Пример #1
        private void FindDependencies(Component instruction, ref Schema schema)
            var dependencies = instruction.Dependencies;
            foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                var componentTo = FindComponent(dependency);
                schema.AddConnection(instruction.Name, dependency, componentTo.Name);

                FindDependencies(componentTo, ref schema);
Пример #2
        public static void SimpleResolved(Component instruction, ref Schema schema)
            var dependencies = instruction.Dependencies;
            foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                var componentTo = FindComponent(dependency);
                schema.AddConnection(instruction.Name, dependency, componentTo.Name);

                SimpleResolved(componentTo, ref schema);
Пример #3
        public Schema GenerateSchema(string instructionName)
            var instruction = _db.Instructions.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == instructionName);
            if (instruction == null)
                throw new Exception("нет такой инструкции");

            var schema = new Schema();
            //ResolvedAlgorithm.SimpleResolved(instruction, ref schema);
            FindDependencies(instruction, ref schema);
            return schema;
Пример #4
 static bool sqlite3SchemaMutexHeld(object X, int y, Schema z)
     return true;
Пример #5
        static WRC LookupName(Parse parse, string dbName, string tableName, string colName, NameContext nc, Expr expr)
            int     cnt       = 0;            // Number of matching column names
            int     cntTab    = 0;            // Number of matching table names
            int     subquerys = 0;            // How many levels of subquery
            Context ctx       = parse.Ctx;    // The database connection

            SrcList.SrcListItem item;         // Use for looping over pSrcList items
            SrcList.SrcListItem match = null; // The matching pSrcList item
            NameContext         topNC = nc;   // First namecontext in the list
            Schema schema = null;             // Schema of the expression
            bool   isTrigger = false;
            int    i, j;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);      // the name context cannot be NULL.
            Debug.Assert(colName != null); // The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL
            Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.TokenOnly | EP.Reduced));

            // Initialize the node to no-match
            expr.TableId = -1;
            expr.Table   = null;

            // Translate the schema name in zDb into a pointer to the corresponding schema.  If not found, pSchema will remain NULL and nothing will match
            // resulting in an appropriate error message toward the end of this routine
            if (dbName != null)
                for (i = 0; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(ctx.DBs[i].Name != null);
                    if (string.Compare(ctx.DBs[i].Name, dbName) == 0)
                        schema = ctx.DBs[i].Schema;

            // Start at the inner-most context and move outward until a match is found
            while (nc != null && cnt == 0)
                ExprList list;
                SrcList  srcList = nc.SrcList;
                if (srcList != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < srcList.Srcs; i++)
                        item = srcList.Ids[i];
                        Table table = item.Table;
                        Debug.Assert(table != null && table.Name != null);
                        Debug.Assert(table.Cols.length > 0);
                        if (item.Select != null && (item.Select.SelFlags & SF.NestedFrom) != 0)
                            bool hit = false;
                            list = item.Select.EList;
                            for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                                if (Walker.MatchSpanName(list.Ids[j].Span, colName, tableName, dbName))
                                    cntTab        = 2;
                                    match         = item;
                                    expr.ColumnId = j;
                                    hit           = true;
                            if (hit || table == null)
                        if (dbName != null && table.Schema != schema)
                        if (tableName != null)
                            string tableName2 = (item.Alias != null ? item.Alias : table.Name);
                            Debug.Assert(tableName2 != null);
                            if (!string.Equals(tableName2, tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (cntTab++ == 0)
                            match = item;
                        Column col;
                        for (j = 0; j < table.Cols.length; j++)
                            col = table.Cols[j];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // If there has been exactly one prior match and this match is for the right-hand table of a NATURAL JOIN or is in a
                                // USING clause, then skip this match.
                                if (cnt == 1)
                                    if ((item.Jointype & JT.NATURAL) != 0)
                                    if (NameInUsingClause(item.Using, colName))
                                match = item;
                                // Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
                                expr.ColumnId = (j == table.PKey ? -1 : (short)j);
                    if (match != null)
                        expr.TableId = match.Cursor;
                        expr.Table   = match.Table;
                        schema       = expr.Table.Schema;

                // If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
                if (dbName == null && tableName != null && cnt == 0 && parse.TriggerTab != null)
                    TK    op    = parse.TriggerOp;
                    Table table = null;
                    Debug.Assert(op == TK.DELETE || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.INSERT);
                    if (op != TK.DELETE && string.Equals("new", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 1;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    else if (op != TK.INSERT && string.Equals("old", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 0;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    if (table != null)
                        int colId;
                        schema = table.Schema;
                        for (colId = 0; colId < table.Cols.length; colId++)
                            Column col = table.Cols[colId];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                if (colId == table.PKey)
                                    colId = -1;
                        if (colId >= table.Cols.length && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                            colId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                        if (colId < table.Cols.length)
                            if (colId < 0)
                                expr.Aff = AFF.INTEGER;
                            else if (expr.TableId == 0)
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Oldmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Newmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                            expr.ColumnId = (short)colId;
                            expr.Table    = table;
                            isTrigger     = true;

                // Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
                if (cnt == 0 && cntTab == 1 && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                    cnt           = 1;
                    expr.ColumnId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                    expr.Aff      = AFF.INTEGER;

                // If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
                // we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
                //     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
                // In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
                // Note that the expression in the result set should have already been resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
                if (cnt == 0 && (list = nc.EList) != null && tableName == null)
                    for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                        string asName = list.Ids[j].Name;
                        if (asName != null && string.Equals(asName, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Debug.Assert(expr.Left == null && expr.Right == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.List == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.Select == null);
                            Expr orig = list.Ids[j].Expr;
                            if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0 && E.ExprHasProperty(orig, EP.Agg))
                                parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aliased aggregate %s", asName);
                            ResolveAlias(parse, list, j, expr, "", subquerys);
                            cnt   = 1;
                            match = null;
                            Debug.Assert(tableName == null && dbName == null);
                            goto lookupname_end;

                // Advance to the next name context.  The loop will exit when either we have a match (cnt>0) or when we run out of name contexts.
                if (cnt == 0)
                    nc = nc.Next;

            // If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
            // Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
            // pExpr.
            // Because no reference was made to outer contexts, the pNC->nRef fields are not changed in any context.
            if (cnt == 0 && tableName == null && E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.DblQuoted))
                expr.OP    = TK.STRING;
                expr.Table = null;

            // cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
            if (cnt != 1)
                string err = (cnt == 0 ? "no such column" : "ambiguous column name");
                if (dbName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s.%s", err, dbName, tableName, colName);
                else if (tableName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s", err, tableName, colName);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s", err, colName);
                parse.CheckSchema = 1;

            // If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask.  Column 0 causes
            // bit 0 to be set.  Column 1 sets bit 1.  And so forth.  If the column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
            // then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
            if (expr.ColumnId >= 0 && match != null)
                int n = expr.ColumnId;
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(n == BMS - 1);
                if (n >= BMS)
                    n = BMS - 1;
                Debug.Assert(match.Cursor == expr.TableId);
                match.ColUsed |= ((Bitmask)1) << n;

            // Clean up and return
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Left);
            expr.Left = null;
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Right);
            expr.Right = null;
            expr.OP    = (isTrigger ? TK.TRIGGER : TK.COLUMN);
            if (cnt == 1)
                Debug.Assert(nc != null);
                Auth.Read(parse, expr, schema, nc.SrcList);
                // Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to the point where the name matched.
                for (; ;)
                    Debug.Assert(topNC != null);
                    if (topNC == nc)
                    topNC = topNC.Next;