public static void return_(Token t, string scope) { SAR expression = null; ShuntYardAll(); if (SAS.Count > 0) { expression = SAS.Pop(); if (expression.value == "true" || expression.value == "false") { expression.dataType = "bool"; } } if (!SymbolTable.return_(expression, scope)) { SemanticReturnError(expression, scope); } if (expression == null) { ICode.RTN(); } else { ICode.RETURN(expression.symid); } }
private static bool Start() { globalOffset = 12;//first line in assembly is a jmp if (!semanticPass) { address = 0; offset = 0; memberVariables = new List <string>(); } while (ClassDeclaration()) { ; } if (!Tokens.GetToken().lexeme.Equals("void")) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "void return for main"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Tokens.GetToken().lexeme.Equals("pxi")) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "pxi"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Tokens.GetToken().lexeme.Equals("main")) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "main method"); } string[] data = new string[2]; data[0] = "returnType:void"; data[1] = "accessMod:public"; Symbol symbol = new Symbol("g", ("MAIN"), Tokens.GetToken().lexeme, "main", data); SymbolTable.Add(symbol); currentMethodName = "M"; identifierToken = Tokens.GetToken(); currentIdentifier = ""; scope += ".main"; if (semanticPass) { ICode.FUNC(symbol.symid); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "(") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "("); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ")") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ")"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!MethodBody()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "method body"); } return(true); }
public static void iExist() { SAR top_sar = SAS.Pop(); if (top_sar.value == "this") { SAS.Push(top_sar); return; } string args = ""; if (top_sar.argList.Count != 0) { args = top_sar.argList[0]; for (int i = 1; i < top_sar.argList.Count; ++i) { args += "," + top_sar.argList[i]; } } top_sar.paramType = args; string symid = SymbolTable.iExists(top_sar); if (symid == null || !SymbolTable.ContainsSymid(symid)) { SemanticError(top_sar); } Symbol symbol = SymbolTable.GetValue(symid); if ( != null) { top_sar.dataType =[0].Split(':')[1]; top_sar.dataType.Trim(); } top_sar.paramType = symbol.parameters; top_sar.symid = symbol.symid; if (symbol.kind == "method") { ICode.FRAME(symbol.symid, "this"); if (symbol.parameters != null && symbol.parameters != "") { for (int i = 0; i < top_sar.argList.Count; ++i) { ICode.PUSH(top_sar.argList[i]); } } ICode.CALL(symbol.symid); Symbol temp = new Symbol("t", "t" + uniqueCounter++, "t_" + symbol.value + "_ReturnValue", "tvar",; SymbolTable.Add(temp); top_sar.symid = temp.symid; if ([0].Split(':')[1] != "void" &&[0].Split(':')[1] != "null") { ICode.PEEK(temp.symid); } } SAS.Push(top_sar); }
public static void MathOperator() { bool valid = false; SAR y = SAS.Pop(); SAR x = SAS.Pop(); SAR z = new SAR(SAR.SARtype.Identifier, x.token, x.value, x.scope); z.dataType = x.dataType; string op = OS.Peek(); if (x.dataType[0] == '@' && x.argList != null && x.argList.Count != 0) { if (x.dataType.Substring(1, x.dataType.Length - 1) == y.dataType) { valid = true; } } if (y.dataType[0] == '@' && y.argList != null && y.argList.Count != 0) { if (y.dataType.Substring(1, y.dataType.Length - 1) == x.dataType) { valid = true; } } if (((x.dataType == y.dataType) && (x.dataType == "int")) || valid) { z.symid = "t" + uniqueCounter++; z.value += "_" + y.value; z.scope = "t"; string[] data = { "returnType:" + z.dataType, "accessMod:private" }; Symbol temp = new Symbol("t", z.symid, z.value, "tvar", data); SymbolTable.Add(temp); if (op == "+") { ICode.ADD(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "-") { ICode.SUB(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "*") { ICode.MUL(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "/") { ICode.DIV(y.symid, x.symid, z.symid); } SAS.Push(z); OS.Pop(); OSprecidence.Pop(); return; } SemanticOperationError(x, y, OS.Peek()); }
private static bool ClassDeclaration() { if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "class") { return(false); } Tokens.NextToken(); scope = "g" + "." + Tokens.GetToken().lexeme; if (Tokens.GetToken().type != Token.Type.Identifier) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an identifer"); } Symbol symbol = new Symbol("g", ("C" + uniqueCounter++), Tokens.GetToken().lexeme, "Class", null); identifierToken = Tokens.GetToken(); if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.dup(identifierToken, "g"); ICode.StaticInit(); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "{") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "{"); } Tokens.NextToken(); classSize = 0; classMemberOffset = 0; classTempMemberOffset = 0; while (ClassMemberDeclaration()) { } if (semanticPass) { ICode.StaticInitInsertVars(); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "}") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "modifier or constructor or a closing brace"); } else { memberVariables.Add(currentClassConstructorSymid); } Tokens.NextToken(); symbol.size = classMemberOffset; SymbolTable.Add(symbol); scope = "g"; return(true); }
public static void cin() { ShuntYardAll(); SAR exp = SAS.Pop(); string type = exp.dataType; if ((type[0] == '@') && (exp.argList.Count > 0)) { type = type.Substring(1, type.Length - 1); } if (type != "char" && type != "int") { SemanticCoutError(exp); } ICode.READ(exp.symid); }
public static void while_(Token t) { if (SAS.Count == 0) { SemanticBoolError(t); } SAR expression = SAS.Pop(); if (expression.dataType != "bool") { SemanticBoolError(t); } string ENDWHILE = (ICode.ENDWHILE + ICode.labelCounter++) + " "; ICode.BF(expression.symid, ENDWHILE); ICode.StackEndWhile(ENDWHILE); }
public static void if_(Token t) { if (SAS.Count == 0) { SemanticBoolError(t); } SAR expression = SAS.Pop(); if (expression.dataType != "bool") { SemanticBoolError(t); } string SKIPIF = (ICode.SKIPIF + ICode.labelCounter++) + " "; ICode.BF(expression.symid, SKIPIF); ICode.StackIf(SKIPIF); }
public static void itoa() { SAR exp = SAS.Pop(); if (exp.dataType != "int") { SemanticAtoiError(exp); } string[] data = { "returnType:char", "accessMod:private" }; Symbol temp = new Symbol("t", "t" + uniqueCounter++, "t" + exp.value, "tvar", data); SymbolTable.Add(temp); ICode.MOV(temp.symid, exp.symid); ICode.CONVERT(temp.symid); exp.dataType = "char"; exp.symid = temp.symid; SAS.Push(exp); }
public static void NewObj() { SAR al = SAS.Pop(); SAR type = SAS.Pop(); if (!SymbolTable.NewObj(type, al.argList.ToArray())) { SemanticError(type); } string functionSymid = type.symid; type.sarType = SAR.SARtype.Ref; type.symid = "t" + uniqueCounter++; string[] data = { "returnType:" + type.dataType, "accessMod:private" }; Symbol instance = new Symbol("t", type.symid, "t" + type.value, "tvar", data); SymbolTable.Add(instance); string[] data2 = { "returnType:" + type.dataType, "accessMod:private" }; Symbol peekTemp = new Symbol("t", "t" + uniqueCounter++, "t" + type.value + "ReturnValue", "tvar", data2); SymbolTable.Add(peekTemp); Symbol staticInit = SymbolTable.GetValue(("Y" + functionSymid.Substring(1))); ICode.NEWI(type.size.ToString(), type.symid); //call constructor ICode.FRAME(functionSymid, type.symid); if (al.argList != null && al.argList.Count > 0 && al.argList[0] != "") { for (int i = 0; i < al.argList.Count; ++i) { ICode.PUSH(al.argList[i]); } } ICode.CALL(functionSymid); ICode.PEEK(peekTemp.symid); type.symid = peekTemp.symid; SAS.Push(type); }
private static bool MethodBody() { if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "{") { return(false); } if (currentIdentifier != "") { scope += "." + currentIdentifier; } Tokens.NextToken(); while (VariableDeclaration()) { ; } while (Statement()) { ; } if (semanticPass) { if (currentMethodName[0] == 'X') { ICode.RETURN("this"); } else { ICode.RTN(); } } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "}") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "} \n~Variable declarations after a statement not allowed~"); } Tokens.NextToken(); scope = leaveScope(scope); return(true); }
public static void rExist() { SAR top_sar = SAS.Pop(); SAR LHS = SAS.Peek(); bool this_ = false; string scope = top_sar.scope; if (SAS.Count > 0) { if (SAS.Peek().value != "this") { top_sar.classType = SAS.Pop().dataType; } else { this_ = true; string[] temp = top_sar.scope.Split('.'); top_sar.classType = temp[temp.Length - 1]; SAS.Pop(); } } else { SemanticError(top_sar); } Symbol symbol; if ((symbol = SymbolTable.rExists(top_sar)) == null) { SemanticError(top_sar); } if ( != null) //not a class { if (([ - 1] == "accessMod:public") || this_) //member is public { top_sar.dataType =[0].Split(':')[1]; top_sar.dataType.Trim(); top_sar.sarType = SAR.SARtype.Ref; top_sar.symid = "t" + uniqueCounter++; top_sar.scope = "t"; string[] data = { "returnType:" + top_sar.dataType, "accessMod:private" }; if (symbol.kind == "method") { ICode.FRAME(symbol.symid, LHS.symid); if (symbol.parameters != null && symbol.parameters != "") { for (int i = 0; i < top_sar.argList.Count; ++i) { ICode.PUSH(top_sar.argList[i]); } } ICode.CALL(symbol.symid); ICode.PEEK(top_sar.symid); } else { top_sar.symid += "r"; if (LHS.value == "this") { LHS.symid = "this"; } ICode.REF(LHS.symid, symbol.symid, top_sar.symid); } Symbol temp = new Symbol(top_sar.scope, top_sar.symid, "t" + top_sar.value, "tvar", data); SymbolTable.Add(temp); SAS.Push(top_sar); return; } else { SemanticPrivateError(top_sar); } } /*if (SymbolTable.ContainsValue(scope + "." + top_sar.value)) * { * Symbol symbol = SymbolTable.GetValue(SymbolTable.GetSymid(scope + "." + top_sar.value)); * if ( != null) //not a class * { * if ([ - 1]=="accessMod:public") //member is public * { * top_sar.dataType =[0].Split(':')[1]; * top_sar.dataType.Trim(); * if ( == 3) * { * top_sar.paramType =[1]; * } * top_sar.sarType = SAR.SARtype.Ref; * SAS.Push(top_sar); * return; * } * } * }*/ SemanticError(top_sar); }
private static bool Statement() { if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "{") { Tokens.NextToken(); while (Statement()) { ; } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "}") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "}"); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "if") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "(") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "("); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.oPush(Tokens.GetToken()); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Expression()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an expression"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ")") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ")"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.ShuntYardAll(); SemanticActions.if_(Tokens.GetToken()); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Statement()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "a statement"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "else") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (semanticPass) { string SKIPELSE = ICode.SKIPELSE + ICode.labelCounter++ + " "; ICode.JMP(SKIPELSE); ICode.StackElse(SKIPELSE); ICode.Print(ICode.StackIf()); } if (!Statement()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "a statement"); } if (semanticPass) { ICode.Print(ICode.StackElse()); } } else if (semanticPass) { ICode.Print(ICode.StackIf()); } return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "while") { if (semanticPass) { string BEGIN = ICode.BEGIN + ICode.labelCounter++ + " "; ICode.Print(BEGIN); ICode.StackWhile(BEGIN); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "(") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "("); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.oPush(Tokens.GetToken()); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Expression()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an expression"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ")") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ")"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.ShuntYardAll(); SemanticActions.while_(Tokens.GetToken()); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Statement()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "a statement"); } if (semanticPass) { string BEGIN = ICode.StackWhile(); ICode.JMP(BEGIN); string ENDWHILE = ICode.StackEndWhile(); ICode.Print(ENDWHILE); } return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "return") { Tokens.NextToken(); Expression(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.return_(Tokens.GetToken(), scope); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "cout") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "<<") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "<<"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Expression()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an expression"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.cout(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "cin") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ">>") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ">>"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Expression()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an expression"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.cin(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "spawn") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (!Expression()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an expression"); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "set") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "set"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().type != Token.Type.Identifier) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an identifier"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.iPush(Tokens.GetToken(), scope); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.spawn(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "block") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.block(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "lock") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().type != Token.Type.Identifier) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an identifier"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.iPush(Tokens.GetToken(), scope); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.lock_(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "release") { Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().type != Token.Type.Identifier) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "an identifier"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.iPush(Tokens.GetToken(), scope); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.release(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (Expression()) { if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ";") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.EOE(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } return(false); }
private static bool ConstructorDeclaration() { if (Tokens.GetToken().type != Token.Type.Identifier) { return(false); } currentIdentifier = Tokens.GetToken().lexeme; identifierToken = Tokens.GetToken(); if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.dup(identifierToken, scope); SemanticActions.CD(identifierToken, scope); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != "(") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "("); } Tokens.NextToken(); offset = 0; sizeParameters = 0; ParameterList(); string[] data = new string[2]; data[0] = "returnType:" + currentIdentifier; data[1] = "accessMod:" + accessMod; Symbol symbol = new Symbol(scope, ("X" + uniqueCounter++), currentIdentifier, "constructor", data); currentMethodName = symbol.symid; if (!semanticPass) { currentClassConstructorSymid = symbol.symid; } data[0] = "returnType:" + currentIdentifier; data[1] = "accessMod:" + accessMod; Symbol symbol2 = new Symbol(scope, ("Y" + symbol.symid.Substring(1)), currentIdentifier + "StaticInit", "Init", data); if (semanticPass) { ICode.RETURN("this"); ICode.FUNC(symbol.symid); ICode.FRAME(symbol2.symid, "this"); ICode.CALL(symbol2.symid); } symbol.parameters = parameters; if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ")") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ")"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!MethodBody()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "method body"); } symbol.size = methodSize; symbol2.size = 0; SymbolTable.Add(symbol); SymbolTable.Add(symbol2); offset = 0; methodSize = 0; return(true); }
private static bool FieldDeclaration() { if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "(") { Tokens.NextToken(); parameters = ""; string methodType = currentType; offset = 0; sizeParameters = 0; ParameterList(); methodSize = 0; string[] data = new string[2]; data[0] = "returnType:" + methodType; data[1] = "accessMod:" + accessMod; Symbol symbol = new Symbol(scope, ("M" + uniqueCounter++), currentIdentifier, "method", data); symbol.parameters = parameters; currentMethodName = "M"; if (semanticPass) { ICode.FUNC(symbol.symid); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme != ")") { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ")"); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!MethodBody()) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), "method body"); } symbol.size = methodSize; SymbolTable.Add(symbol); offset = 0; methodSize = 0; return(true); } else { bool flag = false; if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "[") { flag = true; if (Tokens.PeekToken().lexeme != "]") { return(false); } Tokens.NextToken(); Tokens.NextToken(); } if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.vPush(identifierSymbol, identifierToken, scope); } if (Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == "=") { flag = true; if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.oPush(Tokens.GetToken()); } Tokens.NextToken(); if (!AssignmentExpression()) { return(false); } } if ((Tokens.GetToken().lexeme == ";")) { if (semanticPass) { SemanticActions.EOE(); } Tokens.NextToken(); return(true); } if (flag) { SyntaxError(Tokens.GetToken(), ";"); } } return(false); }
public static void BoolOperator() { SAR y = SAS.Pop(); SAR x = SAS.Pop(); SAR z = new SAR(SAR.SARtype.Identifier, x.token, x.value, x.scope); string op = OS.Peek(); if (op == "==" || op == "!=") { if ((x.dataType != y.dataType) && (y.dataType != "null")) { SemanticOperationError(x, y, OS.Pop()); } } else if ((x.dataType != y.dataType)) { /*if(x.dataType == "int" || x.dataType == "char") * { * * } * else * {*/ SemanticOperationError(x, y, OS.Pop()); // } } z.symid = "t" + uniqueCounter++; z.value += "_" + y.value; z.scope = "t"; z.dataType = "bool"; string[] data = { "returnType:" + z.dataType, "accessMod:private" }; Symbol temp = new Symbol("t", z.symid, z.value, "tvar", data); SymbolTable.Add(temp); if (op == "<") { ICode.LT(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == ">") { ICode.GT(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "!=") { ICode.NE(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "==") { ICode.EQ(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == "<=") { ICode.LE(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } else if (op == ">=") { ICode.GE(x.symid, y.symid, z.symid); } SAS.Push(z); OS.Pop(); OSprecidence.Pop(); return; }
public static string iExists(SAR s) { Symbol symbol; Symbol check; Symbol defined; bool flag = false; string tempScope = ""; string scope = s.scope; string parameterTypes = ""; int definedParamCount; while (scope != "") { if (ScopeTable.ContainsKey(scope)) { for (int i = 0; i < ScopeTable[scope].Count; ++i) { symbol = ScopeTable[scope][i]; if (symbol.value.Equals(s.value) && symbol.symid[1] != 'A') { tempScope = scope; if (symbol.parameters.Split(',')[0] != "") { definedParamCount = symbol.parameters.Split(',').Length; } else { definedParamCount = 0; } if (s.dataType == "@") { string type =[0].Split(':')[1]; if (type.Length < 1 || type[0] != '@') { continue; } if (type[0] == '@') { type = type.Substring(1, type.Length - 1); } if (s.value == "i") { Console.Write(" "); } string symid = "tArr" + SemanticActions.uniqueCounter++; string[] data = new string[2]; data[0] = "dataType:" + type; data[1] = "accessMod:public"; Symbol temp = new Symbol("t", symid, "t" + s.value, "tvar", data); Add(temp); s.dataType = data[0]; s.symid = symid; s.scope = "t"; ICode.AEF(symbol.symid, s.argList[0], temp.symid); return(s.symid); } else if (s.argList.Count != definedParamCount) { for (int j = 0; j < s.argList.Count; ++j) { parameterTypes += symbolTable[s.argList[s.argList.Count - j - 1]].data[0].Split(':')[1] + ","; } continue; } else { parameterTypes = ""; for (int j = 0; j < s.argList.Count; ++j) { check = symbolTable[s.argList[j]];//args are in reverse order defined = symbolTable[symbol.parameters.Split(',')[j]]; if ([0].Split(':')[1] !=[0].Split(':')[1]) { flag = true; } parameterTypes +=[0].Split(':')[1] + ","; } if (flag) { continue; } } s.symid = ScopeTable[scope][i].symid; s.scope = scope; return(s.symid); } } } if (!scope.Contains(".")) { if (parameterTypes != null && parameterTypes.Length > 0) { s.value += "(" + parameterTypes.Substring(0, parameterTypes.Length - 1) + ")"; } if (tempScope != "") { s.scope = tempScope; } return(null); } string[] scopes = scope.Split('.'); scope = scopes[0]; for (int i = 1; i < scopes.Length - 1; ++i) { scope += "." + scopes[i]; } } s.value += "(" + parameterTypes.Substring(0, parameterTypes.Length - 1) + ")"; s.scope = tempScope; return(null); }
static int Main(string[] args) { bool printFile = false; bool printConsole = false; string fileName; string outputFileName = null; if (args.Length == 0) { Console.Write("Enter filename with file extension pxi: "); return(0); } else { if (args.Length > 1) { if (args.Length > 2) { outputFileName = args[2]; } if (args[1].ToString().ToLower() == "f") { printFile = true; } if (args[1].ToString().ToLower() == "c") { printConsole = true; } } if (args[0] == "help") { Console.WriteLine("---- f for ouput tokens to file, c for display tokens on console ----"); return(0); } fileName = args[0]; } if (!fileName.Contains(".pxi")) { if (fileName.Contains(".")) { Console.WriteLine("Requires file with .pxi extension"); return(0); } fileName = fileName + ".pxi"; } if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} not found.", fileName); return(0); } StreamReader sr = null; try { sr = new StreamReader(fileName); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("could not open file {0}", fileName); return(0); } Scanner.ScanFile(ref sr); if (printFile) { Scanner.PrintTokensFile(outputFileName); } else if (printConsole) { Scanner.PrintTokensConsole(); } sr.DiscardBufferedData(); sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); sr.BaseStream.Position = 0; Scanner.ScanFile(ref sr); Parser.ParseTokens(); sr.DiscardBufferedData(); sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); sr.BaseStream.Position = 0; ICode.SetFilename(fileName); Scanner.ScanFile(ref sr); //semantic pass Parser.ParseTokens(); ICode.Flush(); //SymbolTable.printAll(); return(0); }