private void setComboBox(ComboBox cbox, XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig, string key, XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo)
            string target = (string)xmlConfig[key];


            if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)
                // No incoming connection;  Just add the field and select it
                cbox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // We have an incoming connection

                var xmlElementMetaInfo   = eIncomingMetaInfo[0];
                var xmlElementRecordInfo = xmlElementMetaInfo.FirstChild;
                foreach (XmlElement elementChild in xmlElementRecordInfo)
                    string fieldName = elementChild.GetAttribute("name");
                    string fieldType = elementChild.GetAttribute("type");

                    if (isStringType(fieldType))

                // If the messageField matches a possible field in the combo box, make it the selected field.
                // If the field does not match, do not select anything and blank the field.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target))
                    int selectedIndex = cbox.FindStringExact(target);
                    if (selectedIndex >= 0)
                        cbox.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; // Found; Select this item
            } // end of "if (eIncomingMetaInfo == null || eIncomingMetaInfo[0] == null)"
        public Control GetConfigurationControl(
            AlteryxGuiToolkit.Document.Properties docProperties,
            XmlElement eConfig,
            XmlElement[] eIncomingMetaInfo,
            int nToolId,
            string strToolName)
            XmlInputConfiguration xmlConfig = XmlInputConfiguration.LoadFromConfiguration(eConfig);

            if (xmlConfig == null)

            // Populate GUI Controls with saved config information

            // FIELD COMBOX BOXES

            setComboBox(comboBoxDataField, xmlConfig, "DataField", eIncomingMetaInfo);
            setComboBox(comboBoxSchemaField, xmlConfig, "SchemaField", eIncomingMetaInfo);

            // Output Field

            string outputField = xmlConfig.OutputField;

            textBoxOutputField.Text = outputField;
