public bool IdentifyTarget(Option opt) { if (opt != null && opt.opt == 't') { Console.WriteLine(". connecting to target: {0}", opt.val); GetHAGroup(opt); RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(this); iCRresponse <iCRdevice> resp = cn.getQuery <iCRdevice>("/mgmt/tm/cm/device"); if (resp == null) { return(false); } foreach (iCRdevice dev in resp.items) { if (dev.selfDevice) { Console.WriteLine(" [name ] : {0}", dev.hostname); Console.WriteLine(" [software ] : {0}.{1} {2}", dev.version,, dev.edition); Console.WriteLine(" [failoverState] : {0}", dev.failoverState); Console.WriteLine(" [mac address ] : {0}", dev.baseMac); Console.WriteLine(" [management ip] : {0}", dev.managementIp); Console.WriteLine(" [cm group ] : {0}", HAGroup); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void ExecuteStep(string step) { switch (step) { case "LOAD_RULES": { upload_iRules(); break; } case "SAVE": { RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(chnd); string post = "{ \"command\": \"save\" }"; iCRPostResponse resp = cn.postQuery <iCRPostResponse>(post, "/mgmt/tm/sys/config"); Console.WriteLine("RESP: {0}", resp.kind); break; } case "SYNC": { RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(chnd); string grp = chnd.HAGroup; if (grp != null) { string post = "{ \"command\": \"run\", \"utilCmdArgs\": \"config-sync to-group " + grp + "\" }"; iCRPostResponse resp = cn.postQuery <iCRPostResponse>(post, "/mgmt/tm/cm"); Console.WriteLine("RESP: {0}", resp.kind); } break; } default: { Console.WriteLine(" !not implemented! "); break; } } }
public void GetHAGroup(Option opt) { if (opt != null && opt.opt == 't') { RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(this); iCRresponse <iCRdevicegroup> resp = cn.getQuery <iCRdevicegroup>("/mgmt/tm/cm/device-group"); if (resp == null) { return; } foreach (iCRdevicegroup dev in resp.items) { if (dev.type.Equals("sync-failover")) { HAGroup =; } } } }
public Target DescribeTarget(String tgt) { if (!tgt.Equals("")) { Console.WriteLine(". connecting to target: {0}", tgt); GetHAGroup(new Option('t', true, tgt)); RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(this); iCRresponse <iCRdevice> resp = cn.getQuery <iCRdevice>("/mgmt/tm/cm/device"); if (resp != null) { foreach (iCRdevice dev in resp.items) { if (dev.selfDevice) { return(new Target(dev, HAGroup)); } } } } return(null); }
public static int dumpRestTree(Config cfg, ExcelWorksheet ws, int nr, string section) { DataContractJsonSerializerSettings settings = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings { UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true }; var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GenericAnswer), settings); string urn = $"https://{cfg.Host}/mgmt/tm/{section}"; Stream strm = null; var client = new RESTClient(cfg); RESTClient.request(client.GetClient(), urn, "GET", "", (v) => { strm = v; return(true); }).Wait(); if (strm != null) { try { JObject resp = JObject.Parse((new StreamReader(strm)).ReadToEnd()); String pattern = $"https://.+?/{section}/(.+?)\\?.+"; if (resp["items"] != null) { foreach (JToken tk in resp["items"].Children()) { if (tk["reference"] != null) { Console.WriteLine(" lnk {0}", tk["reference"]["link"]); var ma = Regex.Match(tk["reference"]["link"].ToString(), pattern); if (ma.Success) { Console.WriteLine("++ matches: {0}", ma.Groups[1].Value); nr = dumpRestSection(cfg, ws, nr, $"{section}/{ma.Groups[1].Value}"); } } } } } catch (Exception xx) { } } nr++; return(nr); }
public async Task upload_iRule(string name) { var fname = bdef.options["rules_location"] + "/" + name + ".tcl"; if (File.Exists(fname)) { iRuleUpload iu = new iRuleUpload(); = name; iu.partition = "Common"; iu.fullPath = "/" + iu.partition + "/" +; using (var reader = File.OpenText(fname)) { iu.apiAnonymous = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(iRuleUpload)); var stream = new MemoryStream(); serializer.WriteObject(stream, iu); stream.Position = 0; //Console.WriteLine("JSON: {0}", await (new StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEndAsync() ); /* check whether given iRule exists */ RESTClient cn = new RESTClient(chnd); bool isNew = true; iCRresponse <iCRitem> irs = cn.getQuery <iCRitem>( "/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/~" + iu.partition + "~" +, // + "?\\$select=name,kind,generation" true ); if (irs != null && irs.kind != null) // && irs.items[0].name.Equals( { { isNew = false; } /* Upload iRule */ if (isNew) { iCRPostResponse resp = cn.postQuery <iCRPostResponse>( await(new StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEndAsync(), "/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule" ); if (resp.apiError != null) { Console.WriteLine("install [FAILED]\n {0}", resp.message); } else { Console.WriteLine("install [SUCCESS]"); } } else { iCRPostResponse resp = cn.putQuery <iCRPostResponse>( await(new StreamReader(stream)).ReadToEndAsync(), "/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule/" + ); if (resp.apiError != null) { Console.WriteLine("update [FAILED]\n {0}", resp.message); } else { Console.WriteLine("update [SUCCESS]"); } } } else { throw new Exception("irule not found: " + fname); } }
public static RFResult dumpRestRaw(Config cfg, string section, Func <Config, string, RFResult> callback = null, string[] cols = null) { var rfr = new RFResult(); DataContractJsonSerializerSettings settings = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings { UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true }; var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GenericAnswer), settings); string urn = $"https://{cfg.Host}/mgmt/tm/{section}"; Stream strm = null; var client = new RESTClient(cfg); RESTClient.request(client.GetClient(), urn, "GET", "", (v) => { strm = v; return(true); }).Wait(); if (strm != null) { try { JObject resp = JObject.Parse((new StreamReader(strm)).ReadToEnd()); Console.WriteLine("collection: {0}", resp["kind"]); var globdict = new List <string>(); var list = new List <RFRow>(); var banned = new List <string>(); banned.Add("selfLink"); banned.Add("kind"); banned.Add("fullPath"); banned.Add("apiAnonymous"); if (resp["items"] != null) { foreach (JToken tk in resp["items"].Children()) { var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var references = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //Console.WriteLine(" {0}", tk["name"]); foreach (JToken ce in tk.Children()) { if (ce.Type == JTokenType.Property) { JProperty pr = ce.ToObject <JProperty>(); //Console.WriteLine(" tp: {3} {0} {1} {2}", ce.Type, pr.Name, pr.Value, pr.Value.HasValues); if (!globdict.Contains(pr.Name)) { if (pr.Name.EndsWith("Reference")) { references.Add(pr.Name, pr.Value["link"].ToString()); } if (!banned.Contains(pr.Name) && !pr.Name.EndsWith("Reference")) { globdict.Add(pr.Name); } } if (pr.Value.HasValues) { if (pr.Value.Type == JTokenType.Array) { JArray ja = pr.Value.ToObject <JArray>(); dict.Add(pr.Name, ja.ToString()); } else { dict.Add(pr.Name, pr.Value.ToString()); } } else { if (pr.Value.Type == JTokenType.String) { dict.Add(pr.Name, (string)pr.Value); } else { dict.Add(pr.Name, pr.Value.ToString()); } } } } var crow = new RFRow(dict); if (cols != null) { foreach (var colref in cols) { if (references[colref] != null) { crow.extra = callback(cfg, references[colref]); } } } list.Add(crow); } rfr.header = globdict; rfr.nodes = list; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("-- dumpRestRaw: {0}", ex.Message); } } return(rfr); }