Пример #1
        private ActivityPostAttachment _DeserializeVideoPostAttachmentData(ActivityPost post, JSON_OBJECT jsonAttachment)
            if (jsonAttachment == null || jsonAttachment.Count == 0)

            ActivityPostAttachment attachment = _DeserializeGenericPostAttachmentData(post, jsonAttachment);

            attachment.Type = ActivityPostAttachmentType.Video;

            var jsonMediaArray = jsonAttachment["media"] as JSON_ARRAY;

            if (jsonMediaArray != null && jsonMediaArray.Count > 0)
                var jsonStreamMediaObject = jsonMediaArray[0] as JSON_OBJECT;
                Uri previewImageUri       = _SafeGetUri(jsonStreamMediaObject, "src");

                attachment.VideoPreviewImage = new FacebookImage(_service, previewImageUri);
                attachment.VideoSource       = _SafeGetUri(jsonStreamMediaObject, "href");
                // Not using this one because of a bug in Adobe's player when loading in an external browser...
                //XElement videoElement = streamElement.Element("video");
                //if (videoElement != null)
                //    attachment.VideoSource = _SafeGetUri(videoElement, "source_url");

Пример #2
        private ActivityPostAttachment _DeserializePhotoPostAttachmentData(ActivityPost post, JSON_OBJECT jsonAttachment)
            if (jsonAttachment == null || jsonAttachment.Count == 0)

            ActivityPostAttachment attachment = _DeserializeGenericPostAttachmentData(post, jsonAttachment);

            attachment.Type = ActivityPostAttachmentType.Photos;

            var photosEnum = from JSON_OBJECT jsonMediaObject in jsonAttachment["media"] as JSON_ARRAY
                             let photoElement = jsonMediaObject["photo"] as JSON_OBJECT
                                                where photoElement != null
                                                let link = _SafeGetUri(jsonMediaObject, "href")
                                                           select new FacebookPhoto(
                _SafeGetId(photoElement, "aid"),
                _SafeGetId(photoElement, "pid"),
                _SafeGetUri(jsonMediaObject, "src"))
                Link    = link,
                OwnerId = _SafeGetId(photoElement, "owner"),

            attachment.Photos = FacebookPhotoCollection.CreateStaticCollection(photosEnum);

Пример #3
        private ActivityPostAttachment _DeserializeLinkPostAttachmentData(ActivityPost post, JSON_OBJECT jsonAttachment)
            if (jsonAttachment == null || jsonAttachment.Count == 0)

            ActivityPostAttachment attachment = _DeserializeGenericPostAttachmentData(post, jsonAttachment);

            attachment.Type = ActivityPostAttachmentType.Links;

            var linksEnum = from JSON_OBJECT jsonMediaObject in jsonAttachment.Get <JSON_ARRAY>("media")
                            let srcUri = _SafeGetUri(jsonMediaObject, "src")
                                         let hrefUri = _SafeGetUri(jsonMediaObject, "href")
                                                       where srcUri != null && hrefUri != null
                                                       select new FacebookImageLink
                Image = new FacebookImage(_service, srcUri),
                Link  = hrefUri,

            attachment.Links = new FacebookCollection <FacebookImageLink>(linksEnum);
Пример #4
        private ActivityPost _DeserializePost(JSON_OBJECT jsonPost)
            var post = new ActivityPost(_service);

            JSON_OBJECT attachmentObject;

            if (jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("attachment", out attachmentObject))
                string postType = null;

                var jsonMediaArray = (JSON_ARRAY)_SafeGetValue(jsonPost, "attachment", "media");
                if (jsonMediaArray != null && jsonMediaArray.Count > 0)
                    postType = _SafeGetString((JSON_OBJECT)jsonMediaArray[0], "type");

                switch (postType)
                case "photo":
                    post.Attachment = _DeserializePhotoPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject);

                case "link":
                    post.Attachment = _DeserializeLinkPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject);

                case "video":
                    post.Attachment = _DeserializeVideoPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject);

                // We're not currently supporting music or flash.  Just treat it like a normal post...
                case "music":
                case "swf":

                case "":
                case null:
                    if (attachmentObject.Count != 0)
                        // We have attachment information but no rich stream-media associated with it.
                        ActivityPostAttachment attachment = _DeserializeGenericPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject);
                        if (!attachment.IsEmpty)
                            attachment.Type = ActivityPostAttachmentType.Simple;
                            post.Attachment = attachment;

                    Assert.Fail("Unknown type:" + postType);

            post.PostId = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "post_id");
            if (!FacebookObjectId.IsValid(post.PostId))
                // Massive Facebook failure.
                // This happens too frequently for the assert to be useful.
                // Assert.Fail();
                post.PostId = SafeGetUniqueId();
            post.ActorUserId  = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "actor_id");
            post.Created      = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonPost, "created_time") ?? _UnixEpochTime;
            post.Message      = _SafeGetString(jsonPost, "message");
            post.TargetUserId = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "target_id");
            post.Updated      = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonPost, "updated_time") ?? _UnixEpochTime;

            JSON_OBJECT likesElement;

            if (jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("likes", out likesElement))
                post.CanLike    = _SafeGetBoolean(likesElement, "can_like") ?? false;
                post.HasLiked   = _SafeGetBoolean(likesElement, "user_likes") ?? false;
                post.LikedCount = _SafeGetInt32(likesElement, "count") ?? 0;
                post.LikeUri    = _SafeGetUri(likesElement, "likes", "href");
                //XElement friendsElement = likesElement.Element("friends");
                //XElement sampleElement = likesElement.Element("sample");
                //    Enumerable.Union(
                //        sampleElement == null
                //            ? new FacebookObjectId[0]
                //            : from uidElement in sampleElement.Elements("uid") select new FacebookObjectId(uidElement.Value),
                //        friendsElement == null
                //            ? new FacebookObjectId[0]
                //            : from uidElement in friendsElement.Elements("uid") select new FacebookObjectId(uidElement.Value)));

            JSON_OBJECT jsonComments;

            jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("comments", out jsonComments);

            post.CanComment        = _SafeGetBoolean(jsonComments, "can_post") ?? false;
            post.CanRemoveComments = _SafeGetBoolean(jsonComments, "can_remove") ?? false;
            post.CommentCount      = _SafeGetInt32(jsonComments, "count") ?? 0;

            if (jsonComments != null && post.CommentCount != 0)
                JSON_ARRAY jsonCommentList;
                if (jsonComments.TryGetTypedValue("comment_list", out jsonCommentList))
                    var commentNodes = from JSON_OBJECT jsonComment in jsonCommentList
                                       let comment = _DeserializeComment(jsonComment)
                                                     where (comment.Post = post) != null
                                                     select comment;

                    post.RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>(commentNodes);

            if (post.RawComments == null)
                post.RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>();

            // post.Comments = null;
