//Displays Search Results
        public static SearchResultFragment NewResult(string Chapter, string Proofs, string Title, int ID, string ListTitle, bool truncate, int matchnum)
            Log.Info("Fragment Forming", "Grabbing new Confession Fragment to Display");
            SearchResultFragment fragment = new SearchResultFragment();
            Bundle spaces = new Bundle();

            confession1 = true; catechism1 = false; creed1 = false;
            spaces.PutInt(number, ID);
            spaces.PutInt(matchNumb, matchnum);
            spaces.PutString(CHAPTER, Chapter);
            spaces.PutString(PROOFS, Proofs);
            spaces.PutString(TITLE, Title);
            spaces.PutString(DOCTITLE, ListTitle);
            fragment.Arguments = spaces;
        //Fetches the fragment for display
        public override Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment GetItem(int position)
            string title = "";

            Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment frg;

            Document document = documentList[position];
            string   docTitle = "";

            title = document.DocumentName;
            if (title == "Results" || title == "")
                docTitle = document.DocumentName;
                docTitle = document.DocumentName;
            frg = SearchResultFragment.NewResult(document.DocumentText, document.ChProofs, document.ChName, document.ChNumber, document.DocumentName, false, document.Matches);

            Log.Info("Search Adapter", String.Format("{0} Panel Loaded", position));