C# (CSharp) CompiledViews.Mvc CompiledRazorViewEngine - 3 примера найдено. Это лучшие примеры C# (CSharp) кода для CompiledViews.Mvc.CompiledRazorViewEngine, полученные из open source проектов. Вы можете ставить оценку каждому примеру, чтобы помочь нам улучшить качество примеров.
Allow to embed precompiled razorviews (or any other webviewpage) Things that would be nice to have in Microsoft's code: - public access to VirtualPathFactoryManager.Instance - public access to VirtualPathFactoryManager.PageExists - let either store IVirtualPathFactory just the Type to construct instead of a constructor, or: let DictionaryBasedVirtualPathFactory use IoC if it's registered - allow to override BuildManager implementations, that way we could hook into the framework on that level, instead of creating an extra viewengine