Пример #1
        // Delete metodas
        public static void DeleteContact()
            // 1 - Display full list of contacts to choose ----------------------------------------------------------------

            Console.WriteLine("-- Full list of contacts: ");

            List <Contact> existingContacts;

            using (var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                var binaryFormatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                existingContacts = stream.Length == 0 ?
                                   new List <Contact>() :
                                   (List <Contact>)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(stream);

            var pattern = string.Join(",", existingContacts.Select(cff => cff.ToString()));


            // 2 - Enter contact by number which want to be deleted ----------------------------------------------------------------

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter contact number for deletion: ");

            string phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            int input_phoneNumber;

            while (!int.TryParse(phoneNumberAsString, out input_phoneNumber))
                Console.WriteLine("Not a number. Try again.");
                phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            // 3- Find a number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var result = existingContacts.Find(x => x.PhoneNumber == input_phoneNumber);


            while (result == null)
                Console.WriteLine("This number is not present in list. Please enter new one.");
                phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                input_phoneNumber   = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);
                result = existingContacts.Find(x => x.PhoneNumber == input_phoneNumber);

            // Istrinamas kontaktas

            // Irasomas atnaujintas listas atgal i faila
            Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);
Пример #2
        // Paprasti metodai - jokios logikos.
        // Add metodas - prideti kontakta
        public static void AddContact()
            List <Contact> existingContacts;

            // Deserialize metodas
            existingContacts = Contact.DeserializeForAddition(path);

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter your Name: ", "\n");
            var input_name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter your Last Name: ", "\n");
            var input_lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter your phone number: ", "\n");
            string phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            // Patikrinimai - ar skaicius, ar unikalus

            int input_phoneNumber = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);

            bool check = CheckUniqueness(existingContacts, input_phoneNumber);

            if (check == true)
                Console.WriteLine("Number already exists. Please enter new one.");
                phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                input_phoneNumber   = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter your address: ", "\n");
            var input_address = Console.ReadLine();

            // Objekto sukurimas
            var contactToAdd = new Contact
                Name        = input_name,
                LastName    = input_lastName,
                PhoneNumber = input_phoneNumber,
                Address     = input_address

            // Pridedame kontakta i lista

            // Iškviecamas Serialize metodas
            Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);
Пример #3
        // Update metodas
        public static void UpdateContact()
            // 1 - Display full list of contacts to choose ----------------------------------------------------------------

            Console.WriteLine("-- Full list of contacts: ");

            List <Contact> existingContacts;

            using (var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                var binaryFormatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                existingContacts = stream.Length == 0 ?
                                   new List <Contact>() :
                                   (List <Contact>)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(stream);

            var pattern = string.Join(",", existingContacts.Select(cff => cff.ToString()));


            // 2 - Enter contact by number which want to be edited ----------------------------------------------------------------

            Console.WriteLine("-- Enter editable contact number: ");

            string phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            int input_phoneNumber = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);

            // 3- Find a number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var result = existingContacts.Find(x => x.PhoneNumber == input_phoneNumber);


            while (result == null)
                Console.WriteLine("This number is not present in list. Please enter new one.");
                phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                input_phoneNumber   = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);
                result = existingContacts.Find(x => x.PhoneNumber == input_phoneNumber);

            //4 -  Select what to update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //Console.WriteLine("-- Selected object is: " + "\n" + result);
            Console.WriteLine("--- Select confirmed. Select what to update: ", "\n");

            string mode;
            string retry = "No";

                Console.WriteLine("---Select Mode: " + "\n" + "1 - Name" + "\n" + "2 - Last Name" + "\n" + "3 - Phone number" + "\n" + "4 - Address");
                mode = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (mode)
                case "1":
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected - Update Name", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");

                    // Vardas bus keiciama
                    Console.WriteLine("-- Enter New Name: ", "\n");
                    var input_name = Console.ReadLine();
                    result.Name = input_name;

                    // Irasymas ir parodymas
                    Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);

                    Console.WriteLine("Update is finished or there are no such mode available. Do you want to select another mode? (Yes/No)");
                    retry = Console.ReadLine();

                case "2":
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected - Update Last Name");
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");

                    // Pavarde bus keiciama
                    Console.WriteLine("-- Enter New Last Name: ", "\n");
                    var input_lastName = Console.ReadLine();
                    result.LastName = input_lastName;

                    // Irasymas ir parodymas
                    Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);

                    Console.WriteLine("Update is finished or there are no such mode available. Do you want to select another mode? (Yes/No)");
                    retry = Console.ReadLine();

                case "3":
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected - Update Phone Number");
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");

                    // Numeris bus keiciamas
                    Console.WriteLine("-- Enter New Phone Number Name: ", "\n");
                    phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();

                    // Patikrinimas
                    input_phoneNumber = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);
                    bool check = CheckUniqueness(existingContacts, input_phoneNumber);
                    if (check == true)
                        Console.WriteLine("Number already exists. Please enter new one.");
                        phoneNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine();
                        input_phoneNumber   = CheckIfNumber(phoneNumberAsString);
                    result.PhoneNumber = input_phoneNumber;

                    // Irasymas ir parodymas
                    Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);

                    Console.WriteLine("Update is finished or there are no such mode available. Do you want to select another mode? (Yes/No)");
                    retry = Console.ReadLine();

                case "4":
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected - Update Address", "\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------", "\n");

                    // Adresas bus keiciama
                    Console.WriteLine("-- Enter New Last Name: ", "\n");
                    var input_address = Console.ReadLine();
                    result.Address = input_address;

                    // Irasymas ir parodymas
                    Contact.Serialize(path, existingContacts);

                    Console.WriteLine("Update is finished or there are no such mode available. Do you want to select another mode? (Yes/No)");
                    retry = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.WriteLine("Update is finished or there are no such mode available. Do you want to select another mode? (Yes/No)");
                    retry = Console.ReadLine();
            }while (retry != "No");