Пример #1
        static public List <Node> HPAStar(grafo g)
            //Generación de supernodos...

            //Generar lista secundaria de owners... buscar alrededor de cada rectangulo y los owners ligarlos...
            int startx             = g.start.posX;
            int starty             = g.start.posY;
            int goalx              = g.goal.posX;
            int goaly              = g.goal.posY;
            List <Rectangle> rects = new List <Rectangle>();

            Rectangle[,] owner = new Rectangle[g.size, g.size];
            for (int y = 0; y < g.size; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < g.size; x++)
                    if (g.nodes[x, y] != null)
                    {//If the node can be grouped... Groups it with its siblings...
                        Rectangle r         = new Rectangle();
                        int       addlength = 0;
                        while (x + addlength < g.size && g.nodes[x + addlength, y] != null)/* && !(x+length+1 == m.entradax && y == m.entraday) && !(x + length + 1 == m.salidax && y == m.saliday)*/
                        //Base length calculated...
                        bool obstructed = false;
                        int  height     = 0;

                        for (int j = y; j < g.size; j++)
                            for (int i = x; i < x + addlength; i++)
                                if (g.nodes[i, j] == null)
                                    obstructed = true;
                            if (obstructed)
                                for (int i = x; i < x + addlength; i++)
                                    g.nodes[i, j] = null;
                                    owner[i, j]   = r;
                        //Height calculated...
                        r.assign(x, y, x + addlength - 1, y + height - 1);
                        if (startx >= r.posaX && startx <= r.posbX && starty >= r.posaY && starty <= r.posbY)
                            r.containsStart = true;
                            //Console.WriteLine("fs: "+m.entradax+" "+m.entraday+"   "+r.posaX+" " + r.posaY + " " + r.posbX + " " + r.posbY + " ");
                        if (goalx >= r.posaX && goalx <= r.posbX && goaly >= r.posaY && goaly <= r.posbY)
                            r.containsGoal = true;
                        if (r.containsStart && r.containsGoal)          //Se tendria que devolver la distancia con esto...
                            getManhattan(startx, goalx, starty, goaly); //Se haria algo con esto si fuera necesario saber la ruta... Solo realizo la operación por el tiempo de procesamiento.
                            return(new List <Node>());                  //Realmente es trivial el moverse dentro de un rectangulo.
                        //Console.WriteLine(addlength + " " + height);
            //Console.WriteLine("dividido listo " + rects.Count);
            //Ya tengo todo dividido en rectangulos... Falta volver a los rectángulos nodos, ya se cuales contienen entrada y salida...
            //Tenemos asegurado que el mismo rectangulo no contiene entrada y salida. Ese caso de salida ya se dió...

            //Revisar los recuadros alrededor de cada rectangulo, owner!!!!

            Node[,] nodos = new Node[g.size, g.size];
            foreach (Rectangle a in rects)
                List <Rectangle> adj = new List <Rectangle>();
                int ax = -1;
                int ay = -1;
                int bx = 1;
                int by = 1;
                if (a.posaX == 0)
                    ax = 0;
                if (a.posaY == 0)
                    ay = 0;
                if (a.posbX == g.size - 1)
                    bx = 0;
                if (a.posbY == g.size - 1)
                    by = 0;
                if (ay != 0)
                    for (int i = a.posaX; i <= a.posbX; i++)
                        if (owner[i, a.posaY + ay] != null && !adj.Contains(owner[i, a.posaY + ay]))
                            adj.Add(owner[i, a.posaY + ay]);
                if (by != 0)
                    for (int i = a.posaX; i <= a.posbX; i++)
                        if (owner[i, a.posbY + by] != null && !adj.Contains(owner[i, a.posbY + by]))
                            adj.Add(owner[i, a.posbY + by]);
                if (ax != 0)
                    for (int i = a.posaY; i <= a.posbY; i++)
                        if (owner[a.posaX + ax, i] != null && !adj.Contains(owner[a.posaX + ax, i]))
                            adj.Add(owner[a.posaX + ax, i]);
                if (bx != 0)
                    for (int i = a.posaY; i <= a.posbY; i++)//OJO
                        if (owner[a.posbX + bx, i] != null && !adj.Contains(owner[a.posbX + bx, i]))
                            adj.Add(owner[a.posbX + bx, i]);
                int px = a.getSignificantX(startx, goalx);
                int py = a.getSignificantY(starty, goaly);
                if (nodos[px, py] == null)
                    nodos[px, py]      = new Node();
                    nodos[px, py].ac   = new Dictionary <Node, int>();
                    nodos[px, py].posX = px;
                    nodos[px, py].posY = py;

                foreach (Rectangle b in adj)
                    int qx = b.getSignificantX(startx, goalx);
                    int qy = b.getSignificantY(starty, goaly);
                    if (!(nodos[qx, qy] != null && nodos[px, py].ac.ContainsKey(nodos[qx, qy])))
                        int caso = 0;
                        if ((b.posaX >= a.posaX && b.posaX <= a.posbX) || (b.posbX >= a.posaX && b.posbX <= a.posbX))
                        //Si se cumple cualquiera de los casos, sabemos que
                        {                               //Casos 1 y 2... b arriba o abajo de a...
                            if (a.posaY - b.posbY == 1) //Caso 1, b sobre a.
                                caso = 1;
                            else if (b.posaY - a.posbY == 1)//Caso 2, b bajo a.
                                caso = 2;
                        else if ((b.posaY >= a.posaY && b.posaY <= a.posbY) || (b.posbY >= a.posaY && b.posbY <= a.posbY))
                        //Casos 3 y 4.... b a la derecha o izquierda de a...
                            if (a.posaX - b.posbX == 1)//Caso 3, b a la izquierda de a.
                                caso = 3;
                            else if (b.posaX - a.posbX == 1)//Caso 4, b a la derecha de a.
                                caso = 4;
                        //Console.WriteLine(ax + " " + ay + " " + bx + " " + by);

                        if (caso != 0)
                            int distancia = 0;
                            if (b != a)
                                if (nodos[qx, qy] == null)
                                    nodos[qx, qy]      = new Node();
                                    nodos[qx, qy].ac   = new Dictionary <Node, int>();
                                    nodos[qx, qy].posX = qx;
                                    nodos[qx, qy].posY = qy;
                                distancia = getManhattan(px, qx, py, qy);
                                if (!(nodos[px, py].ac.ContainsKey(nodos[qx, qy])))
                                    nodos[px, py].ac.Add(nodos[qx, qy], distancia);
                                    nodos[qx, qy].ac.Add(nodos[px, py], distancia);
            int gsize = g.size;

            g       = new grafo();
            g.goal  = nodos[goalx, goaly];
            g.start = nodos[startx, starty];
            g.size  = gsize;
            g.nodes = nodos;
            //Console.WriteLine("ASTAR CALLED");
Пример #2
        static public List <Node> Dijkstra(grafo g)
            List <Node> unvisited  = new List <Node>();
            Node        goal       = g.goal;
            Node        start      = g.start;
            Node        current    = start;
            List <Node> discovered = new List <Node>();

            Node[,] parent = new Node[g.size, g.size];
            int mindistance;

            foreach (Node n in g.nodes)
                if (n != null)
            int[,] gVal = new int[g.size, g.size];
            for (int x = 0; x < g.size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < g.size; y++)
                    /*if (g.nodes[x, y] != null)
                     * {*/
                    gVal[x, y] = 100000000;
            gVal[current.posX, current.posY]   = 0;
            parent[current.posX, current.posY] = current;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, int> n in current.ac)
                    if (!discovered.Contains(n.Key))
                    if (n.Value + gVal[current.posX, current.posY] < gVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY])
                        gVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY]   = n.Value + gVal[current.posX, current.posY];
                        parent[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY] = current;
                mindistance = 100000000;
                foreach (Node n in unvisited)
                    if (gVal[n.posX, n.posY] < mindistance)
                        mindistance = gVal[n.posX, n.posY];
                        current     = n;
                if (mindistance == 100000000 && unvisited.Contains(goal))
                    Console.WriteLine("DERROR:Unreachable destination");
            } while (unvisited.Contains(goal));
            List <Node> Path = new List <Node>();

            current = goal;
                current = parent[current.posX, current.posY];
            } while (current != start);
Пример #3
        static public List <Node> AStar(grafo g)
            List <Node> unvisited = new List <Node>();
            //int sNodes = 0;
            Node goal    = g.goal;
            Node start   = g.start;
            Node current = g.start;
            int  mindistance;

            int[,] gVal    = new int[g.size, g.size];
            int[,] fVal    = new int[g.size, g.size];
            int[,] hVal    = new int[g.size, g.size];
            Node[,] parent = new Node[g.size, g.size];
            foreach (Node n in g.nodes)
                if (n != null)
                    gVal[n.posX, n.posY] = 100000000;
                    fVal[n.posX, n.posY] = 100000000;
                    hVal[n.posX, n.posY] = getManhattan(n.posX, goal.posX, n.posY, goal.posY);
            gVal[current.posX, current.posY]   = 0;
            fVal[current.posX, current.posY]   = hVal[current.posX, current.posY] + gVal[current.posX, current.posY];
            parent[current.posX, current.posY] = current;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, int> n in current.ac)
                    if (n.Value + hVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY] + gVal[current.posX, current.posY] < fVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY])
                        gVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY]   = n.Value + gVal[current.posX, current.posY];
                        fVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY]   = gVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY] + hVal[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY];
                        parent[n.Key.posX, n.Key.posY] = current;
                mindistance = 100000000;
                foreach (Node n in unvisited)
                    if (fVal[n.posX, n.posY] < mindistance)
                        mindistance = fVal[n.posX, n.posY];
                        current     = n;
                if (mindistance == 100000000 && unvisited.Contains(goal))
                    Console.WriteLine("AERROR:Unreachable destination");
            } while (unvisited.Contains(goal));
            List <Node> Path = new List <Node>();

            current = goal;
                current = parent[current.posX, current.posY];
            } while (current != start);
Пример #4
        public grafo convertToGrafo()
            grafo res = new grafo();

            res.nodes = new Node[size, size];
            res.size  = size;
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    if (!array[x, y])//true is obstacle, therefore false is free = node.
                        res.nodes[x, y]      = new Node();
                        res.nodes[x, y].ac   = new Dictionary <Node, int>();
                        res.nodes[x, y].posX = x;
                        res.nodes[x, y].posY = y;
                        res.nodes[x, y] = null;
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    if (res.nodes[x, y] != null)
                        int xs = -1;
                        int xe = 1;
                        int ys = -1;
                        int ye = 1;
                        if (x == 0)
                            xs = 0;
                        if (x == size - 1)
                            xe = 0;
                        if (y == 0)
                            ys = 0;
                        if (y == size - 1)
                            ye = 0;
                        for (int p = x + xs; p <= x + xe; p++)
                            for (int q = y + ys; q <= y + ye; q++)
                                if (res.nodes[p, q] != null && !(p == x && q == y))
                                    /*if (p != x && q != y)
                                     * {
                                     *  res.nodes[x, y].ac.Add(res.nodes[p, q], 14);
                                     * }
                                     * else
                                     * {
                                     *  res.nodes[x, y].ac.Add(res.nodes[p, q], 10);
                                     * }*/
                                    if (!(p != x && q != y))
                                        res.nodes[x, y].ac.Add(res.nodes[p, q], 1);

            /* //Si llega a existir un nodo completamente aislado, se elimina...
             * for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
             * {
             *   for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
             *   {
             *       if(res.nodes[x,y]!= null && res.nodes[x,y].ac.Count == 0)
             *       {
             *           res.nodes[x, y] = null;
             *       }
             *   }
             * }*/
            res.start = res.nodes[entradax, entraday];
            res.goal  = res.nodes[salidax, saliday];