public I_String(I_String s) { strBuilder = new StringBuilder(s.VALUE); iType = IObjectType.I_String; Init(); }
private IObject BracketsDone() { if (IType == IObjectType.I_String) { I_String str = new I_String(); str.BracketOperator(insideString.ToString()); return(str); } return(new IObject()); }
private IObject ParsString(Dictionary<string, IObject> scope, string str) { if (str == null || str == "" || str == " ") return new IObject(); if (SimpleMethodCall.IsMatch(str)) { string methodName = SimpleMethodCall.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; if (scope.ContainsKey(methodName)) { string methodArgsStr = SimpleMethodCall.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; string[] inParams = Tools.SplitArgs(methodArgsStr); List<IObject> inIObjectParams = new List<IObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < inParams.Length; ++i) { IObject obj = ParsString(scope, inParams[i]); if (!(obj.IType == IObjectType.I_Error || obj.IType == IObjectType.I_Null)) inIObjectParams.Add(obj); } if (scope.ContainsKey(methodName)) { IObject methodObj = GetIObjectFromScope(scope, methodName); IObject ret = methodObj.MethodOperator(inIObjectParams.ToArray()); return ret; } } } else if(SimpleString.IsMatch(str)) { IObject ret = new I_String(SimpleString.Match(str).Groups[1].Value); return ret; } else if (SimpleVariable.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleVariable.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; if (scope.ContainsKey(variableName)) { IObject ret = GetIObjectFromScope(scope, variableName); return ret; } if (userdefinedIObjects.ContainsKey(variableName)) { IObject ret = userdefinedIObjects[variableName]; return ret; } } else if (SimpleInteger.IsMatch(str)) { string integerValueStr = SimpleInteger.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; return new I_Int(integerValueStr); } else if (SimpleFloat.IsMatch(str)) { string floatValueStr = SimpleFloat.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; floatValueStr = floatValueStr.Replace('.', ','); if (floatValueStr.Length < 10) { IObject ret = new I_Float(Double.Parse(floatValueStr)); return ret; } else { try { IObject ret = new I_Float(double.Parse(floatValueStr)); return ret; } catch { IObject ret = new I_Error("Float to big. Must be in range (10^k where |k| < 308)."); return ret; } } } else if (SimpleDeclaration.IsMatch(str)) { string type = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string name = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; string operand = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[3].Value; string value = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[4].Value; if (!types.ContainsKey(type)) return new I_Error("Type not recognized."); IObject_Constructor ioc = types[type]; if (value == "") { if (operand == "") { IObject newInstanse = ioc.GetNewInstans(); IObject ret = AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(name, newInstanse); return ret; } else { variableBracket.Name = name; variableBracket.IType = ioc.GetObjectType(); return new IObject(); } } else { IObject getValue = ParsString(scope, value); IObject[] objInParams = { getValue }; IObject newValue = ioc.GetNewInstans(objInParams); if (newValue.IType == IObjectType.I_Error) { IObject ret = newValue; return ret; } else { IObject ret = AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(name, newValue); return ret; } } } else if (SimpleEqual.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleEqual.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string variableValueStr = SimpleEqual.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; if (userdefinedIObjects.ContainsKey(variableName)) { // The variable exists, need to do a new version of it. IObject compiledValue = ParsString(scope, variableValueStr); IObject previousVersionValue = GetUserDefinedIObject(variableName); IObject newVersionCopy; switch (compiledValue.IType) { case IObjectType.I_Null: newVersionCopy = new IObject(); break; case IObjectType.I_Error: newVersionCopy = new I_Error(((I_Error)compiledValue)); break; default: newVersionCopy = iTypes.GetConstructor(compiledValue.IType).GetNewInstans(compiledValue); break; } AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(variableName, newVersionCopy); newVersionCopy.EqualOperator(compiledValue); return newVersionCopy; } else { IObject compiledValue = ParsString(scope, variableValueStr); AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(variableName, compiledValue); return compiledValue; } } else if (SimpleEqualBracket.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleEqualBracket.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; variableBracket.Name = variableName; return new IObject(); } else if (SimpleDotSeparator.IsMatch(str)) { string memberName = SimpleDotSeparator.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string rest = SimpleDotSeparator.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; Dictionary<string, IObject> newScope = ParsString(scope, memberName).GetMembers(); if (newScope.Count == 0) { newScope = ParsString(preDefinedIObjects, memberName).GetMembers(); } if (newScope.Count == 0 && types.ContainsKey(memberName)) { newScope = types[memberName].GetMembers(); } IObject ret = ParsString(newScope, rest); return ret; } if (operandTree.ContainOperands(str)) { return operandTree.ParseOperands(str, scope); } if (SimpleContainsParentheses.IsMatch(str)) { IObject ret = ParsParentheses(scope, str); if (ret.IType != IObjectType.I_Null) { return ret; } } IObject finalReturn = new I_Error("Command not understood (" + str + ")"); return finalReturn; }
private IObject ParsString(Dictionary <string, IObject> scope, string str) { if (str == null || str == "" || str == " ") { return(new IObject()); } if (SimpleMethodCall.IsMatch(str)) { string methodName = SimpleMethodCall.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; if (scope.ContainsKey(methodName)) { string methodArgsStr = SimpleMethodCall.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; string[] inParams = Tools.SplitArgs(methodArgsStr); List <IObject> inIObjectParams = new List <IObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < inParams.Length; ++i) { IObject obj = ParsString(scope, inParams[i]); if (!(obj.IType == IObjectType.I_Error || obj.IType == IObjectType.I_Null)) { inIObjectParams.Add(obj); } } if (scope.ContainsKey(methodName)) { IObject methodObj = GetIObjectFromScope(scope, methodName); IObject ret = methodObj.MethodOperator(inIObjectParams.ToArray()); return(ret); } } } else if (SimpleString.IsMatch(str)) { IObject ret = new I_String(SimpleString.Match(str).Groups[1].Value); return(ret); } else if (SimpleVariable.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleVariable.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; if (scope.ContainsKey(variableName)) { IObject ret = GetIObjectFromScope(scope, variableName); return(ret); } if (userdefinedIObjects.ContainsKey(variableName)) { IObject ret = userdefinedIObjects[variableName]; return(ret); } } else if (SimpleInteger.IsMatch(str)) { string integerValueStr = SimpleInteger.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; return(new I_Int(integerValueStr)); } else if (SimpleFloat.IsMatch(str)) { string floatValueStr = SimpleFloat.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; floatValueStr = floatValueStr.Replace('.', ','); if (floatValueStr.Length < 10) { IObject ret = new I_Float(Double.Parse(floatValueStr)); return(ret); } else { try { IObject ret = new I_Float(double.Parse(floatValueStr)); return(ret); } catch { IObject ret = new I_Error("Float to big. Must be in range (10^k where |k| < 308)."); return(ret); } } } else if (SimpleDeclaration.IsMatch(str)) { string type = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string name = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; string operand = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[3].Value; string value = SimpleDeclaration.Match(str).Groups[4].Value; if (!types.ContainsKey(type)) { return(new I_Error("Type not recognized.")); } IObject_Constructor ioc = types[type]; if (value == "") { if (operand == "") { IObject newInstanse = ioc.GetNewInstans(); IObject ret = AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(name, newInstanse); return(ret); } else { variableBracket.Name = name; variableBracket.IType = ioc.GetObjectType(); return(new IObject()); } } else { IObject getValue = ParsString(scope, value); IObject[] objInParams = { getValue }; IObject newValue = ioc.GetNewInstans(objInParams); if (newValue.IType == IObjectType.I_Error) { IObject ret = newValue; return(ret); } else { IObject ret = AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(name, newValue); return(ret); } } } else if (SimpleEqual.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleEqual.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string variableValueStr = SimpleEqual.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; if (userdefinedIObjects.ContainsKey(variableName)) { // The variable exists, need to do a new version of it. IObject compiledValue = ParsString(scope, variableValueStr); IObject previousVersionValue = GetUserDefinedIObject(variableName); IObject newVersionCopy; switch (compiledValue.IType) { case IObjectType.I_Null: newVersionCopy = new IObject(); break; case IObjectType.I_Error: newVersionCopy = new I_Error(((I_Error)compiledValue)); break; default: newVersionCopy = iTypes.GetConstructor(compiledValue.IType).GetNewInstans(compiledValue); break; } AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(variableName, newVersionCopy); newVersionCopy.EqualOperator(compiledValue); return(newVersionCopy); } else { IObject compiledValue = ParsString(scope, variableValueStr); AddOrUpdateUserDefinedIObject(variableName, compiledValue); return(compiledValue); } } else if (SimpleEqualBracket.IsMatch(str)) { string variableName = SimpleEqualBracket.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; variableBracket.Name = variableName; return(new IObject()); } else if (SimpleDotSeparator.IsMatch(str)) { string memberName = SimpleDotSeparator.Match(str).Groups[1].Value; string rest = SimpleDotSeparator.Match(str).Groups[2].Value; Dictionary <string, IObject> newScope = ParsString(scope, memberName).GetMembers(); if (newScope.Count == 0) { newScope = ParsString(preDefinedIObjects, memberName).GetMembers(); } if (newScope.Count == 0 && types.ContainsKey(memberName)) { newScope = types[memberName].GetMembers(); } IObject ret = ParsString(newScope, rest); return(ret); } if (operandTree.ContainOperands(str)) { return(operandTree.ParseOperands(str, scope)); } if (SimpleContainsParentheses.IsMatch(str)) { IObject ret = ParsParentheses(scope, str); if (ret.IType != IObjectType.I_Null) { return(ret); } } IObject finalReturn = new I_Error("Command not understood (" + str + ")"); return(finalReturn); }
public AppendFromFile(I_String str) { theCurrentString = str; }
private IObject BracketsDone() { if (IType == IObjectType.I_String) { I_String str = new I_String(); str.BracketOperator(insideString.ToString()); return str; } return new IObject(); }