Пример #1
        /// <summary> Adds exposure to expo() list. </summary>
        public void AddExposure(int radius, double exponent, int numSectors, int numWD)
            int expCount  = ExposureCount;
            int insertInd = 0;

            if (expCount > 0)
                if (radius > expo[expCount - 1].radius) // Larger radius than largest in list
                    insertInd = expCount - 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= expCount - 2; i++)
                        if (expo[i].radius < radius && expo[i + 1].radius >= radius)
                            insertInd = i;

                Exposure[] existingExpos = expo;
                expo = new Exposure[expCount + 1];

                for (int j = 0; j <= insertInd; j++)
                    expo[j] = existingExpos[j];

                expo[insertInd + 1]            = new Exposure();
                expo[insertInd + 1].radius     = radius;
                expo[insertInd + 1].exponent   = exponent;
                expo[insertInd + 1].numSectors = numSectors;
                expo[insertInd + 1].expo       = new double[numWD];

                for (int j = insertInd + 2; j <= expCount; j++)
                    expo[j] = existingExpos[j - 1];
                expo               = new Exposure[1];
                expo[0]            = new Exposure();
                expo[0].radius     = radius;
                expo[0].exponent   = exponent;
                expo[0].numSectors = numSectors;
                expo[0].expo       = new double[numWD];
Пример #2
        /// <summary>   Calculates P10 UW and P10 DW exposure in each WD sector for specified radius. List of nodes pulled from database (nodesFromDB) are passed to function
        /// and are used when possible. If a grid point is not in nodesFromDB, the exposure is calculated and is added to the referenced list of nodes allNodesForDB.</summary>
        public void CalcGridStats(int radiusInd, ref TopoInfo.TopoGrid[] gridArray, ref Node_table[] allNodesForDB, Nodes[] nodesFromDB, Continuum thisInst,
                                  bool isTest, string outFilename)
            Grid_Avg_SD thisStats = new Grid_Avg_SD();
            int         gridCount = gridArray.Length;
            int         numWD     = thisInst.metList.numWD;

            double[] thisGridUW = new double[gridCount]; // UW exposure at each grid point for specific WD sector
            double[] thisGridDW = new double[gridCount];

            Exposure[] gridExpos = new Exposure[gridCount];

            int numDB  = 0;
            int radius = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[radiusInd].radius;

            double[,] gridUW = new double[gridCount, numWD]; // UW exposure at each grid point for each WD sector
            double[,] gridDW = new double[gridCount, numWD];

            BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();

            for (int j = 0; j < gridCount; j++)
                if (gridArray[j].elev == 0)
                    gridArray[j].elev = thisInst.topo.CalcElevs(gridArray[j].UTMX, gridArray[j].UTMY);

                gridExpos[j] = new Exposure();

                if (nodesFromDB != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodesFromDB.Length; i++)
                        if (nodesFromDB[i].UTMX == gridArray[j].UTMX && nodesFromDB[i].UTMY == gridArray[j].UTMY)
                            gridExpos[j] = nodesFromDB[i].expo.ElementAt(radiusInd);

                if (gridExpos[j].expo == null)
                    // Calculate exposure for each radius
                    // Save calculated node to list
                    Array.Resize(ref allNodesForDB, numDB + 1);

                    allNodesForDB[numDB]      = new Node_table();
                    allNodesForDB[numDB].UTMX = gridArray[j].UTMX;
                    allNodesForDB[numDB].UTMY = gridArray[j].UTMY;
                    allNodesForDB[numDB].elev = gridArray[j].elev;

                    for (int i = 0; i < thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount; i++)
                        int    thisRadius   = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[i].radius;
                        double thisExponent = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[i].exponent;

                        if (gridArray[j].smallerR_Exposure == null)
                            gridExpos[j] = thisInst.topo.CalcExposures(gridArray[j].UTMX, gridArray[j].UTMY, gridArray[j].elev, thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, thisInst.topo, numWD);
                            int      smallerRadius   = gridArray[j].smallerRadius;
                            Exposure smallerExposure = gridArray[j].smallerR_Exposure;
                            gridExpos[j] = thisInst.topo.CalcExposuresWithSmallerRadius(gridArray[j].UTMX, gridArray[j].UTMY, gridArray[j].elev, thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, smallerRadius, smallerExposure, numWD);

                        if (thisRadius == radius)
                            for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                                gridUW[j, WD] = gridExpos[j].expo[WD];
                                gridDW[j, WD] = gridExpos[j].GetDW_Param(WD, "Expo");

                        MemoryStream MS1 = new MemoryStream();
                        bin.Serialize(MS1, gridExpos[j].expo);
                        Expo_table expoTable = new Expo_table();
                        allNodesForDB[numDB].expo.ElementAt(i).exponent   = thisExponent;
                        allNodesForDB[numDB].expo.ElementAt(i).radius     = thisRadius;
                        allNodesForDB[numDB].expo.ElementAt(i).Expo_Array = MS1.ToArray();

                        MemoryStream MS2 = new MemoryStream();
                        bin.Serialize(MS2, gridExpos[j].expoDist);
                        allNodesForDB[numDB].expo.ElementAt(i).ExpoDist_Array = MS2.ToArray();

                        gridArray[j].smallerRadius     = thisRadius;
                        gridArray[j].smallerR_Exposure = gridExpos[j];

                    numDB = numDB + 1;
                    for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                        gridUW[j, WD] = gridExpos[j].expo[WD];
                        gridDW[j, WD] = gridExpos[j].GetDW_Param(WD, "Expo");

            // Calc grid stats
            thisStats.P10_UW = new double[numWD];
            thisStats.P10_DW = new double[numWD];

            StreamWriter wrUW = null;
            StreamWriter wrDW = null;

            if (isTest)
                wrUW = new StreamWriter(outFilename + " Grid UW Expo.csv");
                wrDW = new StreamWriter(outFilename + " Grid DW Expo.csv");

            for (int WD = 0; WD < numWD; WD++)
                for (int j = 0; j < gridCount; j++)
                    thisGridUW[j] = gridUW[j, WD];
                    thisGridDW[j] = gridDW[j, WD];

                    if (isTest)
                        wrUW.Write(gridUW[j, WD] + ",");
                        wrDW.Write(gridDW[j, WD] + ",");

                if (isTest)


                thisStats.radius     = radius;
                thisStats.P10_UW[WD] = thisGridUW[Convert.ToInt16(gridCount * 0.9)];
                thisStats.P10_DW[WD] = thisGridDW[Convert.ToInt16(gridCount * 0.9)];

                if (thisStats.P10_UW[WD] > 100)
                    WD = WD;

            Array.Resize(ref stats, radiusInd + 1);
            stats[radiusInd] = thisStats;

            if (isTest)
Пример #3
        /// <summary> Calculates the grid stats (i.e. P10 exposure), exposure, surface roughness and disp. height at node for each radius of investigation. </summary>
        public void CalcGridStatsAndExposures(Continuum thisInst)
            int      numWD           = thisInst.metList.numWD;
            int      smallerRadius   = 0;
            Exposure smallerExposure = new Exposure();

            if (ExposureCount == 0)
                // Calculate exposures and grid stats at all radii
                for (int i = 0; i < thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount; i++)
                    int    thisRadius   = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[i].radius;
                    double thisExponent = thisInst.radiiList.investItem[i].exponent;

                    AddExposure(thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, numWD);
                    int expInd = 0;

                    for (expInd = 0; expInd <= ExposureCount - 1; expInd++)
                        if (expo[expInd].radius == thisRadius && expo[expInd].exponent == thisExponent)
                            //Found exposure that was just added

                    if (smallerRadius == 0 || smallerExposure.radius >= thisRadius)
                        expo[expInd] = thisInst.topo.CalcExposures(UTMX, UTMY, elev, thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, thisInst.topo, numWD);
                        if (thisInst.topo.gotSR == true)
                            thisInst.topo.CalcSRDH(ref expo[expInd], UTMX, UTMY, thisRadius, thisExponent, numWD);
                        expo[expInd] = thisInst.topo.CalcExposuresWithSmallerRadius(UTMX, UTMY, elev, thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, smallerRadius, smallerExposure, numWD);
                        if (thisInst.topo.gotSR == true)
                            thisInst.topo.CalcSRDHwithSmallerRadius(ref expo[expInd], UTMX, UTMY, thisRadius, thisExponent, 1, smallerRadius, smallerExposure, numWD);

                    smallerExposure = expo[expInd];
                    smallerRadius   = smallerExposure.radius;

            if (gridStats.stats == null)
                gridStats.GetGridArrayAndCalcStats(UTMX, UTMY, thisInst);

            // Calc P10 UW Crosswind and Parallel Grade
            for (int expInd = 0; expInd < thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount; expInd++)
                expo[expInd].UW_P10CrossGrade = new double[numWD];
                expo[expInd].UW_ParallelGrade = new double[numWD];

            for (int WD_sec = 0; WD_sec < numWD; WD_sec++)
                double UW_CW_Grade = thisInst.topo.CalcP10_UW_CrosswindGrade(UTMX, UTMY, WD_sec, numWD);
                double UW_PL_Grade = thisInst.topo.CalcP10_UW_ParallelGrade(UTMX, UTMY, WD_sec, numWD);
                for (int expInd = 0; expInd <= thisInst.radiiList.ThisCount - 1; expInd++)
                    expo[expInd].UW_P10CrossGrade[WD_sec] = UW_CW_Grade;
                    expo[expInd].UW_ParallelGrade[WD_sec] = UW_PL_Grade;
Пример #4
        /// <summary> Adds another exposure to the list (sorted by radius). </summary>
        public void AddExposure(ref MapNode thisMapNode, int radius, double exponent, int numSectors, int numWD)
            int expoCount = 0;
            int insertInd = 0;

            if (thisMapNode.expo != null)
                expoCount = thisMapNode.expo.Length;
                expoCount = 0;

            if (expoCount > 0)
                if (radius > thisMapNode.expo[expoCount - 1].radius)  // Larger radius than largest in list
                    insertInd = expoCount;
                else if (radius < thisMapNode.expo[0].radius)  // Smaller than smallest in list
                    insertInd = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= expoCount - 2; i++)
                        if (thisMapNode.expo[i].radius < radius && thisMapNode.expo[i + 1].radius >= radius)
                            insertInd = i + 1;

                Exposure[] existingExpos = new Exposure[expoCount];

                for (int j = 0; j < expoCount; j++)
                    existingExpos[j] = thisMapNode.expo[j];

                thisMapNode.expo = new Exposure[expoCount + 1];

                for (int j = 0; j < insertInd; j++)
                    thisMapNode.expo[j] = existingExpos[j];

                thisMapNode.expo[insertInd]            = new Exposure();
                thisMapNode.expo[insertInd].radius     = radius;
                thisMapNode.expo[insertInd].exponent   = exponent;
                thisMapNode.expo[insertInd].numSectors = numSectors;
                thisMapNode.expo[insertInd].expo       = new double[numWD];

                for (int j = insertInd + 1; j <= expoCount; j++)
                    thisMapNode.expo[j] = existingExpos[j - 1];
                thisMapNode.expo               = new Exposure[1];
                thisMapNode.expo[0]            = new Exposure();
                thisMapNode.expo[0].radius     = radius;
                thisMapNode.expo[0].exponent   = exponent;
                thisMapNode.expo[0].numSectors = numSectors;
                thisMapNode.expo[0].expo       = new double[numWD];