private void othersInfoEditBoxInitialize() { this.othersInfoEditPanel = new Panel(); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Width = this.Width; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Height = this.Height; Label settingsLabel = new Label(); settingsLabel.Text = "Account Settings"; settingsLabel.Font = CustomFonts.RegularBold; settingsLabel.Size = settingsLabel.PreferredSize; settingsLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(settingsLabel); Label macAddressLabel = new Label(); macAddressLabel.Text = "Device MAC :"; macAddressLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; macAddressLabel.Size = macAddressLabel.PreferredSize; macAddressLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(macAddressLabel); this.macAddressTextbox = new TextBox(); this.macAddressTextbox.Text = Universal.SystemMACAddress; this.macAddressTextbox.ReadOnly = true; this.macAddressTextbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.macAddressTextbox.Font = CustomFonts.Small; this.macAddressTextbox.Width = this.Width * 4 / 5; this.macAddressTextbox.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.macAddressTextbox.BackColor = this.BackColor; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(macAddressTextbox); Label usernameLabel = new Label(); usernameLabel.Text = "Username :"******"@" + this.usernameTextbox.Text; }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(usernameTextbox); Label phoneLabel = new Label(); phoneLabel.Text = "Phone :"; phoneLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; phoneLabel.Size = phoneLabel.PreferredSize; phoneLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(phoneLabel); this.phoneTextBox = new TextBox(); this.phoneTextBox.Text = Consumer.LoggedIn.Phone; this.phoneTextBox.Font = CustomFonts.Small; this.phoneTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.phoneTextBox.Width = (this.Width * 5 / 6) - phoneLabel.Width; this.phoneTextBox.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); //this.phoneTextBox.KeyPress += (s, e) => { if(e.KeyChar >= '0' && e.KeyChar <= '9') }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(phoneTextBox); Label emailLabel = new Label(); emailLabel.Text = "Email"; emailLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; emailLabel.Size = emailLabel.PreferredSize; emailLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(emailLabel); this.emailTextBox = new TextBox(); this.emailTextBox.Text = Consumer.LoggedIn.Email; this.emailTextBox.ReadOnly = true; //changing email address is temporarily disabled this.emailTextBox.Font = CustomFonts.Small; this.emailTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.emailTextBox.Width = this.Width * 5 / 6; this.emailTextBox.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(emailTextBox); Label genderLabel = new Label(); genderLabel.Text = "Gender"; genderLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; genderLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); genderLabel.Size = genderLabel.PreferredSize; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(genderLabel); genderChooser = new ComboBox(); genderChooser.Font = CustomFonts.Smallest; string[] itemList = new string[] { "", "Male", "Female", "Others" }; foreach (string str in itemList) { genderChooser.Items.Add(str); } if (Consumer.LoggedIn.GenderIndex > 0) { genderChooser.SelectedIndex = (int)Consumer.LoggedIn.GenderIndex; } genderChooser.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(genderChooser); Label birthdateLabel = new Label(); birthdateLabel.Text = "Birth Date"; birthdateLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; birthdateLabel.Size = birthdateLabel.PreferredSize; birthdateLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(birthdateLabel); birthdatePicker = new DateTimePicker(); if (Consumer.LoggedIn.Birthdate != null) { birthdatePicker.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(Consumer.LoggedIn.Birthdate.DbFormat); birthdateLabel.Text = "Birth Date"; } else { birthdateLabel.Text = "Birth Date (not set)"; } birthdateLabel.Size = birthdateLabel.PreferredSize; birthdatePicker.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(birthdatePicker); Label oldPasswordLabel = new Label(); oldPasswordLabel.Text = "Current Password"; oldPasswordLabel.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; oldPasswordLabel.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); oldPasswordLabel.Size = oldPasswordLabel.PreferredSize; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(oldPasswordLabel); currentPasswordTextBox = new TextBox(); currentPasswordTextBox.PasswordChar = '•'; currentPasswordTextBox.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(77, 77, 77); currentPasswordTextBox.Font = CustomFonts.Smallest; currentPasswordTextBox.Size = currentPasswordTextBox.PreferredSize; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(currentPasswordTextBox); this.Controls.Add(othersInfoEditPanel); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Location = new Point(0, userViewPanel.Bottom + 4); //initializing sizes settingsLabel.Location = new Point((this.Width - settingsLabel.Width) / 2, settingsLabel.Height / 2); emailTextBox.Left = (this.Width - emailTextBox.Width) / 2; usernameLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; usernameTextbox.Left = usernameLabel.Right + 10; macAddressLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; macAddressTextbox.Left = macAddressLabel.Right + 10; phoneLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; phoneTextBox.Left = phoneLabel.Right + 10; emailLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; genderLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; genderChooser.Left = genderLabel.Right + 10; birthdateLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; birthdatePicker.Left = birthdateLabel.Right + 5; oldPasswordLabel.Left = emailTextBox.Left - 3; currentPasswordTextBox.Left = oldPasswordLabel.Right + 5; macAddressLabel.Top = settingsLabel.Bottom + 20; macAddressTextbox.Top = macAddressLabel.Top; usernameLabel.Top = macAddressTextbox.Bottom + 15; usernameTextbox.Top = usernameLabel.Top; phoneLabel.Top = usernameTextbox.Bottom + 15; phoneTextBox.Top = phoneLabel.Top; emailLabel.Top = phoneTextBox.Bottom + 15; emailTextBox.Top = emailLabel.Bottom + 5; genderLabel.Top = emailTextBox.Bottom + 15; genderChooser.Top = genderLabel.Top; birthdateLabel.Top = genderChooser.Bottom + 15; birthdatePicker.Top = birthdateLabel.Top; oldPasswordLabel.Top = birthdatePicker.Bottom + 15; currentPasswordTextBox.Top = oldPasswordLabel.Top; currentPasswordTextBox.Width = emailTextBox.Right - oldPasswordLabel.Right; //buttons initialize saveButton = new Button(); saveButton.Text = "Save"; saveButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 102); saveButton.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(234, 234, 234); saveButton.Font = CustomFonts.SmallerBold; saveButton.Size = saveButton.PreferredSize; saveButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; saveButton.Left = this.currentPasswordTextBox.Right - saveButton.Width; saveButton.MouseEnter += (s, e) => { saveButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(saveButton.BackColor.R + 50, saveButton.BackColor.G + 50, saveButton.BackColor.B + 50); }; saveButton.MouseLeave += (s, e) => { saveButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(saveButton.BackColor.R - 50, saveButton.BackColor.G - 50, saveButton.BackColor.B - 50); }; saveButton.Click += (sender, eargs) => { try { string name = this.fullnameTextBox.Text, phone = phoneTextBox.Text, username = usernameTextbox.Text, email = emailTextBox.Text, inputPassword = currentPasswordTextBox.Text; Time birthdate = new Time(birthdatePicker.Value); string nameError = null, usernameError = null, emailError = null, genderError = null, birthdateError = null, passwordError = null; nameError = StandardAssuranceLibrary.Checker.CheckNameValidity(name); if (username != Consumer.LoggedIn.Username) { usernameError = StandardAssuranceLibrary.Checker.CheckUsernameValidity(ref username); } if (email != Consumer.LoggedIn.Email) { emailError = StandardAssuranceLibrary.Checker.CheckEmailValidity(ref email); } if (genderChooser.SelectedIndex == -1 || genderChooser.SelectedIndex == 0) { genderError = "No gender is choosen."; } if (Time.TimeDistanceInMinute(birthdate, Time.CurrentTime) < 6837340) { birthdateError = "Less than 13 years old are not allowed."; } JObject consumerJson = new JObject(); consumerJson["id"] = Consumer.LoggedIn.Id; consumerJson["name"] = name; consumerJson["username"] = username; consumerJson["email"] = email; consumerJson["phone"] = phone; consumerJson["birthdate"] = birthdate.TimeStampString; consumerJson["gender_index"] = genderChooser.SelectedIndex; if (Consumer.LoggedIn.ProfileImageId.Length > 5) { consumerJson["profile_img_id"] = Consumer.LoggedIn.ProfileImageId; } BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { passwordError = StandardAssuranceLibrary.Checker.CheckOldPasswordMatch(inputPassword); string errorMessage = passwordError + "\r\n" + nameError + "\r\n" + usernameError + "\r\n" + emailError + "\r\n" + genderError + "\r\n" + birthdateError + "\r\n"; string errorSum = passwordError + usernameError + nameError + emailError + genderError + birthdateError; if (errorSum.Length < 4) { Consumer consumer = new Consumer(consumerJson); bool? success = ServerRequest.UpdateUserInfo(consumer); if (success == true) { Consumer.LoggedIn = consumer; Universal.ShowInfoMessage("The informations have been updated successful!", "Updated successfully!"); Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new Action(() => { currentPasswordTextBox.Text = ""; })); } else { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Error encountered while updating the informations.", "Update unsuccessful!"); Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new Action(() => { currentPasswordTextBox.Text = ""; })); } } else { Universal.ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in UpdateUser() => " + ex.Message); } }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(saveButton); deleteAccountButton = new Button(); deleteAccountButton.Text = "Delete Account"; deleteAccountButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(153, 0, 0); deleteAccountButton.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(234, 234, 234); deleteAccountButton.Font = CustomFonts.SmallerBold; deleteAccountButton.Size = deleteAccountButton.PreferredSize; deleteAccountButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; deleteAccountButton.Left = oldPasswordLabel.Left; deleteAccountButton.MouseEnter += (s, e) => { deleteAccountButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(deleteAccountButton.BackColor.R + 50, deleteAccountButton.BackColor.G + 50, deleteAccountButton.BackColor.B + 50); }; deleteAccountButton.MouseLeave += (s, e) => { deleteAccountButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(deleteAccountButton.BackColor.R - 50, deleteAccountButton.BackColor.G - 50, deleteAccountButton.BackColor.B - 50); }; deleteAccountButton.Click += (sender, eargs) => { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete your account?\r\nAll your messages, conversations, friendlist and everything belongs to you will be deleted.\r\nAnd this can't be undone!", "Confirm deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { if (this.currentPasswordTextBox.Text == null || this.currentPasswordTextBox.Text.Length <= 6) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Please enter your valid current password.", "Deletion unsuccessful!"); return; } BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { try { string operationMessage = ServerRequest.DeleteConsumerAccount(Universal.SystemMACAddress, this.currentPasswordTextBox.Text); if (operationMessage == null || operationMessage.Length == 0) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Connection to the server failed!", "Deletion unsuccessful!"); } if (operationMessage == "success") { Universal.ShowInfoMessage("Your account has been deleted!", "Deletion successful!"); BackendManager.Logout(); } else { Universal.ShowErrorMessage(operationMessage, "Deletion unsuccessful!"); } } catch { } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; } }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(deleteAccountButton); Label cancelButtonLabel = new Label(); cancelButtonLabel.Text = "Cancel && Back"; cancelButtonLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(this.BackColor.R - 20, this.BackColor.G - 20, this.BackColor.B - 20); cancelButtonLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; cancelButtonLabel.Font = CustomFonts.SmallerBold; cancelButtonLabel.Width = this.Width; cancelButtonLabel.Height = cancelButtonLabel.PreferredHeight * 5 / 2; cancelButtonLabel.Top = this.Bottom - this.userViewPanel.Height - cancelButtonLabel.Height; cancelButtonLabel.MouseEnter += (s, e) => { cancelButtonLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.R - 30, cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.G - 30, cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.B - 30); }; cancelButtonLabel.MouseLeave += (s, e) => { cancelButtonLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.R + 30, cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.G + 30, cancelButtonLabel.BackColor.B + 30); }; cancelButtonLabel.Click += (s, e) => { SlidebarPanel.MySidebarPanel.Controls.Remove(this); this.Dispose(); SlidebarPanel.MySidebarPanel.Controls.Add(SlidebarPanel.MySidebarPanel.MainPanelInSidebar); }; deleteAccountButton.Top = cancelButtonLabel.Top - deleteAccountButton.Height - 10; saveButton.Top = deleteAccountButton.Top; LinkLabel changePasswordLink = new LinkLabel(); changePasswordLink.Text = "or, Change Password"; changePasswordLink.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; changePasswordLink.LinkArea = new LinkArea(4, changePasswordLink.Text.Length - 4); changePasswordLink.Size = changePasswordLink.PreferredSize; changePasswordLink.Left = oldPasswordLabel.Left; changePasswordLink.Top = deleteAccountButton.Top - changePasswordLink.Height - 10; changePasswordLink.LinkClicked += (s, e) => { if (ConversationPanel.CurrentDisplayedConversationPanel != null) { ConversationPanel.CurrentDisplayedConversationPanel.Visible = false; SlidebarPanel.MySidebarPanel.Visible = false; } (new LoginPanel(Universal.ParentForm, true, true)).ShowPasswordSetupPanel(); }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(changePasswordLink); LinkLabel UnbindDeviceLink = new LinkLabel(); UnbindDeviceLink.Text = "&Unbind Device"; UnbindDeviceLink.Font = CustomFonts.Smaller; UnbindDeviceLink.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, UnbindDeviceLink.Text.Length); UnbindDeviceLink.Size = UnbindDeviceLink.PreferredSize; UnbindDeviceLink.Left = this.othersInfoEditPanel.Right - UnbindDeviceLink.Width - (changePasswordLink.Left - this.othersInfoEditPanel.Left); UnbindDeviceLink.Top = changePasswordLink.Top; UnbindDeviceLink.LinkClicked += (sender, eargs) => { string passwordError = StandardAssuranceLibrary.Checker.CheckOldPasswordMatch(this.currentPasswordTextBox.Text); if (passwordError != null && passwordError.Length > 0) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage(passwordError, "Error!"); return; } DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to unbind this device from this account?", "Confirm deletion", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { bool?success = ServerRequest.UnbindDeviceFromAccount(); if (success == true) { Universal.ShowInfoMessage("This device has been unbound\r\nsuccessfullly from user account '" + User.LoggedIn.Username + "'!", "Unbound successfull!"); BackendManager.Logout(); } else { string operationMessage = "Sorry! The device unbound process has been failed!"; if (success == null) { operationMessage = "Server Connection Failed!"; } Universal.ShowErrorMessage(operationMessage, "Unbound unsuccessful!"); } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; } }; this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(UnbindDeviceLink); this.othersInfoEditPanel.Controls.Add(cancelButtonLabel); }
public static void LoginProcessRun() //works as expected { bool?macExists = ServerRequest.MacAddressExists(Universal.SystemMACAddress); if (macExists == false) { if (Universal.ParentForm.InvokeRequired) { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { Universal.ParentForm.Controls.Add(new SignupPanel(Universal.ParentForm)); SplashScreen.Instance.Hide(); })); } else { Universal.ParentForm.Controls.Add(new SignupPanel(Universal.ParentForm)); SplashScreen.Instance.Hide(); } return; } else if (macExists == null) { if (Universal.ParentForm.InvokeRequired) { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { MessageBox.Show(Universal.ParentForm, "Server connection failed", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); })); } else { MessageBox.Show(Universal.ParentForm, "Server connection failed", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return; } JObject localCookieJson = Checker.ValidLoginCookieData(Universal.SystemMACAddress); if (localCookieJson != null && (Time.TimeDistanceInMinute(new Time(localCookieJson["last_login_time"].ToString()), Time.CurrentTime) > 4320 || localCookieJson["mac_address"].ToString() != Universal.SystemMACAddress)) { LocalDataFileAccess.EraseCurrentLoginCookie(); localCookieJson = null; } if (localCookieJson == null) { int?userVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet = ServerRequest.UserVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet(Universal.SystemMACAddress); if (userVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet == 0) //0 means user is not verified { if (Universal.ParentForm.InvokeRequired) { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(ShowEmailVerificationInputPanel)); } else { ShowEmailVerificationInputPanel(); } } else if (userVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet == 1) //1 means user verified but password is not set { if (Universal.ParentForm.InvokeRequired) { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(ShowPasswordSetupPanel)); } else { ShowPasswordSetupPanel(); } } else if (userVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet == 2) //2 means user is verified and password is set { if (Universal.ParentForm.InvokeRequired) { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(ShowPasswordEnterPanel)); } else { ShowPasswordEnterPanel(); } } else if (userVerifiedOrPasswordIsSet == null) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Server connection failed!"); } } else { bool?loginSuccess = ServerRequest.LoginWithCookie(localCookieJson); if (loginSuccess == true) { BackendManager.Password = localCookieJson["password"].ToString(); BackendManager.SaveLoginCookie(); BackendManager.LoginNow(User.LoggedIn); SplashScreen.Instance.Hide(); } else if (loginSuccess == false) { LocalDataFileAccess.EraseCurrentLoginCookie(); LoginProcessRun(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Server connection failed!"); } } }
internal static void SetChangedPassword(string newPassword) { BackendManager.Password = newPassword; DatabaseAccess.Instance.ChangeLocalDataBasePassword(BackendManager.GenerateLocalDbPassword()); }
private void SendChoosenFile(string choosenSafeFileName, string localPath, string extension) { if (File.ReadAllBytes(localPath).Length > 1024 * 1024 * 5) { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Please choose a file below 5 MB."); return; } this.sendFileButton.Visible = false; this.cancelFileButton.Visible = false; int animationLeft = 0, animationPadding = 40; if (imgPreview != null) { animationLeft = imgPreview.Right + animationPadding; } else { animationLeft = Math.Max(animationLeft, fileNameLabel.Right + animationPadding); } VisualizingTools.ShowWaitingAnimation(new Point(animationLeft, (filePreviewPanel.Height - sendButton.Height / 2) / 2), new Size(this.filePreviewPanel.Right - animationLeft - animationPadding - 20, sendButton.Height / 2), filePreviewPanel); BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { try { using (FileStream gotFileStream = new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { string fileIdName = this.theConversation.ConversationID + "_" + Universal.SystemMACAddress + "_" + Time.CurrentTime.TimeStampString + "-" + choosenSafeFileName; MemoryStream gotFileMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(); gotFileStream.CopyTo(gotFileMemoryStream); bool storeToLocalSucceed = LocalDataFileAccess.SaveNuntiasContentToLocal(gotFileMemoryStream, fileIdName); if (storeToLocalSucceed) { if (this.theConversation == null) { long?conversationId = ServerRequest.GetDuetConversationId(User.LoggedIn, this.receiver); if (conversationId == null) { MessageBox.Show("Server connection failed!\r\nPlease retry."); return; } this.TheConversation = new DuetConversation(Consumer.LoggedIn, this.receiver); this.TheConversation.ConversationID = (long)conversationId; } Nuntias newNuntias = new Nuntias("File: " + choosenSafeFileName, Consumer.LoggedIn.Id, Time.CurrentTime, this.theConversation.ConversationID); newNuntias.ContentFileId = fileIdName; if (extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png" || extension == ".gif" || extension == ".bmp") { newNuntias.Text = "Image : " + choosenSafeFileName; } long?nuntiasTmpID = NuntiasRepository.Instance.StoreTmpNuntias(newNuntias); if (nuntiasTmpID == null) { newNuntias = null; } else { newNuntias.Id = nuntiasTmpID ?? 0; } if (newNuntias == null) { return; } this.ShowNuntias(newNuntias, true); BackendManager.SendPendingNuntii(); string localStoredPath = LocalDataFileAccess.GetContentPathFromLocalData(fileIdName); Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new Action(() => { VisualizingTools.HideWaitingAnimation(); if (localStoredPath != null) { this.FilePreviewPanelHeight(0); } else { Universal.ShowErrorMessage("Failed to send the file!"); } })); gotFileStream.Close(); gotFileMemoryStream.Dispose(); loaderWorker.Dispose(); this.DisposeUnmanaged(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occured while sending a file: " + ex.Message); }; }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; if (ConversationListPanel.MyConversationListPanel != null) { ConversationListPanel.MyConversationListPanel.RefreshConversationList(); } }
private void EventListener(object sender, EventArgs ee) { if (sender == this.bindButton) { string errorMessage = ""; bool allOk = true; if (macAddressBox.Text == null || macAddressBox.Text.Length == 0) { errorMessage += "Invalid MAC Address Input!"; allOk = false; } if (usernameTextBox.Text == null || usernameTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { if (errorMessage.Length > 0) { errorMessage += "\r\n"; } errorMessage += "Username is empty!"; allOk = false; } if (passwordTextBox.Text == null || passwordTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { if (errorMessage.Length > 0) { errorMessage += "\r\n"; } errorMessage += "Password is empty!"; allOk = false; } if (allOk) { VisualizingTools.ShowWaitingAnimation(new Point(this.bindButton.Left, this.bindButton.Bottom + 20), new Size(this.bindButton.Width, this.bindButton.Height / 2), this); BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { try { bool?success = ServerRequest.BindDeviceAndLogin(macAddressBox.Text, usernameTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Text); if (success == true) { if (this.loginCheckbox.Checked) { BackendManager.SaveLoginCookie(); } BackendManager.LoginNow(User.LoggedIn); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { VisualizingTools.HideWaitingAnimation(); this.Visible = false; this.parent.Visible = false; this.parent.Dispose(); this.Dispose(); } )); } else if (success == false) { errorMessage = "Invalid username or password!"; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); } )); } else { errorMessage = "Server connection failed!"; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); } )); } } catch { } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; } else { ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); } } else if (sender == this.backButton) { this.parent.Visible = true; this.Dispose(); } }
private void EventListener(object sender, EventArgs ee) { if (sender == this.verifyButton) { string errorMessage = ""; if (verificationCodeTextBox.Text == null || verificationCodeTextBox.Text.Length == 0) { errorMessage += "Verification Code Field Empty!"; ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); return; } VisualizingTools.ShowWaitingAnimation(new Point(this.verifyButton.Left, this.verifyButton.Bottom + 20), new Size(this.verifyButton.Width, this.verifyButton.Height / 2), this); BackgroundWorker loaderWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); loaderWorker.DoWork += (s, e) => { try { int?status = null; status = ServerRequest.VerifyVerificationCode(verificationCodeTextBox.Text, this.purpose); if (status == 1) //1 means verification code is verified successfully { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { VisualizingTools.HideWaitingAnimation(); this.Visible = false; this.Dispose(); if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.Hide(); this.parent.Dispose(); } } )); if (this.purpose == "email_verify") { BackendManager.LoginProcessRun(); } else if (this.purpose == "password_reset") { Universal.ParentForm.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(BackendManager.ShowPasswordSetupPanel)); } } else { if (status == 2) //2 means verification code is not valid { errorMessage = "Verification Code is invalid!"; } else if (status == 3) //3 means verification code is expried { errorMessage = "Verification Code is expired!\r\nA new verification code is sent."; } else if (status == 4) //4 means too many wrong (more than 5) attempts { errorMessage = "Too many unsuccessful attempts!\r\nA new verification code is sent."; } else { errorMessage = "Server connection failed!"; } this.Invoke(new Action(() => { ShowErrorMessage(errorMessage); } )); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in UserVerificationPanel.cs = > " + ex.Message); } }; loaderWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); loaderWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (s, e) => { loaderWorker.Dispose(); }; } else if (sender == this.backButton) { if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.Visible = true; } else { ServerRequest.DeleteConsumerAccount(Universal.SystemMACAddress, ""); BackendManager.Logout(); } this.Dispose(); } }