Пример #1
		/// <summary>Constructor: Create a deck of cards (reverse sort order)</summary>
		public Deck(bool reverseOrder) { 
			_numCards = 54;
			_cardArray = new Card[_numCards];
			for (int suits = 0; suits <= 3; suits++) {
				for (int faces = 0; faces <= 12; faces++){
					_cardArray[(suits * 13) + faces] = new Card(suits, faces + 1);
			// Add the jokers to the end of the deck
			_cardArray[52] = new Card(CardSuit.Joker, CardFace.Ace);
			_cardArray[53] = new Card(CardSuit.Joker, CardFace.Two);
Пример #2
		} // FindTop(Card)

		/// <summary>Return the position of the specified card if it can
		///  be found in the deck.  Otherwise return a negative number.
		///  _cardArray[0] is the top of the Deck.</summary>
		/// <param name="findCard">Card</param>
		/// <returns>int [1 .. 54]</returns>
		public int FindTop(Card findCard) {
			int i = 0;
			while (i < _numCards ) {
				if (_cardArray[i] == findCard) {
					return i + 1;
				} // if (_cardArray[i] == findCard)
			} // while (i <= UpperBound)
			return -1;
		} // FindBottom(Card)
Пример #3
		} // PeekBottom(int)

		/// <summary>Return the position of the specified card if it can
		///  be found in the deck.  Otherwise return a negative number.
		///  _cardArray[53] is the bottom of the Deck.</summary>
		/// <param name="findCard">Card</param>
		/// <returns>int [1 .. 54]</returns>
		public int FindBottom(Card findCard) {
			return (_numCards - FindTop(findCard)) + 1;    // not base 0
		} // FindTop(Card)
Пример #4
		} // MoveDown(int)

		/// <summary>Switch cards below the specified position with 
		/// the cards above, up to the specified limit.
		/// A position of 1 or limit will not change the deck.</summary>
		/// <param name="fromPosition">Where to start the cut.
		/// 0 or 54 will not cause any cut.</param>
		/// <param name="toPosition">Where to stop the cut</param>
		public void BasicCut(int fromPosition, int toPosition) {
			if ((fromPosition > 0) && (fromPosition < toPosition)) {
				// number of elements must be +1 because 
				// position 9 requires an array size 
				// of 10 (don't forget position 0).
				Card[] buffer = new Card[toPosition+1];
				// First move the lower cards to the top 
				// [0 .. from_position] -> [to_position-from_position ... ]
				for (int i = 0; i < fromPosition; i++) {
					buffer[i + (toPosition - fromPosition)] = _cardArray[i];
				} // for i

				// Then move the upper cards down.
				// [ from_position .. to_position ] -> [ 0 .. ]
				for (int i = fromPosition; i < toPosition; i++) {
					buffer[i - fromPosition] = _cardArray[i];
				} // for i

				// Then replace the range in the original deck.
				for (int i = 0; i < toPosition; i++) {
					_cardArray[i] = buffer[i];
				} // for i
			} // if positionInDeck
		} // BasicCut(int, int)
		} // PontifexSolitaire(String)

		/// <summary>Performs the basic stream encryption operation
		//   and returns the next element of the key stream.</summary>
		/// <returns>int [ 1 ... 26 ] to be converted to a character</returns>
		public int NextKeyStream() {
			Card JokerA = new Card(CardSuit.Joker, CardFace.Ace);
			Card JokerB = new Card(CardSuit.Joker, CardFace.Two);

			// Step one: Move Joker A one card down.

			// Step two: Move Joker B two cards down.
			_keyDeck.MoveDown(_keyDeck.FindTop(JokerB), 2);
			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\nAfter Step 1,2:<br>" + _keyDeck.ToString());
			// Step three: Perform a triple cut.
			int iJokerAPos = _keyDeck.FindTop(JokerA);
			int iJokerBPos = _keyDeck.FindTop(JokerB);
			_keyDeck.TripleCut(Math.Min(iJokerAPos, iJokerBPos), 
				Math.Max (iJokerAPos, iJokerBPos));
			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\nAfter Step 3:<br>" + _keyDeck.ToString());
			// Step four: Perform a count cut (value of bottom card) from
			// the top (ensure the bottom card remains at the bottom).
			Card count = _keyDeck.PeekBottom(1);
			_keyDeck.MoveDown(_keyDeck.FindTop(count), _keyDeck.Count() - _keyDeck.FindTop(count));
			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\nAfter Step 4:<br>" + _keyDeck.ToString());
			// Step five: Find the output card.
			// Peek at the top card to find it's value, then count down 
			// and peek at the card *after* that position (hence +1).
			Card output = _keyDeck.PeekTop( _keyDeck.PeekTop(1).ID + 1 );
			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\nAfter Step 5:<br>" + _keyDeck.ToString());
			// Step six: Convert output card to a number.
			int result = output.ID; //getCardValue(output);
			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\nAfter Step 6:<br>" + _keyDeck.ToString());

			Debug.WriteLine ("\n\n==== RESULT: " + result);
			// If Joker, repeat process
			if (result == 53 | result == 54) {
				_output += " (" + result + ")";
				return NextKeyStream();
			} else if (result > 26) {
				_output += " " + result;
				result = result - 26;
			return result;
		} // NextKeyStream()