Пример #1
        public World(int moveIndex, int width, int height, Player[] players, Trooper[] troopers, Bonus[] bonuses,
            CellType[][] cells, bool[] cellVisibilities)
            this.moveIndex = moveIndex;
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;

            this.players = new Player[players.Length];
            Array.Copy(players, this.players, players.Length);

            this.troopers = new Trooper[troopers.Length];
            Array.Copy(troopers, this.troopers, troopers.Length);

            this.bonuses = new Bonus[bonuses.Length];
            Array.Copy(bonuses, this.bonuses, bonuses.Length);

            this.cells = new CellType[width][];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                this.cells[x] = new CellType[cells[x].Length];
                Array.Copy(cells[x], this.cells[x], cells[x].Length);

            this.cellVisibilities = cellVisibilities;
Пример #2
 public int GetShootingPriority(Trooper opponent)
     for(var i = 0; i < ShootingPriority.Length; i++)
         if (opponent.Type == ShootingPriority[i])
             return i;
     throw new InvalidDataException();
Пример #3
        double GetTeamBonusProfit(Bonus bonus, ref Trooper trooper, bool allowTakeBonus)
            // нужен минимальный вес
            double bestWeight = Inf;
            foreach (var tr in Team)
                double weight = GetShoterPath(tr, bonus, notFilledMap, beginFree: true, endFree: false) * (1 + 0.5 * GetQueuePlace(tr, self.Id == tr.Id && self.ActionPoints >= self.InitialActionPoints));

                if (tr.Id != commander.Id || !allowTakeBonus)
                    var L = GetShoterPath(tr, bonus, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                    weight = L <= 2
                             && (self.Id != tr.Id || self.ActionPoints/GetMoveCost() >= 2*L)
                        ? weight
                        : Inf;
                if (!IsHaveBonus(tr, bonus) && weight < bestWeight)
                    bestWeight = weight;
                    trooper = tr;
            if (bestWeight >= Inf)
                return -1;
            return 1.0 / bestWeight;
Пример #4
 int GetQueuePlace(Trooper trooper, bool MayFirst)
     var current = queue.IndexOf(self.Id);
     for (var idx = current + (MayFirst ? 0 : 1); idx < queue.Count; idx++)
         if ((long)queue[idx] == trooper.Id)
             return idx - current + 1;
     return 1;
Пример #5
 double GetHelperQuality(Trooper tr)
     double quality = 1.0 / GetShoterPath(self, tr, notFilledMap, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
     if (tr.Type == TrooperType.FieldMedic)
         return quality * 2;
     if (!tr.IsHoldingMedikit)
         return -Inf;
     return quality;
Пример #6
 int GetQueuePlace2(Trooper trooper, bool MayFirst)
     for (var i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++)
         if (GetTrooper((long)queue[i]) == null)
     var current = queue.IndexOf(self.Id);
     for (var idx = current + (MayFirst ? 0 : 1); ; idx++)
         if ((long)queue[idx % queue.Count] == trooper.Id)
             return idx - current + 1;
Пример #7
 Point IfTeamBonus(ref Trooper result, bool allowTakeBonus)
     var bestPoint = Point.MInf;
     result = null;
     foreach (var bonus in Bonuses)
         Trooper whose = null; ;
         double profit = GetTeamBonusProfit(bonus, ref whose, allowTakeBonus);
         if (profit > bestPoint.profit)
             bestPoint = new Point(bonus.X, bonus.Y, profit);
             result = whose;
     if (bestPoint.profit <= 0)
         bestPoint = null;
     return bestPoint;
Пример #8
        Point GoToEncircling(Trooper center, Point goal)
            var bestPoint = new Point(0, 0, Inf);
            double optDanger = self.Type == TrooperType.FieldMedic || self.Type == TrooperType.Sniper ? Inf : -Inf;
            for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                    if (map[i, j] == 0 || i == self.X && j == self.Y)
                        if (self.GetDistanceTo(i, j) > 10) // немного ускорит
                        // Нужно чтобы хватило ходов
                        int steps = GetShoterPath(self, new Point(i, j), map, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                        if (self.ActionPoints / GetMoveCost() >= steps)
                            // и чтобы не закрывали кратчайший путь:
                            int before = goal == null ? Inf : GetShoterPath(center, goal, map, beginFree:true, endFree: false);
                            map[self.X, self.Y] = 0;
                            map[i, j] = 1;
                            int after = goal == null ? Inf : GetShoterPath(center, goal, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                            map[i, j] = 0;
                            map[self.X, self.Y] = 1;

                            if ((goal == null || after < Inf) && after <= before)
                                double sum = GetShoterPath(center, new Point(i, j), notFilledMap, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                                double dang = danger[i, j] + (goal == null ? 0 : goal.GetDistanceTo(i, j) * 0.01);
                                if (sum < bestPoint.profit ||
                                    EqualF(sum, bestPoint.profit) &&
                                    (self.Type == TrooperType.FieldMedic || self.Type == TrooperType.Sniper ? (dang < optDanger) : (dang > optDanger))
                                    bestPoint = new Point(i, j, sum);
                                    optDanger = dang;
            return bestPoint.profit >= Inf ? null : bestPoint;
Пример #9
        private double getDanger(Trooper opp, int x, int y, int st, int h)
            if (GetPlayer(opp.PlayerId) != null && GetPlayer(opp.PlayerId).IsStrategyCrashed)
                return 0;
            // Чтобы не бояться одного снайпера
            var oppShootingRange = state.opphit.Count(e => e > 0) == 1 && opp.Type == TrooperType.Sniper
                ? GetVisionRange(opp, Troopers[state.id], state.Stance)
                : GetShootingRange(opp, opp.Stance);
            int d = GetDistanceToShoot((int)(oppShootingRange + Eps), opp.X, opp.Y, GetStanceId(opp.Stance), x, y, st);
            // если он достреливает сразу:
            if (d == 0)
                return 200;

            int v;
            if (world.IsVisible(GetVisionRange(opp, Troopers[state.id], state.Stance), opp.X, opp.Y, opp.Stance, x, y, GetStance(state.Stance)))
                v = 0;
                v = GetDistanceTo((int)(GetVisionRange(opp, Troopers[state.id], state.Stance) + Eps),
                    opp.X, opp.Y, GetStanceId(opp.Stance), x, y, st);

            double visiblePenalty = 50 * (v == 0 ? 1 : Math.Exp(-v));

            var oppAct = opp.InitialActionPoints;
            if (opp.Type != TrooperType.Scout && opp.Type != TrooperType.Soldier && OpponentCommander != null && OpponentCommander.GetDistanceTo(opp) <= game.CommanderAuraRange)
                oppAct += game.CommanderAuraBonusActionPoints;

            // если он подходит и убивает
            int act = oppAct - d * 2; // TODO: ???
            int can = act / opp.ShootCost;
            double dam = can * opp.StandingDamage;
            if (dam >= h)
                return 150 + visiblePenalty;

            // если он подходит и отнимает жизни
            // тогда теперь он вынужден отбегать
            act = oppAct - (d * 2) * 2; // TODO: ???
            can = act / opp.ShootCost;
            dam = Math.Max(0, can * opp.StandingDamage) + visiblePenalty;
            if (dam <= 0)
                return 0;
            return dam;
Пример #10
        public void Move(Trooper self, World world, Game game, Move move)
            if (form == null)
                thread = new Thread(showWindow);
            var panel = form.panel;
            var drawArea = new Bitmap(panel.Size.Width, panel.Size.Height);
            panel.Image = drawArea;
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(drawArea);
            Pen pen = new Pen(Brushes.Black);
            g.DrawLine(pen, 1, 1, 40, 40);

            this.self = self;
            this.world = world;
            this.game = game;
            this.move = move;
            if (world.MoveIndex == 37 && self.Type == TrooperType.Commander)
                world = world;
            var allowHill = !CheckShootMe();
            if (BonusGoal != null && GetTrooper(MyStrategy.WhoseBonus) == null)
                BonusGoal = null;
            if (BonusGoal != null && IsHaveBonus(GetTrooper(MyStrategy.WhoseBonus), GetBonusAt(BonusGoal)))
                BonusGoal = null;

            // Карта где медик и снайпер отдельно (map03)
            // Координаты где собираться:
            // 18 13
            // 11 6
            if (MapHash == Lab2Map
                && world.MoveIndex <= 2
                && (self.Type == TrooperType.FieldMedic || self.Type == TrooperType.Sniper)
                && Opponents.Count() == 0
                var rightLower = new Point(18, 14);
                var leftUpper = new Point(11, 5);
                var goal = rightLower.GetDistanceTo(self) < leftUpper.GetDistanceTo(self) ? rightLower : leftUpper;
                var to = GoScouting(goal, goal);
                if (to != null)
                    Go(ActionType.Move, to);


            if (IfFieldRationNeed())
            Reached(new Point(self));

            if (Opponents.Count() != 0)
                AllowTakeBonus = false;
                // Чтобы знали куда бежать если противник отступит
                PointGoal = new Point(Opponents[0]);
                PointGoal.profit = world.MoveIndex;

                var action = BruteForceDo();
                if (action != null)
                    if (Equal(self, action) && action.Action == ActionType.Move && self.ActionPoints < GetMoveCost())
                        Go(action.Action, new Point(action.X, action.Y));

            if (self.Type == TrooperType.FieldMedic)
                var ifHelp = IfHelpTeammate();
                if (ifHelp != null)
                    var goal = GetTrooperAt(ifHelp.X, ifHelp.Y);
                    if (goal != null && goal.Hitpoints < goal.MaximalHitpoints && ifHelp.Nearest(self) && game.FieldMedicHealCost <= self.ActionPoints)
                        Go(ActionType.Heal, ifHelp);
                    if (IsCanMove())
                        var to = GoToUnit(self, ifHelp, map, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                        if (to != null)
                            Go(ActionType.Move, to);

            var ifUseMedikit = IfUseMedikit();
            if (ifUseMedikit != null)
                Go(ActionType.UseMedikit, ifUseMedikit);

            if (allowHill && IfRequestEnemyDisposition())

            // Группировка
            if ((GetTeamRadius() > MaxTeamRadius && self.Id == commander.Id ||
                GetTeamRadius() > MaxTeamRadius/2 && self.Id != commander.Id)
                && self.ActionPoints >= GetMoveCost())
                var bestTurn = new Point(0, 0, Inf);
                for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                        var r = Math.Max(MaxTeamRadius, GetTeamRadius(self.Id, new Point(i, j)));
                        if (r < bestTurn.profit && r < GetTeamRadius())
                            bestTurn.Set(i, j, r);
                if (bestTurn.profit < Inf)
                    var to = GoScouting(bestTurn, PointGoal ?? (BonusGoal ?? bestTurn));
                    if (to != null)
                        Go(ActionType.Move, to);

            Trooper whoseBonus = null;
            var ifTeamBonus = IfTeamBonus(ref whoseBonus, AllowTakeBonus);
            if (ifTeamBonus != null && BonusGoal == null && map[ifTeamBonus.X, ifTeamBonus.Y] == 0 && !Equal(ifTeamBonus, self))
                BonusGoal = ifTeamBonus;
                MyStrategy.WhoseBonus = whoseBonus.Id;

            var waitingHelp = false; //allowHill && IfNeedHelp() && self.Type != TrooperType.FieldMedic && GetBestHelper() != null;
            var allowNothing = true;

            if (!waitingHelp && IsCanMove() && BonusGoal != null && MyStrategy.WhoseBonus == self.Id)
                if (IsCanUpper())
                allowNothing = false;
                var to = GoScouting(BonusGoal, PointGoal ?? BonusGoal); //GoToUnit(self, BonusGoal, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                // Если путь до бонуса пока что занят, то все равно идти к нему
                if (to == null)
                    to = GoToUnit(self, BonusGoal, notFilledMap, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                    if (to != null && map[to.X, to.Y] == 0 && self.ActionPoints >= 2 * GetMoveCost(self)) // TODO: ???
                        Go(ActionType.Move, to);
                    if (GetTeamRadius(self.Id, to) > MaxTeamRadius && GetTeamRadius() > GetTeamRadius(self.Id, to))
                        to = GoScouting(new Point(self), PointGoal ?? BonusGoal);
                    Go(ActionType.Move, to);

            // Пытаюсь освободить дорогу до бонуса
            if (IsCanMove() && BonusGoal != null && MyStrategy.WhoseBonus != self.Id)
                if (IsCanUpper())
                var bestTurn = SkipPath(GetTrooper(MyStrategy.WhoseBonus), PointGoal ?? BonusGoal);
                var to = bestTurn == null ? null : GoScouting(bestTurn, PointGoal ?? (BonusGoal ?? new Point(commander)));//GoToUnit(self, bestTurn, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                if (to == null || Equal(to, self) && self.ActionPoints < GetMoveCost()) // если Equal(to, self)) тоже делаем move, иначе он не дойдет обратно
                    Go(ActionType.Move, to);

            var ifNothing = IfNothing();
            if (allowNothing && ifNothing != null && IsCanMove())
                if (IsCanUpper())

                Point to;
                if (self.Id == commander.Id)
                    to = GoToUnit(self, ifNothing, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                    if (GetTeamRadius(self.Id, to) > MaxTeamRadius)
                        to = GoScouting(new Point(self), ifNothing);
                    to = GoScouting(ifNothing, ifNothing);
                if (to == null || Equal(self, to) && self.ActionPoints < GetMoveCost())
                    if (to == null && changedCommander == -1)
                        // значит мы застряли
                        // передать коммандование
                else if (!waitingHelp)
                    Go(ActionType.Move, to);

            Point go = GoScouting(new Point(self), IfNothingCommander() ?? new Point(self)); // подумать что делать
            if (Equal(self, go) && self.ActionPoints < GetMoveCost())
                Go(ActionType.Move, go);
Пример #11
        private Trooper[] ReadTroopers()
            int trooperCount = ReadInt();
            if (trooperCount < 0)
                return null;

            Trooper[] troopers = new Trooper[trooperCount];

            for (int trooperIndex = 0; trooperIndex < trooperCount; ++trooperIndex)
                troopers[trooperIndex] = ReadTrooper();

            return troopers;
Пример #12
        // Основной метод
        public void Move(Trooper self, World world, Game game, Move move)
            if (self.ActionPoints == 0) return;
            cnt_invoke = 0;

            m_self = self;
            m_game = game;
            m_world = world;
            m_cells = world.Cells;

            // Определение игрока-цели
            Player nearToCentr = null;
            foreach (Player p in world.Players)
                if (p.Id != self.PlayerId &&
                    p.ApproximateX >= 0 &&
                    p.ApproximateY >= 0)
                    if (nearToCentr == null ||
                        FindNextStep(self.X, self.Y, nearToCentr.ApproximateX, nearToCentr.ApproximateY, 3).dist >
                        FindNextStep(self.X, self.Y, p.ApproximateX, p.ApproximateY, 3).dist
                    ) nearToCentr = p;
            if (nearToCentr != null)
                targetX = nearToCentr.ApproximateX;
                targetY = nearToCentr.ApproximateY;

            if (m_cellDangerous == null) CellDangerous();
            if (targetX == -1 && targetY == -1)
                targetX = self.X;
                targetY = self.Y;

            // Запрос цели
            const double stageDist = 2.5;
            if (self.GetDistanceTo(targetX, targetY) <= stageDist ||
                world.MoveIndex - moveWithoutEnemy >= 4)
                bool CommanderAlive = false;
                foreach (Trooper tr in world.Troopers)
                    if (tr.IsTeammate && tr.Type == TrooperType.Commander)
                        CommanderAlive = true;
                if (!CommanderAlive)
                    targetX = random.Next(world.Width);
                    targetY = random.Next(world.Height);
                    moveWithoutEnemy = world.MoveIndex;
                    if (self.Type == TrooperType.Commander &&
                        self.ActionPoints >= game.CommanderRequestEnemyDispositionCost)
                        move.Action = ActionType.RequestEnemyDisposition;
                        moveWithoutEnemy = world.MoveIndex;

            // Заполнение списка солдат, определение отсутствия врагов
            if (self.ActionPoints >= self.InitialActionPoints)
                m_troopers = new ArrayList();
            foreach (Trooper trooper in m_world.Troopers)
                if (trooper.IsTeammate == false)
                    moveWithoutEnemy = m_world.MoveIndex;

                bool isExist = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < m_troopers.Count; i++)
                    MyTrooper mt = (MyTrooper)m_troopers[i];
                    if (mt.Id == trooper.Id && mt.PlayerId == trooper.PlayerId)
                        isExist = true;
                        m_troopers[i] = new MyTrooper(trooper);
                if (!isExist) m_troopers.Add(new MyTrooper(trooper));

            // Выбор оптимального действия
            Move m = FindNextMove(new MyTrooper(self), new ArrayList(m_world.Players), m_troopers, new ArrayList(m_world.Bonuses)).move;

            move.Action = m.Action;
            move.Direction = m.Direction;
            move.X = m.X;
            move.Y = m.Y;

Пример #13
 bool IfNeedHelp(Trooper self = null)
     if (self == null)
         self = this.self;
     return self.Hitpoints / (double)self.MaximalHitpoints < 0.8;
Пример #14
 public MyTrooper(Trooper trooper)
     : base(trooper.Id, trooper.X, trooper.Y)
     this.playerId = trooper.PlayerId;
     this.teammateIndex = trooper.TeammateIndex;
     this.isTeammate = trooper.IsTeammate;
     this.type = trooper.Type;
     this.stance = trooper.Stance;
     this.hitpoints = trooper.Hitpoints;
     this.maximalHitpoints = trooper.MaximalHitpoints;
     this.actionPoints = trooper.ActionPoints;
     this.initialActionPoints = trooper.InitialActionPoints;
     this.visionRange = trooper.VisionRange;
     this.shootingRange = trooper.ShootingRange;
     this.shootCost = trooper.ShootCost;
     this.standingDamage = trooper.StandingDamage;
     this.kneelingDamage = trooper.KneelingDamage;
     this.proneDamage = trooper.ProneDamage;
     this.damage = trooper.Damage;
     this.isHoldingGrenade = trooper.IsHoldingGrenade;
     this.isHoldingMedikit = trooper.IsHoldingMedikit;
     this.isHoldingFieldRation = trooper.IsHoldingFieldRation;
Пример #15
 Point GoToUnit(Trooper self, Point to, int[,] map, bool beginFree, bool endFree)
     int distance = 0;
     return GoToUnit(new Point(self), to, map, beginFree, endFree, ref distance);
Пример #16
        Move BruteForceDo()
            var fictive = 0;
            if (queue.Count < Team.Count())
                foreach (var tr in Team)
                    if (!queue.Contains(tr.Id))

            OpponentCommander = Opponents.FirstOrDefault(opp => opp.Type == TrooperType.Commander);
            state = new State();
            state.Position = new Point[Team.Count()];
            state.stance = new int[Team.Count()];
            state.act = new int[Team.Count()];
            state.hit = new int[Team.Count()];
            state.medikit = new bool[Team.Count()];
            state.grenade = new bool[Team.Count()];
            Troopers = new Trooper[Team.Count()];
            CommanderId = -1;
            foreach (var tr in troopers)
                if (tr.IsTeammate)
                    int pos = GetQueuePlace2(tr, true) - 1;
                    state.Position[pos] = new Point(tr);
                    state.stance[pos] = GetStanceId(tr.Stance);
                    state.medikit[pos] = tr.IsHoldingMedikit;
                    state.grenade[pos] = tr.IsHoldingGrenade;
                    Troopers[pos] = tr;
                    if (tr.Type == TrooperType.Commander)
                        CommanderId = pos;
            state.id = 0;
            state.profit = 0;
            state.act[0] = Troopers[0].ActionPoints;
            MyCount = state.Position.Count();
            for(var i = 0; i < MyCount; i++)
                state.hit[i] = Troopers[i].Hitpoints;
            for (var i = 1; i < Troopers.Count(); i++)
                state.act[i] = getInitialActionPoints(Troopers[i]);
            stack = new ArrayList[MyCount];
            bestStack = new ArrayList[MyCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < MyCount; i++)
                stack[i] = new ArrayList();
                bestStack[i] = null;
            bestProfit = -Inf;
            counter = 0;
            OpponentsCount = Opponents.Count();
            MyCount = state.Position.Count();
            Multiplier = Math.Min(MyCount, 3);
            state.opphit = new int[OpponentsCount];
            probab = new double[OpponentsCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < probab.Length; i++)
                probab[i] = 1.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < OpponentsCount; i++)
                state.opphit[i] = Opponents[i].Hitpoints;
                // Чтобы уменьшить приоритет стрельбы в "мнимую" цель
                if (world.MoveIndex - OpponentsMemoryAppearTime[i] > 1)
                    probab[i] /= 2;
                else if (OpponentsMemoryType[i] == self.Type && world.MoveIndex - OpponentsMemoryAppearTime[i] == 1)
                    probab[i] /= 2;
                    // TODO: можно точнее
                else if (!(OpponentsMemoryType[i] == self.Type || IsBetween(OpponentsMemoryType[i], self.Type, Opponents[i].Type)))
                    probab[i] /= 2;

            // remove fictive from queue
            queue.RemoveRange(queue.Count - fictive, fictive);

            var move = new Move();
            if (bestStack[0].Count == 0)
                // EndTurn
                bestStack[0].Add("at " + self.X + " " + self.Y);
            var cmd = ((string)bestStack[0][0]).Split(' ');
            if (cmd[0] == "st")
                // Change stance
                var ds = int.Parse(cmd[1]);
                if (ds < 0)
                    move.Action = ActionType.LowerStance;
                else if (ds > 0)
                    move.Action = ActionType.RaiseStance;
                    throw new InvalidDataException();
            else if (cmd[0] == "at")
                var x = int.Parse(cmd[1]);
                var y = int.Parse(cmd[2]);
                var to = bestStack[0].Count == 1
                    ? GoScouting(new Point(x, y), new Point(Opponents[0]), changeStanceAllow: true)
                    : GoToUnit(self, new Point(x, y), map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                if (to.X == -1)
                    move.Action = to.Y == -1 ? ActionType.LowerStance : ActionType.RaiseStance;
                    move.Action = ActionType.Move;
                    move.X = to.X;
                    move.Y = to.Y;
            else if (cmd[0] == "sh")
                var x = int.Parse(cmd[1]);
                var y = int.Parse(cmd[2]);
                move.Action = ActionType.Shoot;
                move.X = x;
                move.Y = y;
            else if (cmd[0] == "med")
                var to = new Point(int.Parse(cmd[1]), int.Parse(cmd[2]));
                move.Action = ActionType.UseMedikit;
                move.X = to.X;
                move.Y = to.Y;
            else if (cmd[0] == "gr")
                var to = new Point(int.Parse(cmd[1]), int.Parse(cmd[2]));
                move.Action = ActionType.ThrowGrenade;
                move.X = to.X;
                move.Y = to.Y;
            else if (cmd[0] == "heal")
                var to = new Point(int.Parse(cmd[1]), int.Parse(cmd[2]));
                move.Action = ActionType.Heal;
                move.X = to.X;
                move.Y = to.Y;
                throw new NotImplementedException(cmd.ToString());
            return move;
Пример #17
 bool IsHaveBonus(Trooper self, Bonus bonus)
     return bonus != null && IsHaveBonus(self, bonus.Type);
Пример #18
        Point SkipPath(Trooper center, Point goal)
            // В первую очередь минимизировать путь center до goal
            var bestPoint = new Point(0, 0, Inf);
            double minPenalty = Inf;
            for (var i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                    if (map[i, j] == 0 || i == self.X && j == self.Y)
                        if (self.GetDistanceTo(i, j) > 10) // немного ускорит
                        // Нужно чтобы хватило ходов
                        int steps = GetShoterPath(self, new Point(i, j), map, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                        if (self.ActionPoints / GetMoveCost() >= steps)
                            // и чтобы не закрывали кратчайший путь:
                            map[self.X, self.Y] = 0;
                            map[i, j] = 1;
                            int after = GetShoterPath(center, goal, map, beginFree: true, endFree: false);
                            map[i, j] = 0;
                            map[self.X, self.Y] = 1;

                            double penalty = GetShoterPath(center, new Point(i, j), notFilledMap, beginFree: true, endFree: true);
                            penalty += 2*Math.Max(0, goal.GetDistanceTo(center) - goal.GetDistanceTo(i, j) + 1);

                            if (after < bestPoint.profit || EqualF(after, bestPoint.profit) && penalty < minPenalty)
                                bestPoint = new Point(i, j, after);
                                minPenalty = penalty;
            return bestPoint.profit >= Inf ? null : bestPoint;
Пример #19
 bool IsHaveBonus(Trooper self, BonusType bonus)
     if (bonus == BonusType.Medikit)
         return self.IsHoldingMedikit;
     if (bonus == BonusType.Grenade)
         return self.IsHoldingGrenade;
     if (bonus == BonusType.FieldRation)
         return self.IsHoldingFieldRation;
     throw new InvalidDataException();
Пример #20
 int getInitialActionPoints(Trooper tr)
     var points = tr.InitialActionPoints;
     if (CommanderId != -1 && tr.GetDistanceTo(state.Position[CommanderId].X, state.Position[CommanderId].Y) <= game.CommanderAuraRange)
         points += game.CommanderAuraBonusActionPoints;
     return points;
Пример #21
 int GetShoterPath(Trooper self, Point to, int[,] map, bool beginFree, bool endFree)
     int distance = 0;
     GoToUnit(new Point(self), to, map, beginFree, endFree, ref distance);
     return distance;