Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonBorderEdgeActionList class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Designer that owns this action list instance.</param>
        public KryptonBorderEdgeActionList(KryptonBorderEdgeDesigner owner)
            : base(owner.Component)
            _borderEdge = owner.Component as KryptonBorderEdge;

            // Assuming we were correctly passed an actual component...
            if (_borderEdge != null)
                // Get access to the actual Orientation propertry
                PropertyDescriptor orientationProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(_borderEdge)["Orientation"];

                // If we succeeded in getting the property
                if (orientationProp != null)
                    // Decide on the next action to take given the current setting
                    if ((Orientation)orientationProp.GetValue(_borderEdge) == Orientation.Vertical)
                        _action = "Horizontal border orientation";
                        _action = "Vertical border orientation";

            // Cache service used to notify when a property has changed
            _service = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonBorderEdgeActionList class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Designer that owns this action list instance.</param>
        public KryptonBorderEdgeActionList(KryptonBorderEdgeDesigner owner)
            : base(owner.Component)
            _borderEdge = owner.Component as KryptonBorderEdge;

            // Assuming we were correctly passed an actual component...
            if (_borderEdge != null)
                // Get access to the actual Orientation propertry
                PropertyDescriptor orientationProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(_borderEdge)["Orientation"];

                // If we succeeded in getting the property
                if (orientationProp != null)
                    // Decide on the next action to take given the current setting
                    if ((Orientation)orientationProp.GetValue(_borderEdge) == Orientation.Vertical)
                        _action = "Horizontal border orientation";
                        _action = "Vertical border orientation";

            // Cache service used to notify when a property has changed
            _service = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));