Пример #1
        public static void UnlockList(Context ctx)
            VTable vtable = ctx.Disconnect;

            ctx.Disconnect = null;
            if (vtable != null)
                    VTable next = vtable.Next;
                    vtable = next;
                } while (vtable != null);
Пример #2
        public static RC Savepoint(Context ctx, IPager.SAVEPOINT op, int savepoint)
            Debug.Assert(op == IPager.SAVEPOINT.RELEASE || op == IPager.SAVEPOINT.ROLLBACK || op == IPager.SAVEPOINT.BEGIN);
            Debug.Assert(savepoint >= 0);
            RC rc = RC.OK;

            if (ctx.VTrans.data != null)
                for (int i = 0; rc == RC.OK && i < ctx.VTrans.length; i++)
                    VTable       vtable       = ctx.VTrans[i];
                    ITableModule itablemodule = vtable.Module.IModule;
                    if (vtable.IVTable != null && itablemodule.Version >= 2)
                        Func <VTable, int, int> method = null;
                        switch (op)
                        case IPager.SAVEPOINT.BEGIN:
                            method            = itablemodule.Savepoint;
                            vtable.Savepoints = savepoint + 1;

                        case IPager.SAVEPOINT.ROLLBACK:
                            method = itablemodule.RollbackTo;

                            method = itablemodule.Release;
                        if (method != null && vtable.Savepoints > savepoint)
                            rc = (RC)method(vtable.IVTable, savepoint);
Пример #3
        public static RC CallDestroy(Context ctx, int db, string tableName)
            RC    rc    = RC.OK;
            Table table = Parse.FindTable(ctx, tableName, ctx.DBs[db].Name);

            if (C._ALWAYS(table != null && table.VTables != null))
                VTable vtable = VTableDisconnectAll(ctx, table);
                Debug.Assert(rc == RC.OK);
                rc = vtable.Module.IModule.Destroy(vtable.IVTable);

                // Remove the sqlite3_vtab* from the aVTrans[] array, if applicable
                if (rc == RC.OK)
                    Debug.Assert(table.VTables == vtable && vtable.Next == null);
                    vtable.IVTable = null;
                    table.VTables  = null;
Пример #4
        public static RC Begin(Context ctx, VTable vtable)
            // Special case: If ctx->aVTrans is NULL and ctx->nVTrans is greater than zero, then this function is being called from within a
            // virtual module xSync() callback. It is illegal to write to virtual module tables in this case, so return SQLITE_LOCKED.
            if (InSync(ctx))
            if (vtable == null)
            RC           rc      = RC.OK;
            ITableModule imodule = vtable.IVTable.IModule;

            if (imodule.Begin != null)
                // If pVtab is already in the aVTrans array, return early
                for (int i = 0; i < ctx.VTrans.length; i++)
                    if (ctx.VTrans[i] == vtable)
                // Invoke the xBegin method. If successful, add the vtab to the sqlite3.aVTrans[] array.
                rc = GrowVTrans(ctx);
                if (rc == RC.OK)
                    rc = imodule.Begin(vtable.IVTable);
                    if (rc == RC.OK)
                        AddToVTrans(ctx, vtable);
Пример #5
 static void CallFinaliser(Context ctx, int offset)
     if (ctx.VTrans.data != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < ctx.VTrans.length; i++)
             VTable  vtable  = ctx.VTrans[i];
             IVTable ivtable = vtable.IVTable;
             if (ivtable != null)
                 Func <IVTable, int> x = null;
                 if (offset == 0)
                     x = ivtable.IModule.Rollback;
                 else if (offset == 1)
                     x = ivtable.IModule.Commit;
                     throw new InvalidOperationException();
                 if (x != null)
             vtable.Savepoints = 0;
         C._tagfree(ctx, ref ctx.VTrans.data);
         ctx.VTrans.length = 0;
         ctx.VTrans.data   = null;
Пример #6
        public static RC Prepare_(Context ctx, string sql, int bytes, bool isPrepareV2, Vdbe reprepare, ref Vdbe stmtOut, ref string tailOut)
            stmtOut = null;
            tailOut = null;
            string errMsg = null; // Error message
            RC     rc     = RC.OK;
            int    i;

            // Allocate the parsing context
            Parse parse = new Parse(); // Parsing context

            if (parse == null)
                rc = RC.NOMEM;
                goto end_prepare;
            parse.Reprepare      = reprepare;
            parse.LastToken.data = null; //: C#?
            Debug.Assert(tailOut == null);

            // Check to verify that it is possible to get a read lock on all database schemas.  The inability to get a read lock indicates that
            // some other database connection is holding a write-lock, which in turn means that the other connection has made uncommitted changes
            // to the schema.
            // Were we to proceed and prepare the statement against the uncommitted schema changes and if those schema changes are subsequently rolled
            // back and different changes are made in their place, then when this prepared statement goes to run the schema cookie would fail to detect
            // the schema change.  Disaster would follow.
            // This thread is currently holding mutexes on all Btrees (because of the sqlite3BtreeEnterAll() in sqlite3LockAndPrepare()) so it
            // is not possible for another thread to start a new schema change while this routine is running.  Hence, we do not need to hold
            // locks on the schema, we just need to make sure nobody else is holding them.
            // Note that setting READ_UNCOMMITTED overrides most lock detection, but it does *not* override schema lock detection, so this all still
            // works even if READ_UNCOMMITTED is set.
            for (i = 0; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                Btree bt = ctx.DBs[i].Bt;
                if (bt != null)
                    rc = bt.SchemaLocked();
                    if (rc != 0)
                        string dbName = ctx.DBs[i].Name;
                        sqlite3Error(ctx, rc, "database schema is locked: %s", dbName);
                        C.ASSERTCOVERAGE((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ReadUncommitted) != 0);
                        goto end_prepare;


            parse.Ctx        = ctx;
            parse.QueryLoops = (double)1;
            if (bytes >= 0 && (bytes == 0 || sql[bytes - 1] != 0))
                int maxLen = ctx.aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH];
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(bytes == maxLen);
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(bytes == maxLen + 1);
                if (bytes > maxLen)
                    sqlite3Error(ctx, RC.TOOBIG, "statement too long");
                    rc = SysEx.ApiExit(ctx, RC.TOOBIG);
                    goto end_prepare;
                string sqlCopy = sql.Substring(0, bytes);
                if (sqlCopy != null)
                    parse.RunParser(sqlCopy, ref errMsg);
                    C._tagfree(ctx, ref sqlCopy);
                    parse.Tail = null; //: &sql[parse->Tail - sqlCopy];
                    parse.Tail = null; //: &sql[bytes];
                parse.RunParser(sql, ref errMsg);
            Debug.Assert((int)parse.QueryLoops == 1);

            if (ctx.MallocFailed)
                parse.RC = RC.NOMEM;
            if (parse.RC == RC.DONE)
                parse.RC = RC.OK;
            if (parse.CheckSchema != 0)
            if (ctx.MallocFailed)
                parse.RC = RC.NOMEM;
            tailOut = (parse.Tail == null ? null : parse.Tail.ToString());
            rc      = parse.RC;

            Vdbe v = parse.V;

            if (rc == RC.OK && parse.V != null && parse.Explain != 0)
                int first, max;
                if (parse.Explain == 2)
                    first = 8;
                    max   = 12;
                    first = 0;
                    max   = 8;
                for (i = first; i < max; i++)
                    v.SetColName(i - first, COLNAME_NAME, _colName[i], C.DESTRUCTOR_STATIC);

            Debug.Assert(!ctx.Init.Busy || !isPrepareV2);
            if (!ctx.Init.Busy)
                Vdbe.SetSql(v, sql, (int)(sql.Length - (parse.Tail == null ? 0 : parse.Tail.Length)), isPrepareV2);
            if (v != null && (rc != RC.OK || ctx.MallocFailed))
                Debug.Assert(stmtOut == null);
                stmtOut = v;

            if (errMsg != null)
                sqlite3Error(ctx, rc, "%s", errMsg);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref errMsg);
                sqlite3Error(ctx, rc, null);

            // Delete any TriggerPrg structures allocated while parsing this statement.
            while (parse.TriggerPrg != null)
                TriggerPrg t = parse.TriggerPrg;
                parse.TriggerPrg = t.Next;
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref t);

            //sqlite3StackFree( db, pParse );
            rc = SysEx.ApiExit(ctx, rc);
            Debug.Assert((RC)((int)rc & ctx.ErrMask) == rc);
Пример #7
 static void AddToVTrans(Context ctx, VTable vtable)
     // Add pVtab to the end of sqlite3.aVTrans
     ctx.VTrans[ctx.VTrans.length++] = vtable;
Пример #8
        static RC VTableCallConstructor(Context ctx, Table table, TableModule module, Construct_t construct, ref string errorOut)
            string moduleName = table.Name;

            if (moduleName == null)

            VTable vtable = new VTable();

            if (vtable == null)
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref moduleName);
            vtable.Ctx    = ctx;
            vtable.Module = module;

            int db = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema);

            table.ModuleArgs[1] = ctx.DBs[db].Name;

            // Invoke the virtual table constructor
            Debug.Assert(ctx.VTableCtx != null);
            Debug.Assert(construct != null);
            VTableContext sVtableCtx = new VTableContext();

            sVtableCtx.Table  = table;
            sVtableCtx.VTable = vtable;
            VTableContext priorCtx = ctx.VTableCtx;

            ctx.VTableCtx = sVtableCtx;

            string[] args       = table.ModuleArgs.data;
            int      argsLength = table.ModuleArgs.length;
            string   error      = null;
            RC       rc         = construct(ctx, module.Aux, argsLength, args, out vtable.IVTable, out error);

            ctx.VTableCtx = null;
            if (rc == RC.NOMEM)
                ctx.MallocFailed = true;

            if (rc != RC.OK)
                if (error == null)
                    errorOut = C._mtagprintf(ctx, "vtable constructor failed: %s", moduleName);
                    errorOut = error;
                    error    = null; //: _free(error);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref vtable);
            else if (C._ALWAYS(vtable.IVTable != null))
                // Justification of ALWAYS():  A correct vtab constructor must allocate the sqlite3_vtab object if successful.
                vtable.IVTable.IModule = module.IModule;
                vtable.Refs            = 1;
                if (sVtableCtx.Table != null)
                    errorOut = C._mtagprintf(ctx, "vtable constructor did not declare schema: %s", table.Name);
                    rc = RC.ERROR;
                    // If everything went according to plan, link the new VTable structure into the linked list headed by pTab->pVTable. Then loop through the
                    // columns of the table to see if any of them contain the token "hidden". If so, set the Column COLFLAG_HIDDEN flag and remove the token from
                    // the type string.
                    vtable.Next   = table.VTables;
                    table.VTables = vtable;
                    for (int col = 0; col < table.Cols.length; col++)
                        string type = table.Cols[col].Type;
                        if (type == null)
                        int typeLength = type.Length;
                        int i          = 0;
                        if (string.Compare("hidden", 0, type, 0, 6, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 || (type.Length > 6 && type[6] != ' '))
                            for (i = 0; i < typeLength; i++)
                                if (string.Compare(" hidden", 0, type, i, 7, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0 && (i + 7 == type.Length || (type[i + 7] == '\0' || type[i + 7] == ' ')))
                        if (i < typeLength)
                            StringBuilder type2 = new StringBuilder(type);
                            int           del   = 6 + (type2.Length > i + 6 ? 1 : 0);
                            int           j;
                            for (j = i; (j + del) < typeLength; j++)
                                type2[j] = type2[j + del];
                            if (type2[i] == '\0' && i > 0)
                                Debug.Assert(type[i - 1] == ' ');
                                type2.Length = i; //: type[i - 1] = '\0';
                            table.Cols[col].ColFlags |= COLFLAG.HIDDEN;
                            table.Cols[col].Type      = type.ToString().Substring(0, j);

            C._tagfree(ctx, ref moduleName);