform.
                var patternXml = destinationXml.Elements().SingleOrDefault();

                // The "mif" is the big string that's really a space-separated CSV
                // of the Lat/Longs the route travels.
                // No idea why it's called "mif", but whatever.
                string mif = patternXml.Elements().Skip(1).First().Value;

                // This gets us to the tag where we can get actual platform data
                var platformsXml = patternXml.Elements().Skip(2);

                var platforms = ParsePlatformsForRoutes(platformsXml);

                var mifAndPlatform = new RoutePattern(mif, platforms);

                return new RouteDestination(fullName, mifAndPlatform);