Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///    Loads the given BodyPartPrototype - current data on this BodyPart will be overwritten!
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void LoadFromPrototype(BodyPartPrototype data)
            Name           = data.Name;
            Plural         = data.Plural;
            PartType       = data.PartType;
            RSIPath        = data.RSIPath;
            RSIState       = data.RSIState;
            MaxDurability  = data.Durability;
            CurrentDamages = new BiologicalDamageContainer();
            Resistance     = data.Resistance;
            Size           = data.Size;
            Compatibility  = data.Compatibility;
            Properties     = data.Properties;
            //_surgeryData = (ISurgeryData) Activator.CreateInstance(null, data.SurgeryDataName);
            //TODO: figure out a way to convert a string name in the YAML to the proper class (reflection won't work for reasons)
            _surgeryData = new BiologicalSurgeryData(this);
            IPrototypeManager prototypeManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>();

            foreach (string mechanismPrototypeID in data.Mechanisms)
                if (!prototypeManager.TryIndex(mechanismPrototypeID, out MechanismPrototype mechanismData))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No MechanismPrototype was found with the name " + mechanismPrototypeID + " while loading a BodyPartPrototype!");
                _mechanisms.Add(new Mechanism(mechanismData));