Пример #1
        private int Get_Destination_From_State(StateNode state, string read)
            foreach (Transition transition in state.transitions)
                if (transition.read == read)
                    return(transition.to); //Return the state's id that this state is pointing to, hence, its destination

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Function that will find in the 2D array, any state that can be merge into a single one
        ///     And then converts the stair 2D array into a list of StateNode objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <StateNode> Convert_To_List(StateNode[] vArray, StateNode[] hArray, sbyte[][] stair_array)
            List <StateNode> new_state_nodes = new List <StateNode>();
            List <int>       ids_used        = new List <int>();

            int    id_counter = 0, y_counts = 0;
            double x = 70, y = 50;

            /* Find in the stair array an empty spot and merged the two states */
            for (int i = 0; i < state_nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < stair_array[i].Length; j++)
                    //If this position in the array is empty, it means it can be merged
                    if (stair_array[i][j] == -1)
                        StateNode nodeA = vArray[i];
                        StateNode nodeB = hArray[j];

                        //Update both statenode's merge info
                        int indexOFNodeA = state_nodes.IndexOf(nodeA);
                        int indexOFNodeB = state_nodes.IndexOf(nodeB);

                        state_nodes[indexOFNodeA].mergeInfo = new MergeInfo(nodeB.name, nodeA.name, true);
                        state_nodes[indexOFNodeB].mergeInfo = new MergeInfo(nodeA.name, nodeB.name, true);

                        //Add both state's id soo that they are no longer used

                        StateNode new_state_node = new StateNode();

                        new_state_node.name       = nodeB.name + ", " + nodeA.name;
                        new_state_node.id         = id_counter++;
                        new_state_node.isInitial  = nodeA.isInitial || nodeB.isInitial;
                        new_state_node.isFinal    = nodeA.isFinal || nodeB.isFinal;
                        new_state_node.coordinate = new Coordinate(x, y);

                        //The new state node should remember its transitions
                        new_state_node.transitions = new List <Transition>(nodeA.transitions);


                        x += 100;

                        if (y_counts == 2)
                            y_counts = 0;
                            y       += 100;

            /* Add all the old unrepeated states that in the new state nodes list */
            foreach (StateNode oldStateNode in state_nodes)
                bool isThisNodeNew = true;

                foreach (int id_used in ids_used)
                    if (oldStateNode.id == id_used)
                        isThisNodeNew = false;

                if (isThisNodeNew)
                    oldStateNode.id = id_counter++;

            /* Update transition in every state */

            for (int i = 0; i < new_state_nodes.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < new_state_nodes[i].transitions.Count; j++)
                    Transition t;

                    foreach (StateNode lookingForDestinationState in new_state_nodes)
                        if (lookingForDestinationState.name == new_state_nodes[i].transitions[j].destination_name || lookingForDestinationState.name.Contains(new_state_nodes[i].transitions[j].destination_name))
                            t = new Transition(lookingForDestinationState.id, new_state_nodes[i].transitions[j].read, lookingForDestinationState.name);
                            new_state_nodes[i].transitions[j] = t;

            /* Eliminate Duplicates */
            //List<T> withDupes = LoadSomeData();
            //List<T> noDupes = withDupes.Distinct().ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < new_state_nodes.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < new_state_nodes[i].transitions.Count; j++)
                    new_state_nodes[i].transitions = new_state_nodes[i].transitions.Distinct().ToList();

            //foreach(StateNode newState in new_state_nodes)
            //    foreach(Transition transition in newState.transitions)
            //    {
            //        Transition t;

            //        foreach(StateNode lookingForDestinationState in new_state_nodes)
            //        {
            //            if(lookingForDestinationState.name == transition.destination_name || lookingForDestinationState.name.Contains(transition.destination_name))
            //            {
            //                t = new Transition(lookingForDestinationState.id, transition.read, lookingForDestinationState.name);
            //                transition.Value = t;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //foreach(StateNode stateNode in state_nodes)
            //    if (stateNode.mergeInfo.isMerge)
            //    {
            //        //Find the new state with the info of the old state to add the transitions
            //        string merge_name = stateNode.mergeInfo.name_before_merge + ", " + stateNode.mergeInfo.merge_with;

            //        foreach(StateNode newStateNode in new_state_nodes)
            //        {
            //           if(newStateNode.name == merge_name)
            //           {
            //                newStateNode.transitions = stateNode.transitions;

            //                //check first if the old statenode transition is also merge, if it is, we have to point to the merged state
            //                foreach(Transition transition in stateNode.transitions)
            //                {
            //                    string destination_name = transition.destination_name;

            //                    foreach(StateNode findNewStateName in new_state_nodes)
            //                    {
            //                        if (findNewStateName.name.Contains(destination_name))
            //                        {
            //                            //This means that the original state transition destination is merged, so we need to point to it

            //                        }
            //                    }

            //                }

            //           }
            //        }
            //    }

Пример #3
        private bool RelationShip_Exist_Between_State(StateNode vState, StateNode hState, sbyte[][] stair_array, sbyte counter, StateNode[] vArray, StateNode[] hArray)
             * (1,a) = 2        (1,b) = 6
             * (2,a) = 7        (2,b) = 3
             * ---------------------------
             * (2,7) = no       (6,3) = ?
             * (7,2) = ?        (3,6) = si

            sbyte nextCount = Convert.ToSByte(counter + 1);

            //For every letter of the alphabet, check the states relationships

            for (int k = 0; k < this.alphabet.Count; k++)
                #region Primera Tupla Con Letra
                //Get both state's destination with the first letter of the alphabet
                int firstPairID_1 = Get_Destination_From_State(vState, this.alphabet[k]); //(first_state, a) = 2, returns -1 if this state didnt have a destination
                int firstPairID_2 = Get_Destination_From_State(hState, this.alphabet[k]); //(second_state, a) = 7

                //Find this ID its real index from the vertical and horizontal position
                for (int i = 0; i < state_nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (vArray[i].id == firstPairID_1)
                        firstPairID_1 = i;

                for (int i = 0; i < state_nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                    //Missing by one index! Estoy buscando por id y por nombre y por eso tira indeces diferentes
                    if (hArray[i].id == firstPairID_2)
                        firstPairID_2 = i;

                // (7,2) Check the stair array if this tuple has a mark available with the current counter in that position
                if (firstPairID_1 != -1 && firstPairID_2 != -1)
                    // (7,2)
                    if (firstPairID_2 < stair_array[firstPairID_1].Length)
                        if (stair_array[firstPairID_1][firstPairID_2] == counter)


                #region Primera Tupla Reverse Con Letra
                //Get both state's destination with the first letter of the alphabet
                int reversePairID_1 = Get_Destination_From_State(vState, this.alphabet[k]); //(first_state, a) = 2, returns -1 if this state didnt have a destination
                int reversePairID_2 = Get_Destination_From_State(hState, this.alphabet[k]); //(second_state, a) = 7

                //Find this ID its real index from the vertical and horizontal position
                for (int i = 0; i < state_nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (hArray[i].id == reversePairID_1)
                        reversePairID_1 = i;

                for (int i = 0; i < state_nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                    //Missing by one index! Estoy buscando por id y por nombre y por eso tira indeces diferentes
                    if (vArray[i].id == reversePairID_2)
                        reversePairID_2 = i;

                // (2, 7) Check the stair array if this tuple has a mark available with the current counter in that position
                if (reversePairID_1 != -1 && reversePairID_2 != -1)
                    // (2, 7)
                    if (reversePairID_1 < stair_array[reversePairID_2].Length)
                        if (stair_array[reversePairID_2][reversePairID_1] == counter)


Пример #4
        public string Minimize_Automaton()
             *  Vertical States      | stair array
             *       2              -> []
             *       3              -> [] []
             *       4              -> [] [] []
             *       5              -> [] [] [] []
             *  Horizontal States ---> 1  2  3  4

            StateNode[] vertical_states, horizontal_states;
            sbyte[][]   stair_array;

            /* Check if its DFA */
            if (!Check_IF_DFA())
                return("The loaded automaton isnt a DFA");

            /* First, find unreacheable states and delete them */

            vertical_states   = new StateNode[state_nodes.Count - 1];
            horizontal_states = new StateNode[state_nodes.Count - 1];
            stair_array       = new sbyte[state_nodes.Count - 1][];

            /* Then, build every array */
            Build_2D_Stair_Array(ref stair_array);
            Build_Vertical_State_Array(ref vertical_states);
            Build_Horizontal_State_Array(ref horizontal_states);

            /* Then, mark with 0 those states that are distintive from one another */
            bool is_any_state_distinct = Find_Distinct_State(vertical_states, horizontal_states, ref stair_array);

            /* If no state was distinct from one or another, then just stop the algorithm */
            if (!is_any_state_distinct)
                return("The automaton cant be minimized! All states are the same (final or not final)");

            /* Keep doing a while loop till no new distinct states appear */
            bool  did_new_state_appear = false;
            sbyte counter = 1;

                did_new_state_appear = Mark_Distinct_State(vertical_states, horizontal_states, ref stair_array, counter);
            } while (did_new_state_appear);

            /* Check if the automaton was minimized already to send a message that says that the automaton is already minimized */

            if (Automaton_Is_Already_Minimized(stair_array))
                return("The loaded Automaton is minimized already!");

            /* Now, create merge new states into a single one and also convert the 2D array to list array */
            state_nodes = Convert_To_List(vertical_states, horizontal_states, stair_array); //TODO: This, convert all the empty spaces from the stair array into a single statenode, merging all of its transitions

            return("Success! The loaded automaton is minimized! Try saving it now");