private Sekolah SetSekolah(ISheet sheet) { Sekolah sekolah = new Sekolah(); sekolah.namaSekolah = sheet.GetRow(7).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.NPSN = sheet.GetRow(8).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.jenjangPendidikan = sheet.GetRow(9).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.statusSekolah = sheet.GetRow(10).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.alamatSekolah = sheet.GetRow(11).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.RT = sheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.RW = sheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(5).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.kodepos = sheet.GetRow(13).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.kelurahan = sheet.GetRow(14).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.kecamatan = sheet.GetRow(15).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.kabupatenKota = sheet.GetRow(16).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.provinsi = sheet.GetRow(17).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.Latitude = Decimal.Parse(sheet.GetRow(19).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.Longitue = Decimal.Parse(sheet.GetRow(20).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.SKPendirianSekolah = sheet.GetRow(22).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.TanggalSKPendirian = DateTime.Parse(sheet.GetRow(23).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.statusKepemilikan = sheet.GetRow(24).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.SKIjinOperasional = sheet.GetRow(25).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.tanggalSKIjinOperasional = DateTime.Parse(sheet.GetRow(26).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.kebutuhanKhususDilayani = sheet.GetRow(27).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.nomorRekening = sheet.GetRow(28).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.namaBank = sheet.GetRow(29).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.cabang = sheet.GetRow(30).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.rekeningNama = sheet.GetRow(31).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.MBS = sheet.GetRow(32).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.luasTanahMilik = int.Parse(sheet.GetRow(33).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.luasTanahBukanMilik = int.Parse(sheet.GetRow(34).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim()); sekolah.namaWajibPajak = sheet.GetRow(35).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.NPWP = sheet.GetRow(36).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.nomorTelepon = sheet.GetRow(38).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.nomorFax = sheet.GetRow(39).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); = sheet.GetRow(40).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); = sheet.GetRow(41).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.waktuPenyelenggaraan = sheet.GetRow(43).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.isAcceptBos = sheet.GetRow(44).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.sertifikasiISO = sheet.GetRow(45).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.sumberListrik = sheet.GetRow(46).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.dayaListrik = sheet.GetRow(47).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.aksesInternet = sheet.GetRow(48).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.aksesInternetLainnya = sheet.GetRow(49).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.namaKepalaSekolah = sheet.GetRow(51).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.operatorPendataan = sheet.GetRow(52).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.Akreditasi = sheet.GetRow(53).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); sekolah.kurikulum = sheet.GetRow(54).GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); return(sekolah); }
public void procExcel(string fileName, string schoolPicDir) { Sekolah sekolah = new Sekolah(); DataRekap dataRekap = new DataRekap(); Program pr = new Program(); try { IWorkbook workbook = null; FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (fileName.IndexOf(".xlsx") > 0) { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); } else if (fileName.IndexOf(".xls") > 0) { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); } //First sheet ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); if (sheet != null) { sekolah = pr.SetSekolah(sheet); //pr.gemboxWriting(sekolah); } sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(1); if (sheet != null) { dataRekap = pr.setDataTable(sheet); } pr.gemboxWriting(sekolah, dataRekap); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public void gemboxWriting(Sekolah sekolah, DataRekap dataRekap) { string FILE_NAME = "SURAT LAPORAN " + sekolah.namaSekolah.ToUpper() + ".docx"; string HEADER_SURAT = "SURAT LAPORAN REKAPITULASI " + sekolah.namaSekolah.ToUpper(); string NAMA_SEKOLAH_SURAT = "NAMA SEKOLAH \t\t : \t" + sekolah.namaSekolah.ToUpper(); string NAMA_KEPALASKOLAH_SURAT = "NAMA KEPALA SEKOLAH \t : \t" + sekolah.namaKepalaSekolah.ToUpper(); string ALAMATSEKOLAH_SURAT = "ALAMAT SEKOLAH \t : \t" + sekolah.alamatSekolah.ToUpper(); string KELURAHAN_SURAT = "KELURAHAN \t\t : \t" + sekolah.kelurahan.ToUpper(); string KECAMATAN_SURAT = "KECAMATAN \t\t : \t" + sekolah.kecamatan.ToUpper(); string PROVINSI_SURAT = "PROVINSI \t\t : \t" + sekolah.provinsi.ToUpper(); // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. //ComponentInfo.SetLicense("FREE-LIMITED-KEY"); ComponentInfo.SetLicense("DH5L-ED6Q-R7O0-DY0H"); // Create new empty document. var document = new DocumentModel(); var largeFont = new CharacterStyle("Large Font") { CharacterFormat = { Size = 24 } }; document.Styles.Add(largeFont); // Add new section with two paragraphs, containing some text and symbols. /*document.Sections.Add( * new Section(document, * new Paragraph(document, * new Run(document, "SURAT REKAPITULASI SD NEGERI KEMBANG.") { CharacterFormat = { FontName = "Windings", Size = 24} }, * new SpecialCharacter(document, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak), * new Run(document, "\xFC" + "\xF0" + "\x32") { CharacterFormat = { FontName = "Wingdings", Size = 48 } }), * new Paragraph(document, "DENGAN INI KAMI MENYATAKAN.")));*/ document.Sections.Add( new Section(document, new Paragraph(document, new Run(document, HEADER_SURAT) { CharacterFormat = { Style = largeFont, Bold = true, Size = 26 } }) { ParagraphFormat = { Alignment = GemBox.Document.HorizontalAlignment.Center } }, new Paragraph(document, "Dengan surat ini ingin melaporkan data rekapitulasi yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :"), new Paragraph(document, NAMA_SEKOLAH_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, NAMA_KEPALASKOLAH_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, ALAMATSEKOLAH_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, KELURAHAN_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, KECAMATAN_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, PROVINSI_SURAT) { ParagraphFormat = { LeftIndentation = 30, RightIndentation = 20, SpecialIndentation = 30 } }, new Paragraph(document, new Run(document, "A. Data PTK dan PD") { CharacterFormat = { Style = largeFont, Bold = true, Size = 14 } }) { ParagraphFormat = { Alignment = GemBox.Document.HorizontalAlignment.Left } })); var section = new Section(document); document.Sections.Add(section); // Create a table with 100% width. GemBox.Document.Tables.Table table = new GemBox.Document.Tables.Table(document); table.TableFormat.PreferredWidth = new TableWidth(100, TableWidthUnit.Percentage); section.Blocks.Add(table); for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) { // Create a row and add it to table. var row = new TableRow(document); table.Rows.Add(row); Console.WriteLine("Nambah Row"); for (int c = 0; c < 6; c++) { // Create a cell and add it to row. var cell = new TableCell(document); row.Cells.Add(cell); // Create a paragraph and add it to cell. if (r == 0) { if (c == 0) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "No"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 1) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "Uraian"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 2) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "Guru"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 3) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "Tendik"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 4) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "PTK"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 5) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "PD"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } } else { if (c == 0) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, r.ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 1) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.uraian[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 2) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document,[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 3) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.tendik[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 4) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.ptk[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 5) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.pd[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } } } } document.Sections.Add( new Section(document, new Paragraph(document, new Run(document, "B. Data Sarpras") { CharacterFormat = { Style = largeFont, Bold = true, Size = 14 } }) { ParagraphFormat = { Alignment = GemBox.Document.HorizontalAlignment.Left } })); var sectionSapras = new Section(document); document.Sections.Add(sectionSapras); GemBox.Document.Tables.Table tableSapras = new GemBox.Document.Tables.Table(document); tableSapras.TableFormat.PreferredWidth = new TableWidth(100, TableWidthUnit.Percentage); sectionSapras.Blocks.Add(tableSapras); for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) { // Create a row and add it to table. var row = new TableRow(document); tableSapras.Rows.Add(row); for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { // Create a cell and add it to row. var cell = new TableCell(document); row.Cells.Add(cell); // Create a paragraph and add it to cell. if (r == 0) { if (c == 0) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "No"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 1) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "Uraian"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 2) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, "Jumlah"); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } } else { if (c == 0) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, r.ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 1) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.uraianSarpras[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } if (c == 2) { var paragraph = new Paragraph(document, dataRekap.jumlahSarpras[r - 1].ToString()); cell.Blocks.Add(paragraph); } } } } document.Sections.Add( new Section(document, new Paragraph(document, new Run(document, "Demikian laporan ini dibuat agar dapat ditindaklanjuti") { CharacterFormat = { Style = largeFont, Bold = true, Size = 14 } }) { ParagraphFormat = { Alignment = GemBox.Document.HorizontalAlignment.Left } })); // Save Word document to file's path. Console.WriteLine("Write file"); document.Save(FILE_NAME); Console.WriteLine("Sukses"); }