static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { printUsage(); return; } Config config = new Config(); Inputs inputs = new Inputs(); foreach (var arg in args) { if ("--try_harder".Equals(arg)) { config.TryHarder = true; } else if ("--pure_barcode".Equals(arg)) { config.PureBarcode = true; } else if ("--products_only".Equals(arg)) { config.ProductsOnly = true; } else if ("--dump_results".Equals(arg)) { config.DumpResults = true; } else if ("--dump_black_point".Equals(arg)) { config.DumpBlackPoint = true; } else if ("--multi".Equals(arg)) { config.Multi = true; } else if ("--brief".Equals(arg)) { config.Brief = true; } else if ("--recursive".Equals(arg)) { config.Recursive = true; } else if ("--autorotate".Equals(arg)) { config.AutoRotate = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--crop")) { int[] crop = new int[4]; String[] tokens = arg.Substring(7).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < crop.Length; i++) { crop[i] = int.Parse(tokens[i]); } config.Crop = crop; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--threads") && arg.Length >= 10) { int threadsCount = int.Parse(arg.Substring(10)); if (threadsCount > 1) { config.Threads = threadsCount; } } else if ("--get_from_clipboard".Equals(arg)) { config.BitmapFromClipboard = (Bitmap)Clipboard.GetImage(); if (config.BitmapFromClipboard == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("There is no image in the clipboard."); Environment.ExitCode = 1; return; } // Dummy inputs.addInput("."); } else if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown command line option " + arg); printUsage(); return; } } config.Hints = buildHints(config); foreach (var arg in args) { if (!arg.StartsWith("--")) { addArgumentToInputs(arg, config, inputs); } } var threads = new Dictionary<Thread, DecodeThread>(Math.Min(config.Threads, inputs.getInputCount())); var decodeObjects = new List<DecodeThread>(); for (int x = 0; x < config.Threads; x++) { var decodeThread = new DecodeThread(config, inputs); decodeObjects.Add(decodeThread); var thread = new Thread(; threads.Add(thread, decodeThread); thread.Start(); } int successful = 0; foreach (var thread in threads.Keys) { thread.Join(); successful += threads[thread].getSuccessful(); } var completeResult = String.Empty; foreach (var decodeObject in decodeObjects) { completeResult += decodeObject.ResultString; completeResult += Environment.NewLine; } Clipboard.SetText(completeResult); int total = inputs.getInputCount(); if (total > 1) { Console.Out.WriteLine("\nDecoded " + successful + " files out of " + total + " successfully (" + (successful * 100 / total) + "%)\n"); } }
// Manually turn on all formats, even those not yet considered production quality. private static IDictionary<DecodeHintType, object> buildHints(Config config) { var hints = new Dictionary<DecodeHintType, Object>(); var vector = new List<BarcodeFormat>(8) { BarcodeFormat.UPC_A, BarcodeFormat.UPC_E, BarcodeFormat.EAN_13, BarcodeFormat.EAN_8, BarcodeFormat.RSS_14, BarcodeFormat.RSS_EXPANDED }; if (!config.ProductsOnly) { vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.CODE_39); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.CODE_93); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.CODE_128); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.ITF); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.DATA_MATRIX); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.AZTEC); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.PDF_417); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.CODABAR); vector.Add(BarcodeFormat.MAXICODE); } hints[DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS] = vector; if (config.TryHarder) { hints[DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER] = true; } if (config.PureBarcode) { hints[DecodeHintType.PURE_BARCODE] = true; } return hints; }
public DecodeThread(Config config, Inputs inputs) { this.config = config; this.inputs = inputs; }
// Build all the inputs up front into a single flat list, so the threads can atomically pull // paths/URLs off the queue. private static void addArgumentToInputs(String argument, Config config, Inputs inputs) { if (Directory.Exists(argument)) { foreach (var singleFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(argument)) { String filename = singleFile.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Skip hidden files and directories (e.g. svn stuff).) if (filename.StartsWith(".")) { continue; } // Skip text files and the results of dumping the black point. if (filename.EndsWith(".txt") || filename.Contains(".mono.png")) { continue; } inputs.addInput(singleFile); } // Recurse on nested directories if requested, otherwise skip them. if (config.Recursive) { foreach (var dirName in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(argument)) { addArgumentToInputs(dirName, config, inputs); } } } else { inputs.addInput(argument); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { printUsage(); return; } Config config = new Config(); Inputs inputs = new Inputs(); foreach (var arg in args) { if ("--try_harder".Equals(arg)) { config.TryHarder = true; } else if ("--pure_barcode".Equals(arg)) { config.PureBarcode = true; } else if ("--products_only".Equals(arg)) { config.ProductsOnly = true; } else if ("--dump_results".Equals(arg)) { config.DumpResults = true; } else if ("--dump_black_point".Equals(arg)) { config.DumpBlackPoint = true; } else if ("--multi".Equals(arg)) { config.Multi = true; } else if ("--brief".Equals(arg)) { config.Brief = true; } else if ("--recursive".Equals(arg)) { config.Recursive = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--crop")) { int[] crop = new int[4]; String[] tokens = arg.Substring(7).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < crop.Length; i++) { crop[i] = int.Parse(tokens[i]); } config.Crop = crop; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--threads") && arg.Length >= 10) { int threadsCount = int.Parse(arg.Substring(10)); if (threadsCount > 1) { config.Threads = threadsCount; } } else if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown command line option " + arg); printUsage(); return; } } config.Hints = buildHints(config); foreach (var arg in args) { if (!arg.StartsWith("--")) { addArgumentToInputs(arg, config, inputs); } } var threads = new Dictionary<Thread, DecodeThread>(config.Threads); for (int x = 0; x < config.Threads; x++) { var decodeThread = new DecodeThread(config, inputs); var thread = new Thread(; threads.Add(thread, decodeThread); thread.Start(); } int successful = 0; foreach (var thread in threads.Keys) { thread.Join(); successful += threads[thread].getSuccessful(); } int total = inputs.getInputCount(); if (total > 1) { Console.Out.WriteLine("\nDecoded " + successful + " files out of " + total + " successfully (" + (successful * 100 / total) + "%)\n"); } }