Пример #1
        public static void sendEmail(string theMailMessage, string theSubject)
            //send notification email
            DataAccess.EmailAccess mailObj = new DataAccess.EmailAccess();
            string thesubject = theSubject;
            string theMessage = theMailMessage;

            mailObj.sendMailMessage(thesubject, theMessage);
Пример #2
        //private static string RunPickUpSoundFiles = "1";
        //private static string RunLoadCSVFiles = "1";
        //private static string RunScoreLeads = "1";
        //private static string RunAddNewLeadsTPool = "1";
        //private static string RunPickupCallRecordings = "1";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0)

                RunAddLeads = args[0];
                //RunPickUpSoundFiles = args[1];
                //RunLoadCSVFiles = args[2];
                //RunScoreLeads = args[3];
                //RunAddNewLeadsTPool = args[4];
                //RunPickupCallRecordings = args[5];


            //create objects

            DataAccess.MySQLAccess theDataObject = new DataAccess.MySQLAccess();  //used to conect to database
            string exitMessage = "ok";
            Int32 theLeadsPOSTED = 0; ; //the leads POSTED

            if (RunAddLeads == "1")//add new leads to connect first
                string thePostString = "";
                DataFeed thePoster = new DataFeed();
                string thePostResult="";
                string isSuccess = "";

                    //get the leads to add
                    DataSet theLeads = theDataObject.getLeadsToPost(theConnectString);
                    //post the leads to the URL
                    foreach (DataRow theRow in theLeads.Tables[0].Rows)
                            thePostString = "";
                            isSuccess = "0";
                            thePostString = "security_key=" + theRow["security_key"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&campaign_id=" + theRow["campaign_id"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&phone=" + theRow["phone"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&extern_id=" + theRow["extern_id"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&de_dupe=" + theRow["de_dupe"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&list_name=" + theRow["list_name"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&first_name=" + theRow["first_name"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&middle_name=" + theRow["middle_name"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&last_name=" + theRow["last_name"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&address1=" + theRow["address1"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&address2=" + theRow["address2"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&city=" + theRow["city"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&state=" + theRow["state"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&zip=" + theRow["zip"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&aux_data1=" + theRow["aux_data1"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&aux_data2=" + theRow["aux_data2"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&aux_data3=" + theRow["aux_data3"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&aux_data4=" + theRow["aux_data4"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&aux_data5=" + theRow["aux_data5"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&email=" + theRow["email"].ToString();
                            thePostString += "&gate_keeper=" + theRow["gate_keeper"].ToString();
                            //state,zip,aux_data1,aux_data2,aux_data3,aux_data4,aux_data5 ,email,gate_keeper
                            thePostResult = thePoster.HttpPost(theLeadPostURL, thePostString);
                            if (thePostResult == "OK") { isSuccess = "1"; }




                    //state,zip,aux_data1,aux_data2,aux_data3,aux_data4,aux_data5 ,email,gate_keeper
                    //The HTTP service will return text based results in the following format.
                    //If the processing was successful:
                    //If the processing failed for any reason:
                    //FAILURE : [message] : [detail]

                    //add leads in csv files that are missing from feed to main lead table
                    //theMissingLeadsAdded = theDataObject.addMissingCSVLeads(ACMGConnectString);
                    //writeToLog("Missing Leads added from CSV = " + theLeadsAdded.ToString());
                catch (Exception e)

                    //writeToLog("Missing Leads Add Error: " + e.Message);
                    //exitMessage = exitMessage + "Missing Leads Add Error: " + e.Message + "\n"; ;


            if (exitMessage != "ok")
            {//if there was an error send email

                //send notification email
                DataAccess.EmailAccess mailObj = new DataAccess.EmailAccess();
                string thesubject = "Connect2Lead Add Leads Error ";

                string theMessage = exitMessage;

                mailObj.sendMailMessage(thesubject, theMessage);