Пример #1
        // finds the value of a specific move in a column
        // deep is how many moves ahead the alg is looking
        public float FindMoveValue(Board GameBoard, int col, int deep)
            // create temporary Board, make the best move and check for next best
            //Board newBoard = GameBoard.Copy();

            // check if the move will win the game
            //WinState? win = newBoard.CheckWinState();

            WinState? win = GameBoard.CheckWinState();

            // if the game is going to end with the move
            if (win != null)
                // check if it will end with draw
                if (win == WinState.TIE)
                    return 0f;
                // return 1 (best) for win, and -1 (worst) for lose
                //else if (win == WinState.BLACKWIN && Game1.AIColor == BoardState.BLACK)
                else if (win == WinState.BLACKWIN)// && GameBoard.CurrentPlayer == TypeToken.TOKEN_BLACK)
                    return -1f;
                //else if (win == WinState.REDWIN && Game1.AIColor == BoardState.RED)
                else if (win == WinState.REDWIN)// && GameBoard.CurrentPlayer == TypeToken.TOKEN_RED)
                    return 1f;
                    return -1f;

            // if we have looked forward the maximum amount
            // return the value of the move
            if (deep == DEEPNESS)
                // MCScore
                //int newStrength = Convert.ToInt32(Strength / ((double)Math.Pow(7, DEEPNESS)));

                return alg.FindDeepValue(GameBoard, col);


            // Get the possible moves for the newBoard (the next move would be players)
            List<int> possibleMoves = GameBoard.GetPossibleMoves(); //newBoard.GetPossibleMoves();

            // start looking into deeper moves
            float value = float.MinValue;
            foreach (int col2 in possibleMoves)
                value = Math.Max(value, -1f * FindMoveValue(GameBoard, col2, deep + 1));

            // remove the last move made so it doesnt stay permanent

            return value;
Пример #2
        int Strength = 100; // 20;//30000;

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public OrdenadorIA(List<SquareViewModel> squares, int numRows, int numColumns)
            //Strength = 40000;

            board = new Board(squares, numRows, numColumns);
            List<int> possibleMoves = board.GetPossibleMoves();
            // represents the best move value (start at obsurdly low)
            float best = float.MinValue;

            // the column that the AI will play
            int bestColumn = -1;

            // loop through each column and check the value of the move
            foreach (int col in possibleMoves)
                float value = FindMoveValue(board, col, 0);

                // if the column has a better value for the AI than the current best move
                // use that column as the best
                if (value > best)
                    best = value;
                    bestColumn = col;

            // return the best column fo the AI to play
            selectedColumn = bestColumn;
Пример #3
        public float FindDeepValue(Board GameBoard, int col)
            int value = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Strength; i++)
                Board newBoard = GameBoard.Copy();

                WinState? winner = CheckNextMoves(newBoard);

                // if the AI would win, increase the value of the move
                // if ai would lose, or tie, decrese the value
                //if (winner = WinState.BLACKWIN && Game1.AIColor == BoardState.BLACK)
                if (winner == WinState.BLACKWIN)// && GameBoard.CurrentPlayer == TypeToken.TOKEN_BLACK)
                //else if (winner = WinState.REDWIN && Game1.AIColor == BoardState.RED)
                else if (winner == WinState.REDWIN)// && GameBoard.CurrentPlayer ==TypeToken.TOKEN_RED)
                else if (winner == WinState.TIE)

            // make the return value either -1 or 1
            return (value / (float)Strength);
Пример #4
        /* Checks all the next possible moves given a Board. */
        WinState? CheckNextMoves(Board GameBoard)
            // will be randomized from all possible moves
            int nextMove;

            // play a single move, then keep playing checking
            // every move to find the best ones
            while (!GameBoard.CheckForWinner())
                List<int> possibleMoves = GameBoard.GetPossibleMoves();

                // choose a random move from the possible moves
                nextMove = rnd.Next(0, possibleMoves.Count);


            // return who would win the game
            return GameBoard.Winner;
Пример #5
 public Board Copy()
     Board b = new Board();
     b.numColumns = this.numColumns;
     b.NumRows = this.NumRows;
     b.currentPlayer = this.currentPlayer;
     b.opponentPlayer = this.opponentPlayer;
     b.squares = new List<Square>();
     foreach (Square s in this.squares)
         b.squares.Add(new Square() { Token = s.Token });
     b.isGameOver = this.isGameOver;
     b.Winner = this.Winner;
     return b;